Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 134 Sharing the bed with Liu 2 Long, Yu Xiaogang and a pedestrian arrive

Chapter 134 Sharing the bed with Liu Erlong, Yu Xiaogang and his party arrive

The two poisons of Ice Fire Immortal Grass, just one of them can make Dugu Bo terrified.

Dugu Bo also has a high level of soul power, and he took off these two immortal products only by relying on the protection of soul power.

Gu Ye was sure that once these poisons entered Dugu Bo's body, even his Title Douluo's strength could not guarantee that he could resist safely.

Moreover, on the Douluo Continent, the physique of the soul master is seriously weak, and the resistance to poison is even weaker.

What is certain is that once Gu Ye fuses the two poisons of ice and fire into one poison, even some Titled Douluo will not be spared.

"Fortunately, there is room for surgery, otherwise it would not be so easy to extract the essence of the medicinal liquid."

Gu Ye watched the fairy grass slowly turn into some medicinal liquid essence in his operating space, and was amazed at the operating space given to him by the system.

The extraction process was more difficult than Gu Ye imagined.

It was six o'clock in the afternoon when Gu Ye completed the extraction of the fire-attribute fairy herbs.

At this time, there were two transparent glass test tubes on the table in front of him.

It contained two red liquids.

One is the liquid essence of Lihuo Xingjiao crisp, and the other is fire poison.

Anyone can take the medicinal liquid essence, and the benefits after taking it are even better than Tang San in the original book.

Because in the original book, Tang San neutralized a lot of medicinal energy through ice and fire when taking it, and Gu Ye extracted the fire poison, and the absorption of medicinal properties reached [-]%.

Gu Ye took a look at the essence and poison of the two test tubes and put them away. As for the remaining ice-attribute fairy grass, I will do it tomorrow.

Then he left the medical center and went back to Lanba Academy.

There is only Gu Ye in the current medical center, it is deserted.

And there is a beautiful mature woman Liu Erlong in the back of Lanba Academy.

Living there tonight, any fool knows how to choose.

And Gu Ye discovered that he already liked living with Liu Erlong in the back mountain of Lanba Academy.

After eating every day, interact with Liu Erlong to increase the relationship, and then go to the room to chat about in-depth topics.

Juicy and colorful.

Not long after, Gu Ye returned to his residence in the back mountain of Lanba Academy.

Inside the wooden house, Liu Erlong heard the movement outside and came out.

"Why did you come back so late today?"

A trace of dissatisfaction could be heard from Liu Erlong's words.

It's already dark now, and Gu Ye wouldn't come back so late in the previous days.

Unknowingly, even Liu Erlong didn't realize that she was used to living with Gu Ye.

"Some things to do, by the way, have you done the meal?"

"Just finished. But I thought you didn't come back, so I did less."

"It's okay, it's delicious, I can eat whatever you want with Erlong."

As Gu Ye said, he came behind Liu Erlong, put his arms around her waist, leaned on her shoulders and whispered softly: "Erlong, you smell really good, and people can't help but want to taste your fragrance." tasty."

Liu Erlong twisted his body symbolically, not refusing Gu Ye to hug her intimately from behind.

Because these days, Gu Ye has done anything more intimate than this to her.

She found that she didn't dislike Gu Ye at all, and she was a little happy in her heart. She was happy that Gu Ye liked her and was infatuated with her.

"Eat, no matter how poor you are, I won't give you food."

Liu Erlong turned his head and glanced at Gu Ye.

"Well, eat and eat."

Gu Ye smiled and let go of Liu Erlong, sat with Liu Erlong and started eating.

"By the way, Erlong, do you know that the soul power of Jiangzhu has broken through?"

"Today she told me that she was able to break through thanks to you, Teacher Gu."

"Then, didn't you say anything else?" Gu Ye looked at Liu Erlong with a smile.

Liu Erlong paused for a while, then continued:

"I don't know who's instigated this girl. After finishing speaking, she asked me when you and I will be together, and asked if we are going to have children. Gu Ye, who do you think will instigate this girl? What do you say?"

Liu Erlong looked at Gu Ye suspiciously.

Naturally, Gu Ye couldn't admit it, he shook his head: "I think it's definitely Jiangzhu who also wants Erlong to be with me. This is obviously her sincere blessing, Erlong, you are thinking too much."

"Hmph, I don't know if you think too much, but I know, you must have bad intentions."

Liu Erlong snorted arrogantly, and ate silently.

After eating, Gu Ye was ordered to wash the dishes, while she went back to the room.

Gu Ye is naturally willing to wash the dishes Liu Erlong cooks.

After finishing the work, realizing that Liu Erlong was no longer outside, Gu Ye resolutely went outside her room and quietly opened the door and walked in.

It was not the first time that Gu Ye entered Liu Erlong's room.
Now when he came in, he saw Liu Erlong lying sideways on the bed with his back facing him.

Appears to be asleep.

But Gu Ye knew that Liu Erlong definitely couldn't fall asleep.

Could it be that.

Gu Ye took a look at the place Liu Erlong had reserved, smirked and went to bed.

He took the initiative to hug Liu Erlong from behind.

At the moment when Liu Erlong was hugged from behind, Gu Ye obviously felt her body tremble slightly, and then became a little tense.

Liu Erlong became nervous.

Gu Ye didn't mess around while hugging Liu Erlong, but simply hugged Liu Erlong's soft and plump body.

Now Liu Erlong acquiesces to him, obviously he has begun to accept it.

I already have a bedmate, is it still far away to get in and out of bed?
Silent all night.

The next day, when Liu Erlong saw that Gu Ye was still hugging him, he was inexplicably happy.

She agreed with Gu Ye to share the same bed last night, thinking that Gu Ye would make trouble, but who knows that he has always been peaceful, which made her a little disappointed.

"Erlong, get up so early, why don't we sleep a little longer."

Gu Ye also woke up at this time, he greeted Liu Erlong very casually, he was reluctant to let go while hugging Liu Erlong's plump delicate body.

"I'm the principal of Lanba Academy, and I have a lot of things to deal with." Liu Erlong pushed Gu Ye and got out of bed.

It was Liu Erlong on the bed that made Gu Ye miss him, and when Liu Erlong got out of bed, he got up.

The two made breakfast and left the back mountain together after eating.

This kind of private life for two lasted for a few days, and the relationship between Gu Ye and Liu Erlong became closer and deeper.

At this time, the group from Shrek Academy had arrived outside Tiandou City.

Under Ning Rongrong's guidance, Shrek and his party finally found the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

"It's really grand."

"That's right, such a big place is actually owned by Tiandou Royal Academy."

"Well, it's too luxurious."

At the gate of Tiandou Royal Academy, Oscar and Ma Hongjun stared at Tiandou Royal Academy as if they had never seen the world.

Even Zhao Wuji, Flender, and Yu Xiaogang couldn't help admiring, Tiandou Royal Academy is really proud.

Although Zhu Zhuqing was looking at this academy, she was more concerned about where her teacher was.

When Gu Ye left, he said that as long as she came to Tiandou City, he would come to her.

It has been a month now and she really misses her teacher.

When Ning Rongrong came here, she also felt a little homesick.

Her family's castle is not far from Tiandou City, if she wants to go back, she will be able to get home in a short time.

But Ning Rongrong still didn't go back.

Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at the Tiandou Imperial Academy, also full of thoughts.

When Xiao Wu entered here, there was sadness on her face.

Obviously, he was afraid that a Titled Douluo would appear here and discover her identity.

And Tang San was more thinking about whether he could become stronger after coming here.

"Come on, let's go in."

Flender said to several people and wanted to go in.

Yu Xiaogang and everyone followed.

But before he took a few steps, trouble came.

"Stop, who are you?"

Ten soul masters aged about eighteen or nine blocked the way of the Shrek people.

These people were wearing light yellow school uniforms, obviously they all belonged to the students of Tiandou Imperial Academy.

Yu Xiaogang didn't care too much when he saw these people, and said with a tone of a teacher ordering students:

"We are from Shrek Academy. We are specially here to communicate at the invitation of your Tiandou Royal Academy. Let's lead the way."

"what did he say?"

"It seems to be asking us to lead him the way."

After the two students in front confirmed it, they looked at Yu Xiaogang like an idiot.

A group of people with unknown identities told them to lead the way in an orderly tone, or to enter the Tiandou Royal Academy.

They seriously suspected that Yu Xiaogang was mentally ill.

No wonder they were suspicious, it was really Shrek Academy's misconduct.

Seeing this, Flender came up and said carelessly:

"Why, don't you believe that we are here to communicate? We have an appointment with your teacher Qin Ming."

Hearing that Flender still knew Qin Ming, the leading young students standing in front looked at Flender a few more times, and then looked at the other people's attire, with a hint of disdain on their faces, "Just you idiots, why don't you come to us?" College exchange? I think you must be beggars from somewhere. Get lost, or we will use force.

After traveling for nearly ten days, everyone in Shrek Academy was indeed a bit dusty, but it was not as bad as he said.

This day, the leading students of Tiandou Royal Academy obviously judged people by their appearance. Seeing that everyone in Shrek Academy was dressed plainly, plus Yu Xiaogang, Flender's arrogance and awe-inspiring words made him unhappy, so he said these words.

As soon as Dai Mubai heard the insulting words, his figure flashed, and he was already in front of Flender, his cold breath burst out instantly.

As a prince, since he was a child, no one has ever insulted him like this.

Even his elder brother, he just let him escape for his life.

And the person in front of him still used this contemptuous tone.

He has never been a good-tempered person, and besides, it was his teacher who was insulted. If the bullying evil-eyed white tiger can bear it, then he is not a tiger.


Dai Mubai kicked the young man who was speaking so that he flew out, and immediately activated his own martial spirit.

A soul master who dare not cause trouble is not a good soul master.

This is the most reasonable saying of their dean, Flender.

He, Dai Mubai, even carried his words through to the end.

Boom! !
Dai Mubai went down a few more times, these students were kicked and fell to the ground vulnerable, screaming in pain.

Obviously, Dai Mubai has already seen that these people's strength doesn't even have level [-], so they can do it so neatly.

If it is known that the opponent is strong, that is another matter.

Flender didn't think it was a big deal, he looked at Zhao Wuji beside him and said:
"Is this the student of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy? It's just a pile of rubbish. I'm starting to wonder if it was a wrong decision to come here."

(End of this chapter)

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