Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 160 Secret Transaction with Xiao Wu

Chapter 160 A Private Deal With Xiao Wu
Helping Ning Rongrong transform the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Wuhun into the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda was just a matter of hands for Gu Ye, not a big problem.

And even a single plant of fairy grass can make Ning Rongrong break through.

For Gu Ye, these fairy grasses are somewhat useful, but they are not necessary.

But well.
Gu Ye thought about the future.

Once Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul becomes the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect does have a chance to rise.

Gu Ye also promised Ye Lingling that he would help her solve the genetic defect of Jiuxin Begonia Wuhun.

One of the two is an augmentation auxiliary system soul master, and the other is a full-milk type healing system soul master.

If the flaws of the two souls have been resolved, and they share the same bed... Bah... the same stage, the scenery should be very good.

After thinking about it again, Gu Ye decided to help Ning Rongrong for the sake of the future.

"Sect Master Ning, Rongrong is a good friend of my disciple Zhuqing, and he often comes to our clinic. I also have a good impression of Rongrong, so I agreed to solve her martial soul defect."

"Really?" Ning Fengzhi looked at Gu Ye excitedly.

"Really, I will help Rongrong solve it, but what?" Gu Ye looked at Ning Fengzhi expectantly.

Ning Fengzhi is also a fine person, and instantly understood Gu Ye's words.

"Doctor Gu, don't worry, what I said before is my answer. No matter what your request is, as long as my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School can do it, I will help you complete it. And from today on, Gu Doctor, you are my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School." Most honored guest."

With Ning Fengzhi's promise, Gu Ye was not in a hurry to ask for anything.

Then after a brief chat with you, Ning Fengzhi, Gu Ye thought of Xiao Wu and asked:
"Sect Master Ning, are you really not interested in Xiao Wu? You know, she is a transformed soul beast, once she is killed, her soul bone will explode."

Gu Ye's words are full of temptation.

What's more, Xiao Wu is outside, once he kills him, he can get the spirit bone in his hand.

But Ning Fengzhi thought of Tang Hao who appeared before, and shook his head:

"I did have the idea of ​​hunting her before, but someone saved her. If I hunt her, it will be very troublesome, and I also have some respect for this person. Xiao Wu, we will not move."

Although Ning Fengzhi didn't say who it was, Gu Ye could guess who it was from Ning Fengzhi's words.

Apart from Tang Hao, Gu Ye really couldn't think of another one.

After understanding, Gu Ye didn't say anything else to Ning Fengzhi, and then walked out of the backyard to the lobby.

When Ning Rongrong saw her father coming out, she hurriedly stepped forward, "Father, I want to tell you a piece of good news, you will definitely be happy."

"Oh, what's the good news?" Ning Fengzhi was a little interested.

Ning Rongrong quickly talked about Tang San's hidden weapon, and Tang San also showed the power of the hidden weapon in front of Ning Fengzhi.

Ning Fengzhi was indeed attracted after seeing it.

Seeing that Ning Fengzhi was interested in his hidden weapons, Tang San quickly said: "Sect Master Ning, I can sell your sect's hidden weapons, but my request is that you must not hurt Xiao Wu."

"Okay, I promise you. We will not touch this transformed soul beast again, but I also advise you that it is not a good thing to bring a transformed soul beast by your side. The reason why you met us today is because Rongrong is here. , she and Rongrong are friends and we won't hunt her down, but if you meet other titled Douluo or someone who sees her identity as a soul beast in the future, your luck will not be so good."

"And Tang San, as a soul master, you need to hunt soul beasts to obtain a soul ring, and your sister is a 10-year-old soul beast. How do you think she will treat humans and soul beasts?"

"As far as our business is concerned, that's all I have to say, it's up to you how you do it."

Ning Fengzhi's words spoke out the hearts of most soul masters.

Because as long as you are a soul master, you cannot avoid hunting and killing soul beasts.

And Xiao Wu belongs to the soul beast family, and is born to be hostile to humans.

If they stayed in the human world again, what happened then would not be within Tang San's control.

"Sect Master Ning, I have listened to your words, I will talk to you about the hidden weapon trade in two days." After Tang San finished speaking, he decided to take Xiao Wu away first.

Yu Xiaogang and Flender also left naturally.

"Rongrong, you can stay here with Dr. Gu, I have already settled the matter with him. Also, Dad will be in Tiandou City these few days, if you want Dad and your Grandpa Jian, come to us."

"Got it, Dad."

"Well, then Dad and your Grandpa Jian will leave first."

After Ning Fengzhi finished speaking, he looked at Gu Ye with a smile.

He was very relieved that Ning Rongrong was with Gu Ye. As for how relieved he was, Ning Fengzhi had already given birth to the idea of ​​letting Gu Ye be his son-in-law.

When he came to Gu Ye Medical Center, he saw that his daughter had a good impression of Gu Ye, and after observing it later, he found that his daughter had more than a good impression of Gu Ye.

Now that Gu Ye has agreed to help his daughter solve the problem of Wuhun, it will be better for them to get along if he leaves.

As soon as Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo left, only Gu Ye, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong were left in the medical hall again.

"Rongrong, just now you promised your father to help you solve the Wuhun matter, now come into the room with me."

"Yes, Gu Ye." Ning Rongrong looked serious, which made Gu Ye amused.

Then Gu Ye brought Ning Rongrong into the room to perform surgery on her martial soul defect, and Zhu Zhuqing naturally wanted to help.

On the other side, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Flender, and Yu Xiaogang, who left the Gu Ye Medical Center, were a bit dull on their way back to Tiandou Royal Academy.

The fact that Xiao Wu is a soul beast had a big impact on them.

Although it is temporarily resolved now, it is a bit difficult for Xiao Wu to stay in the human world.

Xiao Wu also saw that Tang San, Yu Xiaogang, and Flender were strange, and said: "Third brother, I've made up my mind, I can't drag you down anymore, I want to leave."

"Xiao Wu." Tang San hesitated to speak.

He didn't want Xiao Wu to leave, but when he thought about what happened today, he still didn't want to keep her.

Sword Douluo put too much pressure on him, he had no room to resist.

If he meets another Title Douluo and discovers Xiao Wu's identity, will he be able to protect his little sister Xiao Wu?

Tang San couldn't help asking himself back.

Yu Xiaogang patted Tang San on the shoulder, and said: "Xiao San, I think it is right for Xiao Wu to leave. Although we don't regard Xiao Wu as a soul beast, she is a transformed soul beast after all, once she is discovered We don't have the strength to protect her, and for the sake of her life, she must leave."

Flender agreed: "That's right, Xiaosan, we all know that you hate Xiao Wu, but she can't stay here anymore."

After Tang San hesitated for a while, he decided to let Xiao Wu leave.

"Xiao Wu, your home is in the Star Dou Forest, right?"

"En." Xiao Wu nodded.

Then after she talked about her family with Tang San, a group of people had already arrived outside Tiandou City.

Tang San was worried about Xiao Wu leaving Tiandou City and returning to the Star Dou Forest alone, but Xiao Wu still decided to go back alone, Tang San had to send Xiao Wu to Tiandou City.

In the end, Xiao Wu still left.

"Xiao Wu, sister, you wait for me, I will definitely come to you when I become stronger." Tang San looked firmly at Xiao Wu's leaving back.

A figure not far away looked at Tang San, then at Xiao Wu, and silently followed.

He is Tang Hao.

He had already seen his son Tang San's feelings for Xiao Wu.

As a father, now he has decided to let his son Tang San grow up alone, and after he sends Xiao Wu, his daughter-in-law, back to the Star Dou Great Forest, he will do his work.

Xiao Wu's departure made Tang San much duller, to the point where even returning to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy became listless.

But at this time, Xiao Wu, who was not far from Tiandou City, stopped in her tracks.

She still didn't want to leave, she couldn't bear Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, and her friends and classmates.

Compared with the boring life in the Star Dou Great Forest, she still prefers the life in the human world.

Xiao Wu looked back at the majestic Heaven Dou City, gritted her silver teeth, and finally decided to go back.

She thought of Gu Ye's powerful ability, she was going to find Gu Ye, Gu Ye must have a way to help her.

Tang Hao, who was hiding in the dark, frowned when he saw Xiao Wu returning again.

"What does she want to do if she doesn't leave? Could it be that she can't bear the mistress?"

Tang Hao's preconceived ideas were self-affirmed.

In the end, she still followed Xiao Wu.

And Xiao Wu stayed in Tiandou City for a long time, and when it was dark at night, she cautiously came outside the Gu Ye Medical Center.

Then she knocked on the door and called inside.

In the medical hall, after Ning Rongrong was cured, she couldn't wait to bring Zhu Zhuqing back to Tiandou Royal Academy.

And Gu Ye was also preparing to rest.

Unexpectedly, a knock on the door was heard at this time.

When he came out to have a look, he was very surprised when he found that it was Xiao Wu.

According to today's situation, Jian Douluo has already discovered Xiaowu's identity as a soul beast. For safety, she should have left. Why did she come to him.

"Gu Ye, can I go in and talk about it?" Xiao Wu whispered.

Gu Ye looked at the already dark sky and nodded: "Come in."

With Gu Ye's consent, Xiao Wu's petite body slipped in like a fish.

And Gu Ye also closed the door heavily.

In a dark place outside the Gu Ye Medical Center, Tang Hao frowned when he saw his prospective daughter-in-law coming to Gu Ye.

Especially when a woman comes to find a man at night.

Or his prospective daughter-in-law.

It will always make Tang Hao feel that there is something special.

As for Gu Ye, Tang Hao already knew about him, and had also heard about him.

For Gu Ye's evaluation, Tang Hao can only describe it as monstrous.

But what does Xiao Wu want to do when she enters Gu Ye's clinic now?
Doesn't she want to leave and come to Gu Ye for help?

Tang Hao decided to take a look outside, if Gu Ye showed ill intentions towards Xiao Wu, he would not let Gu Ye go.

Who made Xiao Wu his prospective daughter-in-law.

In Gu Ye's room, Xiao Wu sat on the edge of the bed coyly, hesitating to speak.

Seeing Xiao Wu like this, Gu Ye felt a little funny.

He came to see him late at night, and said he wanted to go into his room to talk about things, but now that he came in, he became awkward.

"Xiao Wu, tell me if you have anything to say?" Gu Ye urged.

"Gu Ye...have you closed the door?" Xiao Wu peeked outside as if worried about someone.

"Don't worry, it's just the two of us in the clinic."

"Oh, all right."

Xiao Wu made a decision, came to Gu Ye and whispered in Gu Ye's ear: "I want to make a deal with you."


Gu Ye was puzzled, and at the same time looked at Xiao Wu unexpectedly.

Xiao Wu nodded shyly.

She explained clearly to Gu Ye the transaction she was going to make.

(End of this chapter)

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