Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 152 Yu Xiaogang was greened in front of him

Chapter 152 Yu Xiaogang was greened in front of him

Of course it's not just Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing also has love for her teacher.

Although she sympathized with what happened to Liu Erlong, but Liu Erlong being with her teacher made her a little unhappy.

Moreover, the two had already had a relationship, and they were her nominal mistresses.

If she wanted to compete with Liu Erlong for the teacher, it would be impossible in her current capacity.

Unless she uses a strong one.

Thinking of this, for some reason, Zhu Zhuqing's heart suddenly moved.

As long as she has a relationship with her teacher, wouldn't she be able to stay with her teacher for the rest of her life?

As soon as this thought appeared, Zhu Zhuqing's mind became active.

Her teacher once taught her to think carefully when encountering things, and now she should seriously think about this matter.

Zhu Zhuqing had already made up her mind that she just liked Shang Gu Ye.

In fact, she didn't sleep all night last night because she knew that Gu Ye and Liu Erlong were together.

And still doing those things.

She thought about her teacher, and her teacher was with other women, so she couldn't sleep naturally.

When studying in the past, because Gu Ye was a doctor, Zhu Zhuqing naturally had to learn about the human body, so she knew a lot and knew what his teacher liked.

And she doesn't lose to anyone in terms of figure or appearance.

Her teacher must also like her, but because of her status as a master and apprentice, she didn't say it out.

But now with the appearance of Liu Erlong, Zhu Zhuqing had a different idea.

She wants to be with her teacher forever.

No matter what method is used.

Even if it is strong.

Zhu Zhuqing secretly glanced at Gu Ye, Zhenghuan's teacher who was chatting with Liu Erlong, and secretly decided in his heart that if there is a chance, he must express his heart to him.

Anyway, they are just master and apprentice, and it's not that they can't be together.

Similarly, when Ning Rongrong saw Gu Ye chatting so happily with Liu Erlong, he also thought about how to tell him his heart.

"Okay, Zhuqing, you and Rongrong should study in the medical hall first, there are many books in the medical hall, you can practice if you want, or you can compete with Rongrong in the courtyard Zhuqing .”

"Teacher, what about you?"

"Erlong is feeling a little unwell right now. I will help her to rest in her room first, and I will come out and talk to you later."

Liu Erlong suffered too much pressure last night and has not recovered yet, so Gu Ye naturally wanted to take Liu Erlong back to his room to rest.

Similarly, Liu Erlong now also wants to go back and have a rest, to relieve the discomfort in his body and lower body.

Zhu Zhuqing was unhappy watching his teacher bring Liu Erlong back to the room like this.

In the same way, Ning Rongrong also had some taste in seeing how kind Gu Ye was to Liu Erlong.

The two saw that Gu Ye and Liu Erlong had already returned to the room, and they took it back just after Shi Shi.

Ning Rongrong asked curiously at this moment: "Zhuqing, did Gu Ye ask you to call her teacher's wife?"


"Then isn't your teacher with Liu Erlong?" Ning Rongrong pointed out.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, she had experienced all this before, so there was nothing to make a fuss about.

And isn't it normal for things between men and women?
For some reason, when Ning Rongrong thought of the picture of Gu Ye and Liu Erlong, she couldn't help feeling jealous.

In the room, Liu Erlong leaned on the bed and looked at Gu Ye, silent for a moment.

Gu Ye also sat in front of Liu Erlong, looking at her beautiful and familiar face seriously.

Then he stretched out his hand, caressing her face like a caress, Gu Ye touched it seriously, as if he was stroking a piece of jade, and he couldn't put it down.

"Erlong, stay by my side from now on, and I will treat you well." Gu Ye said seriously.

Liu Erlong remained silent, she... directly hugged Gu Ye and buried her head in his arms.

She is not good at expressing emotions, but she will use the most direct actions to express her emotions.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang has rushed to the outside of the medical hall again from Tiandou Royal Academy.

This time he was the only one coming.

When he was at Tiandou Imperial Academy, encouraged by his disciples Tang San and Flender, Yu Xiaogang had already made a decision to be with Liu Erlong.

His heart was firm then.

But when he got to the medical center, he hesitated at the thought of facing Liu Erlong.

So much so that he hesitated for a long time and did not go in.

"It's just a worldly opinion. What Xiaosan said is right. Why do you have to care about other people's opinions? Yu Xiaogang, you can do it."

After Yu Xiaogang gave himself a sigh of relief, he walked into the hospital.

What he didn't know was that when he walked into the hospital, Flender who was hiding not far away, Tang San and the others saw this, secretly happy for Yu Xiaogang.

Naturally, they were worried that Yu Xiaogang would come alone, but they couldn't follow. After all, Yu Xiaogang had to make a decision on his own, so they followed secretly.

"Dean, do you think my teacher and Aunt Erlong can do it?" Tang San looked at Flender and asked.

"Based on what I know about Er Long, as long as Xiao Gang makes up his mind, he will definitely be able to bring her back."

Flender claims to know Liu Erlong well, but what he doesn't know is that time, experience and encounters can change a person.

What's more, Liu Erlong now has Gu Ye, a man who makes her sexually happy.

"I also believe that the teacher will definitely be able to bring Aunt Erlong back, and maybe I will call Aunt Erlong Master Mistress by then." Tang San smiled foolishly.

And Xiao Wu at the side looked at Yu Xiaogang who went in, for some reason, she was not optimistic about Yu Xiaogang.

It is also impossible for him to bring Liu Erlong back.

As soon as this idea appeared, Xiao Wu herself was a little different, and she didn't understand why she thought this way.

In the backyard of the hospital, there was a crackling sound of fighting.

It turned out that Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were practicing and competing.

Ning Rongrong's status as an auxiliary soul master usually doesn't need to fight, at most it's just a matter of exercising his body and increasing his ability to escape.

But ever since she and Zhu Zhuqing were together and let Gu Ye teach her, they started to practice and learn from each other.

And her training method is naturally to practice against Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing suppressed her soul power to the minimum, and even used her soul power to fight Ning Rongrong to exercise her perception ability, while Ning Rongrong used her soul power to fight Zhu Zhuqing.

Not to mention, the effect of exercise is quite good.

When the two were fighting, they suddenly heard the sound of footsteps, stopped and looked out, and when they saw it was Yu Xiaogang, they were very different.

They knew that Yu Xiao had just escaped from the hospital, why did they come back now?

Moreover, although the door of their medical center was open, Yu Xiaogang walked into the backyard without saying a word, which was really rude.

Especially after knowing some things about Liu Erlong, in their eyes now, they don't have a good impression of Yu Xiaogang.

Seeing that Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were practicing, Yu Xiaogang quickly asked, "Where are Rongrong, Zhuqing, Gu Ye, and Erlong?"

"Master, didn't you run away? Why did you come back?" Ning Rongrong didn't answer Yu Xiaogang's words, but instead asked him, and the question sounded tingly.

When Yu Xiaogang heard it, he felt a little uncomfortable both in his heart and face.

After all, he was usually a respected master in front of Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and the others, but now that he has the reputation of abandoning women, he naturally feels uncomfortable.

"Rongrong, I have something to do with Erlong right now, so tell me where she is first." Yu Xiaogang said with an orderly tone, like a teacher ordering a student.

Ning Rongrong felt a little uncomfortable when he heard it, but...
Ning Rongrong looked at Zhu Zhuqing suspiciously.

Zhu Zhuqing also saw Ning Rongrong.

The two seemed to reach an agreement and looked towards Gu Ye's room.

Then Ning Rongrong pointed to Gu Ye's room, looked at Yu Xiaogang and said, "Master, the person you are looking for is in the room."

"Really?" Yu Xiaogang looked towards Gu Ye's room, eager to find Liu Erlong, he walked towards Gu Ye's room without thinking much.

Now he has made up his mind to snatch Liu Erlong back and be his woman, so let's go to hell with all the worldly eyes.

Under these firm wills, Yu Xiaogang came outside Gu Ye's room.

Just when he raised his hand to knock on the door, he suddenly heard some muffled humming from the room.

It seems that it was sent by Liu Erlong.

Then he heard Gu Ye's voice again.

The two seem to be chatting and studying inside.

The movement is also particularly intense.

Yu Xiaogang froze for a moment.

As a man, he naturally knows what it means for a man and a woman to chat in a room, and chatting with sound.

Because of this, Yu Xiaogang's complexion instantly became extremely ugly.

Sometimes black, sometimes green.

In the yard, Ning Rongrong looked at Yu Xiaogang, leaned into Zhu Zhuqing's ear and whispered: "Zhuqing, Master, he doesn't seem to dare to disturb Gu Ye."

"I should have given up."

"That's right. I've been running away for 20 years. It's normal to run away again."

Yu Xiaogang didn't hear the words of Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, but he heard a sentence that instantly distorted his expression.

It still came from the room.

"not real"

Yu Xiaogang's face was ashen, he yelled like crazy, and then ran out of the hospital like crazy.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing seemed to have expected that Yu Xiaogang would definitely escape, so they didn't care too much.

Unfortunately for the two of them, Yu Xiaogang didn't even knock on the door to call Gu Ye out of the room.

"Forget it, Zhuqing, let's continue."

"Well, go on."

The two stopped talking about Yu Xiaogang's matter and continued to practice against each other.

After a while, there was another crackling and fighting sound in the medical hall.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing fought again.

Yu Xiaogang frantically ran out of the medical hall. Tang San, Flender and others who were not far from the medical hall saw them with puzzled expressions.

"Teacher, what happened to him?"

"I don't know, it seems that something happened to Xiao Gang, he."

"Little Gang."

Flender noticed that something was wrong with Yu Xiaogang, and hurriedly yelled at him.

But at this time, Yu Xiaogang's mental state was obviously not right, so that he ran away without even hearing Flender's words.

"Quick, go and have a look."

Flender really wanted to know if Yu Xiaogang had been stimulated in any way, otherwise how could this happen.

He took Tang San and the others and chased after them directly.

And at this moment, in Gu Ye's room.

Liu Erlong looked at Gu Ye in front of him, with some sweat on his face, he looked exhausted.

Gu Ye looked at Liu Erlong, then looked thoughtfully outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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