Chapter 324

Yan Shaoyu is recuperating.

This time, I really gained a lot.

In the current performance ranking, Yan Shaoyu's name is in the second place, which can be called a miracle.

This unknown name is also known to many people for the first time.

Yundong Province.

Born in a gang family without any official background.

There is no clock washing.

Districts [-] and [-] were mediocre.

But at this time he has completed the first clock washing.

On top of Yan Shaoyu is Du Zaoqi, the black horse whom everyone expects.

For Du Zaoqi to win the championship, it is also expected, after all, there is a trump card from Shenggu country.

All the disciples of the Three Kingdoms have returned, and their names are all on the list.

Du Zao was number one on the list, so there was no suspense.

At present, Qi Nanye of Guqi Country is ranked third.

The disciples were full of curiosity, and everyone couldn't figure out why Gu Qiguo, which had performed stably, would suddenly fall to No.3.

Of course, the performance of the three guards of Guqi Kingdom is still stable, so the total number of blood lice in Guqi Kingdom is still the first.

The fourth place is an old face, Du Zaoqi's deadly enemy... Lu Jiunian.

After the fourth, there is a group of warriors from the capital of Zhongzhou.

It was not until No.10 that the name of Donglan Guogao Xianlu finally appeared.


An unbelievable ranking.

You know, in the first and second districts, Gao Xianlu took the lead on the cliff, occupying No.1.

The only stable situation in Donglan Kingdom is that his two guards will always be fruitless.

Perhaps, this is the real guard.

Their existence is to protect Gao Xianlu, they have nothing else to do but have nothing else to do with their eyes.

This time, Gao Xianlu finally stopped being crazy.

With a gloomy expression, he stared at every disciple in Zhongzhou with resentment, as if everyone here was his blood feud for ten lifetimes.

Behind Gao Xianlu, his two guards gritted their teeth even more, as if their wife had been robbed by bandits, those two eyeballs seemed to be able to chew people to pieces.

But interested people also found some abnormalities.

The resentment in the eyes of the two guards of Donglan Kingdom seemed to be different from that of Gao Xianlu.

Gao Xianlu hated all the disciples of Zhongzhou.

And these two guards always had the illusion of hating Gao Xianlu.

I read it wrong?
It doesn't make sense, a loyal guard, in order to protect his master, doesn't even covet a drop of lice blood, how could such a subordinate hate his master.

Must be wrong.

In fact, the two subordinates really hated Gao Xianlu.

Shizi is definitely a beast, a real little beast.

All the people in the Three Kingdoms were plotted against by Bai Linxuan. At that time, they were surrounded by countless louse lice. The two of them thought they could take advantage of the fire to rob them and accumulate a few lice blood for themselves.

Unfortunately, I think too much.

Since the wooden bone was in Bai Linxuan's hands, Bai Linxuan snatched almost all the lice blood they killed with the wooden bone, including Gao Xianlu.

At the same time, Bai Linxuan was also making up for the incomplete sequestration of the Gu Kingdom, so there was always some blood slipping through the net.


Gao Xianlu is a coward, he can't beat Bai Linxuan, so he came here to bully his subordinates.

Gao Xianlu devoured all the house lice that had been hunted so hard, and they had nothing to harvest.

The two guards also thought about giving up the wooden bone.

As long as you don't get involved in cause and effect with the wooden bones, you won't be swallowed up by Gao Xianlu and Bai Linxuan.

But they don't have any special martial arts themselves, if they even throw away the treasures in their hands, they may be torn to pieces by the house louse at any time.

In desperation, the two of them could only be full of anger, and reluctantly hunted and killed the house lice.

It's all for nothing.


It's working at a loss.

The elixir rewarded by Donglan Kingdom's palace has long been exhausted, and the third district was in danger just now, and the two of them even used their privately stored stocks.

blood loss.

On the way back, the two asked Gao Xianlu to exchange some elixir at the end point as compensation for them. After all, Gao Xianlu had accumulated a lot of lice blood during the first and second districts, and he still had a lot of money left.

However, Gao Xianlu directly refused.

The reason is simple.

There are no clauses in the contract.

Of course, Gao Xianlu didn't say anything to death. If he wanted to get compensation, he had to work hard in the fourth district.

The teeth of the two guards were itchy, but there was nothing they could do.

The matter has come to this point, they can only go to the dark one way, as the guards of the son of Donglan Kingdom, they are not even qualified to leave Guilu Mountain.

As for Shenggu Country's ranking, it's hard to see.

Sheng Yuanjian, the prince, is more like visiting the mountains and rivers. From the prince to the guards, he has gone through three areas, but the number of lice and blood is pitifully small. Not to mention the disciples of Zhongzhou, there are even some ordinary people. An ordinary provincial disciple.

However, Katsuhara Jue looked overdrawn and exhausted, which made people feel particularly weird.

There are also three guards from Shenggu Kingdom.

One of them was seriously injured, and it was still unknown whether he could last to the fourth district.

The other two were also injured to varying degrees.

What is going on with their weather-beaten state?

Why so little lice blood?
Shenggu Kingdom is sneaking around, what the hell is it doing?

The disciples of the Three Kingdoms gathered together, each with dark faces. There was even a dense black mist around the area where they were located, as if there was an unfortunate plague lingering.

The Zhongzhou disciples were also somewhat elated, and they were all discussing the list in whispers.

Although he was not the one who overwhelmed the disciples of the Three Kingdoms, he was a native of Zhongzhou after all. This kind of common hatred made people feel at ease.

Especially Yan Shaoyu's name attracted a lot of people's attention.

Many young warriors came forward to chat, all eager to get to know Yan Shaoyu. In addition, Yan Shaoyu's handsome face and cynical and uninhibited image gave people a sense of mystery.

The first two districts are mediocre.

The third district rose suddenly and was washed smoothly.

There is a high probability that this person picked up the treasure in the second district, which is most people's guess.

Many people want to hang out with Yan Shaoyu. If he has a trump card in his hand, he might be able to hang out with the fourth district.

As Yan Shaoyu's fellow countryman, Wen Tianlan clung to Yan Shaoyu's side even more, even though Yan Shaoyu was impatient, she still clung very tightly.

In fact, Wen Tianlan came back earlier than Yan Shaoyu.

The third district is more difficult, even the simplest way of life, some disciples are plotted to death.

Wu Cungui was quite heroic at the beginning. In order to make up for the debt owed by the second district to Wen Tianlan, he also promised the third district to lead her to kill all directions.

Unfortunately, after beheading more than a dozen house lice, Wu Cungui was inattentive and was injured.

In fact, he could still fight in the third area, but he was worried about Wen Tianlan's safety, so he made his own decision and led Wen Tianlan all the way to the finish line.

Wen Tianlan reached the finish line smoothly.

But this time, she only had two lice blood in her hand.

Naturally, Wen Tianlan's name is at the end, and Wu Cungui's name is also at the end.

Wen Tianlan was very dissatisfied.

She didn't care if she was in danger in the third district, she just remembered that Wu Cungui hadn't fulfilled his promise.

Wu Cungui repeatedly explained that in order to protect her safety and to ensure that she was sent to the fourth district, he had to give up hunting the house lice.

Wen Tianlan understands the truth, but she just can't accept the extravagance into frugality.

What's more, other people's grades didn't drop much.

Wu Cungui couldn't explain clearly, so he could only secretly make up his mind to make up for his defeat in the third district in the fourth district.

There were not many disciples at the end of the third area, and some male disciples saw Wen Tianlan's good looks, so they went up to chat.

Naturally, Wu Cungui couldn't bear it.

Wen Tianlan is my future wife, you guys are looking for death.

But Wen Tianlan is generous, smiling and chatting happily with many male disciples, as if he is the redundant one.

Wu Cungui's lungs almost exploded.

At this time, Yan Shaoyu returned.

Wu Cungui's eyes lit up, and he ran over immediately, he was going to taunt Yan Shaoyu a few words, but also to show his presence, maybe this could win back Wen Tianlan's attention.

Unfortunately, Yan Shaoyu was defiant.

He went to the place where the lice blood was exchanged and became famous in one battle.

Wu Cungui had been brewing up a lot of sarcasm, and he just uttered a few words before Yan Shaoyu slapped him in the face.

Under the eyes of everyone, Wu Cungui looked like a bedbug that couldn't jump up. He was so ashamed that he couldn't get through the deepest crack in the world.

Just like that, Yan Shaoyu became the focus.

Wu Cungui almost vomited blood when he saw Wen Tianlan go to make eye contact with him.

Wen Tianlan had never smiled so brightly in front of him, it was a kind of smile that was almost flattering, as if as long as Yan Shaoyu was willing, Wen Tianlan would immediately agree with him.

Wu Cungui also heard many words of praise for Yan Shaoyu, some said that Yan Shaoyu was a model among Zhongzhou disciples, and some said that Yan Shaoyu was the biggest dark horse of this year's disciples.

More people are envious of Yan Shaoyu's great luck. With this astonishing achievement, he will definitely be noticed by the teachers in the academy, and his future prospects are limitless.

Of course, some people were jealous of Yan Shaoyu and cursed him quietly.

Wu Cungui had a toothache, so he quietly left the crowd. Although he felt that the people talking about Yan Shaoyu was too noisy, he didn't dare to shut up others, and he could choose to change himself.

Even Yuan Anqi, the master of the school, showed kindness to Yan Shaoyu, came over and patted Yan Shaoyu on the shoulder, encouraged Yan Shaoyu a few words, and privately gave Yan Shaoyu a pill.

This scene made the young disciples even more envious and jealous.

At the same time, it also aroused the reverie of many female disciples.

This Yan Shaoyu might really develop.

It is impossible for them to get to know Du Zaoqi, because Du Zaoqi's eyes are higher than the top, and he doesn't look down on ordinary women at all.

But Yan Shaoyu is different.

There is every chance.

Wen Tianlan tried her best to stop this group of shameless people. In her heart, Yan Shaoyu should be her own.

She even forgot that the only connection between her and Yan Shaoyu was that they both came from Yundong Province.

That's it.


"Qin Jinyang, are you back?"

Yan Shaoyu just wanted to recover her true energy in peace, so as to meet the next trial in the fourth area.

He hated being surrounded by a group of women chattering without a single useful word.

Especially this Wen Tianlan.

Before, in order to be the white lotus in front of Wu Cungui, you specifically snubbed and isolated Qin Jinyang.

Now that I have achieved some results, you ran over again as if we are very familiar.

She is simply a shameless woman.

If you knew that Qin Jinyang had already killed hundreds of lice, you would have to sneak into my Brother Qin's quilt in the middle of the night.

Ha ha……

Having said that, you deserve it too?

Yan Shaoyu was so annoyed that she pushed Wen Tianlan away, ready to find a remote corner.

It's a pity that he is going to the fourth district next, he already has a team, and the fourth district must need to form a team, otherwise he can't wait to go directly to the fourth district to calm down.

Yan Shaoyu never worried about Qin Jinyang.

With so many blood lice killed, Qin Jinyang can walk sideways in the third district. If he didn't come back, there must be something important.

It's also a coincidence.

As soon as Yan Shaoyu looked up, he saw Qin Jinyang coming back alone.

He yelled and smiled slightly.

This brother Qin Jinyang.

It's always this unlucky virtue. Fortunately, I know your details, otherwise I would be worried that you will be seriously injured.

After the words fell, Yan Shaoyu ran to Qin Jinyang in one breath.

Beside Yan Shaoyu, another person followed closely behind.

Du Zao Qi.

He didn't know the truth about Qin Jinyang, so he waited eagerly.

After finally coming back, Du Zao wanted to see if Qin Jinyang was injured, and he had already prepared healing pills in his hand.

"You're all back too?"

Seeing Yan Shaoyu and Du Zaoqi approaching, Qin Jinyang felt warm in his heart.

These are dear brothers.

Two people, one No.1 and the other No.2, their grades are ridiculously good.

"Junior Brother Qin, are you injured? The third district is so dangerous, how did you get here on the new road?"

"Did you see it? Even the disciples of the Three Kingdoms fell into the sand, and there was nothing to gain at all."

"It's a miracle that you can come here."

Du Zaoqi said while feeding the pill into Qin Jinyang's mouth.

Only those who have experienced the third district can understand how dangerous the third district is. What's more, Qin Jinyang is taking a new path.

Yan Shaoyu didn't say a word, even holding back a laugh.

District [-]?
You should worry about whether the sixth district can block Qin Jinyang.

It should be guessed whether Qin Jinyang's lice blood has exceeded 900.


I have to make a bold guess, guess whether Qin Jinyang has ever passed 1000.

This guy has the four big characters of luck engraved on his forehead.

"It's not a miracle, but with the help of Brother Hu Chongqi, it's actually not too difficult."

"Speaking of which, the third district is also weird. I have come all the way to the end, but I haven't encountered a few house lice."

"Maybe I'm really lucky."

Qin Jinyang's voice was very loud, and he deliberately told what he saw and heard along the way.

The disciples of the Three Kingdoms can hear it.

Qin Jinyang took a look at Shengyuan and them.

Sure enough, his return had already attracted the attention of the disciples of the Three Kingdoms. They might not be able to figure out why a young disciple who hadn't washed the clock could reach the end.

But hearing Qin Jinyang's experience, the foreign disciples collapsed one after another.


You are a good-looking idiot who took advantage of it.

Where in the third area is there no house lice, and far more dangerous than the second area, how lucky are you.

Your years are quiet and good, it is the grandpas before the burden.

Especially the two guards of Donglan Country, they were so angry that their liver hurt.

We fought hard, but in the end we were not as good as a young disciple from Zhongzhou.


After chatting with Du Zaoqi for a while, Du Zaoqi left after learning that Qin Jinyang was safe.

At this time, Yan Shaoyu finally couldn't bear it any longer, stepped forward and pressed Qin Jinyang's ear and asked, "Tell me, have there been more than 1000?"

Yan Shaoyu felt uneasy.

He guessed 1000 before, but he didn't expect the scarcity of house lice in the third district.

If there are really no lice to kill, then 1000 is a bit overhanging.

"By the way, I have something to tell you... Do you remember that Bai Linxuan who bullied me in the second district?"

"This time, he wanted to bully me again, but I got slapped on him in the end!"

After Yan Shaoyu took the Small Samsara Pill, not only did his state return to its peak, but even his bones swelled. His heart was so excited that he had to find someone to share his joy with.

(End of this chapter)

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