This Martial Saint is too generous.

Chapter 88 The world is like this

Chapter 88 The world is like this

Qin Jinyang fell asleep in Ding Gongchun's yard. At dawn, he sat up suddenly and straightened his clothes immediately!

Fortunately, the body is still clean.

It's a mistake to drink, it's also because of Ding Luchun's drinking too much, Fang Yongli is still snoring like a dead pig.

Qin Jinyang left quietly.

When passing Zhongshuangtang down the mountain, Qin Jinyang saw four strange-looking things whistling at the female disciple.

It can only be described as grotesque.

A sallow and thin man with a thin body and a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek. The key point is that his face is full of acne, which is uglier than a monkey.

The other two are big fat guys, like a round ball.

The oldest was in his 40s, bald, with a few stubborn strands blowing in the wind on either side of his hair.

That is to say, the sallow and thin monkey is younger, but it must be more than 30 years old.

Qin Jinyang frowned!
The four of them became more and more arrogant, they just whistled at the attendant female disciples, but they even dared to strike up a conversation with the female disciples of Zhongshuangtang, with playful smiles on their faces.

You know, the disciples of Zhongshuangtang are usually very arrogant, and the female disciples are even more arrogant and supercilious, how can they bear it?

"These people should be the four great swordsmen of Yaoxingtang who Xu Wenqing hired at a high price and are currently serving under Xue Bingbing's command!"

The identity of this group of people is not difficult to guess.

Qin Jinyang shook his head and went down the mountain with a frown. For a moment, he couldn't see any magical skills of the four of them.

But Gui Wuxin will not lie, he must have some skills.

Back then, we kept a low profile and behaved humbly in Yaoxingtang. Even the most arrogant Lu Shuiqing would not dare to come to Zhongshuangtang to make trouble.

The second-generation disciples are getting more and more promising!

"Senior Brother Qin, are you... just came back from Senior Brother Fang?"

Passing Huoqu Hall, Wang Jixiang appeared faintly like a ghost.

He glanced at the mountain, and his words were still a little awkward.

"Uh, the alcohol is strong, I accidentally fell asleep!"

Qin Jinyang smiled.

"Drinking alcohol hurts your health. Brother Qin, you still have to pay attention to your health... There are poisonous insects and raptors in the yard of the owner of Ding. Senior brother, be careful of any danger you encounter, and try to go back to the Houshengtang to be safe."

Wang Jixiang confessed in earnest.

"Indeed, drinking is a mistake!"

Qin Jinyang agrees.

"Senior Brother Qin, what kind of wine do you like to drink? I know a few wine shops. If you have time, we can also have a drink and chat with Yue Dangkong!"

Wang Jixiang said again.

"Uh... I drank like crazy..."

Qin Jinyang smiled.

"Of course, if Senior Brother Qin likes to drink with Senior Brother Fang, then it's not convenient for me to disturb him. After all, Senior Brother Fang has a good drinking capacity, a bold personality, knowledge of astronomy and geography, and knowledge of ancient and modern times. He is a rare and close friend!"

Wang Jixiang looked at the treetops next to him, and his words were neither painful nor itchy.

"Acquainted with ancient and modern times? Shit, he knows a hammer!"

Qin Jinyang sneered.

Can't even feed a bird.

"Hammer? Brother Fang's hammer... must be extraordinary!"

Wang Jixiang frowned.

"I have a you know these four people?"

Qin Jinyang pointed to the distance.

The four of them lined up horizontally, occupying the road, laughing and domineering.

"Four Star Monsters?"

Wang Jixiang was taken aback.

"Ah...the Four Star Monsters, this name..."

Qin Jinyang couldn't laugh or cry.

"The four monsters of Yaoxing were originally called the four monsters of Huliang. They got their name because they have been entrenched on Huliang Peak for many years. They make a living by looting houses."

"They are blood brothers. They used to be just gangsters from a den of bandits. I heard that they accidentally obtained the mantle of an old Taoist and practiced a sword formation. Four fighters without a rank can fight against a second rank in a combined attack, so there is some Fame."

"Where is your Yaoxing hall? Killing monkeys, high-ranking warriors can't go there, so the four of them were found by Senior Sister Xu Wenqing, and they came to the villa."

"Don't underestimate the four of them. Although they are also in the Yaoxing Hall, their status is that of the deputy hall masters, not the status of disciples like you used to. It is rumored that even the master of the villa is treated with courtesy."

In fact, part of the matter of Guiwuku has been leaked. After all, the other two sects were also involved. However, with Wang Jixiang's intelligence ability, there is no specific information yet, but it has been guessed to be close to ten.

"Deputy...deputy hall master?"

"There are six people in Yaoxing Hall, one hall master, four deputy hall masters, and in the end there is only Lu Shuiqing as a disciple?"

I don't know if it's because the alcohol has not dissipated, Qin Jinyang is almost drunk.

He couldn't bear to imagine Lu Shuiqing's life.

"Who says it's not... It is rumored that Lu Shuiqing was serving tea and water, boiling water for washing feet, rubbing the backs and washing hair for the four deputy hall masters, and her legs were about to break! Especially the fourth child, Lu Shuiqing has to feed the meal... It's really miserable."

Wang Jixiang also said with emotion.

"There is no attendant disciple to serve?"

Qin Jinyang asked again.

"The four Yaoxing monsters really want attendants, especially female attendants, but hall master Xue is a woman, and knows the virtues of the four, so women are strictly forbidden to set foot in Yaoxing hall."

"The most famous feats of the four villains are not robbing houses, nor fighting second-rank sword battles, but the brothel as their home, full of lust and courage, wherever the four go, no matter how eager for money, the brothel sisters have to run away... See the sores on the face of the fourth child? That's a disease!"

Wang Jixiang said again.

At this moment, Zhou Xiaosu came back from the mountain: "Senior brother Qin!" He was very excited to see Qin Jinyang.

"How is Yanfang Town doing recently?"

Qin Jinyang asked with a smile.

"Well, a lot of people died. The mayor recruited troops, and rich man Jia provided a lot of money. I heard that Ganglongzhai still has a mastermind behind the scenes. The mayor wants to investigate to the end."

"By the way, the school has resumed classes. My brother-in-law acts as a half-teacher in his spare time, teaching arithmetic, and the children's mood is gradually recovering. It's just that the general you named is too good."

Zhou Xiaosu talked about the current situation of Yanfang Town.

Afterwards, Zhou Xiaosu looked at the skinny monkey among the Yaoxing four monsters: "It's a pity Yao Xiaojie, she actually wants to marry the fourth child among the four monsters!"

The deaths of Bai Lijie and Qian Shijing seemed to have happened a long time ago, people's memory is really bad.

At that time, Qian Shijing's marriage to Yao Xiaojie was still a hotly discussed event among the disciples. To the disciples, Yao Xiaojie was also aloof, a white moonlight like a fairy.

How long has passed, Yao Xiaojie actually wants to marry this kind of thing, it's really a pity.

"Yao Xiaojie!"

Qin Jinyang frowned.

When he was looking for Xue Bingbing, he also met several times.

But not impressed.

Yao Xiaojie stood aside with her head lowered every time, just very well-behaved, she teased Xue Bingbing a few words, the little girl wanted to laugh but didn't dare, and her appearance of suppressing a smile was quite gratifying.

But put it together with the evil fourth child, it's like flowers stuck in sulfuric acid.

"Marry? Yao Xiaojie willing?" Qin Jinyang asked again.

"The owner of the villa refers to marriage, whether he is willing or not is not important at all! The eldest of the four monsters, even Xue Bingbing dares to covet, but this is absurd, and the owner of the villa does not agree."

Wang Jixiang shook his head.

His expression was different from Zhou Xiaosu's, and he lacked empathy.

To put it bluntly, Wang Jixiang is an official disciple. In his eyes, a disciple who attends to him is an involuntary subordinate after all. This has nothing to do with character, it is like this in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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