Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 148 Zhu Zhuqing, who loves his teacher...

Chapter 148
Zhu Zhuqing naturally understood what Liu Erlong meant.

Let her go first, and learn poses on the bed with her on your back later.

But Zhu Zhuqing didn't want to leave just because he knew about it.

After all, how could study without her as an apprentice?
Seeing this, Liu Erlong cast a look at Gu Ye.

Gu Ye realized instantly, so he said: "Zhuqing, it's getting late now, go back and rest first, and talk about other things tomorrow."

Gu Ye's words carry weight, even if Zhu Zhuqing wants to stay, he can't go against the teacher's wishes.

"Yes, teacher, then I'll go back to my room first."

After saying that, Zhu Zhuqing got out of bed, dressed and went back to her room next door.

Seeing this, Liu Erlong quickly got out of bed and closed the door of the room.

Then she didn't go to bed immediately, but stood by the bed and looked at Gu Ye.

"What's the matter, why are you looking at me like that?" Gu Ye looked at the strange Liu Erlong in puzzlement.

Liu Erlong didn't answer, but then she did something that surprised Gu Ye.

I saw Liu Erlong's hand suddenly placed on his chest, and then his clothes slowly fell off, and the infinite spring appeared in Gu Ye's eyes.

After a while, there were bursts of learning sounds in the room.

Liu Erlong is a woman who loves and hates clearly, but also a woman who loves very strongly.

She can give everything to her man.

She wanted to lock Gu Ye firmly, and at the same time let Zhu Zhuqing know.

This is her man, not something you, a disciple, can covet.

After returning to the room, Zhu Zhuqing wanted to rest.

But because of the arrival of Liu Erlong, the teacher's wife, she couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

She knows that her teacher is very good, and there are many women who like him.

As far as she knows, there is already Kadan, and now there is Liu Erlong.

And she could tell that Ning Rongrong also liked her teacher.

This point made Zhu Zhuqing understand that her teacher will not have only one woman by her side.

On the Douluo Continent, the strong will never have only one woman.

Three wives and four concubines are normal on Douluo Dalu.

As far as Zhu Zhuqing knew about some nobles, women were just playthings.

Just like Dai Mubai, not only a nobleman, but also a prince.

After coming to Shrek Academy, he played with so many women at such a young age.

Because he was born in the Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire, Zhu Zhuqing didn't dislike polygamy because of his cognition and ideas.

After all, this is a world where the strong have what they say.

But Zhu Zhuqing hates the kind of men who abandon women.

Just like Dai Mubai.

So far, she has never paid much attention to Dai Mubai.

As for the status of fiancee, Zhu Zhu had long dismissed it.

And in her heart, the figure of her teacher has already lived in.


Thinking of his teacher, Zhu Zhuqing lay on the bed, clutching his plump chest, with a sweet smile on his face.

She doesn't care that her teacher has other women, after all, she is just Gu Ye's disciple.

And it was normal for her teacher to have women.

But she wanted that woman to be her.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was thinking about it, suddenly got up from the bed and looked at her teacher Gu Ye's room strangely.

The sound of studying from inside made Zhu Zhuqing's cheeks rosy.

They didn't shy away from her as a disciple at all.

"It must be her, and she must have done it on purpose."

Zhu Zhuqing was outraged.

What Liu Erlong did and what his purpose was was clear to Zhu Zhuqing at a glance.

Isn't it because she is afraid that she will rob teacher Gu Ye?
"It turned out to be the same as what Rongrong said."

Zhu Zhuqing thought of some things Ning Rongrong had said to her, and talked to himself.

At this time, on the other side, Tiandou Royal Academy.

dong dong! !
"Teacher, it's me."

Tang San stood outside Yu Xiaogang's door and knocked on the door.

"Come in, little San."

In the room, Yu Xiaogang put down his hands to work.

Seeing Tang San coming in, Yu Xiaogang asked: "Why don't you rest so late?"

"It's nothing, I just found out that teacher, you are not in a good mental state today, so I want to come and see you, teacher."

After Yu Xiaogang asked Tang San to sit down, he thought of the inexplicable feeling in the past few days, so he talked about the situation with his disciples.

Tang San said after hearing this, "Teacher, how about I take a look for you?"

"Alright." Yu Xiaogang didn't refuse, and held out his hand.

Tang San touched his teacher's hand, and found that it had become much smoother, which surprised him a bit.

Then he checked his teacher's body, and there was nothing unusual.

"Could something bad happen?"

Yu Xiaogang was really suspicious.

"Teacher, I've heard that there is a kind of telepathy, and once something happens to the people around you, the blood relatives can feel it, maybe"

Tang San's words made Yu Xiaogang think seriously.

There are only a few people who are related to him by blood.

Can make him like this, Yu Xiaogang can only think of that person in the end.

Liu Erlong.

"I'd better go to Gu Ye's place tomorrow to take a look, maybe I'm overthinking it."

Yu Xiaogang didn't want to wait any longer.

He decided to go to Gu Ye's place tomorrow and ask him to take a look.

Speaking of Gu Ye, Tang San remained silent.

He actually wanted to go to Gu Ye to take a look, but for some reason, there was something in Infinity that was blocking him, telling him not to go to Gu Ye.

Tang San couldn't tell what this kind of thing was, in short, he would feel this way when he went to see a doctor at Gu Ye's.

"Little San, go back and rest now, it's getting late."

"is teacher."

After Tang San said, he left and went back to the room to practice.

On the other side, Ning Rongrong's room.

Ning Rongrong was not alone in Ning Rongrong's room, there was also Xiao Wu.

The two were lying on the bed at this moment, wearing only a short jacket, and seemed to be enjoying chatting about something.

"Rongrong, do you think Zhuqing is studying in bed with Gu Ye now?"

"Probably not."

"Well, I think so, haven't you noticed that Zhuqing seems to have other ideas about Gu Ye?"

"Well, it seems that there are some."

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu are usually with Zhu Zhuqing, the three are sisters, it can be said that they know Zhu Zhuqing very well.

Usually, when the three of them chatted in private, they would often talk about Gu Ye, and how Gu Ye taught Zhu Zhuqing.

Now Zhu Zhuqing is with Gu Ye again, they are still alone.

Although the two are master and apprentice in name, Gu Ye is too young and Zhu Zhuqing is too attractive.

If Zhu Zhuqing and Gu Ye lived together, Ning Rongrong Xiaowu might not have these thoughts, but after they lived together for a long time, this kind of thoughts came out inexplicably.

When Ning Rongrong was talking, she suddenly fell silent.

She didn't tell Xiao Wu that it was not only Zhu Zhuqing who was interested in Gu Ye, but she was also interested in Gu Ye.

And it was the man she fantasized about.

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong were sleeping together, now seeing Ning Rongrong in a daze, she suddenly touched Ning Rongrong's hand, which instantly brought Ning Rongrong back to her senses.

"Xiao Wu, you are going to die, why are you touching me?"

"Hee hee, Rong Rong, do you miss Gu Ye?" Xiao Wu joked.

"I don't have one"

Ning Rongrong would not tell Xiao Wu to think of her own ideas.

"Liar, Rongrong, I don't know you yet. It wasn't like this when you first came to Shrek Academy. It has become bigger than me here. I know that you seek treatment from Gu Ye. You usually sleep When I was young, I often talked in my sleep, let's talk about Gu Ye."

Xiao Wu giggled.

From the looks of it, she is very aware of Ning Rongrong talking in her sleep and fantasizing about Gu Ye.

Ning Rongrong blushed for a while, and quickly covered Xiao Wu's mouth to prevent her from continuing.

The two frolicked on the bed, and when they were tired, they hugged each other and fell asleep.

Gu Ye Medical Center.

Zhu Zhuqing lay on the bed, gritted his silver teeth, unable to fall asleep.

She was so angry, she really wanted to go over and replace this woman Liu Erlong, it was wrong, should Liu Erlong be driven away.

She is too much, even more than Kadan.

Zhu Zhuqing, who couldn't sleep, decided not to sleep anymore.

She wants to practice.

Then she thought of a fairy herb that she got from Teacher Gu Ye before.

After taking this fairy herb, you should be able to get a lot of benefits
Then she took out the jade box, and after opening it, a strange fairy herb lay in the jade box.

This is an ordinary-looking white flower, the size of a palm, shaped like a peony, without grass leaves, and a big stone is attached to the root. The whole body of the stone is black, and its weight can be seen from the way Zhu Zhuqing is carrying it Extremely amazing.

On that white flower, on top of that white flower, there are a few patches of astonishing red, bright red like blood, which looks a bit thrilling.

This celestial product is none other than Acacia Heartbroken Red.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at this special fairy product and didn't know what to do for a while.

This celestial product was given to her by Gu Ye at will, and she took it without thinking too much, and didn't ask Gu Ye how to use it at the time.

"Well, this red looks a bit like blood, do you need to drip blood on it?"

Zhu Zhuqing heard her teacher Gu Ye say that there are some special things that need to be recognized by a drop of blood.

Just like this ring of hers, when her teacher gave it to her at the beginning, it was to let her recognize the owner with a drop of blood, so she subconsciously thought that it also required a drop of blood to recognize the owner.

Then, Zhu Zhuqing mobilized the power of qi and blood, the cherry lips parted slightly, and a smear of blood spat out on the petals.

At the moment when she vomited blood, for some reason, Gu Ye's image filled her mind.

Little by little with teacher Gu Ye, working in the kitchen with her, studying in bed with him, and practicing fighting with the yard.

These images appeared in Zhu Zhuqing's mind one by one, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The more she thought about it, the more she was immersed in that picture.

She held her teacher Gu Ye's waist and leaned meekly against his broad chest.

The two lay on the bed, quietly enjoying the comfortable feeling.

What Zhu Zhuqing didn't know was that at the moment when her blood fell on the petals, Acacia Heartbroken Red didn't even shake slightly, but quietly left Wujue Stone and fell down.

Zhu Zhuqing's thoughts were still immersed in the beautiful scene with her teacher Gu Ye, and she didn't even notice that the flower had fallen into her hands.

When she regained her senses, she realized that there was an extra flower in her hand.

"Why did it fall, did you recognize the owner?" Zhu Zhuqing looked at the Acacia heartbroken red plant in his hand, thoughtfully.

If Gu Ye was here, he would be extremely surprised.

Zhu Zhuqing actually made the lovesickness heartbroken red fall off.

(End of this chapter)

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