This Martial Saint is too generous.

Chapter 243 You build a tall building and entertain guests, and your building collapses

Chapter 243 You build a tall building and entertain guests, and your building collapses

The court of the Ministry of Punishment is trying the case, and the undercurrent is turbulent and thrilling.

But in the dungeon, it was a happy day for the jailers.

On this day of every month, a salary will be paid.

Although the jailers are not as powerful as the commanding authority and cannot leave the dungeon often, they still have three or five days off every month.

After receiving the salary, the jailers would often run straight to the Yichun Building.

There, you can be the groom's officer for a few breaths.

It's so beautiful.

Of course, there is an exception for the commander. Liang Yuansu is in the dungeon, and he has committed a crime and made meritorious service. He is not eligible to leave. His salary is usually sent to his wife and children.

The clerk walked over with a ledger in his hands.

The clerk's surname is Li. Like other clerks, his responsibilities are to record texts and calculate some salary and rewards.

Clerks generally have never cultivated true qi, so they can come directly to the dungeon.

Although the commanders go out, the salary is the life of the lower-level jailers, so it cannot be delayed.

Soon, the clerk finished distributing the salaries of Quanziying and Chenziying.

Ordinary jailers are not qualified to approach the clerk. The procedure is for the commander to step forward, collect the silver, and distribute it to the jailers separately when they go back.

As a rule, the commander will take [-]% and the jailer can only get seven floors.Sometimes it is more ruthless, and the jailer can only get six floors, which is half the limit, which is prone to problems.

This silver has a very good gimmick: to help you save money.

The commander was worried that the jailers would spend too much time drinking and not saving money, so he enthusiastically helped you save money...

As for when you can take it out, it depends... In fact, you will never be able to take it out. Even marrying a daughter-in-law is considered a day and night.

Next, it was Liang Ziying's turn.

"Liang Yuansu, the leader of Liang Ziying, is suspected of covering up the criminal Qin Jinyang. The case has not yet been clarified, and the payment of Liang Ziying's salary and silver is suspended, pending court hearing."

The clerk closed the document and smiled slightly.


There was a jailer in Liang Ziying gnashing his teeth, wishing he could go to the clerk to fight for his life.

For jailers, salary is life.

Liang Yuansu grabbed the jailer, he was afraid that the jailer would die.

"Assault on the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, are you planning to rebel? The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked."

The corner of the clerk's mouth grew more contemptuous.

In fact, there is no such thing as suspending the payment of salary in the rules at all, and he withheld it privately.

The cousin raised his eyebrows, and walked up to the clerk, shaking his arms.

"My lord, I personally exposed Liang Yuansu's crimes... You see, can you give me the salary of Liang Ziying first? Don't delay the lives of the brothers."

The cousin imitated Liang Yuansu's previous demeanor, even the tone of his speech.

At the same time, he also took a look at the two confidantes of Quan Ziying and Chen Ziying. They were the two who promised at the same time that as long as Liang Yuansu killed the criminal violently, he would be a hero and the next leader of Liang Ziying.

So comfortable.

Standing in front of the crowd, with so much salary in hand, he can keep part of it for them as he likes.

This is life.

"Go away... what are you, what qualifications do you have to talk to me."

Who would have thought that the clerk's face was still smiling with one breath, but he kicked him directly with the next breath.

My cousin felt a pain in his lower abdomen and was kicked to the ground.

In the dungeon, everyone is an ordinary person. Although the clerk can't kick people more than ten meters away, it still hurts my cousin.


The cousin rolled in the mud, he looked around, and finally looked at Chen Ziying and Quan Ziying's two confidantes, his eyes were full of doubts.

Before, you clearly promised me to be the commander of Liang Ziying.

Say something to me.

Open your mouth and let me decide.

"Hehehe, this kid is actually still dreaming of the Spring and Autumn Dream!"

Quanziying's confidant suddenly smiled.

The leader of Chen Ziying also smiled: "Little idiot, you are thinking too much. We were willing to talk to you a few more words at the beginning because you can identify your cousin, and you are still worth something."

"Now your cousin is going to jail, do you think you are worth it?"

The voice fell, and the surroundings burst into laughter again.

The cousin's pupils were blood red, his head was full of harsh ridicule, his mouth was dry, and he felt like he was having a nightmare.

When the line of sight drifted to Liang Ziying, the cousin felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Cousin is sneering.

The rest of Liang Ziying also sneered.

Even the Liang Ziying brothers who had sworn allegiance to him before were laughing at themselves.


"Brothers of Liang Ziying, is there anyone who wants to stay... as long as you stay and be loyal to the official, you will not suffer from good food and spicy food in the future..."

"Brothers who choose to stay, come and kowtow!"

The clerk said leisurely.


The cousin was dumbfounded.

Is it...


"You guessed it right, Mr. Shi Lang has already settled for a candidate for the commander of Liang Ziying, and this is the lord in front of you!"

The commander of the Quanzi Battalion laughed.

"I rely on you, my lord, I rely on you... I am your man in life, and your ghost in death..."

After regaining consciousness, the cousin was the first to crawl over and kowtow without saying a word.

He still has gambling debts outside. If he didn't have the business of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, his hands would be cut off by those thugs tomorrow.

The reason why the casino lent itself silver was that the collateral was its own royal grain to make a living.


"Hehehe... For your own selfish desires, you can even betray your own cousin. If one day I encounter some ups and downs, wouldn't it be more decisive for you to betray me? Get are not worthy, from now on, You are no longer a jailer of the Ministry of Punishment, go to fend for yourself."

The clerk glanced at his cousin with a disdainful expression.

The cousin lost his mind, and looked at his two confidants with pleading eyes.

It's a pity that not long ago, he was called a brother and brother, and he wished to be sworn brothers with him, but now he looks like a stranger.


Worse than strangers.

They looked at themselves, like a rich man on the street looking at a beggar on the side of the road.


Many jailers in Liang Ziying chose to kowtow.

No way, people have to live.

In the Yangyang Dynasty, how many people can eat the imperial food?
Those who can eat the emperor's food in such a comfortable place have accumulated virtues from their ancestors, and the ancestral graves are full of smoke.

But there were still seven or eight people in Liang Ziying who did not choose to kneel.

Liang Yuansu was a man of righteousness, and he didn't even deduct the jailers' salaries harshly, because Liang Yuansu had a lot of friends when he was an official before, and the jailers were also helped in the imperial capital on their rest days.

The jailers were afraid of this leader, but they respected him more.

"Don't be dumbfounded. It's not easy to eat the emperor's food. I can't protect myself now. Follow me to a dead end... Go, I don't blame you."

Liang Yuansu smiled wryly, and signaled the group of people beside him to go over.

After a pause, several people left.

In the face of emotions and rice bowls, they finally chose to eat.

This group of people are all trash who can't cultivate true qi. They really don't know what else they can do after leaving this dungeon.

In the end, there were only four people left beside Liang Yuansu.

These four people were unwilling to leave Liang Yuansu even if they died.

"You four, what do you mean?"

The clerk squinted.

In fact, a long time ago, he and Liang Yuansu had a little feud.

At that time, Liang Yuansu was still a small official in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and the clerk was not an official at all. Because of a trivial matter, Liang Yuansu punished the clerk. He knew that Liang Yuansu was a righteous man, so he wanted to let him experience the feeling of betrayal.

The big revenge has to be avenged.

But the report is not complete.

"Can't see? You are not qualified to make me kowtow!"

A reckless man scolded angrily.

"Hehe, the four of you had better think clearly. If you can stay in the dungeon, you will still have a share of the salary! In this world, there are not many people who can eat the emperor's food... How will you live after leaving the Ministry of Punishment?"

The clerk said with a half-smile.

"Yeah, you guys have figured it out... It's hard to find capable warriors, and useless trash is everywhere. Not everyone is qualified to be a prison guard in a dungeon. You can find hundreds of them."

Chen Ziying's confidant made a mockery.

He despises those hard bones most.

Of course, I even look down on the kind of cheap cousin.

"Hmph, the sky is big and the earth is big, I don't believe I can starve to death! I stay here because of Commander Liang's kindness, not the few taels of silver."

The other jailer had read a few books and spoke in a very upright tone.

"Hahaha... good... good, good... you are high-definition, you are amazing..."

The clerk gave a thumbs up.

"My lord, give me a chance, my lord, please give me a chance...I am willing to serve you..."

Just as he finished speaking, his cousin ran over again.

Have no idea.

Others can't eat the emperor's food, because the life is more difficult, because the stomach is hungry for a few days, but I am dying.

"go away!"

The clerk gets annoyed when he sees this man.

"Alas... the next batch of jailers will not receive their salaries in a few months... The current batch of Liang Ziying's salary is enough for the brothers to eat a few drinks, although it is not very enough!"

The clerk shook the purse in his hand.

The reason why he came to the dungeon was to eat fat.

The clerk is not an official. Although his reputation sounds decent, he is actually a Qingshui Yamen, and he doesn't even have a copper coin for extra money.


But the jailer of the dungeon is different.

There are so many ways to get money.

You can severely withhold the money of your subordinates, you can ask family members for money to take care of criminals, you can also beat criminals, and torture criminals where they hide their money.

High officials definitely look down on dungeons.

But for a small moth like a clerk, the dungeon commander is a fat to fat job.

The jailers in Liang Ziying who betrayed the past all had dark faces.

Before he took office, he was thinking about how to deduct the silver.


In the future, when this guy becomes the commander, how will he live his life.


The dungeon door suddenly opened again.

Another clerk entered.

"Master Gao? Why are you here?"

Li Wenshu looked at the person coming, his brows frowned into Sichuan characters.

In fact, the clerks all write official business in one place, but they are Wu Shilang's people, and the Gao Wenshu in front of him is from Wu Shilang's side, so he has no good face.

"Don't worry, I'm just a small clerk, a failed scholar, but I can't afford Mr. Gao, just call me Gao Wenshu... By the way, what is Mr. Li busy in the dungeon?"

Gawain was expressionless in writing.

"Ahem... following the orders of Master Lang Wu, I'm giving rewards to the brothers in the dungeon..."

Li Wenshu coughed dryly twice, and immediately became arrogant.

We used to write texts in that broken room, and our necks were almost broken, and one was poorer than the other.

Now that my buddy is developed, there will be a fat gap soon.

Just envy you.

Just be jealous.

It's a pity that you followed the wrong master, and it's useless for you to be envious.

This man is all about a choice.

Choice is always more important than hard work.


Gao Wenshu nodded meaningfully: "I have heard for a long time that Mr. Li is going to be transferred to the dungeon to be the commander. It turns out that it is true... amazing!"

Gao Wenshu gave another thumbs up.

"It's all because of the wrong love of the servant, and it's just for the servant... Speaking of which, what's the matter with you when you come to the dungeon?"

Li Wenshu smiled triumphantly, and suddenly looked at Liang Yuansu.

Apart from Liang Yuansu, nothing seemed to be going on.

Sure enough, Gao Wenshu's eyes also looked at Liang Yuansu.

At this time, everyone's eyes were also focused on Liang Yuansu, especially the four people who followed Liang Yuansu, who were even more nervous.

"Oh, what should come, will come after all, it's a disaster that can't be avoided!"

Liang Yuansu smiled wryly and walked to the front.

He had a hunch that the clerk came for him.

It's a pity that I couldn't see my wife and children.

Before he was unlucky, he also implicated several good brothers.

"I came to the dungeon, I definitely didn't want to grab your position as commander... I came to find the commander of Liang Ziying, Liang Yuansu!"

Gao Wenshu's half smile was not a smile, he didn't know what he was laughing at.

The dungeon is closed, and I am the first person to bring the news to the dungeon.

The Wu family was destroyed, and a large number of positions were vacated in the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Although I am a clerk, I also have a fat job that suits me. What is this little commander.

The cronies of Quan Ziying and Chen Ziying smiled.

When Liang Yuansu's crime is declared, his order for promotion should also be in place.

Everyone is greedy for that heavy silver.


"Liang Yuansu listens to the order!"

Gao Wenshu unfolded a letter and shouted loudly.

"The subordinate is here!"

Liang Yuansu cupped his fists.

"By the order of His Highness the Crown Prince, Liang Yuansu helped General Bei Yingfei to solve the case. From now on, he will be transferred from the dungeon and promoted to the head of the criminal department..."

Gao Wenshu closed the document and walked to Liang Yuansu.

"Master Liang, congratulations, I will ask Mr. Liang to take care of you in the future... Come, please take your paperwork!"

Gao Wenshu handed over the document respectfully, with a polite expression on his face.


Liang Yuansu looked up, dumbstruck, he even suspected that he had heard wrong.

The expressions of the rest of them were more exciting than Liang Yuansu's.

what's the situation?
Everyone in the audience looked at each other in blank dismay.

Not right.

What tuned out of the dungeon.

What is the head of the Ministry of Improving Sentences.

The brains of the two confidants were roaring even more.

The plot is different than expected.

"What did you say?"

Li Wenshu's mouth was dry, and he asked again. He also suspected that he was hallucinating.

"Are you deaf? North Eagle Flying General solved the case, Mr. Liang secretly assisted Lord North Eagle Flying General to solve the case, he is a meritorious official appointed by His Royal Highness... promoted, head of the Criminal Department."

Gao Wenshu repeated with a half-smile.

"Northern Eagle Flying General to solve the case? This..."

The two confidantes looked at each other, and then Quanziying's confidant couldn't help it: "Where is Commander Quan Desheng? What happened outside?"

These two people had eight hundred minds, and they immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Quan Desheng? Hahaha, you will see it in a while, why are you in a hurry!"

Gao Wenshu smiled, and spoke leisurely again.

At this moment, the gate of the dungeon opened again.


In the next breath, a jailer yelled.

A pungent smell of blood came to the face, and several people walked in like ghosts.

The leader is Quan Desheng, and the second is Chen Yuanyi.

But the two people were dressed very strangely. They were obviously the leader of the dungeon, but they were wearing the clothes of prisoners. Not only that, they also had chains on their bodies.

"Commander, what's wrong with you!"

Chen Yuanyi's confidant ran over and asked hurriedly.


The jailer who was escorting the prisoner was the warden's subordinate. He stared at him, and his confidants immediately dodged away.

"The two commanders you've been thinking about are here now... Let me reintroduce them, these two are now prisoners!"

"By the way, everyone in the Wu family has been reduced to prisoners."

"Master Shangshu has ordered that all the three commanders of the dungeon are vacant, and the head of the dungeon will be temporarily managed by Liang Yuansu, and the leader will be personally appointed by Mr. Liang."

After Gao Wenshu finished speaking, several jailers handed over the criminal to Liang Yuansu.


Dead silence.

There was a dead silence in the dungeon.

Quan Desheng and Chen Yuanyi had just experienced Luo Yuanhu's spirit sealing formation, and their minds were not very clear.

The jailers of the three battalions were all in a dazed state.

The commanders of the three battalions are all gone.

And all were appointed by Liang Yuansu.

Who else can be assigned?

There are still four people beside Liang Yuansu who will never leave. He keeps three people, and he can take one outside. Anyway, the four people will not suffer.

"Cousin...cousin, I was wrong, I was wrong...for the sake of our relatives...cousin...cousin..."

The cousin was the first to run over and cry bitterly.


One of Liang Yuansu's confidants kicked his cousin away.

What a dog.

If it hadn't been for a miracle, Commander Liang's body might have been cold.

Soon, another group of people came to pledge their allegiance to Liang Yuansu.

There were guards from the previous Liangzi camp, as well as guards from the other two battalions. They responded extremely quickly.


In this day and age, a group of people without true energy are seeking a piece of imperial food in the dungeon, which is really the virtue of their ancestors.

"Hey, I don't need your allegiance, everyone should leave, the dungeon can't accommodate are right, capable warriors can't be found, and useless waste is everywhere..."

Liang Yuansu sighed leisurely.

If your subordinates are the commanders, let them recruit jailers by themselves.

The job of a jailer, especially a jailer in the depths of a dungeon, can be said to have hands and feet, as long as it can breathe.

"Master Liang, you are free now, and you can go to the ground at any time...but you still have to manage the dungeon for a few days, because many people from the Wu family will come and it will be very busy!"

Gao Wenshu left a word and said goodbye.


The three new commanders confiscated all their salaries.

"With so much money, the brothers can really have a good time eating wine, hahaha!"


Hall of Killing Power.

Luo Yuanhu has gone crazy.

Crazy busy.

(End of this chapter)

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