This Martial Saint is too generous.

Chapter 211 Congratulations to the young master

Chapter 211 Congratulations to the young master
Outside the palace, there was a group of elderly eunuchs who were slow to serve the royal family.

Every year, there are younger and more energetic young eunuchs who are cleansed, and every year there are old eunuchs who are eliminated from the palace.

In order to establish a benevolent image, and also to allow the later young eunuchs to serve them wholeheartedly, the palace did not completely abandon these old eunuchs.

There is a Lu Yinsi outside the palace.

This group of old eunuchs can serve as idlers in the guide department, and their main task is to lead the way.

The imperial city is huge, and officials from other places tend to get lost while walking. Eunuchs are best at running around all their lives.

Lu Yinsi's salary was very little, fortunately the eunuch who lived to be old could save a fortune when he was young.

Although some old eunuchs worked in the Road Guidance Department, they recuperated in the yard they built for many years, and there was no one at all.

Some even married several wives, and they had nothing to do to chop sticks and play.

The palace also turned a blind eye to these old eunuchs and let them go.

The imperial palace gave you a name in the Luyin Department, which is to give you a living, but if you don't work yourself, then you will have no salary, and you will retire and return to your hometown.

Some old eunuchs lived a miserable life in their later years, and their money was cheated by adopted sons and daughters...

Tricked away by his daughter-in-law and concubine...

Scammed by a gambling house...

When the situation is exhausted, the old eunuchs will be forced to return to Lu Yinsi.

As long as he is a legitimate eunuch, he can always have a bite to eat.

Even if you can't stand up, you can still get some food every day from Lu Yinsi.

Because of this treatment, eunuch is a very popular profession for ordinary people.


In fact, at the very beginning, Qin Jinyang's guide was the old eunuch of the Lu Yin Division.

But Eunuch Han has a wide network of contacts in the palace, and his brother Qin came to the capital, how could he not be special?

With a flick of his sleeve, he dispatched two young eunuchs to run errands with Qin Jinyang.

It's about saving face.

Officials coming to Beijing from other places are led by young eunuchs, which proves that they have some background in the palace.

If the old eunuch of Lu Yinsi led the way, it meant that this person did not have a deep background.

Just now the two young eunuchs received the news that Eunuch Han was going to go to another army to serve as a supervisor in the other side of the army.The tall and short eunuchs hurried back and followed Eunuch Han to the border overnight.

At this moment, beside Qin Jinyang stood a fat, short old eunuch.

Probably because of his low self-esteem, he deliberately stuck on two black fake beards, one stroke and one stroke, and a mustache.

When Qin Jinyang saw the old eunuch for the first time, he almost thought it was Prime Minister Gui who had come ashore.

Following Prime Minister Gui all the way, Qin Jinyang crossed several streets and finally returned to his courtyard in the capital.

This old eunuch surnamed An was personally recommended by the short eunuch, and it is said that he was the former master of the short eunuch.

Eunuch An used to serve the late emperor's concubine, who was also a famous figure, but after the late emperor's death, the old dowager cut the money of the late emperor's concubines and expelled the serving eunuch in advance.

In the past, Eunuch An lived a good life. There was a courtyard in the downtown area, and he had saved a lot of silver. Looking at the capital, he was also well-known.

It's a pity that he got addicted to gambling, and in the end he lost his yard and money, and even owed a lot of debts, so he could only run errands back and forth to earn a living.

The short eunuch recommended Prime Minister Gui to Qin Jinyang, not only because he had a good teacher-student relationship back then, but also because Prime Minister Gui had served Beiying flying generals in the capital for a period of time, so he was familiar with Beiying Mansion.


Boom boom boom!
Boom boom boom!
"Old Cui, Old Cui... quickly open the door, quickly greet your young master... quickly, quickly..."

Qin Jinyang stood outside the gate.

Eunuch An knocked on the door anxiously and attentively.

Many years ago, he served as Beiying Flying General. At that time, Zhao Beiying's most trusted servant was Cui Sishan.

In the blink of an eye for so many years, Cui Sishan stayed behind closed doors for many years, and he hadn't seen him for a long, long time.

The apprentice said that this Qin Xiaofei will be generous, and he must take good care of him. If he rewards him with a few gold leaves, he will be able to pay off his gambling debts.

As long as you pay back the money and gamble again, you will chop off your hands.

Be sure to chop your hands!

Qin Jinyang looked expressionlessly at Beiying Mansion.

It can be seen that it is very stylish.

Whether it is the facade outside the door or the courtyard wall where it is located, they are all exquisite and delicate.

But it's obviously a bit outdated.

Although the inside of the yard has not been seen, the decoration at the gate is already mottled and old.

No wonder the son-in-law wants to help him repair the yard, it really should be repaired.



Soon, the door was opened.

Cui Sishan's family stood neatly and had been waiting for a long time.

In addition to Cui Sishan's family, there are also some servants who help in the mansion, which are purely employment relationships, as Eunuch Lu An has explained.

Although the Cui family has always insisted that they are the slaves of Beiying Flying General, in fact, their slave status has long been erased by Zhao Beiying, and now they are Zhongzhou people with good roots, and even Cui Sishan's two sons have families. They are all serving in the Imperial Forest Army, so they are promising.

It is reasonable for the government to recruit some servants.

"Old slave...greetings to the young master!"

Eunuch An bowed his body, pointed his arm at the courtyard, and signaled Qin Jinyang to come to the door.

Qin Jinyang nodded, with a smile on his face, trying to give people the feeling of spring breeze. To be honest, he was secretly imitating Bai Taikong.

That smile is powerful.

Seeing Qin Jinyang stepping forward, Cui Sishan first knelt down and kowtowed heavily.

"Meet the young master!"

Seeing his father kneeling, the others reluctantly followed suit.

Although they also kowtowed perfunctorily, their faces were obviously very dissatisfied.

Especially a few eight or nine-year-old children.

This should be Cui Sishan's grandson.

Qin Jinyang recognized Cui Sishan's four children at a glance.

The boss is older, with a blank face and no emotion, but the etiquette of kneeling and kowtowing is not neglected.

The second child seemed to be somewhat conflicted, but he kept looking at the boss, obviously following the lead.

The third child is a young girl in her 20s, slim and tall. After all, she is of foreign blood. Her nose is a bit higher than that of the Zhongzhou girl, and her height is also quite a bit taller.

The fourth child is a stupefied boy, his eyes dodge to the eldest and second child.

Eunuch An said on the road that the eldest and second child were the same mother and had died a long time ago.

The third child is a mother who is dead.

The fourth child is the son of Cui Sishan who visited a brothel, so he feels a bit inferior.

Behind them are the heirs of the eldest and second child, Ding Xingwang of the Cui family, and both sons have given birth to several sons, Qin Jinyang didn't bother to pay attention.

"Get up, everyone, you are all your own family, don't kneel in the future!"

Qin Jinyang took a step forward and helped Cui Sishan up.

The old man is already very old, with gray hair, and has worked hard all his life. Apart from playing with women and visiting brothels, he has no special hobbies.

"Thank you, Young Master!"

Cui Sishan's voice trembled, but it was loud.

Unfortunately, the voices of the heirs behind him were sparse, obviously reluctant.

"The old slave and his descendants, please invite the young master to go to the mourning hall to offer incense!"

Cui Si said.

"Please lead the way!"

Qin Jinyang cupped his hands and cupped his fists.

It is right to offer incense sticks to Zhao Beiying.


"Hmph, long eyebrows and mouse eyes, it's not a good thing at first glance!"

The group had just walked a few steps when suddenly a child was whispering.

If it was in an open place, Qin Jinyang would not be able to hear the child's voice in a low voice, coupled with the wind from the grass and trees, because there was some distance after all.

Passing by a quiet place at this time, the sound was particularly harsh.

"Give laxatives to his meal, poison him to death... What is the identity of the young master, why should I kneel down to him?"

Another child responded.

The two children were naughty by nature, and they walked at the end, not realizing that their voices were protruding.

Cui Sishan stopped and turned his head slowly, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

He looked at his two grandsons with disappointment in his eyes.

"Father, calm down!"

The boss hurriedly cupped his fists to plead guilty.

The second child walked over and stared at the two children coldly.

The two are the eldest sons of him and the old family, and they have a good relationship on weekdays.

"Slap your mouth..."

Cui Sishan's voice was very cold.

"Father... I..."

The second child subconsciously begged for mercy.

That's all for the boss's son, and I can't bear to beat my own son.

The boss made a lightning move, slapped each of them, and slapped his son and nephew away.

He knew the old man's temper. Normally, the old man didn't care about anything, but when it came to Beiying flying generals, this was the old man's rebellion.

"and many more……"

When Qin Jinyang spoke, the boss had already slapped him, and he actually wanted to stop him.

"Tong Yan Wuji, it's not a big deal, there's no need to fight..."

Qin Jinyang smiled.

He can understand the thoughts of the two children.

It used to be the big yard of my own house, but suddenly a master came, and it was a kind of dishonest one, who would kneel down at the beginning, and grandpa called himself an old slave, who could bear it.

Qin Jinyang had long thought about the placement of the Cui family.

Anyway, it is impossible for him to live permanently in the capital. When he leaves, everything in Beiying Mansion will remain the same. If the Cui family wants to go out and develop themselves, Qin Jinyang is also prepared to give some money.

People in Kyoto are complicated, and it is not easy for the Cui family to guard this courtyard.

"Thank you, young master...otherwise I will interrupt your dog legs today!"

Cui Sishan stared at his two sons.

The child does not teach, the father too.

The virtue of the grandson, the two sons have a big problem.

"Thank you, Young Master, for your impunity!"

The boss and the second child looked at each other, although there was some contempt in their eyes, they still clasped their fists respectfully.

The two grandsons were lying on the ground with blood dripping from the corners of their mouths, but their necks were stuck, and their faces were unconvinced.


Qin Jinyang didn't want to make a grudge, so he walked towards the mourning hall on his own.

The boss hurriedly followed, while the second boy reprimanded them with a livid face, making the two children obedient.

The rest of the grandchildren had been frightened and foolish, and they were silent and trembling along the way.

In this family, grandpa keeps his promises, which is very scary.

The third child is called Cui Huayong.

She was expressionless and respectful to Qin Jinyang, at least on the surface she was courteous and thoughtful.

The fourth child glanced at the two eldest nephews... deserved it!
These two eldest nephews came running from time to time, mocking him as a bastard. In order not to be bullied by the eldest and second child, the fourth child could only swallow his anger and smile as if nothing had happened.

Because of his mother's status, Cui Sishan was extremely indifferent to him.


mourning hall!

Under Cui Sishan's service, Qin Jinyang burnt incense according to the procedure.

After the ceremony was over, Qin Jinyang ordered Cui Sishan's sons and daughters to go about their own affairs.

Immediately, a group of people dispersed like birds and beasts, each of them couldn't wait.

Only Qin Jinyang, Eunuch An, and Cui Sishan were left in front of the mourning hall.

"Young master, this old slave will show you the mansion, and by the way, the account books of the past few years... The master had some property in the imperial capital back then, and he has some income in the past few years."

Cui Sishan was respectful.

"Master, there's no need to be so cautious!"

Qin Jinyang smiled wryly.

In the imperial capital where every inch of land is expensive, Beiying Mansion is actually not as big as imagined, and the three of them walked around quickly.

He didn't know anything about the account books in the mansion, and it gave him a headache just looking at them, so he asked Cui Sichan to handle it himself.

"Old man, what is your cultivation level?"


Qin Jinyang sat in the main seat, and Cui Sishan stood on the ground, with the same respectful expression.

Although it was impolite to ask directly, Qin Jinyang was really curious.

"Old Cui, you were rank five many years ago, are you already rank six?"

Eunuch An was used to Qin Jinyang's temperament, so he spoke and acted more casually.


Cui Sishan shook his head.

"The old slave is old, his potential has been exhausted, and there is no hope for the sixth rank in this life... But he gave up his old life as an old slave, and he is sure to drag a sixth rank to go on the road together."

"Does the young master have a strong enemy of the sixth rank? This old slave is willing to fight with blood!"

Cui Sishan's eyes immediately became hot.

"Don't, don't, don't... I have no enemies..."

Qin Jinyang waved his hand.

If it can drag the sixth rank to death, it should be the fifth rank Dzogchen.


Although the Beiying Mansion is old, and the outer walls of some rooms are even beginning to be worn out, there are still some treasures in this mansion.

According to Eunuch An, the emperor rewarded Northern Eagle Flying General with a batch of imperial spiritual bricks.

If it weren't for Cui Sishan's strong strength, there would definitely be young people stealing secretly.

On the way, Qin Jinyang also asked Cui Sishan why he didn't repair Beiying mansion in time.

According to Cui Sishan's property report, the silver is actually enough.

Cui Sishan replied truthfully: Back then, the Northern Eagle Flying General was in full swing and won the appreciation of His Majesty. The Beiying Mansion was built by the imperial craftsmen themselves. Ordinary craftsmen were not skilled enough, and would destroy the mansion instead.

The Northern Eagle Flying General has passed away, and the royal craftsmen of the palace will definitely not give him the face of an old slave.

Qin Jinyang nodded thoughtfully.

No wonder, the son-in-law specifically mentioned the matter of repairing the mansion.

These royal son-in-laws are really thoughtful and meticulous, and they don't let go of any small details.


"Eunuch An, please avoid it for a moment, I have some private matters in the mansion, and I need to explain them to the young master!"

Cui Sishan looked at Eunuch An.

"General Qin, the old slave will go to the guest room to rest for a while."

Eunuch An winked, nodded, and left in a hurry.

"Young master, behind this study, there is a secret room, which was forged by the soul transfer rewarded by His Majesty back then. The master named it Baoying... Please come with me..."

Cui Sishan found a mechanism on the table and twisted it hard.

There was a shock, and the bookshelves behind Qin Jinyang parted from the middle.


There is a strong aura blowing towards the face.

Sure enough, there was a not-so-small secret room inside.

The rich aura inside is several times stronger than Xu Yuancheng's secret room.

Qin Jinyang walked in curiously.

At this time, he also understood why Zhao Beiying named it Baoying.

When Zhao Beiying retired and returned to his hometown, the frontier army under his command was reorganized and the original banner was withdrawn, but the plaque of the Beiying Camp still remained.

Zhao Beiying had been in the army all his life and was used to the camp.

The secret room where the treasure is hidden is called Baoying.


"Sitting here and cultivating, a pig can be ranked second!"

Qin Jinyang walked around Baoying, talking to himself.

Compared with the cultivation conditions here, Helan Villa is like a beggar from top to bottom.

The treasure camp is not an empty space, but all kinds of spirit bricks are scattered, which is obviously a very clever gathering of spirits.

In the very center of Baoying, there is also a small emerald green sapling with a calf height.

This little sapling exudes a cold air, which makes the temperature in Baoying cool and the breath is transparent.

"Young master, Baoying is a gathering spirit formation. The person who helped the master set up the formation back then is the strongest formation master in the palace... By the way, he has defected, and now he is Wei Tianshi in the rebel army..."

Cui Sishan explained.

"It's Heavenly Master Wei again!"

Qin Jinyang smiled.

Pei Fengkong, Yan Jingfei, Wu Xinhai... are all subordinates of this Tianshi Wei.

"This seedling is a lotus tree... When the lotus tree matures, it can bear several lotus fruits... Taking a lotus fruit can directly promote the warrior's root bone to a small stage..."

"The lotus fruit has the strongest effect on the white jade root bone."

"If a low-grade white jade root bone can be promoted to precious energy root bone as long as it takes four lotus fruits..."

"According to the records, the lotus fruit is only effective for a high-grade root bone. If the white jade root bone is taken, the precious energy root bone will no longer be effective... If the golden root bone is taken, the white jade root bone will have no effect. "

"So, the lotus fruit is the panacea for the white jade root, and the other plant is in the Queen Mother's small garden, and it is difficult for the royal family and nobles to get it."

"Actually, there are royal family members who have taken lotus fruit, but the effect is negligible!"

Cui Sishan introduced.


Qin Jinyang subconsciously took a breath.

With four fruits, Baiyu Gengu can be directly promoted to Baoqi Gengu.

Simply invincible.

If this thing is put up for sale, shouldn't people steal their heads?
"How about the output?"

Qin Jinyang asked hurriedly.


Cui Sishan shook his head, his expression a little lonely.

"The lotus fruit is a secret magic medicine of a small king's family. Back then, the master led his troops to conquer and destroyed that small country. As a result, the king destroyed the lotus field overnight, and all the roots of the lotus were wiped out..."

"Master is also lucky, he captured the prince of the small country alive. The prince has the last wonderful lotus root on his body, and he is preparing to escape, quietly accumulating strength to restore the country..."

"Later, the master took all the crown prince and Miaolian rhizome back to the court... The little prince was escorted by the empress dowager to cultivate the lotus Miaoguo, and finally he bred a whole plant. The next step is to cultivate more, but the sky is not enough. I wish, the little prince panicked every night, coupled with the hatred of subjugation, he died suddenly due to exhaustion."

"In the end, although the Lianmiao fruit vine survived, there was only the last one left... This vine only bears fruit in five or six years. At most, it produced eight fruits, but more often, it produced about five fruits. .”

"I've inquired about it. It seems that as time goes by, the rhizome of the lotus in the palace is getting more and more withered. It would be nice to have three fruits next time."

Cui Sishan shook his head, feeling regretful.

Although there were not many people in that small country back then, the members of the royal family were all powerful.

It's a pity that the number of royal families is small after all.

The royal family is also stingy, and would rather sell the fruit to Zhongzhou and other countries than to give it to their own citizens.

Finally, small countries are deformed.

The royal family is strong, but very few in number.

The army is pitifully weak and will collapse at the first touch.

The narrow-minded royal family, with short-sightedness and only fear of the prosperity of the people, is destined not to last long.

"Then this one?"

Qin Jinyang pointed to the small vine in front of him.

"This one is a remnant vine. It is the only remnant that the master found in the ruins after searching the royal city."

"Your Majesty also knows about this remnant vine, and sent people to investigate. The alchemist in the palace said that there is a high probability that this vine will not bear fruit. In order to reward the master for his bravery, his majesty left it to the master."

"The master also studied for a long time, and finally found an expert, and thought of a method to promote ripening... But the master hurried back to Qiyi City before the lotus tree grew up... After leaving, the master never came back. "

"Northern Eagle Mansion is so desolate, and the vines of this lotus tree are just idle here... Fortunately, there is a strong aura in Baoying, and the vines have not yet shown signs of withering."

"Fortunately, young master, you have learned the art of inheriting light without words. You have the opportunity to inherit this legacy of the master."

Cui Sishan laughed.

"Wordless Inheritance of Light?"

Qin Jinyang frowned.

"In this piece of jade is the Miaohan Zhenqi from that small country back then. Using the Miaohan Zhenqi can ripen the lotus tree... Back then, the master set up a formation in the jade. It was originally drawn a year later with the Wordless Chengguang Jue Take away Miaohan's true energy...but the master is gone, no one else has the Wordless Chengguang Jue."

Cui Sishan pointed to a bucket-sized white jade in the corner of the wall.

At first glance, it looks like a big lump of ice.

"Miaohan true energy?"

Qin Jinyang narrowed his eyes.

If there is no accident, there should be a martial art in this ice lump.

The so-called array of the Northern Eagle Flying General is to decipher the profound meaning of martial arts in the jade.

This method is similar to trusteeship, allowing the formation to calculate by itself, and high-end formation masters understand this skill.

"With Miaohan Zhenqi, and with the help of the three dogs of the old slave, you can make the lotus tree bear fruit!"

"Of course, the possibility of failure is extremely high... The master said that even if it succeeds, there are only two at most."

Cui Sishan smiled wryly.


After leaving the study, Cui Sishan went back to rest and meditate.

He is too old and has some hidden wounds in his body. He needs to meditate every day, otherwise his body will not be able to bear it.

Qin Jinyang took a casual walk in the small garden.

With Miaohan Zhenqi, the three children of Cui's family had to help at the same time to blossom and bear fruit.

The third child is easy to say.

The boss and the second child are obviously impossible to help themselves.

That's it!

The role of the eldest and the second child is that each of them has cultivated a special qi since childhood.

Because they have been cultivating since they were young, and they have cultivated to the limitless state, so only the two of them can help themselves.

This is also the result of Cui Sishan forcing his children since he was a child. He has always been thinking about the mission of Beiying Flying General.

The three parts of true qi are all of the type of nourishing qi. In fact, the cost-effectiveness is extremely low. If Cui Sishan hadn't forced it, almost no one would be willing to practice it.

"That's all... use your potential, I will learn it myself first."

Qin Jinyang was talking to himself.



cough cough...

In the side room, Cui Sichan coughed for a while, and soon his mouth was covered with blood.


Cui Huayong hurried forward to serve.

"Okay... the young master is back... hahaha... okay..."

Cui Sishan waved his hands, not caring about his body at all.

He has been stubbornly living, just wanting to wait for the descendants of the master to come back.

I can't die now.

The young master has reached the age of marriage. It would be great if he could marry a princess from the prince's family and be an idle son-in-law.

The master said back then that if he had a son, there was no need for his son to make contributions.

If you have the ability, being a son-in-law will make you feel relaxed and comfortable for a lifetime.

The young master is a good-looking talent, and he is familiar with Prince Luan's house. Although Prince Luan is not a princess suitable for marriage, Prince Luan knows other princes.

The future is expected.

The most urgent thing is the lotus fruit.

Two rebellious sons, I know you are unwilling, but if you dare to disobey the young master, I will peel off your skin.

(End of this chapter)

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