Chapter 253
"Master Qin is just joking. Cui Huayong is your retainer. If you are willing to betroth him, it's just a matter of one word. The so-called orders from parents and matchmaker's words, her father will only follow you."

Eunuch Chen waved his hands, complimenting Qin Jinyang.

"No, no! Eunuch Chen, you are serious. I have no right to decide the fate of others. Although the third child grew up in Beiying Mansion, her marriage mainly depends on her willingness, but I can try my best to match it up. "

Qin Jinyang smiled, but his words were quite serious.

Eunuch Chen was at a loss: "Master Qin, you are the master. Although Cui Huayong works in the Prince's Mansion, you still have to say a word about her marriage. This..."

Qin Jinyang's serious expression made Eunuch Chen a little surprised, and he even thought that Qin Jinyang was refusing.

"Eunuch Chen, don't get me wrong, I have no intention of refusing..."

Qin Jinyang also came back to his senses, and explained: "After all, it is related to the happiness of the third child for a lifetime. Let alone me, even her own father's opinion is just a reference. In our Beiying Mansion, getting married and choosing a son-in-law is completely free. As long as she wants...Of course, I can say good things for your godson, but first of all, your godson must have a good character."

"If you really like it, let your godson go after it bravely. Jincheng is as good as gold and stone. If your son is willing to give his heart, the third child will definitely be moved."

The two walked and chatted, and Eunuch Chen finally understood what Qin Jinyang meant.

This North Eagle flying general is also really strange.

His attitude towards his retainers was indeed too indulgent.

But what he said is also right, if his son really likes Cui Huayong, let him pursue it by himself, it's only natural that a gentle lady is a gentleman.


"Hey...that person..."

When he was about to leave the palace gate, Qin Jinyang saw a group of eunuchs. These eunuchs were obviously of low status, dressed in shabby clothes, and all of them were sallow and emaciated.

But in the crowd, there was an eunuch who looked familiar.

Not right.

How could he pick a dung bucket?
Qin Jinyang shook his head, and didn't ask any further questions... He must have been dazzled and misidentified.

" are not mistaken, he is Eunuch Han. Speaking of which, you inherited the title of North Eagle Flying General in Qiyi City, and he also served as the supervisor of Qiyi City not long ago, you should know each other."

Eunuch Chen looked at the group of people with a bit of embarrassment.

"Is it really Eunuch Han? He...why..."

Qin Jinyang frowned with disbelief.

What's the situation?
Not long ago, Eunuch Han was still standing in the Golden Luan Hall. Although he was at the end, he was majestic.

Being able to supervise the army in the frontier army is the eyes and ears of the dynasty, which shows that Eunuch Han has won the new post of the dynasty. With such a status, how could he suddenly pick up the dung bucket.

Taking a closer look, Qin Jinyang found that Eunuch Han's face was swollen, as if he had been beaten.

The last time we met, my head was still full of black hair, but now it is more than half white, and I have lost a lot of weight, and my toes are all exposed in my two worn-out shoes.

This is too miserable.

Could it be that Eunuch Han has committed rebellion?
Even less likely, the group of eunuchs should be the most loyal.

"Alas... the frontier army was defeated, directly losing 20 soldiers, while the enemy country only had 60,000 people's troops, winning more with less, the court's face was completely humiliated, and the emperor Longyan was furious..."

Eunuch Chen sighed leisurely.

Qin Jinyang also sighed.

The biggest news in the imperial capital right now is the disastrous defeat of the frontier army.

More than 20 people were really slaughtered. Some soldiers who escaped claimed that those cities were a hundred times more tragic than hell, which was a true portrayal of millions of dead bodies.

"Could it be that Eunuch Han went to the camp where the army is supervised..."

Qin Jinyang's mouth is dry, this little old man, he can't be so unlucky, right?
"Yes, Eunuch Han was the supervisor of the defeated general. The army suffered a crushing defeat, and Zhongzhou lost three cities. Hundreds of thousands of people in the city were slaughtered, blood flowed into rivers, and the loss of grain and silver was even more incalculable, and even affected other lines of defense. .”

"The army of more than 20 people is still the elite of the court. It has gone through countless wars, but less than 3000 people escaped back."

"The general who led the army came back to accept the crime, and he was willing to apologize with death, but before he died, he wanted to sue Eunuch Han for interfering with the formation of the army for his own self-interest. The rest of the soldiers who fled back were also willing to die, but The only request is to ask His Majesty to kill Eunuch Han and comfort the souls of the soldiers."

"Before Eunuch Han returned to Beijing, he was severely injured by the remnant soldiers and defeated generals. He became a tool for everyone to vent their anger."

Eunuch Chen's tone was also very heavy.

"The entire army of 20 was wiped out. Blame Eunuch Han? Dare I ask Eunuch Chen, has the general who led the army been beheaded by the Holy One?"

Qin Jinyang frowned, hesitated and asked again.

He always felt that something was wrong.

Qin Jinyang has really come into contact with Eunuch Han, and has some right to speak about Eunuch Han's virtues.

This person is indeed greedy for merit, and his mind is not much bigger than the tip of a needle, but he never asked about the formation of troops. At that time, Qiyi City had reached that point of despair, but no matter what orders Su Zhannan gave, Eunuch Han never bothered to ask. .

Although his face was dark all the time, he consciously kept his mouth shut.

Eunuch Han's only request is to give him some credit for winning the battle.

Qin Jinyang also learned that Eunuch Han had never interfered with the general's fighting thinking and command style before.

Later, drinking with Su Zhannan, the two of them even talked about Eunuch Han.

In Su Zhannan's comments, Eunuch Han is also a knowledgeable eunuch. Although he is very happy, the old eunuch has a firm belief in his heart... A professional person should do professional things and never interfere.

Eunuch Han's job is to be the emperor's eyes and ears, he just monitors the words and deeds of the frontier soldiers, which is his own specialty.

It is the general's business to arrange troops.

"Leading general? Hehehe, Master Qin was joking. General Yuan was disturbed by the supervising army, and the main responsibility is not on the general. If there was no interference from the supervising army, General Yuan claimed that he could wipe out the enemy army, and even killed all the way The imperial capital of the enemy country."

"What's more, General Yuan is still Concubine Yuan's younger brother. Concubine Yuan is the most favored concubine in the harem."

"Although the battle was defeated, the chief culprit was the supervising army. Although General Yuan also committed crimes, he did not deserve to die. The Holy Majesty has already punished General Yuan in front of all the officials. He also fined him ten years' salary and fifty court staff .”

"General Yuan is currently recovering from his injuries in the Ministry of War. After he recovers from his injuries, General Yuan will go out again and follow the generalissimo to learn how to deploy troops."

Eunuch Chen spoke leisurely, his tone was a little strange beyond words.

"Ten years of fine?"

"Fifty court staff?"

"As the coach, if you lose more than 20 troops and lose several cities in a row, the final punishment is ten years of salary?"

Qin Jinyang was completely numb.

Is the emperor drunk and stupid in the gentle village?
A ten-year salary simply ridiculous.

A dignified general, will he live on his salary?

And the fifty court staff is even more ridiculous than the ten-year fine.

Isn't it the same as scratching an itch for a dignified general to suffer fifty boards?
Concubine Yuan's younger brother.

Ha ha……


It's no wonder that Eunuch Han suddenly interfered with the formation of the frontier army. After a long time, it was passive interference.

The king lets his ministers interfere, and the ministers have to interfere.

No... Eunuch Han is an eunuch. This sentence should be: The king lets the slave interfere, and the slave dare not not interfere.

"Eunuch Han is a scapegoat!"

Qin Jinyang sneered.

Although I don't know Eunuch Han very well, but whether I should say it or not, Eunuch Han has nothing to say to me. He is absolutely interesting, helping and taking care of him everywhere.

If Eunuch Han really interfered with the formation, it would be his own fault.

But being wronged to death alive makes people uncomfortable.

"Hush... Your Majesty Qin speaks carefully... Your Majesty is very aware of the details, how could you wrong others. In this palace, you must control your own mouth."

Eunuch Chen looked around and hurriedly stopped Qin Jinyang from talking nonsense.

"Chen Gonggong, I want to have a word with Han Gonggong, can it be convenient?"

"Will the emperor kill him?"

Qin Jinyang asked.

Eunuch Han was in a trance and his eyesight was dull. In this state, the emperor didn't even need to behead him. He was afraid that he would die suddenly.

"Lord Qin, it's totally unnecessary to listen to the old eunuch's persuasion."

"What can you do if you meet him or talk to him? Losing 20 troops, such a crime, you can't do anything."

"Concubine Yuan is the emperor's favorite concubine. The Yuan family is prosperous. The Yuan family has a strong background in the six divisions of the court. You have a bright future, so there is no need for you to cause trouble."

Eunuch Chen had a solemn expression and shook his head firmly:
"Master Qin, I know you have a little friendship with Eunuch Han, but Eunuch Han's fate is beyond his power."

"Speaking of a rebellious word, even the Holy One can't keep Eunuch Han now..."

"The Holy Majesty has always held Eunuch Han in high regard. I know the Holy Majesty. In fact, the Holy Majesty is also reluctant to kill him. The Holy Majesty deprived Eunuch Han of all his duties and demoted him to the lowest eunuch. In fact, he wanted Eunuch Han to end himself. decent."

Chen Gonggong warned Qin Jinyang earnestly.

Qin Jinyang narrowed his eyes, and suddenly sneered: "Is it a deal? Or... a trade-off?"

Yuan family.

How could it be possible that Qin Jinyang hadn't heard of it after coming to the imperial capital for so long.

The Yuan family is almost dead in the mouth of the fourth child.

Concubine Yuan is the emperor's favorite concubine, which is well known throughout the world.

Because of Concubine Yuan, the emperor does not know how many noble concubines have been abolished, and now even the empress of the dynasty has to give Concubine Yuan three points.

The Yuan family where Concubine Yuan lives is also a well-known Wang family in the Zhongzhou Dynasty, and its origin can even be traced back to the previous dynasty... It can be said that it is still unknown whether the Jiang family can overthrow the previous dynasty without the Yuan family's defection.

The general is Concubine Yuan's younger brother, so he must be in the direct line of the Yuan family.

Leading troops to fight is to gild the sons of the Yuan family, but people are not as good as heaven, the enemy country does not respect martial arts, and the opponents facing the frontier army have changed.

In the end, the frontier army was defeated. In order to appease the people's grievances, the emperor must have blamed himself.

The eunuch is a disaster for the country.

From ordinary people to hundreds of officials, from the imperial court to the rivers and lakes, who doesn't hate eunuchs?

At this time, it is perfectly appropriate to introduce a high-ranking eunuch to sacrifice to heaven.

Eunuch Han is the card in the emperor's hand.

After playing this card, the Yuan family owed the emperor another favor.

In fact, in the emperor's heart, he was always thinking about balance.

Although General Yuan suffered a defeat, the matter has come to this point, and killing him will not turn back time. Fortunately, it is better to leave him in an idle position. Although he is an idiot, as long as he does not lead troops to fight in the future, he will be regarded as dead.

If General Yuan is alive, the Yuan family has to appreciate it.

But the emperor couldn't just kill Eunuch Han without asking about the innocence.

After all, the power of foreign relatives is expanding, and they have to be checked and balanced, and the group of eunuchs beside them are the most handy eagle claws.

If Eunuch Han is killed, the eunuchs around him will be in constant panic.

Everyone is not a fool, and everyone knows that Eunuch Han is the scapegoat.

Eunuch Han's post was removed, and Eunuch Han committed suicide in fear of crime, which is the best ending.

This is... the Emperor's Heart Technique?

When Qin Jinyang was distracted for a while, Eunuch Han staggered and fell to the ground suddenly.

On his shoulders, carrying a dung bucket.

This time, the excrement in the excrement bucket scattered all over the place, and his whole body was also rolled in the excrement.


The eunuch in charge beside him stepped forward and kicked Eunuch Han in the face.


You used to show off your might, but now you are unlucky?
The higher-ups asked me to bully you, and it would be best to force you to death, so just look at my methods.

"Come on, call are clumsy, you eat for nothing, you bastard, what's the point of living?"

When the eunuch in charge gave an order, the eunuchs beside him immediately put down the things in their hands, and all of them jumped on them fiercely.

Punches and kicks fell like a torrential rain, and this group of people seemed to have a deep hatred for Eunuch Han.


Qin Jinyang stood aside, his blood pressure surged immediately.

But without Eunuch Chen leading the way, he has no right to scurry around in the palace. Any guard in golden armor that can be seen everywhere can easily kill himself.

"What about Eunuch Han's subordinates and godsons? No one cares?"

Qin Jinyang frowned and scolded.

Speaking of which, all the eunuchs who had been kind to him in the past seemed to have disappeared collectively.

"One person can ascend to heaven, and vice versa... Eunuch Han is unlucky. All the eunuchs who followed him have lost their power and protection. They can't protect themselves, so how can they manage Eunuch Han?"

"Lord Qin, it's getting late, let's leave the palace as soon as possible."

Seeing Eunuch Han being beaten by a group, Eunuch Chen hurriedly urged Qin Jinyang, fearing that Qin Jinyang would do something rebellious if he had an impulse.

In fact, Eunuch Chen can stop it in the past. Although he is old, he has served the late emperor after all, and he still has some say in the palace, but Eunuch Chen has never been involved in right and wrong. If you save Eunuch Han today, you will offend Concubine Yuan tomorrow.

I have only one coffin, and I don't have many days in the world, but my godson is young, how can I implicate my son.

The old friend died for himself, his son was closer than his own son.


Qin Jinyang clenched his fists, seeing Eunuch Han being beaten until his head was covered with blood, he felt really uncomfortable.

If it wasn't for the team of golden-armored guards nearby, he would have rushed over long ago.

Those golden-armored guards seemed to be watching Eunuch Han being beaten, and everyone had an expression of revenge.

Speaking of which, Ouchi guards are also considered soldiers, and they also hate Eunuch Han for interfering with the frontier army.


"Stop... just beat him half to death, don't really beat him to death, the one surnamed Han is a sinner through the ages, and he deserves atonement by living."

The father-in-law waved his hand, and the rest of the eunuchs slowly dispersed.

His mission is to force Eunuch Han to commit suicide.

"Grandpa Han, you taught us before to keep the palace clean, not even ash on the floor...but you spilled excrement, what should we do?"

"Haven't you eaten for several meals? You must be hungry too?"

"The miscellaneous family has a plan in mind! You lick the sewage on the floor to fill your stomach and clean the floor. Isn't that killing two birds with one stone?"

The father-in-law pinched his nose and his voice was sharp.

The golden-armored guards not far away all frowned... In terms of their mental attitudes, it must be these dead eunuchs.


Qin Jinyang really couldn't bear it.

You really can't see him breathing, why don't you just kill him, why torture him like this?
Qin Jinyang flicked his sleeves and walked directly towards Eunuch Han.

If Eunuch Chen doesn't help, then forget it.

If he offended Huang Wei, I hope Jiang Youliang begged his father to ask for mercy.

If the Prince of Chaos settles the matter unfairly, it will be settled once and for all, and he will run away resolutely.

I went to Nima's court hall, to Nima's Yuzhi Academy... I went straight to the rivers and lakes.

Anyway, the three washings are coming to an end, so the Yuzhi Academy is of little significance.



A voice sounded.The group of eunuchs and the nearby guards in golden armor all turned their heads curiously.

"You beat me up, scolded me, and made people drink feces. It's really too much!"


The voice did not come from Qin Jinyang.

As soon as Qin Jinyang took two steps, he looked at the man in the distance.

Yao Xiaojie?

The shout came from Yao Xiaojie.


My younger sister serves the little princess personally, and is also considered a maid in the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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