This Martial Saint is too generous.

Chapter 64 Children only talk about hatred, adults only look at interests

Chapter 64 Children only talk about hatred, adults only look at interests

Hall of Stars!

Early in the morning, in front of Xu Longjie was a table full of pastries, porridge, meat, vegetables and fruits, but he had no appetite at all.

Gas stomach cramps.

Broken Tendon Pill!
My Potato Pill!
Why can't you come back a few days earlier.

My luck is also good and bad, it is really torture.

Although he was prestige in the burrow, he was overshadowed by Xue Bingbing.

Xue Bingbing, a shameless bitch, must be very happy in her heart.

It is impossible for her to return the Pojin Pill to Qin Jinyang, she must keep it for herself.

I was robbed.

Remember this grievance first, and sooner or later you will spit it out with profit.

Damn Zhao Zhiqi, you are such a disaster, why didn't you die on the road and make me so urgent.

"Master, something happened in the Welfare Hall yesterday..."

The attendant stood aside, hesitating to speak.

Seeing that Xu Longjie had lost his appetite and was depressed, he couldn't bear to hit him again.

It is my responsibility to inquire about the news.

"Hospitality Hall?"

"Hehe, what news can there be from Houshengtang... It's nothing more than that Qin Jinyang failed to ring the bell, Xue Bingbing sent Wenqi pills to buy people's hearts... bitch!"

Holding the spoon, Xu Longjie wished he could sell Xue Bingbing in the barn at the foot of the mountain and let her accompany 800 guests a day.

Qin Jinyang, an idiot, must be grateful for a few warming pills to buy people's hearts.

Compared with the Pojin Pill, the Wenqi Pill is a piece of junk.

"Master, Qin Jinyang did not fail, he succeeded in ringing the bell, and made a breakthrough in the eight o'clock formation."

"and also……"

When it came to ringing the bell successfully, Xu Longjie's face froze for a moment, the attendant sighed, and continued:

"The former hall secretary sent a merit tablet to the villa because Qin Jinyang went to Liyu Town..."

The attendant explained the whole process of the Houshengtang in detail, without missing any small details.

Xu Longjie's expression, from the slight astonishment at the beginning, to shock, to shock, to livid, until finally his blood was surging and his lips were trembling...

What the hell?
I have only been in seclusion for a day, so why are there so many things happening in the villa.

Qin Jinyang, this little trash, if you don't leave sooner or later, why do you have to squeeze in these few days!

Xu Longjie gritted his teeth: "Wu Shengshi, you are so shameless, why should your name be written on the merit tablet, it should be me, write me!"

On his hate list, another Wu Shengshi was added.

The owner of the villa is most concerned about these vain names, especially if he has some relationship with the government, and he shows off everywhere. If the merit tablet falls in the Yaoxing Hall, he can even open the master's treasure house.

The Huangyun faction has been making waves recently, and several great sects are all trying to pull relations with the former hall secretary.


This time the loss was heavy.



Unable to vent his anger, Xu Longjie directly flipped the table, and the plates and bowls were scattered all over the floor.

"Call me all the disciples of Yaoxing Hall, I want to give a lecture... Tomorrow, when I enter the Catacombs, there will only be more than 27 Ghost Crow Hearts... Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Xu Longjie's last life-saving straw was only the master's reward.

It is difficult to break through the third rank.

If it fails this time, it will take a long time to prepare for the next time.

Do not!
There is no next time, if the breakthrough fails, he will be beaten to death by Zhao Zhiqi!

Chi Ancient Town!
Gu Konghe's family is ready for a breakthrough.

In order to get the opportunity to take the Shangdantang test, in addition to the roots, one has to be a hero and have made contributions to the villa. If you don't make breakthroughs, how dare you punish rape and eradicate evil.

As for the Catacombs, it doesn't mean much to Gu Konghe.

Chi Fenghong is one step away from Yinhua Gengu, and made it clear that he does not need his own help. He wants to be promoted by his own ability, but Chi Fenghong needs Wenqi pills more.

"Kong'er, let's start!"

The patriarch's father was sullen, running his blood.

At the same time, the supporting warriors at the eight positions also responded one after another.

Gu Konghe sighed, compared with Qin Jinyang's cards, he was really shabby.

But this is already my father's all.

If he doesn't go home and stay in the villa to break through, he can only go to the next three halls, and the lineup is even more shabby.

I am different from Qin Jinyang, the three hall masters all know that sooner or later they will go to the single hall, and it is impossible to treat themselves with heart, let alone Zhongshuang hall.

"Take a deep breath, take a deep breath...Qin Jinyang rings the bell with six steps, I'll be more conservative, take eight steps, and I can succeed...Qin Yuanyang said that deep breathing is the key...Take a deep breath..."

Gukong and firm belief, stepping into the eight-point matrix.


cough... cough...

Gukong was like a dead dog, lying face up on the ground and coughing frantically, his eyes were dazed and hesitant.

"Qin Jinyang, this liar..."

He has nothing to love.

The agreed deep breath breaks through, the agreed is simple, why I was almost torn apart by the blood, almost passed out.

After walking the eight o'clock circle, I barely felt the bell hammer. If I want to really grasp it and really strike it, I don't know that it will be a year of the monkey, and I may not be able to succeed if I walk five more times.


big liar!
"My son is worthy of being a high-grade Yinhua root bone. The first trip to the eight o'clock formation was so smooth. If there are no accidents, if you go seven or eight times, you will definitely be able to ring the bell... My blood of the ancient family is really extraordinary!"

The father's face was full of pride.

"The young master is amazing, one in a thousand."


"The experienced geniuses of Helan Villa are extraordinary... Owner, after the young master successfully rings the bell, I suggest serving wine for three days, beating gongs and drums, and blasting firecrackers."

The few warriors who came to help out also felt sincerely.

Today's young people are really scary.

"Makes sense..."

The patriarch nodded seriously.

"Don't...Father, don't...wait for me to come back the day after tomorrow to continue breaking through...don't put wine..."

Gu Kong ran away as if running for his life.

There is also's not too embarrassing.

"Father, by the way, is Tu Jiaoxue coming back soon?" Gu Konghe suddenly stopped and asked.

Although Qin Jinyang succeeded in breaking through, the earth dragon's blood still had an effect on the roots of the iron tree.

"Still on the way!" Thinking that the blood of the earth flood dragon could make his son rise again, the patriarch felt as happy as if he had been smeared with honey.

"The young master is not arrogant or impetuous, and he will become a great weapon in the future!"

The middle-aged warriors all praised.

The patriarch caressed his beard and was proud of himself. I have nothing to be proud of. I am nothing more than a son of a third-grade talent!


"Where's Gu Konghe?"

The Yaoxing Hall assembled, but Gu Kong and He were absent.

"I don't know!" Chi Fenghong shook his head, he didn't know anything about the family yet.

Xu Longjie squinted his eyes!
That's it!

Guiwu's heart is all counting on Gu Konghe, these small things are harmless.

"Here is a new batch of Wenqi Pills. No other church is eligible to touch it... You have the most resources, you must give me your life...!"

Xu Longjie started to lecture with a stern face, serving both carrots and sticks.

Shi Pingying was excited, apprehensive, and a little scared.

He knew about the Houshengtang, and always felt that he had lost the merit tablet of Yaoxingtang.


In the evening, Gu Konghe came back.

He knocked directly on Lu Shuiqing's door.

"What are you doing here!"

Lu Shuiqing looked surprised.

He was worrying about what to do tomorrow, last time he took banned drugs, this time he didn't dare at all.

"Do you want to improve the root bone?"

Gukong and straight to the point.

"Hmph... are you here to mock me? To tell you the truth, the hall master has informed the villa master that the secret furnace will not limit the twelve hours in the future. Even if I don't have as many as you, you will not occupy all the resources."

Lu Shuiqing's eyes were burning.

Last time, Gu Konghe had more than twelve Guiwu Hearts, occupying the whole day's practice time. Xu Longjie realized the seriousness of the problem and asked the owner to revise the rules in time.

"Then you're still drinking swill, so you won't be able to make a fortune...Guiwuxin is 150 taels, I'll sell you five, and I promise to keep my hands empty...Why don't you?"

Gu Kong and Dao.

It will take some time to break through, and he is too lazy to join the next three halls, so why not stay in Yaoxing Hall and do some business.

This question made Lumizu Aoki stay where he was.

He was thinking about a question, whether the animal in front of him was taken away by the hanged ghost.

Sell ​​me a black heart, what do you think?
"Do you want to make this deal or not? Come on... If not, I'll go to Shi Pingying!"

Gukong and impatient.

"I want to know why!"

Lu Shuiqing's eyes shrank.

"Don't ask too much, it's not because of poverty anyway!"

Gu Konghe took Qin Jinyang's 10 ghost black hearts in the end, and he still hasn't settled the bill yet!
No money.

During this period of crazy money burning, the family has sold a lot of property.

Although the father is the patriarch, he can't act arbitrarily, he has to be more sensible.

"make a deal!"

Lu Shuiqing thought for a long time, although it was expensive, it was not worth mentioning compared to Gengu.

When I came to Helan Villa by myself, my only goal was to be promoted to Gengu.

As for hatred?

Children only talk about hatred, adults only look at interests.

(End of this chapter)

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