This Martial Saint is too generous.

Chapter 274 Goodbye, Capital City!The way to the academy.

Chapter 274 Goodbye, Capital City!The way to the academy.

After bidding farewell to Cui Huayong, Qin Jinyang rushed to the manor where Bai Taikong lived.

According to Cui Huayong, all of Bai Taikong's property has been sealed in the treasury, and he is almost a poor man. If he is willing to keep his filial piety for three years, he can get some back.

Of course, not too much.

But it is also enough for a person to walk the birds and shake the dog alone, and live a leisurely and rich life until old age.

At this time, the manor where Bai Taikong lived was actually a property that Bai Taikong had purchased in advance before he entered the royal family.

It makes no sense, this manor has also been sealed in the national treasury, but Nian Zai Bai Taikong did not hesitate to die in order to avenge his dead wife, so the emperor rewarded him back for him to live in Beijing.

Qin Jinyang was also emotional.

No wonder Xiang Zhiqiang earnestly persuaded himself not to be a son-in-law over and over again.

The risk of marrying a princess is really great.

On weekdays, she seems to be well-clothed and well-fed, and she hugs her back and forth, but the princess can't have any accidents.

Once encountering ups and downs, the son-in-law will have to confiscate even his pre-marital property.

It's too aggrieved.

That's right, it seems that many sons-in-law are poor and poor talents.

As long as there is some property passed down from the family, there is no need to come to the royal family to be angry.


Bai Taikong made such an extreme choice, even the emperor did not think of it.

Qin Jinyang frowned and thought along the way.

The condition for Bai Taikong's burial was that the murderer who assassinated Princess Xuanjin should not be found within one year.

He put his life on the line, and there must be some clues in his heart.

Good luck.

I hope Bai Taikong can get revenge.

Sacrificial burial may sound a bit desolate and tragic, but the behavior is simply cruel.

Cui Huayong said just now that the imperial envoy to investigate the case this time is Ji Shouxiang, the servant of the Criminal Ministry.

And Bai Taikong was also temporarily given an official position, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, Assistant Imperial Envoy... that is, Deputy Imperial Envoy.

Deputy generally has no authority.

Fortunately, Bai Taikong can talk to the emperor, the imperial envoy must give some face.

Speaking of it, the imperial envoy seemed to have misunderstood himself.

Unlucky for the Wu family, Lu Chongqing, the Minister of Criminal Justice, was implicated and dismissed from the position of Minister. Originally, Ji Shouxiang and Wu Shuangqi were fierce competitors, but their chances of winning were not as good as Wu Zhiqian.

Unfortunately, Ji Shouxiang was working in his grandfather's office at that time.

Wu Zhiqian went to jail, which should have been the closest he was to Shangshu.

Who would have thought that the moment he came back, Wu Shuangqi, his deadly enemy, was already his immediate boss.

Someone had reminded me before, to be careful of Ji Shouxiang, this man is narrow-minded, he will retaliate, he is not an open-minded and kind person.

When Luo Yuanhu was killed and he was carried away by the Ministry of Punishment covered in blood, he hurriedly saw Ji Shouxiang.

This old boy is not kind when he looks at his eyes.

Some trouble.

Speaking of it, I'm so innocent, it's all because of internal conflicts in your criminal department, making it seem like I'm a shit-stirring stick.

Then again, after coming to the capital, I didn't improve much in my martial arts, and instead, I was surrounded by all kinds of messy moths.

Hurry up and leave this place of right and wrong, and go to Yuzhi Academy to be clean and clean.

You have to hurry up and practice diligently.

If the strength is insufficient, the dog's life will be held in the hands of others. Qin Jinyang has a deep understanding of this trip to Kyoto.

I heard from Xiang Zhiqiang that there are also profound arts on Guilu Mountain in Yuzhi Academy.

The potential balance of 130,000 in the system should be enough.


Bai Taikong's manor is not big, it is covered with white silk and black silk from the inside to the outside, it looks quite depressing at first glance.

There are only three people in total including servants, servants and coachmen.

They are all eunuchs.

Obviously, it was someone sent by the emperor.

In the past, some princesses died unexpectedly, but some sons-in-law did not want to live in the capital all their lives, let alone the loneliness of not having wives and concubines, so they fled from the capital and disappeared from the world.

This is the shame of the royal family, how could the emperor's face be damaged.

The emperor sent people to search across the country, and soon, many sons-in-law were found and given to death under various names.

The sons-in-law live in the rivers and lakes, and their situations are also different. Some become roadblockers, some almost starve to death on the road, some are pastoral, their wives and children are hot on the kang, and their days are happy, and some steal and plunder. They are already a powerful party.

These are not too big waves.

In fact, the biggest problem is that some son-in-laws are restless and flee overseas directly.

The status of a son-in-law is extremely popular in foreign countries, especially countries that are hostile to Zhongzhou.

They will be recruited heavily to write books for hostile countries.

Reading that... is a very unscrupulous book...

As for the content, it is dedicated to writing about the secrets of the Zhongzhou emperor's harem.

Of course, most of them are made up casually, you can write whatever you want to destroy the Three Views, and write whatever you want to be lewd and immoral.

In those books, the imperial court of Zhongzhou holds yellow parties every day, wine pond meat forest, orthopedics and big chaos are daily routines. Qin Jinyang was lucky enough to read one when he was in Helan Villa.

Banned books, very expensive.

I have to admit that Qin Jinyang didn't sleep that night.

The goal of the enemy country is to weaken the majesty of the Zhongzhou royal family in the international environment.

And the identity of the son-in-law is a living witness.

The Zhongzhou royal family suffered a lot of secret losses because of this, and the missions of Zhongzhou went abroad, and they always had to go around a lot to be asked whether these secrets were true.

Because many officials of the Ministry of Rituals are part-time princes, the princes have seen their names in the book several times, and those non-existent things have nose and eyes, precise time and place, and they are so angry that the top of their heads is smoking.

Finally, the emperor made a decree.

As long as the princess dies, all the personal guards next to the son-in-law will be replaced by eunuchs in the palace.

Since then, the situation of the son-in-law fleeing to Kyoto has never happened again.


The job of a son-in-law is really miserable.


Knock on the door.


Bai Taikong came out in person and opened the door.

The two looked at each other and stopped for a long time, but neither of them spoke.

The last time we met, it seemed that Bai Taikong was sending off Princess Xuanjin outside the capital.

This time, Qin Jinyang was able to observe Bai Taikong at a closer distance.

Very thin.

Really skinny.

Compared with his physical state, Bai Taikong's mental state is more worrying.

In those eyes, Qin Jinyang couldn't see any vitality at all.

He really is like a walking dead.

No wonder he dared to be buried.

"Meet the consort!"

Qin Jinyang took a deep breath and cupped his fists to break the embarrassment.

Afterwards, he lowered his arms, and for a moment he didn't know what to say, and the atmosphere froze again.

"I'm a commoner now, don't mention any consorts... Come in!"

Bai Taikong nodded and signaled Qin Jinyang to come in.

Hearing that someone came to visit him, Bai Taikong was a little moved.

But he didn't expect it to be Qin Jinyang.

When Xuan Jin was still alive, he had helped many people, and many people called them brothers, claiming to share blessings and share hardships, but after Xuan Jin died, these people seemed to evaporate, and they all detoured when they saw him.

Human nature.

Xuan Jin is here, so is human affection.

Xuan Jin is gone, so what kind of onion is he?

People take tea to cool down, but that's all.

He and Qin Jinyang are neither far nor close, and the latter should be the group of people to avoid.

Really surprised.

Also really touched.

"I heard people say that you are going to the Yuzhi Academy. Is there any clue about the princess's case?"

Back in the guest room, Qin Jinyang asked straight to the point.

Although he doesn't know Bai Taikong very well, but the son-in-law helps him in everything, if he can't be buried, it's best to live his life well.

Bai Taikong didn't speak.

He stared at Qin Jinyang's eyes.

He was wondering whether Qin Jinyang was a spy sent by someone else?


Soon, Bai Taikong confirmed it.

In Qin Jinyang's eyes, he only saw concern, and there was no utilitarian emotion at all.

You are too young to act like this.

"Qin Jinyang, can you listen to my advice?"

Bai Taikong didn't answer, but asked rhetorically, solemnly.

"Huh? What?"

Qin Jinyang froze for a moment.

"Don't go to Yuzhi Academy, at least not this year!"

"In terms of age, you are the youngest among this year's group! You can definitely wait another year, or even two years. Three years is not a problem."

Bai Taikong said.

"Ah... son-in-law... uh, brother Bai, are you afraid that I won't be able to keep up with the school's progress? I'm fine."

Qin Jinyang has already washed the bell for the second time, and the third time he just missed the door, seeing the fourth grade.

Looking at Zhongzhou, I really can't find the best fourth-rank cultivation holy land for a while.

What's more, Qiu Shengdan from Taidan Academy will give priority to supplying Yuzhi Academy.

"I didn't mean to underestimate you."

"The gate of the Yuzhi Academy is opened once a year. From all over Zhongzhou, noble families and hidden geniuses from various states will flock here."

"You are new recruits."

"Yuzhi Academy is a place isolated from the world. In order to hone the character of the emperor, the status of new recruits is extremely low."

"Before new recruits are admitted to the hospital, they have to go through the deer mountain once. The higher the pass, the higher your status will be."

"Breakthrough in front of the gate is also an assessment. Every year when the school opens the gate, one-third of the people will be eliminated on the first day... These people are not even qualified to be called new recruits."

"The specific content in the Guilushan checkpoint is different every year."

Bai Taikong was talking, and suddenly looked towards the inner hall.

Qin Jinyang also followed his gaze.

There was a faint portrait hanging in the inner hall. Qin Jinyang couldn't see who it was, but he could clearly see it with his knees. It must be Princess Xuanjin.

Only when he looked at Princess Xuanjin did Bai Taikong have a human look in his pupils.

He was distracted for a moment, and continued: "Originally, Xuan Jin went to the academy to serve as the court secretary, so she could reveal some inside information about breaking through in advance, and she was in charge of presiding over the trial... It's a pity..."

Bai Taikong shook his head: "With Xuan Jin here, you can not only pass the examination, but even get a good record. Your life in the academy will be much easier in the future."

Qin Jinyang cupped his fists to express his gratitude.

"Brother Bai, I have nothing to do in Kyoto, so I must go!"

Although thankful, Qin Jinyang's tone was firm.

It turned out to be the case.

The couple said they wanted to help me, but it turned out they wanted to help me cheat.

Cheating is strictly forbidden by the emperor.

But there is no impenetrable wall in the world, where there are people, there are selfishness and interests.

Many heirs of the rich and powerful got the inside story, and even spent this year in special training to prepare for Lushan's breakthrough.

But Qin Jinyang also has confidence in himself.

One power down ten sessions.

I am also a diligent practitioner who is rewarded by heaven and earth.

Regarding the trial at Guilu Mountain, Bai Taikong's words were actually much gentler.

It is normal for one third to be eliminated.

The most frightening thing is that people will die on Qianlu Mountain.

Although there are strong men from the academy sitting around to protect it, but the deer mountain is too big, and there are always blind spots in sight.

There are deaths every year, and even more every year, and the trend is getting worse.

"Sure enough, he is a stubborn person."

Bai Taikong shook his head slightly, as if he knew Qin Jinyang would give such an answer.

He wanted to tell Qin Jinyang that if you don't cheat, someone else will.

But think about it again, I can't change anything, so what's the use of talking?It's just a blow to other people's self-confidence out of thin air.

"You still don't understand the stakes."

"Xuan Jin is gone, the emperor sent an imperial envoy to replace Xuan Jin's chief examiner, this time the imperial envoy...Ji Shouxiang."

"A few days ago you made a big fuss in the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Lu Chongqing was deprived of his official position. Wu Shuangqi took advantage of the opportunity to serve as Minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Ji Shouxiang also coveted the position of Minister of Criminal Affairs."

"At this point, Ji Shouxiang can't afford to offend Wu Shuangqi, but Ji Shouxiang is well aware of the reason for the chaos in the Ministry of Criminal Justice. In his opinion, you are Wu Shuangqi's man... He doesn't even need to show up personally, just It can make you run into walls everywhere in Guilu Mountain..."


Bai Taikong did not continue to speak.

It is clear.

He left a dead word blank.

"This is indeed a problem, but I'm fate, so I'll run away if it's a big deal!"

Qin Jinyang smiled.

When necessary, I still have the physical body to practice this hole card horizontally, and I can fight a few moves against the sixth rank, so it is not a big problem to escape.

"Oh, I know I can't persuade you."

"Although I am a deputy, His Majesty has also granted some authority. If necessary, I will help you check and balance Ji Shouxiang... But don't have too much hope, I will die at any time."

Bai Taikong smiled wryly.

At this time, the servants brought a lot of spirits.

"Drinking too much every day, it's rare to have a good friend... You can only rest when you're drunk!"

Bai Taikong threw a jar to Qin Jinyang.


Qin Jinyang patted open the mud seal, raised his head and poured wine.


Three rounds of wine.

Bai Taikong cried for a while, laughed for a while, and cried again for a while.

The drink was poured into his mouth desperately, Qin Jinyang was flustered watching it.

Fortunately, he is a warrior. If he was an ordinary person, he would have died countless times.

I heard from the servants that after the death of Princess Xuanjin, Bai Taikong never ate a single grain of rice, he just drank.

Drink every night.

Crazy every night.

Crying every night.

Bai Taikong told Qin Jinyang many stories, the ups and downs that belonged to him and Xuan Jin alone.

And his and Xuan Jin's description of the future.

Qin Jinyang seemed to be listening to an idol drama, it was very romantic, and it was a little touching from time to time.

"Qin Jinyang, the person who killed Xuan Jin...was Concubine Yuan!"

Bai Taikong grabbed Qin Jinyang by the neckline and pulled him to his side, like a lunatic playing drunk.


Qin Jinyang froze for a moment, but his mouth was blocked by Bai Taikong's hand.

"Come on, keep giving me a drink!"

The wine spilled out, splashing Bai Taikong all over his face.

He recalled the time when he drank with Xuan Jin late at night, his heart was throbbing, and he couldn't breathe in such pain.

At first, Bai Taikong even wanted to chase away the guests, and drove Qin Jinyang away directly.

The murderer who killed Xuan Jin will definitely be against him.

Qin Jinyang came to see him at this time, and he might be implicated.

But Qin Jinyang is also a junior that Xuan Jin admires. When Xuan Jin was alive, he liked to be lively, not to mention that he probably wouldn't be able to drive him away.

It's been a long time since it was busy.

Try to protect Qin Jinyang.

He didn't threaten Qin Jinyang much, because he didn't want the other party to be under too much pressure.


When daylight dawned, Qin Jinyang left the son-in-law's manor.

Bai Taikong was already unconscious.

On the way back, he was still thinking about Bai Taikong's words.

Concubine Yuan.

The murderer who killed Princess Xuanjin was actually Concubine Yuan?
No, it should be said that the murderer behind the scenes is Concubine Yuan. Concubine Yuan is in the palace, so it is impossible to fly over to kill.

What enmity between two people, what resentment?
Or, what is the layout of Concubine Yuan in Yuzhi Academy, and Princess Xuanjin sits in the Academy, hindering Concubine Yuan's eyes?

Also, Bai Taikong is alone, can he deal with Concubine Yuan?
The emperor personally gave the order, and many spies from the inner court took action, but they had no clue. Why did Bai Taikong know that it was the concubine Yuan?
The couple have secret letters?
Qin Jinyang understood the reason why Bai Taikong didn't complain to the emperor, but the emperor was also embarrassed.

The daughter was killed.

The son-in-law filed a complaint, saying that the murderer was his bedside person.

The key point is that the family of the person next to the pillow is rich, and they are still injecting capital into the precarious company.

Even if the evidence is solid, how do you let the emperor judge?
There is no fairness and justice in the emperor's heart, and even family affection is like chicken feathers. Only power and balance are the core of everything.

What's more, Princess Xuanjin is a married princess after all.

Bai Taikong must have seen through this layer before choosing to fight alone.

It's getting more and more complicated.

According to the fourth child, this Ji Shouxiang has been ambiguous with the Yuan family recently, as if he is looking for some backing.

In the past, the emperor would never allow the Yuan family and the Fang family to intervene in a yamen like the Ministry of Punishment. Of course, small officials and small positions were unavoidable.

But officials above the ministerial level are absolutely not allowed.

At present, the border of the dynasty is full of smoke and smoke, the emperor is not in good health, and the crown prince is often bedridden, so the cordon has loosened a lot.

Not only the Ministry of Punishment.

All the members of the six ministries of the imperial court are actually not very honest.

The few princes jumped up and down even more, and they almost had the words "I want to be an emperor" engraved on their faces.



Before the person arrives, the enemies arrive first.

Ji Shou Lane.

Old handsome guy, you'd better restrain yourself and stop bullying the weak.

And Bai Taikong.

The murderer behind the scenes was Concubine Yuan, and the apparent murderer was most likely Yuan Jingci, one of the Academy's secretaries.

Kill Yuan Jingci?
Funny too!
Yuan Jingci is the third person in the Yuan family, and he is well-known in Zhongzhou. In Yuan Jingci's eyes, Bai Taikong is also a brat.

There are several ministers in Yuzhi Academy, and there are two deans and two vice deans.

The dean is on a pilgrimage.

The vice president is the prince.

In fact, the court ministers restricted each other and exercised the power of the dean.

There was someone in the Yuan family who was the minister of the court, so naturally the Fang family also had someone.

According to legend, this Yuzhi Academy was jointly established by the ancestors of the Fang family and the Yuan family at the behest of the first emperor.

At that time, the Yuan family and the Fang family were still very close, and the heads of the two families were dead brothers.

As for the final separation, it depends on interests and rights.

Love, friendship, brotherhood... all kinds of affection are like tofu under a knife, and they are completely vulnerable to a single blow.


The next morning.

Guozijian sent a waist card to Beiying Mansion.

The material of the waist card is special, it is a kind of jade specially used for the imperial palace, and the four characters of "Yu Zhi Xin Yuan" are engraved on the front of the jade.

Qin Jinyang's name is engraved on the back, and there are mounted flowers around the name, which is extremely exquisite and can be called a work of art.

The arrival of the waist card also means that Qin Jinyang should set off.

After breakfast, Qin Jinyang walked directly outside the imperial city with a few gold leaves in his arms.

Passing a street, I heard a familiar voice.

It is Xiang Xeon.

Qin Jinyang walked in the dark and observed.

In addition to Xiang Xeon, there is also the third child.

The third child still did not forgive Xiang Xeon, but the latter persevered.

Play around!

Not bad!

This is life.

Young master, I am going to suffer.

Goodbye, Beijing.

(End of this chapter)

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