This Martial Saint is too generous.

Chapter 39 The ghost monkey, the ghost heart

Chapter 39 The ghost monkey, the ghost heart

Qin Jinyang returned to the villa, exhausted, and fell into a deep sleep.

This shows the advantage of strong true energy. Most people faint on the way after a busy day.

Xu Longjie hasn't slept yet, and his yard is still in Shangdan Hall. This place is more luxurious, and the real essence of heaven and earth is more concentrated.

"Hall master, what is the relationship between this Qin Jinyang and Xue Bingbing? After entering the Yaoxing Hall, how dare he not come to greet you... There is no one in his eyes."

Lu Shuiqing stood in front of the window, looking directly at Xue Bingbing's yard.

The 300 taels of silver from Chi Gu Town had already been in Qin Jinyang's hands, but he didn't know to buy a treasure and send it to him.

Staring at no one?

Xu Longjie appeared righteous on the surface, but he held grudges in his heart.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care about these things... Since Xue Bingbing is confident, I will test your martial arts attainments tomorrow morning!"

Xu Longjie's expression was calm, but there was some playfulness in his eyes.

Qin Jinyang is just an ant.

I gave you Xue Bingbing face, but you don't give me face... Then don't blame me for being rude.

"Early morning? We only got the cheat book in the evening. Tomorrow morning, three days is not enough time!"

Lu Shuiqing was taken aback.

Theoretically, the assessment should be done tomorrow evening.

Of course, Lu Shuiqing has no pressure. Others only know that he is a foreigner. In fact, he knew Xu Longjie a long time ago, and he has already mastered the Leimai Sword Art. He is currently Xiaocheng.

Gu Konghe is also rooted in silver, so it's not a big problem.

But Chi Fenghong and Bai Yiyan will be a little dangerous.

As for Qin Jinyang, it is impossible for that kind of guy to master the ice lotus armor in two days and one night.

"I am the hall master, and my words are the rules... I can't comprehend martial arts because I am stupid. My Yaoxing Hall was established not to raise waste, and I should have no regrets if I was expelled..."

Xu Longjie's smile was fake.

"Haha, this kind of guy shouldn't have come in in the first place... But it's not bad, because of his existence, the two eliminated people are vying to bid, and they don't know which one to choose!"

Lu Shuiqing complimented her on the surface, but a sneer flashed in her eyes.

Xu Longjie's mind is not much bigger than the tip of a needle, Qin Jinyang is also stupid, and a stupid person deserves whatever happens to him.

"You, you always like to stare at Xiaoen Xiaohui... It's better to practice the sword art to perfection as soon as possible. You still have three competitors. Whoever gets the most Gui Wuxin will be qualified to practice in the owner's secret room. ...The first priority is to improve the root bone."

"Xu Wenqing, relying on your golden roots, you are defiant. Sooner or later, I will make you kneel in front of me and look up at me!"

Xu Longjie also looked out the window.

His sight is at the top.

That is the owner's dormitory, and it is also the core area of ​​Helan Mountain, and at the same time, it hides the secret of raising the root bone.

Even the disciples of Shangdantang have to rely on meritorious service to enter the secret room.

For Xu Wenqing, the secret room is her bedroom.

"Master, what if... I mean, what if... Qin Jinyang, with the help of Xue Bingbing, secretly mastered the Ice Lotus Armor, what should we do!"

Lu Shuiqing asked again.

"Then be a coachman. The fifth member of Yaoxing Hall is originally a coachman."

"Tomorrow morning, I'll take you to Guiwu Cave, first familiarize yourself with the environment!"

Xu Longjie said again.

"Ghost Wuku... so fast?"

Lu Shuiqing's expression was visibly startled.


Ghost cave.

Located in a canyon 200 miles away from the villa, miasma is rampant around the canyon, and no grass grows, and the miasma is still spreading every year, and the people's cultivated land is decreasing year by year.

A few months ago, the owner of Helan Mountain Villa, the head of Xu Yue faction, and the owner of Gexin Valley, three masters explored the canyon together.

Eventually, the three find a cave.

The miasma originated from here, and the cave was covered in gray, unexpectedly there is a cave, it is an underground stone forest, in which grows a kind of monkey with skin like tendon, invulnerable.

The three masters captured a few monkeys alive, and went back to look for the classics. It didn't matter after checking, it turned out to be spirit beasts.

Ghost black monkey.

The heart of Gui Wuhou is a secret treasure for refining medicine, but one or two has no effect, and hundreds of pills are needed for every alchemy.

When the three masters were exploring Guiwu Cave, they summed up some rules.

The miasma inside would suppress the martial artist's true energy. Even if the three of them were all five ranks, they would be overwhelmed. It was impossible to stay for a long time. Besides, they were busy with their affairs and had no time to waste time here.

They sent the fourth-rank hall master over.


The performance of the fourth product is even worse.

The third grade is the same, it is even worse than the fourth grade, and some of them vomit blood when they enter.

Soon, the three of them discovered another rule, the younger the person goes in, the longer the support time will be.

But among the young people under the age of 17 or 8, the third grade is rare.

There are a few second-rank young people in Shangdantang, but ghosts and black monkeys are invulnerable to swords and guns, and their speed is extremely fast. They can't be chased, and even if they are chased, they can't be killed. It is a waste of energy.

Moreover, when the miasma enters the body, it disturbs the purity of the true qi in the body, and it takes time to get rid of the impurities. The gain is not worth the loss. In severe cases, it will affect the dantian to ring the bell.

The matter seemed to be deadlocked, but after investigation by the owner of Ge Xin Valley, another flaw of the ghostly black monkey was discovered.

This group of monkeys has lived in the miasma for many years, and they are blind, deaf, and smelly... They can't see people, hear any sounds, and can't smell people. The only thing they are sensitive to is the perception of true energy.

When a first-rank martial artist enters, they will come over to make trouble, and if it is serious, it can kill the martial artist.

When the second rank enters, they play with warriors and run away in case of danger.

The third grade had a chance to kill the black monkeys, but these monkeys were cunning, smelling the true energy of the third grade, they hid far away.

As for the flaws, they are ordinary people who have not broken through.

In the perception of ghosts and black monkeys, true qi of less than one grade is a transparent existence, and they are not aware of existence at all.

A young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, combined with some strong qi pills, can completely ignore the plague.

It is true that the ghost black monkey's skin is like tendons and invulnerable to swords and guns, but as long as it is dead, it can easily break open its skin and take away the precious ghost black heart.

Difficulty solved.

Ordinary people who have not been infected with a first-grade zhenqi can use special martial arts to attack ghosts and black monkeys openly and aboveboard.

The special martial art is the Thunder Pulse Sword Art.

The Leimai Sword Art has a chance to stun Ghost Wuhou, then make up the knife, and then take Ghost Wuxin.

Of course, after repeated verification by the owner, the success rate is not high, and you have to touch a weak ghost and black monkey... But there is always a way.

In addition to Helan Villa, Xuyue Sect and Xinyue Pavilion also opened a new special hall, which is to recruit young people and hunt ghosts and black monkeys.


"Master, I understand... No wonder you said that Qin Jinyang is a coachman! The heart of the ghost and black monkey needs to be frozen to preserve it. To run the ice coffin cart of the owner, you must have the true energy of ice."

Lu Shui's blue eyes lit up.

At the same time, his heartbeat began to speed up, and he was extremely excited.

Due to the different relationship with Xu Longjie, he knew the information about Guiwu Cave very early on.

He also knew that the opportunity for Yaoxing Hall to break through the root lies in Gui Wuhou... The owner of the villa has long set a detailed reward rule: use Gui Wuxin in exchange for a chance to meditate in the core secret room of the villa.

There is no guarantee that silver will be promoted to gold, but there is every chance that the lower rank of silver will be promoted to the upper rank.

"I have tried everything possible to secure the position of the head of the Yaoxing Hall. The other three disciples are all training partners. The one who really eats meat is you... You can't waste the opportunity. The owner is competitive and is secretly comparing himself with the other two sects. Once our Yaoxing Hall has the fewest ghosts and black hearts, I may not be able to keep the hall master, and the master looks down on the incompetent!"

"It's a pity, the owner of the villa worked so hard to arrange it. He captured Tong Zhimang to the villa, but he couldn't pry his mouth open! His rotten punches and beating ghosts and black monkeys can be said to be specialized in curing toothaches. There's no comparison at all."

(End of this chapter)

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