Chapter 259

In fact, Eunuch Han had already prepared for the worst, and he didn't even take Qin Jinyang's words to heart.

How can a North Eagle flying general who has no real power allow himself, a sinner, to meet the majestic prince of a country.

Young people have a good face, just bragging.

To be honest, Eunuch Han has a group of godsons. Although he liked Qin Jinyang and helped Qin Jinyang a little, it was really just a small favor. It was more complicated than the few times he helped Qin Jinyang.

That insignificant friendship is not worth Qin Jinyang's effort.

When he suddenly received the news that the prince had summoned him, Eunuch Han was only shocked and amazed, and he didn't think about Qin Jinyang.

It wasn't until he arrived at the East Palace that he learned through a familiar eunuch that it was General Beiying who offered the alchemy to His Highness the Crown Prince, and only then did he have this opportunity.

According to normal thinking, Qin Jinyang should try after receiving the reward.

If His Royal Highness is willing to summon him, then the previous friendship will be repaid. If His Royal Highness does not see him, Qin Jinyang has already done his best.

Even if he said it casually, Eunuch Han is already grateful.

But he never expected that this Qin Jinyang would be so affectionate and righteous.

He actually directly attributed all the credit to himself... In this way, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will definitely summon him.

This is a dead end.

Eunuch Han has not been so grateful to a person for a long, long time.

It's a pity that he doesn't have much time, otherwise he would definitely become brothers with Qin Jinyang.

Eunuch Han was struggling in the palace, and he knew best how much people fought for fame and fortune. He was used to stabbing people in the back. People with pure nature like Qin Jinyang may have become extinct.

No wonder, Su Zhannan admired him so much in the battle against Qiyicheng.

You know, Qin Jinyang has no background, and at the critical moment of his breakthrough, he urgently needs the pill.


I am in the sunset, and now I have nothing to give you in return.


"You want to see Gu, do you have anything to explain?"

The prince was leaning on the bed, looking quite amiable.

Eunuch Han lowered his head and his eyes flickered.

He is an eunuch, he grew up watching other people's winks, and he is best at observing words and expressions.

His Royal Highness the Prince's tone was calm, but extremely indifferent.

It's like... talking to a dead person.

The bedroom was silent.

Eunuch Han didn't reply in a hurry, and the prince didn't rush either.

In fact, the crown prince knew the purpose of Eunuch Han, he wanted to live, and he asked himself to protect him.

But at this moment, the stakes are very high, and it is impossible for him to forgive the sinner, let alone disobey his father's order.

As for whether Eunuch Han is innocent or not, it doesn't really matter at all.

"Your Highness, this old slave does have something to say..."

Eunuch Han got up and looked at the guards and maids around the prince.

"You all go down!"

The prince waved his hand.

"Your Highness..."

The princess frowned.

The Eunuch Han in front of him is a serious offender of the imperial court. Once he throws the mouse, the crown prince will be in danger.

The eyes of several personal guards were like lightning, as if they wanted to penetrate Eunuch Han's heart.

"Go on, Gu's strange disease has faded away, and it won't be a problem to use his fists... What's more, it is impossible for Yi Shi to assassinate Gu."

The prince waved his hand again.

Eunuch Han's expression changed, and his eyes were full of gratitude.

The reason for gratitude is the word Chi Shi.

Han Chishi.

This is Eunuch Han's name, a name bestowed by the crown prince himself.

At that time, he was still young, and his duty was to serve the prince to study.

Even though many years have passed, Eunuch Han still remembers that hot afternoon.

The prince was reading poems, and before he knew it, the prince was fascinated. Just in time for the emperor to check the reading status of the princes, he was very happy to see the prince forgetting himself to read, and the prince took advantage of the opportunity to give himself a name.

From that day on, Eunuch Han had his own name.


Only Eunuch Han and the prince were left in the bedroom.

The prince didn't speak, he was the superior, and he was waiting for Mr. Han to speak.

"Your Highness, my servant, please be careful and watch out for King Kai."

Eunuch Han gritted his teeth with a serious expression.

Eunuchs are not allowed to participate in state affairs.

The eunuchs are not allowed to gossip about the royal relatives and relatives. It is normal for a little carelessness to be smashed to pieces.

In the past, Eunuch Han was afraid of rules, but now he has a fearless aura on him who is about to die.

Kai Wang.

Yuan Ren opened.

The late emperor's brother with a different surname, and the current emperor's tutor, is also an uncle Wang with a different surname. He has the late emperor's whip in his hand, which can be used to beat the unconscious emperor and behead treacherous officials.

Yuan Renkai's background is actually a traitor from the former dynasty.

But unlike those families who rebelled halfway, the Yuan clan was already close before the Jiang family rebelled, so King Kai and the first emperor became brothers with different surnames.

"King Kai? He is Gu's uncle, the leader of the court, and he has made great contributions to the court. Why should Gu be wary of him?"

The prince squinted his eyes, and his tone was neither salty nor weak.

"Your Highness, do you still remember the big case three months ago?"

Eunuch Han stared red.

"Three months ago, a censor claimed that the stone hook wood in Xugu City was secretly replaced by ordinary wood. In order to attract the attention of the emperor, the censor did not hesitate to hit his head against the pillar and splash blood on the Golden Palace. .”

Eunuch Han said anxiously.

"Of course I remember. It's a pity that when the imperial envoy arrived in Xugu City, the sky was dry and things were dry. There was a fire in Xugu City, and the stone hooks in several warehouses were all covered by flames."

"Although it is a bit strange, after the fire was extinguished, there were indeed countless remains of charcoal ashes in the warehouse."

Prince said.

Shigou wood is a kind of cork inlaid in the lining of the battle armor, which has a wonderful effect of offsetting shocks.

Lihai Kingdom borders Zhongzhou, the environment is harsh, and the folk customs are tough. The barbarians living there are tall and savage, and even children contain brute force. Their limbs are stiff, and it is difficult to master dexterous blades. Weapons can shatter a person's internal organs, coupled with the power of blunt weapons, it is difficult for Zhongzhou soldiers to approach.

Fortunately, the Tiangong Institute forged the inner armor of stone hook wood. With the buffer of stone hook wood, the blunt weapons of Lihao Kingdom are no longer deadly. In recent months, the Zhongzhou army has won several victories and is gradually regaining strategic key points.

But Xu Gucheng caught fire, but it caused a disaster...


In recent years, the weather in Lihai country has been smooth, coupled with the enthronement of an unparalleled Ming emperor who opened up border trade, the originally barren and barbaric country has become more and more prosperous.

After getting rich, the aristocratic struggles within the Lihai Kingdom died down, and they were united to the outside world. Of course, this still relied on the new emperor's iron and blood skills.

Having tasted the sweetness of business, Cintiq paid more attention to business transactions.

The location of the Kerihai Kingdom is bad, and the commercial roads have to pass through Zhongzhou.

However, Lihai Kingdom and Zhongzhou are feuds. Their previous emperor was captured alive by Zhongzhou, and tortured to death in front of the border. At that time, the new emperor had not ascended the throne, and he saw his father die on the execution platform of Zhongzhou Military Department. I also saw my sister and sister being raped to death by the frontier army.

The new emperor vowed to destroy Zhongzhou in public, otherwise he would not be a human being.

Long-distance and short-term attack have been the strategy of Lihai Kingdom in recent years.

On the border of Zhongzhou, there is no end to death,
Of course, the new emperor of Lihai Kingdom is self-aware, and he has no idea of ​​fully occupying the land of Zhongzhou for the time being.

The army of the Lihai Kingdom attacked the city of Zhongzhou, but still stopped at the goal of controlling the commercial roads.

But the Zhongzhou imperial court knew that Lihao Kingdom was ambitious, and it would be a matter of time before they attacked Zhongzhou in an all-round way. If they were allowed to trade freely, it would be the most terrifying and confidant trouble sooner or later.

The imperial court paid an extremely tragic price and interrupted several commercial channels in Lihai Kingdom.

Eunuch Han's army suffered a complete defeat, and the opponent was the Lihai Kingdom.

The leading generals of the enemy country are obviously the new emperor who took the lead and marched personally.

As a result, 20 troops were lost on the battlefield.

In fact, many ministers of the Ministry of War have analyzed that the reason for the disastrous defeat in this battle is the confusion of tactics and strategies of the generals of Zhongzhou, and the reason why the new emperor of Lihai Kingdom personally marched, and the opponents are absolutely elite, but the bigger factor may be the same as Xu Gucheng. That fire is connected.

Without the inner armor of stone hook and wood, it is really difficult for the Zhongzhou soldiers to stop the suppression of the blunt weapons of the Lihai Kingdom.

Of course, the ministers were only aware of this kind of thing, and no one said it at all... There is already a eunuch supervising the army for the dead ghost, so why bother to make troubles.


"! Hehe...the remains of Shigoumu's charcoal..."

Eunuch Han suddenly sneered, and he even began to be rude, forgetting the obedience that eunuchs should have in front of the prince.

"Your Highness, is there a possibility that the batch of burnt stone hook wood is simply ordinary wood that confuses the public?"

"Why did our catapults and blunt weapons have no effect on this group of Lihai troops?"

"We also killed many soldiers from the Lihai Kingdom. Why are there stone hooks on the inside of their leather armor?"

Eunuch Han asked with red eyes.

The barbarians in Lihai Kingdom are tall and burly, with rough skin and thick flesh. In addition, the new emperor opened up business and bought a lot of armor from other countries. Therefore, it is difficult for Zhongzhou's swords and guns to cause fatal injuries. Fortunately, Zhongzhou Tiangong Academy To promote the world, according to the characteristics of the soldiers of the Lihai Kingdom, a batch of catapults and blunt throwing weapons were developed.

This can be regarded as fighting poison with fire, after all, they are huge, and their legs and feet are not agile, just like living targets.

But this battle was extremely weird. Throwing stones or blows with blunt objects, which were always unfavorable in the past, had no effect. The opponent laughed at the frontier army unscrupulously.

20 troops.

Line up for you to kill, and you will have to kill for a long time. It is not that simple to annihilate the entire army.

This is simply a targeted trap.

Eunuch Han stared into the prince's eyes, His Royal Highness squinted his eyes and did not speak.

"Your Highness... Shigoumu is a spiritual tree cultivated by the masters of Tiangong Academy with great painstaking efforts. It is impossible for foreign countries to plant it. Even in Zhongzhou, only Xu Gucheng can plant it."

Eunuch Han added.

His implication is that the stone hooks worn by the soldiers of the country here come from Zhongzhou.

"There is another thing, coincidence and coincidence, so coincidental that the old slave has to doubt King Kai."

"You must have heard that not long ago, the Kaijun under King Kai seized a large number of mixed electric knives. The quantity is large enough for Kaijun to equip one of them, and its quality is so good that people in the Kaijun No hesitating to take the risk, but also to smuggle the mixed electric knife into the market."

"The mixed electric knife is the unique weapon of Yada country, and only Yada country can forge it."

"The generals under King Kai's command spread the news everywhere, claiming that King Kai intercepted a group of foreign caravans. But the Kaijun guarded the southeast border, and Yada Kingdom is located in the southwest, and the commander guarding the southwest line is Jiao. marshal."

"Coincidentally, the Yada Kingdom recently purchased a batch of deep-frozen jade, and the deep-frozen jade is a mine buried deep in the ground of the Lihai Kingdom..."

Eunuch Han looked into the prince's eyes, and his words became more and more gloomy: "King Kai somehow got a batch of mixed electric knives, Yada country got a batch of deep-frozen jade from Lihao country, and Lihao country got a lot of stone hook wood ..."

Eunuch Han didn't continue talking.

The atmosphere in the bedroom froze again.

"What do you mean, Kai Wang eats the inside out?"

The prince suddenly spoke.


"On the surface, King Kai and the Lihai Kingdom have no intersection, but he sold Shigoumu to Yada Kingdom, and exchanged electric knives from Yada Kingdom to arm Kai's army."

"As for the Yada country, they exchanged stone hooks for the deep-frozen jade from the Yada country."

"Actually, the Lihai Kingdom and the Yada Kingdom are doing business normally, buying and selling. The only big winner is Kaiwang."

"Firstly, the King Kai armed the army, and the combat power of the Kai army went up to a higher level."

"Secondly, King Kai has grievances with the generals on the western front. The Lihai Kingdom has been driving straight in, and the army on the western front has been defeated. King Kai's hand is likely to extend to the western front."

"Third, if the Yada Kingdom buys deep-frozen jade, it can suppress Marshal Jiao on the northern front."

"Looking at the world, in fact, all countries are being consumed by wars. The old slave carefully calculated... Guess what, it seems that only King Kai's army has been growing and developing... the southeast border guarded by King Kai , There has been no major battle for a long time.”

Eunuch Han sneered.

"Han Chishi, what on earth are you trying to say... Cough! Cough!"

The prince suddenly coughed.

"The old slave wants to sue the imperial court!"

"It was Yuan Renkai who bought off the top and bottom officials in Xu Gucheng, and he was the one who secretly transported Shigoumu away. He was greedy for profit and traded with the enemy country."

"The culprit who caused the fall of the 20 troops was Yuan Renkai."

Eunuch Han gritted his teeth.

Yuan Renkai, you really have a good plan.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Strengthen your Kaijun, but also weaken the Eastern Frontier Army!

"Slandering and framing a town king, do you know what they are charged with?"

"I know that you hate King Kai. Back then, King Kai was in a bad mood and slapped you dozens of times in the palace for no reason, but this is not the reason for you to talk nonsense."

The prince narrowed his eyes.

"The slave is heinous. He is already a stray dog ​​that everyone in Zhongzhou shouts and beats. What crimes do he care about?"

"Yuan Renkai sold the armor most needed by the generals of the Ministry of War to the enemy country, and he was insane."

"Wear Kaiwang's clothes, eat Kaiwang's food, receive Kaiwang's meritorious service, Kaiwang heals when sick, and Kaiwang takes care of his family when he dies... This is the proverb in those border cities under Kaiwang's guard."

"Your servant said something rebellious... King Kai is very ambitious, and I'm afraid he has already turned his back on him."

"Whether your Jiang family can continue to sit in Zhongzhou in the future depends on what the emperor will give in exchange for people's hearts... Whoever has money and things in his hands will be the co-lord of the world, and whoever is ordered by heaven True Dragon Emperor."

Eunuch Han stood up, but he didn't know where the strength came from. His words could no longer be described as rebellious.

"You... arrogant!"

The prince pointed at Eunuch Han's nose, wishing he could pull out his tongue immediately.

"Your Highness, during these years when I served as a military supervisor in the Ministry of War, I quietly investigated a lot of evidence..."

"These evidences can prove that Yuan Renkai colluded with the enemy country! Of course, the slaves know the difficulties of the court. If there is no Kai Wang's army to sit in the town, I am afraid that the imperial capital may fall, and the emperor will definitely not move Kai Wang."

Eunuch Han clapped his palm on his thigh.

A ball of blood exploded, and there was actually a jade slip the size of a fingernail hidden in the flesh and blood of his thigh.

"Although Yuan Renkai can't die, this servant wants to beg His Highness to kill Yuan Bolou."

Eunuch Han put the jade slip beside the bed and kowtowed heavily.

Yuan Bolou is the youngest son of Yuan Renkai and the general of the defeated army.

As a supervising army, I have been reduced to a castrated dog that has been stinking for thousands of years, while Yuan Bolou, the instigator, has been fined and paid without pain or itching, and will soon be reinstated.

Eunuch Han can be used as a substitute for the dead ghost, but Yuan Bolou must be buried with him.

As long as the prince announces the evidence to the world, Yuanbolou will undoubtedly die.

At that time, the Ministry of War will not be able to spare him, and the people of the world will not be able to escape him. Even if the emperor does not want to offend Yuan Renkai and pardon Yuan Bolou, it will be impossible... Even the emperor will not be able to stop the people of the world.


Eunuch Han was an orphan, and by chance, he became an eunuch.

Due to the lack of family affection since he was a child, Eunuch Han wanted to have relatives, so he went around asking for his son.

In the past few decades, Eunuch Han has had many godsons, more than the emperor's own sons.

But among so many godsons, there are currently only two who are truly devoted to themselves. Even if they are down and down, they are willing to give up everything to help themselves.

Qin Jinyang is the second.


Qin Jinyang cannot be considered a godson.

In this way, Eunuch Han only has one godson who is closer than his own son.

His name is Zhao Lizhou, and he is a young general.

Zhao Lizhou is extremely talented and is also one of the deputy generals in this expedition. When everyone fled, Zhao Lizhou resisted to the death. In the end, in order to save his life, he was attacked by spies hiding in the army.

Killed on the spot.

Eunuch Han ordered to hunt down the spies, but Yuan Bolou ordered to continue to retreat.

In fact, the spies didn't run far, and they could be arrested and brought back in a very short time with only a small amount of manpower, without delaying the withdrawal of troops at all.

But Yuan Bolou just disagreed.

Because of this incident, Eunuch Han disobeyed the military order for the first time, and even forced Yuan Bolou to issue an order.

This time, it also paved the way for Eunuch Han to seize power and usurp power.

In the end, Eunuch Han and his confidants successfully caught the spies.

It's a pity that the spy has been poisoned, and it turns out that someone was going to kill the spy before him.

Before dying, the spy's conscience found out and told the truth.

It turned out that the spies had nothing to do with Li Haoguo, and he was Yuan Bolou's confidant.

Yuan Bolou suspects that Zhao Lizhou has evidence of the Yuan family collaborating with the enemy. With Zhao Lizhou's reputation, once he announces the evidence to the world, it will arouse public opinion across the country, which is not good for King Kai.

In the end, Yuan Bolou ordered to take advantage of the chaos to assassinate Zhao Lizhou.

After the spy's voice fell, he swallowed his breath.

Eunuch Han wailed loudly.

Perhaps, he got his godson in trouble.

Speaking of which, Eunuch Han does have selfish intentions, and his status in the palace can only be ranked sixth.

He wanted to go further, so he went to investigate Kai Wang privately in an attempt to make a great contribution, and Zhao Lizhou was born smart and really helped him investigate a lot of evidence.

Because of himself, Zhao Lizhou was killed.

Although Eunuch Han has Zhao Lizhou's jade slips in his hand, he has been declared a catastrophic stray dog, and the announcement of the news from his mouth made the people of the world hate him even more.

In the end, Eunuch Han thought of the prince.

When these evidences are announced from the mouth of the crown prince, Yuanbolou will undoubtedly die.


"Your Highness, there are various documents in the jade slips, some of which are key evidences, and are hidden in a safe place by the slaves, and there are addresses in the jade slips."

While talking, Eunuch Han has been watching the prince's eyes.


Eunuch Han's heart quickly cooled down, and he was extremely disappointed.

There is a high probability that the prince will not avenge himself, let alone pay attention to his godson's grievances.

The prince's eyes were too calm.

Calm to despair.

With so much evidence in front of him, there was no trace of excitement in his eyes.

It's ridiculous...

Perhaps, the emperor and the prince are very aware of Yuan Renkai's actions.

But the current Yuan Renkai is a tumor on the dynasty.

Although the tumor is ugly, as long as the tumor is not broken, the dynasty can still live, and this tumor can even protect against tetanus.

The emperor is betting.

The internal and external troubles of the gambling dynasty will end quickly, and as long as the serious illness is cured, the tumor can be cut off.

And the tumor is also gambling.

Gambling Dynasty dies first, and then replaces it with his own heart.

Eunuch Han is good at perceiving people's hearts. He has already determined that it is impossible for His Highness to avenge himself.

The balance between the imperial court and King Kai cannot allow a slight deviation.

Under the overall situation, what is he?

On the table of weighing pros and cons, there will be no place for axioms and reasons.

"Your Highness, this old servant is wearing a sinful body. It is inappropriate to leave the palace for too long, so I will go back first!"

Taking a deep breath, Eunuch Han kowtowed to leave.

Before leaving, he took a deep look at the prince.

This is the last time I see His Royal Highness in my life.

The moment he turned around, Eunuch Han seemed to see a child who was struggling to become stronger. It was a young prince who aspired to be a wise emperor, so that all the people in the world could live a prosperous life.

But as time went by, His Royal Highness's eyes were no longer hot, but became colder and colder.


In this case, my life should be given to Qin Jinyang.

There are only two people who really treat me.


In fact, when Eunuch Han came to the Prince's Mansion, besides complaining, there was one more thing...

His life can completely cure the prince's strange disease.

He has been living, just waiting to meet the prince.

Eunuch Han also thought of many ways to meet the prince, but unfortunately the prince fell ill and couldn't see anyone, so he was at a loss what to do.

Fortunately, a Qin Jinyang appeared.

This person made Eunuch Han feel valued again.

People are like that.

One thought of loyalty, one thought of sensibility.

(End of this chapter)

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