This Martial Saint is too generous.

Chapter 246 How can young people give up easily

Chapter 246 How can young people give up easily
Before he finished speaking, Qin Jinyang hastily escaped from the spirit sealing formation, the soles of his feet felt as if they had been scalded by boiling water.

The other prisoners have chains on their bodies, so they can't escape, but Qin Jinyang is treated as an official of the Ministry of Punishment. If he encounters danger or discomfort, he can stop at any time.

Luo Yuanhu stared, immediately surprised.

what's the situation?
What about you?
I have worked so hard, how much time wasted on helping you suppress your true energy?
This has just been suppressed by [-]%, and you are about to succeed, but you actually ran down in one breath, so what is my hard work?
If it was before, Luo Yuanhu would have complained at most, and if he had been passive and sabotaged, he would have given Qin Jinyang an answer.

But not now.

You boy's true energy can suppress Luo Shengdao's fierce thoughts, I still count on you.

"Master Clerk, you... what's wrong? What are you doing running down?"

Luo Yuanhu frowned and asked angrily.


Qin Jinyang sighed quietly, with a gloomy face on his face: "You don't know something, Lord Warden... I have to go to Yuzhi Academy to practice in a few days. I heard that the masters in the academy are all vicious. If you are not careful, you will be expelled."

"Although I bear the title of Northern Eagle Flying General on my back, in this capital, a single brick can kill more than a dozen flying generals. I am anxious."

"If I can't achieve something in the academy, it will be very difficult for me to get into an official position in my life, and I can only live in a daze for the rest of my life, and it will be difficult for me to be successful in my whole life."

"Every time I think of this, I can't sleep at night, my mind is restless, and I can't concentrate..."

"Forget it, forget it, time is running out, how can I waste time in this kind of place, I want to find Lord Shangshu to resign from this clerk's job, I have to hurry up and prepare for the Yuzhi Academy."

"Farewell, farewell!"

After the words fell, Qin Jinyang slapped his forehead, turned around and was about to leave.

"and many more……"

Luo Yuanhu was stunned for a moment, seeing that Qin Jinyang was about to leave, he hurriedly shouted.

Are you kidding, I meet a person who can suppress Luo Shengdao's fierce thoughts, am I easy?

I can't let you run away.

"Sure enough, you are a young man. With this little setback, you gave up?"

"The students of Yuzhi Academy are all young people, and they are all in the third-rank realm to wash the clock. With your kind of mind, can you wash it better than others?"

"Although I don't have true energy in my body, I also know that washing the bell is a test of willpower. Your habit of giving up easily is a big taboo in the process of washing the bell... the taboo of the big taboos."

Luo Yuanhu turned into a chicken blood tutor, pinched Qin Jinyang's mouth and began to pour chicken soup.

"No, no... Others have family support behind them. I'm a reckless man. I have to run faster than others. I can't just waste time."

Qin Jinyang shook his head, not oil and salt.

"When doing things, there must be a beginning and an end. Since you promised Master Shangshu to inspect the dungeon, you must finish the matter at hand."

The corner of Luo Yuanhu's mouth twitched.

The world is going down.

Today's young people really don't have a sense of responsibility in their hearts.

Run as you say.

If you say put down the stall, put down the stand.

Not great.

"I have to find a way to get money. Without money, how can I live in Yuzhi Academy? Lord Shangshu refuses to give me money... Eh, Lord Warden must be very rich, or... lend me some An envoy of silver?"

"Please don't worry, my lord. I will pay you back twice as much in the future."

Qin Jinyang's eyes lit up.

"No silver."

Luo Yuanhu's face was even darker than before.

"However, I do have a treasure here. You can definitely use it in Yuzhi Academy. Others can't buy it with money."

Seeing that Qin Jinyang was about to leave again, Luo Yuanhu frowned again and again.


Qin Jinyang froze for a moment.

"The most important blessed place for you to practice in Yuzhi Academy is Guilu Mountain."

"There is a layer of aura covering Guilu Mountain. This layer of aura can wash your dantian away. In fact, this layer of aura is a poisonous miasma. If you want to go up the mountain, you have to earn deer scale pills in the academy."

"I have a primitive deer lin in my hand. With the deer lin in your hand, you can meditate on the former deer mountain for a long time, and you can even go deeper."

Luo Yuanhu said.

"Primitive deer? The warden is a good trick."

Qin Jinyang was surprised.

He had heard Jiang Xingyang briefly introduce Guilushan before.


At the core of Yuzhi Academy, there is a mountain that has been shrouded in miasma for many years.

Decades ago, a master in the imperial dynasty discovered that the miasma on Mount Guilu could actually help third-rank warriors wash their bells.

Although the miasma is poisonous, it is effective.

The master was ordered to study the miasma, and the process was quite tragic, and many third-rank people died on the mountain.

But in the end the court still gained something.

On Guilu Mountain, there is a kind of ghost deer. This kind of deer is covered with gray scales, elusive, timid and cautious, extremely fast, and difficult to catch.

The court accidentally caught one.

After day and night research by the skilled craftsmen of Tiangongyuan and Danyuan, they finally found a breakthrough on the scales of the ghost deer.

These scales can filter miasma, so that the damage of miasma to the warrior's body is minimized.

At the same time, the bell washing effect of the miasma on warriors can still be preserved intact.

The first emperor was overjoyed and immediately sent people to hunt ghost deer.

But the ghost deer is too cautious, and is extremely sensitive to the breath of the master.

Not to mention the sixth-rank and seventh-rank masters, even if a fifth-rank master appeared, the group of ghost deer would disappear immediately.

Experts also dare not wantonly destroy Guilu Mountain. After all, the source of the miasma is a plant on Guilu Mountain. Once the plant is destroyed, then Guilu Mountain will be destroyed like an ordinary mountain.

In the end, only fourth-rank warriors were left to hunt ghost deer in Guilu Mountain.

At that time, there was no Yuzhi Academy, and fourth-rank warriors hunted ghost deer and sold them to the court, and the court then sold the deer to third-rank warriors who needed to wash their bells.

Later, the emperor wanted to manage Guilu Mountain in person, just as the buildings of Yuzhi Academy were old and needed to be relocated. In the end, the first emperor decided to build Yuzhi Academy around Guilu Mountain.

From then on, ordinary fourth-rank warriors were no longer qualified to set foot on Guilu Mountain.

The dean used the situation of the mission of the academy to let the fourth-rank warriors in the academy go up the mountain to hunt ghost deer.

As for the third grade, you can't just rely on silver to buy it. In addition to silver, the students need to pay more.

The imperial court killed three birds with one stone, and won directly.

As time passed, the number of ghost deer became less and less.

In the end, the aura of the fourth-rank warriors could not escape the ghost deer's perception, so they had to hunt and kill the third-rank warriors themselves.

But Sanpin faced the ghost deer, it would be very dangerous, many students were pierced through the chest by the ghost deer's antlers.

The number of deer lins fell precipitously, and Yuzhi Academy had become accustomed to taking shortcuts, and the operation of the academy fell into a stalemate for a while.

At this time, Danyuan stood up.

They used deer forest to refine a kind of deer scale pill. Although compared with the original deer forest, the effect is worrying, but it is still better than nothing, and only a small amount of deer forest is needed to refine a lot of pills.

In this way, students gradually got used to many things.

For example, it took a long time for the students to hunt down a ghost deer, and each ghost deer represented a student who had the qualification to stand out.

For example, the students have already adapted to the instability of Lulin Dan, and the taboo that the miasma makes people seriously ill, and they are not allowed to go deep.

The convenience of Lulin once became a legend, or it was exclusively used by the emperor's relatives.

Some students with strong backgrounds or lucky ones can also get one or two pieces of Lu Lin, but they are also at the critical moment of washing the bell, and they go deeper into Guilu Mountain to find a breakthrough.


"Hehe, it's easy to say... To tell you the truth, I worked as a post at Yuzhi Academy for a while back then."

The corners of Luo Yuanhu's mouth twitched slightly, with a somewhat smug expression.

"Eh? What's the matter? The students want to hear the story of the warden... This majestic deer is worth more if it is sold."

Qin Jinyang was full of curiosity.

"Don't mention the courage of the hero, it was many years ago."

"At that time, the number of ghost deer decreased sharply. The fourth rank couldn't find ghost deer, and the third rank couldn't kill ghost deer. Seeing that the royal family didn't have enough deer, the first emperor was furious, and the dean at that time was going crazy..."

"At that time, I had just mastered the [-]th floor of the Yaofeng Wushuang body, and I had just gained some combat power. The dean entrusted the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and I was ordered to go to Guilu Mountain to kill deer."

"Although ghost deer are cunning and cautious, they can't perceive the fluctuation of Qi and blood. I have no real energy in my body, and I am weaker than ordinary people. Ghost deer has no defense at all...In one night, I hunted more than 30 ghost deer."

"The Holy One is overjoyed, the dean is overjoyed, and even the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment has been rewarded."

"It's a pity. At that time, I was just an insignificant remnant of the previous dynasty. The property rewarded to me by the emperor was divided among the teachers in the Yuzhi Academy as rewards."

"I'm very angry, but what can I do? My arms can't twist my thighs. At that time, I had nothing but this stupid strength. I could only hunt ghost deer desperately."

Luo Yuanhu's lips trembled.

Even though so many years have passed, Luo Yuanhu still seems unable to swallow the grievances of that year.

Qin Jinyang also sighed.

Bullying honest people is also a traditional craft of the rentier class.

"What happened later? Why did your lord leave Yuzhi Academy?"

Qin Jinyang asked curiously again.


"Hehe, I'm useless later."

"The Alchemy Institute refines deer scale pills, and a small deer scale can refine a lot of deer scale pills, which is enough to send away ordinary warriors. After all, the number of royal relatives is small, and the inventory is enough."

"In addition to Danyuan, the craftsmen of Tiangongyuan also created a puppet god deer that specializes in hunting ghost deer."

"Actually, this group of ghost deer is very powerful. Although they are animals, they are good at learning. Later, they can actually sense my vitality, and even I began to struggle."

"At this time, the puppet mechanism without any fluctuations in true energy took my place, and I was eliminated by the academy."

Luo Yuanhu sneered, with a sense of unwillingness and grievance in his expression, the implication was obvious: I was eliminated, like an old dog who can't shout, I couldn't see the door, so I was kicked out.

"I see."

Qin Jinyang nodded.

After working on it for a long time, it turns out that this murderous pervert also has a bitter side.

"Yuzhi Academy, up and down, is full of hypocrites."

"At the beginning, I was needed, and he promised me to be the vice president of the academy. Later, a puppet replaced me, and he suspected that I was not very literate, that I was a former minister, and that I was rebellious... Haha, really It's hypocrisy."

The more Luo Yuanhu scolded, the more chilling he became: "As for Lu Lin, why didn't you sell it? I can't sell it, otherwise it would be a crime of deceiving the emperor."

"When I left Yuzhi Academy, a hypocrite stood up and bit me, claiming that I had stolen a large number of deer forests and was going to join the rebel army."

"Thanks to the justice of the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, he argued for me in the court, and finally I got rid of the suspicion. In fact, I did hide a piece of deer, but if I sell it, it will discredit the boss."

Luo Yuanhu sighed heavily.

Recalling the previous Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Luo Yuanhu's face was full of gratitude.

Qin Jinyang smiled with a smile on his face.

The previous Secretary of the Ministry of Punishments was a well-known corrupt man in the imperial court, and he had been copied and beheaded by all his families.

According to the dossiers released by the imperial court, the corruption in Shangshu and the number of people murdered for money are simply outrageous.

And Luo Yuanhu was the accomplice back then, at least hundreds of innocent people he assassinated on behalf of the previous Shangshu.

But having said that, the last Shangshu was indeed a righteous person. Before he died, he took all the charges for all the crimes, and a group of his subordinates survived, including Luo Yuanhu.

Later, Lu Chongqing, who was cautious and even timid, took office.

From then on, Luo Yuanhu sat in the dungeon.

When the predecessor was alive, although Luo Yuanhu's duty was also to guard the dungeon, he had a high degree of freedom.

"The old Shangshu has already left, and the first emperor has passed away. The deer scale I hid back then is not really a crime, but it would be a shame to sell it... give it to you, with this deer scale , you can walk faster than others."

Luo Yuanhu shook the void towards the wall.

A wooden drawer on the wall was opened, and a thumb-sized scale flew out of it.

A gust of air flew over, and the scales were in Qin Jinyang's hands.

very light.

There is no special smell.

"If so, then thank you, Lord Warden... I will definitely repay you twice in the future."

Qin Jinyang had an excited expression and clasped his fists.

"Don't mention anything in return, we're destined, I'll just send you off... Come on, hurry to seal the spirit array, don't delay Master Shangshu's inspection."

Luo Yuanhu urged.

I have to send you down quickly, and I have to retreat.

Qin Jinyang nodded and hurried up.


The familiar oppression.

Familiar Luo Shengdao has fierce thoughts.

After all, he took Luo Yuanhu's Lu Lin, this time Qin Jinyang was more careful and suppressed a lot of fierce thoughts.

At the same time, the progress of the third clock washing has improved a lot.

Qin Jinyang estimated that it would be about five days, which is about the same.



The jailers came and went, and changed a lot of new faces, which were different from the previous group of people.

The three battalions get along harmoniously. Although Liang Yuansu has left, everything has been done step by step.

The three new commanders are more reliable than before. After all, they have been swayed before, and all the processes are more skilled than the commanders.

Seeing Qin Jinyang coming in, the three commanders rushed out to greet him, saluted respectfully, and prepared gifts.

Without the Northern Eagle Flying General, Liang Yuansu would have no chance to leave the dungeon.

North Eagle Flying General is a benefactor.

Great benefactor.

Qin Jinyang nodded, greeted briefly, and went straight to the Trace Wind Cave.


The Wind Cave has been emptied by the three commanders.

Before the Wu family was locked here, Qin Jinyang came in, and the criminal was carried out.

No one in the previous high-ranking family is like anyone now, especially Wu Zhiqian, who is the backbone, has been treated with special care over and over again, and even Wu Shuangqi personally sent people to torture and torture, and his face was completely changed, even his tongue was pulled out.

Luo Shize took advantage of the opportunity to gather a lot of available qi. He could actually kill this group of Wu family members, but at this critical moment, he didn't want Luo Yuanhu to be suspicious, and slowly tormented this group of people just like before.

"I really didn't expect that you could really avenge your wrongdoing."

Seeing the completely new Qin Jinyang, Luo Shize was really moved.

Being able to stand up in such a desperate situation and trip the entire Wu family, this nephew is even more powerful than imagined.

Qin Jinyang said a few words modestly, without much greetings, straight to the point, and asked Luo Shize's next plan directly.

Luo Shize did not hide anything, and explained the plan in a few words.

After he surpassed Luo Yuanhu in realm, he has quietly taken the scabbard as his own. With the Wu family's true energy, he will be able to arrange an endless death battle at that time.

Once the death array is activated, it can only be activated if one person is completely dead, otherwise no one can escape.

This is also Luo Shize's last move.

Either you die or I die.

Qin Jinyang sighed, and didn't know what to say other than emotion.

He asked Luo Shengdao again.

Luo Shize was shocked when he heard that Qin Jinyang could sense Luo Shengdao's murderous thoughts, and that even Qi and blood could suppress the murderous thoughts.

"The Luosheng Knife is different from your true qi fighters' treasures. Its qi and blood are direct, and it kills too many creatures. There is a murderous intent on the blade."

"This ferocious thought is a bullying thing. It can sense qi and blood. It fears whoever has strong qi and blood. When you suppress it, don't take it lightly."

"In addition to Luo Shengdao, Luo Yuanhu also has to guard against it. It may be his trap for me. I haven't stepped into it yet, but you have fallen into it first."

Luo Shize frowned.

"Then will I play a bad role, and instead help Luo Yuanhu?"

Qin Jinyang was rather nervous about this matter.

"You can rest assured on this point, fierce thoughts bully the weak and fear the strong, and can recognize the breath of blood. If you are not present, Luo Yuanhu may be able to better grasp the Luo Shengdao, but once you come, Luo Shengdao will know who to fear... When the death battle is activated, if you teleport it over, we may be able to grab the knife directly."

Luo Shize thought about it and put forward a hypothesis, although the possibility was not high.

"Can it still be like this?"

Qin Jinyang's eyes lit up: "By the way, if I teleport in without being suppressed by the spirit sealing array, will it be dangerous?"

Qin Jinyang asked again.

"No... the suppression of the spirit sealing array is not to protect warriors, but to protect the dungeon from being corroded by true energy."

"Luo Yuanhu is about to die. What's the point of this dungeon? It doesn't matter whether it corrodes or not! What's more, you are only a third-grade true energy, and you are not qualified to destroy the dungeon."

Luo Shize said.

The two chatted about the details again, and Qin Jinyang left the dungeon.


Luo Yuanhu was retreating, but Qin Jinyang didn't bother him, anyway, he would come to apprentice tomorrow anyway.

Back on the ground, Qin Jinyang met a group of people going out of the city.

It's Princess Xuanjin.

Bai Taikong rode a white horse beside the carriage.

Seeing Qin Jinyang, Bai Taikong smiled, and Qin Jinyang clasped his fists in salute.

When you are in trouble, this son-in-law is very interesting.

"Little Lord!"

Suddenly, the old fourth ghost appeared beside Qin Jinyang.

"Where is Princess Xuanjin going?"

Qin Jinyang asked.

"Yuzhi Academy."

"My young master, you don't know that Princess Xuan Jin is the vice president appointed by His Majesty."

The old four.

"I see!"

Qin Jinyang nodded.

He suddenly remembered that the first time he met Princess Xuanjin, she did say that she was going to Yuzhi Academy and that she wanted to take care of herself.

Relationships are all over the world.

"Young master, the son-in-law is just going to see the princess off. If he doesn't go for now, he may go with you."

The fourth child said again.

"Uh...that's it..."

Qin Jinyang nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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