This Martial Saint is too generous.

Chapter 270 No matter how superb alchemist is, he can't make regret medicine

Chapter 270 No matter how superb alchemist is, he can't make regret medicine

A group of people from the Ministry of Punishment charged forward in a mighty manner. When they crossed the stairs, the blade of Bai Sensen reflected a strong light, and the stabbing person couldn't open his eyes.

The whole crowd stood up, everyone was stunned.

Then, the breath of terror spread.

Several pampered young masters of the Zhang family were trembling all over, and one of them couldn't stand still, staggered and fell to the ground.

There were also young people from other families who collapsed to the ground and became incontinent on the spot.

The second floor of the restaurant is originally a private space, the windows are covered with bead curtains, only a few rays of strong light are projected in, and the stench that makes people collapse permeates, making people sick.

The people from the Ministry of Punishment frowned and waved their hands, their faces full of ferociousness and impatience.

But the people of several families didn't have time to care about the smell at all.

For now, the person they fear most is undoubtedly the servants of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.


"What are you doing? What right does the Criminal Ministry have to break into private houses?"

The fat shopkeeper immediately sealed the mouth of the sack, and after all the gold leaves were covered, he walked forward very calmly.

Although he was also flustered, but after all, with his back against the big tree of Prince Shu, the mere Ministry of Punishment did not dare to do anything to him. Prince Shu was the emperor's younger brother.

"Don't understand? The criminal department handles the case, come to arrest people... The idlers, get out!"

Behind Liang Yuansu, a young lieutenant rushed forward, speaking righteously.

In fact, the Ministry of Criminal Justice also knew that Prince Shu was playing tricks, but the biggest advantage of Prince Shu is that he accepts as soon as he sees it.

If the interests of the emperor are not involved, the emperor will turn a blind eye.

But this time is different, the emperor wants to beat the Yuan family, and at the same time give the Fang family a face.

Prince Shu may be angry, but not overly vindictive.

Therefore, the Ministry of punishment is not afraid of Prince Shu.

"Hmph, what crimes have my guest officials committed? If the Ministry of Criminal Justice arrests people randomly, then I will not spare you. In Zhongzhou, we still have to follow the king's law!"

The fat shopkeeper squinted his eyes.

Seeing that the Ministry of Justice's tone was firm, obviously relying on something, he panicked even more.

But the expression has to be tough.


The fat shopkeeper confronted the officials of the Ministry of Punishment head-on, with a reassuring appearance, which seemed particularly reassuring.

Someone in the crowd let out a long sigh of relief.

After recovering, they were not as scared as before.

You know, the umbrella this time is the emperor's younger brother, Prince Shu.

Even the Ministry of Punishment has to give Prince Shu a face.

Moreover, there were not many soldiers rushing up, so it was obviously impossible to catch everyone back.

After all, Zhang Hudian and other direct disciples have also seen the big world, and they were also panicked, but they were relatively calm on the surface.

Among the crowd in the Ministry of Punishment, there was one person who attracted the attention of the pro-bishops.

Qin Jinyang!
Ye Zhiqiu saw Qin Jinyang immediately.

Like everyone else, he maintained a standing posture, but when he saw Qin Jinyang, he sat down on the chair and took a long breath.

Perhaps, my savior has come.

Because Ye Zhiqiu had torn his face just now, there was only a disabled sixth uncle beside Ye Zhiqiu, and the other Ye family members subconsciously kept some distance from him.

Even Ye Zhiqiu's own father didn't understand why his son was stubborn.

Ye Zhiqiu has a cheerful mouth, a warm personality, and a righteous conscience in his heart, otherwise he would not secretly give Qin Jinyang Shi Dongguo.

But what the Ye family did made Ye Zhiqiu feel heavy.

In the past, he valued his family more than the sky, but now it's dull, that's all.

Perhaps, it is too much money.

Back then when I hadn't made a fortune, the Ye family was not rich. At that time, my father didn't have so many concubines, and the family had dinner happily.

Recall that my father was not at home all year round, and my mother died of depression. There is no warmth in the so-called home.

Zhang Hudian and Zhang Zhaohong also saw Qin Jinyang.

Zhang Hudian stared at Qin Yuanyang, and began to study and analyze Qin Yuanyang's position in the Ministry of Punishment from Qin Yuanyang's position.

very close!

Qin Jinyang is the closest to the head of the Ministry of Justice, and when the head of the Ministry of Justice looks at Qin Jinyang, his eyes are full of respect from the bottom of his heart.

Not easy.

This Beiying flying general is more powerful than he imagined.

Zhang Hudian even regretted it a little. Qin Jinyang had a very close network in the Ministry of Punishment. If he had insisted on bringing his sister to him at the beginning, it might be able to save today's disaster.

You know, apart from Qin Jinyang's relationship with the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he is also close friends with Shi Yingnan from the Dispersed Medical League.

It's a pity that even the best alchemist can't make the medicine of regret.

Before the master lost, how could he have seen Qin Jinyang in his eyes.

It can only be said that things are unpredictable.

Zhang Zhaohong's expression became even uglier.

Her only memory of Qin Jinyang is that her little brother is good-looking, has a bad temper, is stubborn, and contradicts what he says.

At the beginning, he clearly promised to buy Ye Mingzhu for himself, but he broke his promise on the spot, causing himself to wait for a quarter of an hour in vain.

After all, Zhang Zhaohong is a woman with a very small mind. She was worried that the sisters in the imperial capital would laugh at her, so she directed and acted a humiliating farce.

She asked Zhong Tianwei to play Qin Jinyang and scolded him severely at the gate of Taidan Courtyard.

Anyway, it is impossible for people to trust Qin Jinyang.

But who would have thought that when they meet again, it will indeed be like this scene.

I became a grassroots bandit, but the other party was an officer and soldier.

Zhang Zhaohong began to fear in his heart. In the eyes of narrow-minded people, everyone in the world is just like him.

She took revenge on Qin Jinyang, and she felt that Qin Jinyang would definitely take revenge on herself.


I am done!
Zhong Tianwei silently observed Zhang Zhaohong's expression.

He saw that his sweetheart's expression changed again and again, and his eyes were fixed on the little white face, and he was completely motionless. He had never experienced this kind of gaze that was valued for several years.

My heart is sour.

The back molars are about to crumble.

This time, the Patriarch of the Zhong family suppressed Zhong Tianwei, resolutely not allowing him to go to Zhang Zhaohong's place to embarrass himself.


"Hehe, of course the Criminal Department has real evidence to arrest people. I still have the Criminal Department's sea arrest document, which was written by Lord Shangshu himself. Do you still want to question it?"

Liang Yuansu sneered.

Afterwards, he looked at Qin Yuanyang and secretly winked at Qin Yuanyang.

The Ministry of Punishment has a total of five sea arrest documents in its hands.

Zhang Hudian, Zhong Tianwei, Ye Qianqiu, Ning Suliang, Jing Shanheng...

These five people are Yan Jingyuan's core personal team.

Ning Suliang and Jing Shanheng are slightly weaker than the previous three, but over the years, the Ning family and the Jing family have also flourished, and the prices of many pills are outrageous, causing complaints from the people.

Liang Yuansu winked, telling Qin Jinyang to quickly decide who to forgive.

In fact, Master Shangshu took the time to sign the sea arrest document. At that time, the ironclad evidence had not yet been obtained. Liang Yuansu had the authority to omit one, and it would be difficult to explain the two.

Of course, criminals are also divided into high and low.

If it was Zhang Hudian and Ye Qianqiu, Liang Yuansu felt that he would not be able to delay Qin Jinyang for long.

Fortunately, Qin Jinyang and Shi Yingnan have a good relationship. As long as the dean of Taidan Hospital understands, all problems will be solved.

The fourth child took a step forward with a sullen face.

"Zhang Zhaohong, come out..."

He glared at Zhang Zhaohong from the very beginning, thinking of the notoriety that Zhang Zhaohong gave the young master, his teeth itch with hatred.

Damn it, the young master is sad, and now he has to save the bitch.

The fourth child stood up to speak, because he didn't want Zhang Zhaohong's name to dirty the young master's mouth.

Although a little overreach and rude, but the fourth child was so angry that he didn't care anymore.

Hearing this, Liang Yuansu stared at Qin Jinyang in surprise, the blankness in his eyes could no longer be described in words.

Is this the Hero's Sad Beauty Pass?
But Brother Qin Xian's vision in choosing a partner is actually not very clever.

It's not beautiful at all.

It's not even as good as the poor wife in the family.

If it were me, I wouldn't choose Zhang Zhaohong even if I was blind.

Liang Yuansu has been handling cases in the Ministry of Criminal Justice for many years, and his ability to observe words and expressions is also top-notch. He can see a lot of content just from a person's face.

This woman has a mean personality, and it is impossible to be gentle and virtuous.

Not a good match.

But he didn't say much.

Turnips and greens have their own preferences, maybe Qin Xiandi is tired of looking at rouge and vulgar fans, so he just has a special liking for this kind of woman.

In the past, the warden of the dungeon had a great need for men, and everyone had different personalities.

Qin Jinyang was about to speak, but the fourth child took the initiative.


Good intentions to do bad things ah.

Qin Jinyang wished he could kick the fourth child to death, although he knew that the fourth child had good intentions.

I don't want to have anything to do with Zhang Zhaohong.


"Zhang Zhaohong, meeting the young master is the greatest luck in your life!"

Before Qin Jinyang could speak, the fourth child once again seized the opportunity.

Liang Yuansu nodded, understanding, but at the same time he frowned a little.

Sure enough, the people Brother Qin wanted to help were the most difficult fruit to chew.

Zhang Hudian offended Dean Fang the most, and it was not easy to ask Dean Fang to forgive him.

But it's man-made, and miracles have repeatedly appeared on Brother Qin's body.


The audience was at a loss.

Zhang Zhaohong was named, and everyone turned their attention to her.

Soon, Zhang Zhaohong's cheeks were hot.

She is mean and narrow-minded, but her brains are enough.

The fourth child has already said so, and the matter is already obvious.

Qin Jinyang can't forget me.

Qin Jinyang came to see me.

This dead enemy.


Scared me.

Sure enough, men fight with their swords, but we women fight with their beauty.

With his extraordinary beauty, it is normal for Qin Jinyang to be involuntary.

Zhang Hudian was dumbfounded.

Is there such a good thing?

The matter was already on the table. Standing next to Qin Jinyang was the commander of the Ministry of Punishment, and the commander looked at Qin Jinyang, obviously wanting to spare someone present.

If there is no accident, that person is himself.

Good luck.

The younger sister is beautiful and beautiful, but she still holds Qin Jinyang's heart.

If he wants to save his sister, he must save me.

Qin Jinyang and Shi Yingnan have a good relationship, and Shi Yingnan and You Tongwen are now big celebrities in the Taidan Institute. As long as the two of them explain it clearly, with Fang Haodan's pure and ascetic character, there is a high probability that he will forgive me.

False alarm.

Luck is always on my side.

The Zhang family is saved.

The rest of the Zhang family also breathed a sigh of relief.

The savior has come.


On the other side, Ye Qianqiu was speechless.

He couldn't believe that Qin Jinyang would be ungrateful.

That's it!

It's all fate.

If Qin Jinyang is really a person who values ​​sex and forgets righteousness, then it is also my fate, Ye Qianqiu.

Man is mortal.

Early death, late death, in fact, nothing more.


"Brother Liang, you may have misunderstood..."

Qin Jinyang was about to explain.

At this time, an adjutant behind Liang Yuansu came over and put his lips next to Qin Jinyang's ear: "Lord Qin, there are only five members of Haizhuanshu, all of whom are personally passed down by Yan Jingyuan, and there is no such woman on it..."


Qin Jinyang glanced at the people in the room.

It turns out that there are only five arrest warrants, and the rest of the family members will not be arrested.

Then, Qin Jinyang smiled wryly in his heart.

It is also a piece of wood.

There are only so many Miao people from the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and the second floor of the hotel is already fully occupied, so how could it be possible to arrest them all.

"Lord Qin, after the investigation of the five people's ironclad evidence is clear, the Ministry of Criminal Justice will dispatch people from various prefectures to Beijing to assist in the investigation."

Seeing that Qin Jinyang was at a loss, the lieutenant explained quietly again.

"Brother Qin Xian, if the person you want to take care of is Zhang Hudian, then the problem is a bit serious. I can only guarantee his freedom for 5 hours."

"Within five hours, you have to hurry to find Shi Yingnan and ask the dean Fang to pardon him as soon as possible, otherwise other members of the criminal department will come to arrest him."

Liang Yuansu and Qin Jinyang whispered to each other while looking up and down at Zhang Hudian and his sister.

Judging from the evidence held by the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Zhang Hudian is actually the one who should be arrested.

He has the greatest power and the most vicious heart. In order to expand the Zhang family's property, he secretly killed many families and destroyed many families.

The evidence was so shocking that Liang Yuansu's teeth itch when he saw it.

But Qin Jinyang is his savior, and he has to help when he should.

Let Master Shangshu make a decision.

Even with Dean Fang's forgiveness, Zhang Hudian would no longer have authority in the Taidan Academy.

As for the crimes of the Zhang family, let's deal with them later.

Perhaps Brother Qin Xian was just impulsive for a while, and after the impulsiveness passed, he would have no feelings for Zhang Zhaohong, and then he could still pursue his old debts.

Whether to say it or not, Brother Qin's taste is hard to agree with.


A smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Hudian's mouth.

Liang Yuansu took out the sea arrest document from his arms, and he was picking the one of Zhang Hudian.

Hide first.

As a result, Qin Jinyang took one of them with quick eyes and quick hands.

It was the one of Ye Zhiqiu.

He didn't say much, but just put Ye Zhiqiu's photo back into Liang Yuansu's arms.

The fourth child was dumbfounded.

The young master actually wanted to save Ye Zhiqiu?
It's totally impossible.

Could it be that the young master was blinded by his vision?

Liang Yuansu held Zhang Hudian's sea arrest document in his hand, and looked at Qin Jinyang in surprise. The look in his eyes was exactly the same as that of the fourth child, and he suspected that Qin Jinyang had misread the name.

"Brother Qin Xian, this Hu Dian?"

Liang Yuansu pointed to the sea arrest document in his hand, and confirmed again.

Now the document has not been revealed, once it is revealed, there is no room for regret.

"If Zhang Hudian committed any crime, he should be arrested in accordance with the law!"

Qin Jinyang nodded firmly.


There was an uproar!

Just now everyone thought that Qin Jinyang wanted to protect Zhang Hu Dian.

Who would have thought that Qin Jinyang would actually open his mouth to arrest Zhang Hu Dian.

"Qin Jinyang, what are you doing?"

Zhang Zhaohong committed the habit of being bitter and mean again.

She even forgot what the occasion was, and was about to rush to Qin Jinyang to argue.

In the past, surrounded by licking dogs, Zhang Zhaohong developed the habit of losing his temper at any time.


As a result, the fourth child stepped up and kicked Zhang Zhaohong away.

What a dog.

The stone hanging in the fourth child's heart finally fell to the ground.

The young master is not faint.

The young master still has a basic brain.

It's just very strange why the young master Hao Duanduan wanted to save Ye Qianqiu.

Could it be that the young master captured Ye Qianqiu and avenged Shi Yingnan alone?

After hearing Qin Jinyang's voice, Ye Qianqiu stood up suddenly.

He already had the answer in his heart.

Brother Qin is affectionate and righteous, and he is not bound by the love of his children at all. He is here to save himself.


"Zhang Hudian, Zhong Tianwei, Jing Shanheng, Ning Suliang...the four of you have committed numerous crimes in the Taidan Institute. The Ministry of Criminal Justice has already obtained a large amount of criminal evidence. This is the sea arrest document...Come here, take it down!"

Liang Yuansu flicked his sleeves.

"Detain all the money on the table. Anyone who dares to stop him will be arrested for treason and executed immediately!"

Liang Yuansu pointed to the gold leaves on the table again.

The fat shopkeeper gritted his teeth, stood in front of the table, and did not leave for a long time, as if he was waiting for some savior.

But Zhang Hudian and the others stared at Ye Zhiqiu with shock on their faces.

The person Qin Jinyang wanted to save was actually Ye Qianqiu.


PS: I was infected with wind and cold, and the fever reached 39 degrees again. I wanted to write more, but I couldn’t write, so I rested first.

By the way, I have good news for everyone. Thanks to the support of all brothers and sisters, this book will change the comics. As for which platform, I don’t know yet. I will inform you as soon as there is news, so you can look forward to it.


(End of this chapter)

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