This Martial Saint is too generous.

Chapter 75 That spark of fire is the most precious

Chapter 75 That spark of fire is the most precious

"Hero, let me say... I say... let me say... Ganglongzhai is hidden in Zuhuang Mountain. There is a trail that leads to the hinterland of a cave... Don't kill me!"

Yin Sanxiao hadn't spoken yet, but the leader next to him was scared out of his wits.

This is a devil.

You tortured Yin Sanxiao, why did you throw us into the pit.

I don't want to die.

I want to live!
"Anyone else have any details to add...I'll spare my dog's life!"

Qin Jinyang asked again.

"I have, I have... I have..."

The leader who spoke just now spoke again.

It's a pity that Qin Jinyang didn't give a chance, and just threw it away: "Since there are supplements, why didn't you just say everything, damn it!"

"I said, I said!"

"Let me tell you, let me tell you, I know the most details."

Several leaders scrambled over each other, pouring out all the information like dogs scrambling for food.

"You are in charge, I will give you one more chance!"

Qin Jinyang memorized the route, and finally looked at Yin Sanxiao.

"Hero, there is a small labyrinth at the entrance of Ganglongzhai, only the three of them know how to break it!"

There is a ringleader reporting.

"Hehehe, you left the restaurant and arrested me here deliberately, because you want to steal all the money from Ganglongzhai!"

"You can actually imprison me, and then I will go to Steel Dragon Village with you. Wouldn't you be more at ease then?"

After all, Yin Sanxiao is a master, so he quickly figured out what Qin Jinyang was thinking.

"You should know about the torture hall in Helan Villa! I can let you live for 20 more years! Once you lie, I will go up the mountain to try and make mistakes in Helan Villa. There will always be times when you can't bear it... Everyone will die, since If you do something like licking blood with a knife, you will naturally end up being killed, a man should die frankly!"

Qin Jinyang shook his head, his tone was earnest, like a good friend who persuaded you to surrender.

Yin Sanxiao remained silent.

Survival is a human instinct, he does not want to die.

But he knew the punishment hall of Helan Mountain Villa, and he knew that he would definitely not be able to bear it, and that the suffering was for nothing.

"The three of you, the three of you, have committed too many evils. After you die, you will go to the [-]th floor of hell. You will be tortured in mountains of swords and seas of fire. I have taken the treasure and will distribute it to the people. It is also atonement for your three brothers and sisters."

"Wealth is atonement through your hands. Your sin is the lightest. You may be able to be a human being in the next life. Otherwise, you will be a pig, dog, and beast... If you don't bring money with you, you won't take it with you when you die. It will be rotten anyway. Why don't you buy a chance to redeem your sins?" !"

Qin Jinyang's words were flat, like a scholar who persuaded others to be kind.

"Hehe, distributing wealth to the people? You are lying to ghosts!"

Yin Sanxiao has never seen such a hypocritical villain.

In fact, he doesn't respect ghosts and gods, but when people are about to die, they always think wildly.

What if!
In case there are really eighteen layers of hell, if I atone for my sins, will I suffer less torture?
His heart began to waver.

"That's come to memorize the formula...but I will curse you, if you greedily use the money in Ganglongzhai, you will be ten thousand times miserable than me after death, and you will go to the eighteenth floor of hell!"

Yin Sanxiao smiled wryly.

There is indeed a small labyrinth in front of the cave in Ganglongzhai, but it can only stop second and third rank fighters. This beast already knows the exact location of the cave, and he can break it by brute force if he goes to any fourth rank in Helan Villa.

Money will fall anyway in Helan Villa.

Instead of that, it's better to buy a redemption possibility.

Although, it is unlikely.

But in case he has a sliver of conscience, even if he redeems me for a couple of sins, it can alleviate a couple of my sins.

When the devil is alive, evil thoughts and greed can suppress fear.

When dying, no one knows that he is angry with others.

But to die at the hands of a first-ranker is still not reconciled after all!

[Hint: Are you willing to disperse the huge wealth of Ganglongzhai among the people? 】


Qin Jinyang memorized the formation map.

Qin Jinyang beheaded all the little bosses.


[You send Yin Sanxiao on the road to save everyone in the restaurant, and you will be rewarded with 100 potential points. 】

[You send Yin Xiaosan on the road to avenge 341 souls in seven towns and reward 170 potential points. 】

[You send the little boss on the road, save the civilians in Yanfang Town, and reward 40 points of potential. 】

[You send the little boss into the fire pit, save the civilians in Yanfang Town, and reward you with 40 potential points. 】

[You kill the cruel bandits and save the civilians in Yanfang Town, and you will be rewarded with 50 potential points. 】

【You kill...】

【You kill...】


A series of rewards flooded into my mind like an explosion.

Qin Jinyang opened the panel.


Name: Qin Jinyang
Status: Disciple of Helan Villa Houshengtang
Root bone: Yinhua grade [next stage: Gold grade (79/80)]

Martial arts: "Great Jiang Gong (Complete)", "Ice Lotus Armor (Complete)", "Dust Yang Gong (Complete)", "Bad Fist (Complete)", "Black Foot (Complete)", "Boiling Demon and Tiger Knife (Completely)"

Potential: 814 points


The potential has increased by more than 800 points, after all, it is only the third master.

Yin Yanyan is the culprit, so she has the most potential.

Qin Jinyang swallowed a Huiqi pill, and immediately returned to the restaurant. There were far fewer bandits along the way. Since the leader had been killed, the strong civilians in the town also picked up hoes and started beating the bandits .

Once the heart of resistance is ignited, the power of civilians is also terrifying.

That spark of fire is the most precious.


The four first-rank small leaders still have the strength to fight. Zhou Xiaosu was injured, and the others were still fighting hard. Zhou Xiaocao grabbed a shovel and whipped a dead bandit while crying.

Some people were bandaging the wounds of the injured, and there was a lot of chaos.

The second leader already had the intention to retire, but Zhao Siming was a second rank after all. Although Yin Weiwei would not be able to kill Yin Weiwei for a while, it was not a big problem to force him to stay, not to mention that the environment of the restaurant was narrow, just blocking the gate.

The only thing Zhao Siming was worried about was that Qin Jinyang should not underestimate the enemy, and he must not be killed by the third leader on the road.

He can be counted as his savior.

"Senior brother, I'm back!"

Suddenly, a figure appeared at the door of the restaurant.

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaosu and the others suddenly turned their heads, but the blood shadow rushed in like lightning.

Qin Jinyang's speed was too fast and his sword was too fierce. Yin Weiwei was being suppressed by Zhao Siming.

Zhao Siming didn't even react.

In fact, let alone others, Qin Jinyang didn't even realize that after a fight, his hands had become unbelievably steady.

If the heart is cold enough, man and knife will become one!

This is what it means to be battle-tested.

"Junior brother, you...should be caught alive!"

Zhao Siming was anxious.

Ganglongzhai has been domineering for so long, and must have accumulated a lot of wealth. If the villa is obtained, it will be a great contribution.

Qin Jinyang turned around and beheaded several small bosses nearby.

The relationship between the villa and the disciples is, in the final analysis, long-term workers and landlords. I dug a gold mine, what does it have to do with your boss?
"Zhou Xiaosu, gather your forces and kill all the bandits, leaving no one behind!"

In fact, except for the leader of the first rank, ordinary minions have never been to the place where money is hidden, but Qin Jinyang must be safe.

"Town guards, hunt down the gangsters in Ganglongzhai... Kill without mercy!"

The mayor is a genius.

He expected that the third master would be killed.

At the same time, he guessed that Qin Jinyang might have asked for some information, and he needed to kill him to silence him.

You are my benefactor.

I'm here to silence you.

In the future, if Helan Villa asks more questions, I will help you hide it.

The disaster in Yanfang Town was caused by me, I am a sinner through the ages, it is my luck to meet you.


【Would you send Yin Weiwei on the road to save everyone in the restaurant? You will be rewarded with 100 potential points. 】

[You send Yin Weiwei on the road to avenge 341 souls in seven towns, rewarding 170 potential points. 】

[You save the civilians in Yanfang Town, and you will be rewarded with 40 potential points. 】

[You kill the cruel bandits and save the civilians in Yanfang Town, and you will be rewarded with 50 potential points. 】

【You kill...】

【You kill...】


Another series of beeps sounded.

"Senior brother, I'm not good at learning, and the third master has lost it and disappeared!"

Qin Jinyang and Zhao Siming said.

"It's okay, after all, you are only a rank one, so it's normal to lose it!"

Zhao Siming nodded.

Yin Yanyan was killed, Yin Weiwei was killed, Yin Sanxiao disappeared, and the location of the Ganglongzhai stronghold became an unsolved case.

Report the truth and let the villa offer a reward for Yin Sanxiao's whereabouts.

"It was a coincidence that I killed Yin Yanyan... She became obsessed with practicing kung fu, and I took advantage of it!"

Qin Jinyang said again.

"Normal... If you don't take advantage of her weakness, you can't kill her!"

Zhao Siming nodded.


Outside the villa.

Several people stood in front of Zhao Zhiqi.

One of the rich middle-aged men was covered in sweat, and his face turned a liver-colored from anger.

"Although the leader of Ganglongzhai is the second rank, it is said that even the third rank has to avoid the edge for a while. I am a disciple of the Huangyun sect. This matter has nothing to do with me. I am also afraid of death!"

Zhao Zhiqi reported the selling price, but Jia Fuxing was not satisfied.

"Treasurer Jia, you can invite the experts from Helan Villa to come over, I am not a local after all!"

"Hey... here it is... from Helan Villa!"

Zhao Zhiqi turned his head, and sure enough, a group of people rushed over.

Jia Fuxing breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly looked over.

The next second, his eyes were full of disappointment.

There are no three grades.

They are all young juniors!
There was no hall master from the villa in the crowd.

If there is no third-rank martial artist, even the gate of the city cannot be opened.

(End of this chapter)

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