This Martial Saint is too generous.

Chapter 289 Professional make-up, Qin Jinyang's big harvest

Chapter 289 Professional make-up, Qin Jinyang's big harvest
Whoosh whoosh!
Qin Jinyang has always believed that his sword is very fast, at least at the third rank, or even the fourth rank. His sword is not the pinnacle, but it is definitely the first echelon.

This is the answer that many warriors have verified with their lives.

Unfortunately, I was careless after all.

Having killed so many warriors, he is used to battles at higher levels, but none of them are as troublesome as the lice in front of him.

Obviously, the door of life was right in front of him, Qin Jinyang's sword was almost out of shadow, but he just couldn't hit it.

Qin Jinyang felt a little anxious in Gujing's heartless heart.

It's just a bedbug, why is perception so terrible.

House louse can fly. Although, like all insects, it cannot fly too high, it is impossible to be like birds, but it is indeed several times more flexible than humans in mastering the air.

The more critical factor is that the perception of the house louse is so abnormal.

Sure enough, this is because the bug has a special talent, it should be able to sense the flow of true energy, and then predict the warrior's sword in advance.

Warriors can't do this.

At least at the stage of the third grade, it is simply a fantasy.


Whoosh whoosh!

After more than a dozen swords were cut out, Qin Jinyang's epee left traces on the louse's shell.

Don't even think about the door of life, but it can be cut in the end.

The carapace was shattered by the epee, which seemed shocking, and green juice splashed out from the crevices of the wound, but it did not affect the action of the house louse at all, and even the insect's reaction was faster than before.

After being injured, it ignited the small universe instead.

Qin Jinyang refused to admit defeat and tried many times, but in the end he had to admit that with the martial arts he had mastered so far, he still couldn't hit the goal of the louse.

Fortunately, there is another piece of good news. Although Qin Jinyang missed the stab, he was able to clearly identify the location of the gate of life.

If you can't even see clearly, you've really failed.


Whoosh whoosh!

After more than a dozen sword attacks, Qin Jinyang finally killed a louse.

Sure enough, these bugs lived up to their reputation. Apart from being a little stupid, their combat power was no different from that of the fourth rank. Thanks to their heaven-defying perception ability, they were even more difficult to deal with than the fourth rank.

I don't know if it's because the house lice on the new road are extremely vicious, or if it's the same on other roads.

I hope the dead end will be easier. If Yan Shaoyu has to face this kind of existence, it will be difficult for him to have the opportunity to practice with peace of mind.



The badge on Qin Jinyang's waist flickered.

Before the louse was about to die, it suddenly exploded into a cloud of red blood.

Qin Jinyang reacted quickly, and the true energy in his body immediately condensed into a shield, blocking the bloody light.


The lethality erupted by the blood light surpassed that of any previous attack. If he was not careful, even he might be injured.

This is the final explosion of lice blood, and it is also the rage of robbing the house and dying together.

After blocking the bloody light, the louse trap in the waist card took effect, swallowing the exploded bloody light.

Qin Jinyang took a closer look. In fact, the lice blood swallowed by the lice cage array was very limited, only about one-fifth of the blood that exploded in the air was swallowed.

The remaining four-fifths are all wasted.


It should be the limitation of the Lice Cage Array.

It may also be that the array core that the waist card can carry is not enough, so the lice blood that can be swallowed at a time is extremely limited.

The house louse is indeed a weird creature.

When Qin Jinyang smashed open the shell, the blood spattered was dark green.

And when they exploded by themselves, it turned out to be scarlet red blood that was scarletr than human blood.

The multi-directionality of nature is awe-inspiring.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the green juice splashed out by the rupture of the outer armor is a kind of venom. Perhaps the house louse has a special talent, that is, the blood will not flow in vain, but will condense somewhere in the body, and eventually it will be self-destructed. arms.

Qin Jinyang held the waist card in his hand and felt it with his true energy.

Sure enough, there is a drop of blood imprisoned in the waist card. It is this drop of blood that can make the weapons of the frontier army stronger and sharper, and can also be sold to foreign countries for money.

Unless you are willing to reveal it, others will not know how much blood is in your waist card.

Next to the Xuangong stele at the end of each area, there is a blood furnace.

The disciples put the badge on the furnace cover, and the lice and blood inside will be taken away, and at the same time, your name will appear on the list next to the blood furnace.

There is also a simple paving at the end of each area.

Paving will sell some necessary pills and weapons, but they must be traded with years.

After all, from the moment you set foot on the Lushan Mountain, you already have the qualifications to hunt and kill house lice.

Turn in the blood of lice and insects, and you can get age points.

There are also trial rewards for passing through each area.


Qin Jinyang raised the long sword to his eyes, stared at the blade carefully, and finally frowned deeply.

The green sap of the house louse is extremely corrosive, and it is more troublesome than imagined.

This long sword took Lao Si a lot of thought. In theory, it is already an extremely strong epee, but after only killing a house louse, the tough surface has been corroded and densely packed with potholes.

Although it won't break, and it won't even affect the next use, but as long as there are enough house lice, it will be a matter of time before the blade is corroded to the point of breaking.

"Looks like I have to spend my years to exchange for a weapon..."

Qin Jinyang smiled wryly.

He hadn't planned to hand over the lice and blood in the first three districts.

As long as the waist card is placed on the Qi and blood stove, how many are in it will be forcibly announced, and it is impossible to hide it.

Qin Jinyang hates trouble the most. He is the second wash, so he will definitely attract the attention of those foreign experts.

Xinlu is full of dangers, so far we haven't even encountered a mass of lice. Once in crisis, the knife behind the back is even more terrifying.

Persevering is the shortcut to survival.

However, due to the issue of weapons, Qin Jinyang had to consider exposing his strength in advance.


Don't know what happened to the others.

For a disciple like Zhou Shuizhang who didn't wash the bell, it would be very difficult for him to survive for half an hour.

The reason why I was not hunted down by the lice was because after the second wash, I could hide my breath, and the lice couldn't smell the human scent on my body.

Even so, two house louses flew over viciously when they saw Qin Jinyang.

They can also see with their eyes.

Qin Jinyang sighed and raised his long sword again.


Whoosh whoosh!

Jingle, jingle, jingle!

It was another difficult fight, and Qin Jinyang killed two house lice in one go.

Two lice teaming up is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Although the louse's intelligence is not high, it is very skilled in basic coordination. Qin Jinyang's attempt to stab at the gate of life is simply a fantasy. Before, there was no hope for one louse, let alone two co-ordination.

After being safe, he took a closer look at the long sword.

It was worse than imagined. There were more and more small pits on the surface of the long sword. Small pits followed by small pits would converge into big pits, and eventually it would collapse like a dike.

Are you sure this is where the third product should come?
It can also be said that [-]% of the second washing is close to the third washing.

If it is a martial artist, how long will it take to kill a house louse?

However, many of the first-washed warriors owed debts and bought long swords for the academy, which may be more handy than themselves.

As for those warriors who haven't washed their bells, in a one-on-one situation, they are not opponents for the louse at all.

Once you encounter several, you have to rely on luck to escape alive.

Qin Jinyang has an advantage that other people don't have. The true energy in his dantian is comparable to the fifth grade, and it is almost endless.

Can Yan Shaoyu persevere?

Qin Jinyang walked towards the finish line. The jungle was dense along the way, and he might encounter house louse at any time.

He even saw the ticks from afar.

There were close to a hundred of them, densely packed, like a cloud of pitch-black clouds floating over the jungle. Looking at them from a distance would make one's scalp tingle. Qin Jinyang was cautious and didn't dare to go there to seek death.

Although he is not afraid of the siege of the lice, after all, light work is faster than the lice, but it is very difficult to kill the lice.

Besieged by a group of lice, the epee will definitely be completely scrapped.

Avoiding the lice, Qin Jinyang encountered three lone lice.

After a hard fight, Qin Jinyang successfully beheaded two of them.

Perhaps because he had adapted to the fighting rhythm, Qin Jinyang was more comfortable this time. Although he still couldn't kill to the gate of life, he was much faster than before.

Inside the house louse, there are also strengths and weaknesses.

For example, the three house louses are weaker than the previous two.

When it was the third one's turn, Qin Jinyang's sword fluttered, and the killing became smoother and smoother. Suddenly...he stabbed at the gate of life with his sword.

The blood of the lice exploded, and Qin Jinyang subconsciously deployed his true energy shield.

Looking at the relatively complete insect corpse in front of him, he felt an unprecedented refreshment.

One hit kills, the thought is clear.

"It would be great if every sword could hit the door of life... What a pity..."

Qin Jinyang laughed for a while, then smiled wryly again.

Although he stabbed the door of life, Qin Jinyang knew in his heart that this sword was purely a fluke, and it was simply an extravagant hope to get a second sword that was exactly the same.


Qin Jinyang continued on.

He wanted to find an acquaintance to see if he could pick up a long sword specially designed for the academy.

Before coming here, a brother in distress bought a long sword with a loan.

For example, brothers Zhou Shuizhang.

But the road is bumpy, and the road ahead is long!

The area of ​​the new road is too large.

At a glance, there are plants everywhere, and some grasses are taller than people. It is difficult to find a person.

The key point is not yelling or screaming, and the hearing of house lice is also very sensitive.

The epee won't last long.

The neighbor has a gun, but the yard is too big to find the neighbor's location.

Do you want to reach the end?

Don't kill the house lice, just sneak past them.

Not far away, there were two lone lice. Qin Jinyang squatted in the grass, his mind racing.

Relying on the level of [-]% of the second wash, Qin Jinyang can use lightness skills to sneak to the end after restraining his breath.

The time for a warrior to clear the level is one hour. Within this hour, you can go to the second area in advance, or you can spend your last breath in the first area.

If the disciples want to wash the bell, they will definitely not cross the district in advance.

Qin Jinyang was different. If he didn't have a weapon, it would be a waste of time to keep it. The coercion of the first district was completely ineffective against him.

But there are so many house lice, it would be a waste not to kill them.

Or continue to look for neighbors.

It is best to find a foreign friend.

I am not grabbing foreigners' weapons, I am trying to win glory for the court.


It goes without saying.

Not long after, Qin Jinyang finally met the first living person.

As he wished, what a foreigner.

Sheng Yuanjie, the little prince of Shenggu Kingdom.

It is said that he is the most talented among Emperor Shenggu's group of princes.

Qin Jinyang was lying in the grass, his whole face was in shock.

He couldn't help being shocked by the scene in front of him.

In Katsuhara's hand, he was holding a dagger with a long and short blade. The key was the texture of the wood, which looked vulnerable but was extremely tough.

The most critical problem was that the dagger in Katsuhara's hand was exactly the same as the one on his body.

What the hell!

What the hell is going on here?
Could it be that the mysterious person rescued by Dung Lang Zhang is from Shenggu Kingdom?

The wooden dagger seemed to have no front, but it was much more powerful than expected.

In fact, the wooden dagger came second. What attracted Qin Jinyang the most about Katsuhara Jue was the swordsmanship he used.

It was a stroke of genius.

Qin Jinyang has personally experienced how difficult it is to hit the life gate of the house louse.

Katsuhara cut one sword at a time, and the wooden dagger drew twisted and weird trajectories in the air. Every blow could always penetrate the life gate of the louse, and there were no extra moves from the beginning to the end.

What Sheng Yuanjie was facing at this time was a group of house lice, the number of which was no less than one hundred.

But he was so flexible that it gave people the illusion that he surrounded a hundred lice by himself.

What kind of swordsmanship?
In fact, Sheng Yuanjie is just an ordinary second wash, and he has not even developed towards the third wash. His lightness kung fu is not top-notch, and it is also far behind Qin Jinyang himself.

As for the strength of his true energy, he was not even worthy of lifting Qin Jinyang's shoes.

But it was the sword technique, as if it was specially designed to cure toothaches, and it was specially used to restrain the life gate of the louse.

After observing for a while, Qin Jinyang understood.

When the sword is swung, it will form a series of blade trajectories, and these trajectories will interfere with the perception ability of the louse.

Losing the ability to predict the crisis, the seizing louse is just a fast flying insect, and any third-rank has a chance to stab at the door, let alone a top expert like Qin Jinyang.

Qin Jinyang is confident that if he can master this sword technique, he can kill a house louse with one strike.


Katsuhara Jie had already hit the house louse, but why didn't he kill it directly!

After penetrating through the gate of life, the seizing louse just lost its combat power, but it did not die directly. At this time, the seizing louse would consider bursting out of blood.

If the enemy continues to chase, the blood of the louse will explode, and the louse will die together.

But the enemy gave up, and the seizing louse didn't want to die, so they would run away to recuperate.

Katsuhara pierced through the door of life, obviously he could continue to pursue, but he didn't... He turned his sword and just went to attack another louse.

Is this kid afraid of blood explosion?

It shouldn't be, after all, he is the most promising prince of the Shenggu Kingdom, so it is impossible that he doesn't have a magic weapon on his body. Even if you pull your hips with true energy, the treasure weapon can protect against explosions, and you can completely take back the blood of lice and insects into the waist card.

Lice qi and blood can be exchanged for year points. Although qi and blood do not allow you to take back Shenggu Kingdom, year points are also useful.

Don't look down on this age?
At present, it can only be explained in this way.

Qin Jinyang sighed and kept feeling.

After so many years, I gave up all of them.

What is this thing for?
Where are you playing?

Beat the house louse, and then float away, leaving behind the legend about the master, without taking a cloud?

Well, since you are pretending, after you leave, I will try to repair the knife.

I don't know if the qi and blood of making up the knife can be taken away by my waist card.


Shengyuan intercepted and killed, the sky was dark, the killing was exhausted, outsiders looked at him with ease, but in fact all the dangers appeared, only he could understand.

Everyone has the same amount of time. If he practiced the tricky sword technique hard, he would delay the practice of lightness skill and mental technique.

Facing the siege of lice, if he was a little careless, he would be doomed.

Fortunately, Daogui's swordsmanship was close to reaching its pinnacle, which made him feel a little bit dependent.

Katsuhara successfully pierced through the life gate of a house louse again.

Seeing that the qi and blood of Duoshe louse were about to explode, he could have used a treasure to block the burst of qi and blood and successfully collected the qi and blood into his waist card, but he didn't.

He hastily pulled out his wooden dagger, and watched as the house louse fled.

It hurts.

It hurts so much that my heart bleeds.

How could Katsuhara Jie not care about his age? If it was not necessary, who would give up so much wealth for nothing.

The root of all evil is that damned spy.

He stole the most perfect wooden dagger.

If the original dagger was in his hands, he would not be afraid of the corrosion of Qi and blood at all, and he could kill as many as he wanted.

It's a pity that the wooden dagger in my hand is an unfinished product.

Shipwood is the key to unlock the secrets on the top of the mountain.

In the door of life of the house louse, there is a group of special juice. After the wooden dagger is continuously infiltrated with the juice, it will counteract the repulsion of the secret storage, and finally successfully become the key.

But the secret array outside the secret store is extremely sensitive.

If the wooden dagger was mixed with the essence and blood of the louse, it would be in vain.

In order to be safe, Shenggu Kingdom rushed a large number of formation masters, worked hard and spent several years, and finally blessed the original wooden dagger with a special isolation formation.

With the isolation array, the dagger can filter the blood of lice and insects, and only absorb the juice.

The process of refining the dagger is so difficult that it cannot be described in words. There was even a formation master who exhausted his life and finally died in front of the dagger.

If the dagger in Katsuhara's hand was the original one, he could kill without restraint!

Juice is juice.

Qi and blood are Qi and not interfere with each other.

While stealing the secret treasure, he could also set a new Zhongzhou record for killing lice, thus leaving a great reputation.

The huge age points can also be exchanged for many Zhongzhou treasures.

Hateful...a spy who ruined all his plans.

After the dagger was stolen, Gao Guoshi made a new dagger non-stop.

But the time is too short, although the dagger can swallow the juice and can also be used as a key, but the isolation formation has no time to bless it.

Incomplete weapons make people uncomfortable.

"Be sure to catch the spies! Wait, wait until I get the original wooden dagger...the days are long, I will stay in Yuzhi Academy for a while, as long as I have the real dagger, I will slaughter this mountain .”

Katsuhara gritted his teeth.

He is not afraid of being bumped by others.

First of all, the new road is too big, the disciples are too scattered, Zhongzhou disciples are a bunch of rubbish, and the only Hu Chongqi is just washed, it is not worth being taken seriously by Shengyuan.

Once the martial artist appears, it will cause chaos and it is easy to detect it.

As for the two second washes of Guqi Country and Donglan Country, there is no need to worry.

Yuzhi Academy operated in secret, and the two of them were extremely far away from themselves.


Qin Jinyang turned and left.

He took out the wax pill that the dung man had given him.

Inside is a letter from a mysterious person to Jiang Wutai. Before, Qin Jinyang did not peek at the letter because of his morality.

But the situation is urgent now.

This dagger involves the secrets of the little prince of Shenggu Kingdom, and there must be the truth in the wax pill.


Open the wax pill.

There were actually two letters inside.

One of them was a whistleblower letter, introducing the origin of the dagger.

And the other one is a martial arts secret book.

[Day and cunning swordsmanship]

The full version of Dao Guijian.


[Hint: Is it possible to spend potential training if the martial arts "Dao Gui Sword Art" is detected? 】

(End of this chapter)

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