This Martial Saint is too generous.

Chapter 216 Qin Jinyang is not a human... a monster!

Chapter 216 Qin Jinyang is not a human... a monster!
"Master, your really..."

Cui Huayong licked his lips, stammered, unable to utter a complete sentence for a long time.

No wonder he was the one who mastered the wordless Inheriting Light Jue of the Northern Eagle Flying General. This kind of talent can only be described as terrifying.

She remembered that her father once said that with the help of the three brothers and sisters, the young master would be able to master Lianmiao's true energy within two months at the earliest.

In fact, this was already the highest estimate my father had for the young master.

The eldest brother and the second brother sneered, thinking that the young master would not be able to master it in half a year.

Who would have thought that the young master only took a day or two.

The fourth child was even more dumbfounded.

Although he is not qualified to be in touch with things in Baoying, he has more information than the other three brothers.

In fact, the judgment in the heart of the fourth child is similar to that of the eldest and second child.

At least three months.

If you are so outstanding, it will appear that everyone else is a fool.

"Oh... it's a pity..."

Cui Huayong suddenly sighed again.

She looked at the lotus fruit vine, her face full of regret:

"When the elder brother and the second brother finish their work..."

She hesitated.

There is a high probability that the eldest brother and the second brother will not cooperate with the young master obediently.

Even if it really bears fruit, the lotus fruit will not reach the mouths of the two elder brothers. Their wings are hardened, so it is strange that they can be obedient.

At that time, it will be endless wrangling again.

Hope it goes well.

Cui Huayong felt distressed when his father was caught in the middle.

The power of the two sisters-in-law's natal family is growing day by day, and as the tide rises, the two elder brothers are becoming less and less serious about their father's words.

It wasn't the right time for the young master to come back, but his father's prestige had bottomed out.

"Boss and second...hehe..."

The fourth child has the same heart as Ming Jing.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs...Cui Huayong, your heart nourishing formula has not actually reached the real limitless realm...The three of you have not practiced hard, so you are all wandering in the pseudo-limitless realm. Consolidate, otherwise the cultivation base will fall."

Qin Jinyang smiled, but Cui Huayong was a little flustered by those eyes.


Cui Huayong was stunned for a moment.

She actually wanted to argue a few words, but Qin Jinyang was right.

There is no way, the three mental methods are really too time-consuming. If they were not afraid of their father, they would have been abandoned long ago.

The two elder brothers are publicly showing off.

In fact, I also secretly played badly.

"No more nonsense... Cui Huayong, I know you are talented, but today I want to give you a real test... Sit in front of me!"

Qin Jinyang pointed to the front.

Cui Huayong and the fourth child looked at each other, then walked over and sat down suspiciously.

Both of them looked blank.

What trick is the young master doing?

What do you want to study?
Especially the fourth child, who has more doubts in his heart than Cui Huayong.

"Fourth, you sit down too!"

The fourth child was used to being ignored. Seeing that Qin Jinyang and the third sister had something to do, he subconsciously retreated into the shadows.

Qin Jinyang's sudden voice surprised him.


Qin Jinyang manipulated the Wordless Chengguang Jue, and a mysterious aura spread in the treasure camp.


[Reminder: You gave Cui Huayong the mental method "Grace of Wideness of Qi" as a gift. This opportunity made her advance by leaps and bounds, rewarding her with 800 potential points. 】

[Hint: You gave Cui Guiyong the mental method "Liu Tao Jue" as a gift. This accident made him advance by leaps and bounds, rewarding 900 potential points. 】

[Reminder: You gave Cui Guiyong the heart method "Running Heart Jue" as a gift. This kindness made him advance by leaps and bounds and rewarded him with 1000 potential points. 】


Cui Huayong has already practiced the Runxin Jue to the limitless state. Although it is a fake Wuji, it doesn't make any sense to pass it on again.

There are three basic mental methods in total, Qin Jinyang gave the fourth two.

In this way, Cui Huayong controls two parts.

The fourth child also mastered two.

Although the three heart methods have been passed down by the Wordless Chengguang Jue, the three strands of true energy have been integrated into the Dajiang Gong.

Brother and sister are not idiots, and they can control their true energy with ease.

Although there was one person missing than expected, in case of any minor accident, with Qin Jinyang's true energy, it could be mended.



The fourth child's heart was beating wildly.

The two Wuji Kung Fu entered his body, and the true energy in his body surged unprecedentedly, and his cultivation level took a step forward.

In fact, the fourth child has already guessed Qin Jinyang's method.

The young master must have mastered the three zhenqi mental methods, and then taught himself the Xuan Gong of the Northern Eagle Flying General.


This is not normal.

Two elder brothers and one elder sister are said to be exceptionally talented... Even so, the three of them were beaten since childhood and forced by their father with sticks, but even so, the infinite realm of the three of them was still extremely unstable.

The young master is young, and he came to the North Eagle Mansion for such a short time, how could it be possible to master the three mental techniques at the same time and reach the Wuji Realm at the same time.


It is simply impossible, it can be said to be a miracle.

Cui Huayong understands the difficulty of the three mental methods better than the fourth child.

In addition to teaching one to himself, Qin Jinyang also passed on two to the fourth.

Since she was a child, she has been cultivating the Nourishing Heart Jue, and she is particularly sensitive to the breath of the Nourishing Heart Jue...

Although a little uncomfortable and a little unconvinced, I have to admit that the fourth child's mastery of the Runxin Jue has surpassed himself.

Fortunately, I have mastered the lenient qi formula.

The fourth child has never been in contact with the three mind methods since childhood. Although he has two Wuji, in terms of the degree of integration, he is not as proficient as himself.

Cui Huayong's bones were brittle.

All of a sudden, her true energy surged, and her cultivation leaped to a small level.

"Stop asking nonsense!"

Seeing question marks on the faces of the siblings, Qin Jinyang waved his hands to tell them to shut up.

"Don't waste time, today I want to make the lotus fruit bloom!"

Qin Jinyang turned around and walked to the vines of the lotus fruit.

The siblings looked at each other again.

It may be that they have experienced too much shock, and they are already a little numb at this time, and both of them are actually a little excited.

The fourth child's brain seemed to have been bombarded hundreds of times by lightning, and he was in a state of chaos. He even forgot Qin Jinyang's original intention to save the third sister.


Moisturizes the lotus fruit vine.

There is nothing thrilling about this process.

Qin Jinyang's kindness to the two siblings can no longer be described in words, especially the fourth child. In his heart, Qin Jinyang is not alone at all...he is a god.

The two cheered up, circulated their true energy crazily, and helped Qin Jinyang at all costs.

And Qin Jinyang made a new discovery in the process of nourishing.

It turns out that Da Jiangzhou's true energy can also participate in the nourishing action.

It turns out that nourishing vines requires at least three ancient wells without waves.

With the participation of Dajiang Gong, Qin Jinyang is even more powerful.

Although the Run Xin Jue is repeated, the vines also do not reject it, and it is also a new force.

The process was smoother than expected.

Although the siblings were mentally exhausted and even felt severe pain all over, their eyeballs became brighter and brighter.


Vines grow.

Vines bloom.

The vines are finally bearing fruit!
A strange fragrance spread, making people feel transparent.


two... three...





22 pieces...

23 pieces...

24 pieces...

25 pieces...


In the end, the lotus fruit actually produced a total of 25 lotus fruits.

The siblings were exhausted and could barely stand just now, but now they were sitting on the ground with no strength left.

25 stars!

What a joke, what a miracle.

You must know that the complete lotus fruit vine in the palace only bears eight fruits at most once.

It's almost a hallucination.


"Master...something is wrong, the fruit is withering!"

Suddenly, the fourth child screamed.


Qin Jinyang stared.

He was a little proud of himself, he was still admiring his masterpiece, when he was suddenly dragged back to the real world by the voice of the fourth child.


The fruit is slowly withering, and a few are losing moisture visible to the naked eye.

"Not good... this is the lack of fruit first... I read a classic in my father's study before, which recorded the special situation of lotus fruit."

"According to the records, some fruits are born incomplete, and they will wither and die within a certain period of time as soon as they bear fruit."

Cui Huayong was anxious.

"Then what should I do? Is this fruit useless?"

Qin Jinyang was so angry that his liver hurt.

After being busy for so long, it turned out that I picked a basket of bad fruits.

"Don't be afraid of withering, the effect of the lotus fruit is still there, but you must eat it all before it withers... Otherwise, it will really be useless!"

While Cui Huayong was speaking, his eyes stared blankly at Qin Jinyang.

For the young master, lack of fruit first is a disaster.

But for me, it may be a big opportunity.

It is impossible for the young master to eat all 25 fruits in one go.

He only needs four at most.

For the remaining 21 fruits, the young master will definitely send them to the palace to claim credit... Beiying Mansion is about half an hour away from the palace.

Perhaps, we can rush to let the descendants of the royal family eat some.

There is also a possibility that if the young master is in a good mood, he may be able to reward himself and the fourth child.

Although one can't break through the pearly roots, it is also a kind of grace that makes people grateful.

"Master, are you going to the palace?"

The fourth child and Cui Huayong thought of being together.

The young master has just received the inheritance of the North Eagle Flying General, and now is the time to make meritorious service.

The lotus fruit is a great opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

"Fuck the palace, what are you two thinking, eat quickly, it's about to wither!"

"Cui Huayong, you early stage white jade, take four... the fourth child, you middle-level white jade, take three..."

"What are you doing in a daze? Take it quickly!"

Seeing that the two people looked like sculptures, Qin Jinyang wished he could slap them awake.


The siblings looked at each other blankly.

The two of them took enough lotus fruit and started to promote Gengu.

After all, he is a Tianjiao who grew up in the imperial capital, and he knows the way of promotion to Gengu.

Qin Jinyang tore off the clothes of the fourth child, packed all the remaining lotus fruits, and ran away.

Time is everything, you have to compete with withering for time.

He ran towards Shi Yingnan's clinic in a hurry.


On the way, Qin Jinyang ate one for himself.



Although he is one step away from the pearl on the top of Baiyu Peak, in theory a lotus fruit is enough.

But nothing works.

It should be that the system has issued a task, and if you use the genius treasure yourself, it will have no effect.

There is also a possibility that he has taken the path of system improvement, which conflicts with the root bone genius Dibao.

Speaking of which, there are still some frustrations.

The lotus fruit that I cultivated so hard, I myself still have white jade root bones, but the people under me are already pearly root bones.


No way, who made the system so generous.

No, I'm generous too!

Medical hall!

The door is closed today, and Shi Yingnan has announced that he will close the door.

Shi Yingnan even made a rule that anyone who gets close to the medical hall will be deprived of the opportunity to draw the Golden Bean, so the outside of the medical hall is eerily quiet.

In the yard, Shi Yingnan screamed ghostly again and again.

The master entrusted a friend to help Shi Yingnan in special training.

The content of the special training is extremely strict, but this one-eyed friend has a violent personality, and if he disagrees with him, he will be beaten violently.

Shi Yingnan was on the verge of collapse the first time he came into contact with this practice method.

But he knew that this was the master's good intentions, so he could only endure it desperately.

Fortunately, I am a doctor, so I won't be beaten to death.

"Hmph, a piece of trash, who was called a miracle doctor by Tongplague, when he was recruiting disciples, he didn't know to heal his own dog's eyes first... What kind of dog is this!"

One-eyed not only whipped the body, but also trampled on Shi Yingnan's soul.

Boom boom boom!
Boom boom boom!
"Shi Yingnan, open the door... open the door quickly... something urgent..."

Qin Jinyang began to knock on the door.

Hearing the knock on the door, Duoyan and Shi Yingnan were stunned for a moment, then Duoyan sneered:
"Trash... Your master has devoted all his heart and soul to you, but you call your friends to play with things and lose their minds. Are you worthy of your master's painstaking efforts?"

"It's time to fight!"

One-eyed kicked him, and Shi Yingnan spat out a mouthful of blood, almost breaking his bones.

"Pfft...Master Uncle...No...not friends, but Brother Qin, my master also knows him...I can be a teacher because of Brother Qin..."

Shi Yingnan hurriedly explained.

One-eyed has a bit of a temper, but the special training is really effective. The elixir left by the master is very effective, and the sequelae are even stronger. After swallowing it, the meridians are stagnant. After the beating, the meridians are unobstructed.

There was a bitterness in his heart.

Brother Qin, brother Qin, why did you come here at this time, I am miserable.

And I dare not open the door.



Qin Jinyang has no time to waste.

He kicked the door open.


Seeing that Shi Yingnan was covered in blood and paralyzed on the ground, Qin Jinyang immediately activated the Dongshixiahuo Jue.

But the guy in front of him is unfathomable, and he probably won't be able to beat him.

He looked around, thinking about how to take Shi Yingnan away.

"Hehe, I still want to ask, who are you?"

One-eyed looked Qin Jinyang up and down.

To be honest, this guy in front of him is more interesting than You Tongplague's disciple.

"Brother Qin, don't get me wrong, he is the uncle invited by the master to help me practice."

Shi Yingnan hurriedly explained.

"Uh... so it's the uncle, so I'm sorry... let me interrupt..."

Qin Jinyang rushed to Shi Yingnan.

"Presumptuous, where do you think this is, it's lawless."

The one-eyed figure flickered, and Qin Jinyang was about to be kicked out.

This is also because of You Tongwen's face. If an ordinary junior dares to ignore him like this, it would be light to kick and destroy his cultivation base.

"Uncle, you can just hit me, just hit me!"

Shi Yingnan had sharp eyes and quick hands, and hurriedly stood in front of Qin Jinyang.

He was anxious.

"Sorry, give me time to say something..."

Qin Jinyang didn't talk nonsense, and directly grabbed four lotus fruits and handed them to Shi Yingnan.

In the blink of an eye, he turned and ran.

Others have special training, but I interrupted myself, because I was abrupt, and running is the best plan.



Qin Jinyang left with one-eyed expression of bewilderment, and seeing that there was something in Shi Yingnan's hand, he stepped forward to check.

"I don't know, maybe it's some kind of fruit... It's a bit wilted!"

Shi Yingnan looked at the fruit in his hand.

Very fragrant.

He was moved for a while.

Brother Qin is a really good brother, and he never forgets himself when he has fruit.

It's just that the timing isn't right.

Suddenly, One Eye slapped Shi Yingnan on the forehead.

"What are you doing in a daze, this is lotus fruit, eat it quickly...Damn bastard, you're lucky too."

One-eyed was distraught.


Shi Yingnan was even more at a loss.

"Eat it quickly, your bones will be pearly today..."

"You actually have such a good brother... By the way, you can ask your brother if he has a real father. I also lack a good brother."

One-eyed sighed with emotion.


Qin Jinyang ran towards Mu Zhihe again.

There are very few friends in the imperial capital.

Fortunately, when Mu Zhihe went into hiding last time, he told Qin Jinyang where he was hiding.

So urgent.

(End of this chapter)

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