Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 143 Forcibly Kiss Ren Xue

Chapter 143 Kissing Qian Renxue Forcibly

Xue Qinghe seemed to be thinking about it, but he still made a decision.

"Lingling, I'm going out for some business, and I'll be back soon."

Ye Lingling thought that Xue Qinghe was really busy, so she didn't think much about it.

Outside the classroom, Gu Ye, who was waiting for Xue Qinghe, smiled satisfied when he saw him come out.

"Let's go."

Gu Ye said, and walked towards a corner.

Xue Qinghe snorted coldly and followed Gu Ye.

Just now Gu Ye told him that he had something to ask her to come out.

Xue Qinghe didn't want to come out, but if Gu Ye threatened him, he had no choice but to come out.

Now that it's out, he wants to see what tricks Gu Ye is trying to pull off.

After a while, the two came to a corner.

Gu Ye looked at Xue Qinghe with a smile.

Now Xue Qinghe's expression is calm and indifferent, and he doesn't seem to care about the matter of the secret room at all.

"What do you want me to do?" Xue Qinghe asked flatly.

Gu Ye didn't reply, but approached Xue Qinghe step by step.

For some unknown reason, Xue Qinghe kept retreating.

But there was a wall behind him, he couldn't retreat, she leaned against the wall with a plop, and finally could only stare at Gu Ye.

"What do you think I asked you to come out for, or what do you think I will do to you?" Gu Ye approached Xue Qinghe and looked at her with a smirk.

In the past few days in the secret room, Gu Ye was indeed a little worried, afraid that Qian Renxue would desperately seek revenge on him, and then tell her grandfather Qian Daoliu, and then seek revenge on him.

But now, Gu Ye confirmed it.

Qian Renxue must have other thoughts about him, or maybe she likes him because of it. When she went up the stairs, he was the one who tried Qian Renxue in the classroom.

The result was not as Gu Ye expected. I don't know if she likes Gu Ye, but Qian Renxue does treat him differently.

What Gu Ye didn't know was that now that Gu Ye kept approaching and staring at him, Qian Renxue was so angry that she thought of the secret room.

If he hadn't been in Tiandou Imperial Academy, and he was Xue Qinghe now, Qian Renxue would have summoned the angelic sword to give Gu Ye, a shameless person, a sword.

But in the next second, something happened that made Qian Renxue even more ashamed and angry.

Gu Ye recklessly hugged Qian Renxue's waist tightly with one hand, pressed Qian Renxue against the wall with the other, and kissed Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue's eyes widened, she obviously didn't expect Gu Ye to treat her so excessively.

This is Tiandou Imperial Academy, although the two are at a corner, no one has noticed for the time being, but once someone else finds out, the consequences will be disastrous.

Without hesitation, Qian Renxue raised her hand and wanted to knock Gu Ye into the air with one blow.

But as soon as she raised her hand, Gu Ye grabbed it.

"Don't move." After Gu Ye ordered, he stared straight into Qian Renxue's eyes.

Gu Ye's kiss reminded Qian Renxue of the time in the secret room.

For some reason, she didn't let go of her hand.

Qian Renxue thought that Gu Ye just wanted to give a kiss and leave, but she found that Gu Ye was not what she imagined.

At this time, Gu Ye was just like that time in the secret room, the attractiveness on his body attracted her firmly.

She couldn't help herself.

Just like in the secret room, she was obviously forced by Gu Ye, but in the end she obeyed him.

At this time, Qian Renxue was nervous and complicated.

Ever since Gu Ye rescued the Star Dou Forest, Gu Ye's figure has been deeply rooted in her heart.

After losing her body to Gu Ye in the secret room, Qian Renxue should have hated Gu Ye, because it was Gu Ye who forced her.

But later, after in-depth consideration, she found that she had always had a special feeling that she didn't understand about Gu Ye.

As a woman, Qian Renxue naturally likes powerful and handsome men.

Every item of Gu Ye met her requirements, and more importantly, Gu Ye had saved her, and also showed his extraordinary strength.

The most important point is that Gu Ye had a relationship with her.

Qian Renxue is a proud woman.

Often the more arrogant a woman is, the more she likes a tough man, and at the same time, she likes to be treated tough by such a man.

As a woman, she will have a submissive heart in her heart.

Because of this, the man who is most suitable for Qian Renxue is a man with strong strength, a tough attitude, and a man who will ruthlessly conquer her.

There is no doubt that Gu Ye is.

It was also because of this that Qian Renxue subconsciously obeyed when Gu Ye forcefully kissed her just a second ago.

Gu Ye embraced Qian Renxue, and the two looked at her charming eyes affectionately and seriously.

At the same time, Qian Renxue looked at Gu Ye, and she made an astonishing decision.

She hugged Gu Ye's neck tightly, and kissed Gu Ye as if she had taken the initiative.

Seeing this, Gu Ye was stunned for a moment.

Qian Renxue's attitude changed too quickly.

She was angry just now, but now she took the initiative to kiss him.

Gu Ye unceremoniously took the initiative again.

In the classroom, Zhu Zhuqing was bored listening to what Qin Ming said.

She was a little confused when she saw that her teacher hadn't come back after going out for so long.

It would be fine if her teacher was alone, but the prince Xue Qinghe was the one who went out.

Could it be that what are the two doing?
The two men don't seem to be able to do anything, right?

Zhu Zhuqing felt relieved.

On the podium, when Qin Ming found that Xue Qinghe was gone, he knew that he would definitely come back later, and then planned to dismiss the rest of the students.

At the corner of the corridor.

Qian Renxue looked at Gu Ye in front of her, showing a shyness like a girl.

Seeing Qian Renxue like this made Gu Ye overjoyed.

Because he was [-]% sure that Qian Renxue was really interested in him.

In other words, the arrogant Qian Renxue likes tough men and likes to be treated tough.

"Don't let me go yet." After recovering, Qian Renxue raised her airs and ordered.

But Gu Ye didn't respond. He lifted Qian Renxue's chin and announced, "From today onwards, you are my Gu Ye's woman."

"Delusion!" Qian Renxue blurted out.

Let her be Gu Ye's woman, unless Gu Ye defeats her with real strength and conquers her fiercely.

Although Gu Ye has conquered her body now, he has not conquered her person yet.

"Is it really a delusion?" Gu Ye smirked.

"What you did to me in the secret room, one day I will repay you double." Qian Renxue said angrily.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to return, remember to double."

If Qian Renxue wanted to repay the grudge in the secret room, shouldn't she come to the secret room again?

No matter how you look at this matter, Gu Ye is making money.

Qian Renxue obviously didn't react, but seeing Gu Ye like this, she began to think seriously.

After bringing Gu Ye to the secret room, she will pay back double.

Torture Gu Ye well, let him know how powerful she is Qian Renxue.

"So, Qian Renxue, what do you want to do to me? Or, think about giving me a blow to discourage me?" Gu Ye said, his body approached Qian Renxue, and the two leaned against the wall, looking at each other. It sounds very intimate.

Qian Renxue didn't seem to care anymore, and said coldly: "Next time, I will find you and have a good fight. Don't refuse when the time comes."

"As long as you have time, I welcome you to come to me at any time, but it can only be you alone, and I will let you know how powerful I am."

Gu Ye focused on saying "powerful" clearly.

This inadvertently made Qian Renxue think of Gu Ye's strength when she was in the secret room, it was really powerful.

Thinking about it, Xue Qinghe's body became inexplicably excited.

After a while, the two seemed to have done something, and they looked a lot more friendly.

Back in the classroom, Qin Ming in the classroom had dismissed some students, and only Shrek and him, a dozen or so students remained.

"I have seen His Royal Highness."

When Qin Ming saw Xue Qinghe coming in, he saluted him respectfully.

"Brother Qin Ming, you are welcome. You are a teacher of Tiandou Imperial Academy and an outstanding soul master. Even if you see me, the crown prince, you don't need to salute like this." Xue Qinghe said kindly.

Yu Xiaogang, Flender, Tang San and others on the side also had some differences and surprises when they saw Xue Qinghe.

Dai Mubai stared at Xue Qinghe, with a trace of unkindness in his eyes.

Ning Rongrong came out in surprise when she saw Xue Qinghe, and shouted at the same time: "Brother Qinghe."

Ning Rongrong's big brother Qinghe made Tang San, Xiao Wu and everyone by surprise again and again.

"Sister Rongrong, long time no see." Xue Qinghe looked at Ning Rongrong with a smile on his face.

Tang San, Xiao Wu, Oscar and the others at the side saw Ning Rongrong and Xue Qinghe's address, and looked at them in disparity and surprise.

Then they understood after Ning Rongrong's explanation.

Xue Qinghe is Ning Rongrong's father's disciple, and they used to come and go often, so the relationship is so close.

As for Ning Rongrong's identity, everyone in Shrek Academy already knew it.

Seeing the prince Xue Qinghe now, he became much calmer.

After chatting with Ning Rongrong for a few words, Xue Qinghe looked at Tang Sanyu Xiaogang with a little interest: "Sister Rongrong, why don't you introduce me to your classmates and teachers?"

"Oh!" Ning Rongrong came back to his senses, introduced Xiao Wu and the others to Xue Qinghe one by one, and finally looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said, "Brother Qinghe, this is the most powerful person in our Shrek Academy , her name is Zhu Zhuqing, and she is one of the best in our academy regardless of strength or aptitude. Besides, she is also Gu Ye's disciple."

When Gu Ye mentioned Gu Ye, Ning Rongrong was afraid that Xue Qinghe would not know him, so he introduced him to Xue Qinghe again.

If Ning Rongrong knew that Xue Qinghe not only knew Gu Ye, but was raped by Gu Ye, he didn't know how he would feel.

Knowing people like Shrek shallowly, Xue Qinghe looked at Yu Xiaogang, who is known as the theoretical master of the soul master world, although there was a trace of admiration in his heart, it eventually turned into disdain.

"Sister Rongrong, the teacher may come to Tiandou City in two days, when he knows that you have entered the Tiandou Royal Academy, he might come to you."

"Ah, Dad, is he coming?" Ning Rongrong panicked when she heard that her father was coming.

At the beginning, she ran out secretly. If his father came, I don't know if she would be angry.

But Ning Rongrong misses her father a little bit.

After chatting briefly, Qin Ming remembered that they were still in the classroom, so he quickly said, "Your Highness, how about we talk in the reception room?"

"No, no, I came here just to meet my sister Rongrong, whom I haven't seen for a long time. Now that she is all right, I feel relieved for the teacher. There are still things in the palace, so I won't stay any longer."

Xue Qinghe shirked and wanted to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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