Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 166 The purple cat is Beerus, the god of destruction?

Chapter 166 The purple cat is Beerus, the god of destruction?

When Gu Ye walked to the Tiandou Royal Academy, the Tiandou Royal Academy was packing up, obviously planning to leave.

"Gu Ye."

Seeing Gu Ye, Ye Lingling hurried up to ask.

"Did you rest well last night?" Gu Ye cared about his nurse Ye Lingling.

"It's okay, but it's definitely not as comfortable as at home outside."

"By the way, Gu Ye, you came here to find our teacher, right?"

"Yes, now I'm going to start attracting soul beasts. For the sake of safety, let your teacher take you away first. You are my full-time nurse, so you can't get hurt." Gu Ye rubbed Ye Lingling's little head affectionately.

Knowing Gu Ye's purpose, the Tiandou Royal Academy and his team were curious about what Gu Ye wanted to do, but they still hadn't found a suitable soul beast, so they left first.

When leaving, Yu Xiaogang silently glanced at Gu Ye with a complicated expression.

"Gu Ye, I'll go to the medical hall to find you when I get back." Ye Lingling said and followed the team.

After the Tiandou Royal Academy and the others left, Gu Ye returned to Liu Erlong's side, asked everyone to prepare, and then gave everyone the medicine to immunize against poisonous miasma, and then began to guide the soul beast.

As soon as Youxiang Qiluo fairy product was taken out, the special fragrance belonging to the fairy product began to emit.

Then Gu Ye treated the soil with a medicinal solution, planted the fairy plant, and then poured some medicinal solution that could help the aroma spread on the fairy herb.

The moment Gu Ye poured it down, the fragrance instantly became rich and powerful, and quickly spread and wafted around.

To avoid being disturbed by weak soul beasts, Gu Ye deliberately collected the poison of Dugu Bo Poison Formation and arranged it around.

After making all the preparations, Gu Ye came to Liu Erlong and the others, looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said, "Okay, when the soul beasts come, you go first, use these soul beasts to practice in actual combat, if you really can't beat them, I will fight with you." Erlong makes a move, you know?"

"Understood, Teacher Gu Ye."

The temptation of Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Grade is very strong for soul beasts. After Gu Ye arranged everything, they ushered in the first soul beast within a cup of tea.

There was a deep roar and a faint fishy smell, and the woods on the left swayed, as if there was a strong wind blowing.

"The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger. It should be a tiger-type soul beast, everyone be careful."

Zhu Zhuqing calmly made a judgment.

As soon as the words fell, a colorful tiger jumped out of the woods.

It was a pitch-black fierce tiger, except for a white king pattern on its forehead. It was more than three meters long and about 1.5 meters high at the shoulders. Although its body was huge, it was extremely vigorous.

Before everyone can see its appearance clearly, in a series of afterimages, it has already rushed over, and its target is the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Pin that everyone guards.

"Do it." Zhu Zhuqing shouted in a low voice, not sparing his own soul power, doing it was a move of Nether Hundred Claws.

Ning Rongrong's soul power increase has been released.

The moment Zhu Zhuqing moved, Xiao Wu also moved.

When Zhu Zhuqing saw this tiger-shaped spirit beast, he knew it was a ghost tiger.

The age limit is between 5000 and [-] years.

Known for its terrifying speed and attack power, the ghost tiger is one of the most powerful spirit beasts, extremely ferocious.

Any opponent who dares to invade his territory will fight to the death.Because of its extremely terrifying speed, even if the soul beast is about the same level of cultivation as it, it is unwilling to fight with it.

But for Zhu Zhuqing's agility attack system, this soul beast is the best opponent.

shhhhh! !
Zhu Zhuqing hit the Nether Hundred Claws with one move, but the ghost tiger's figure shattered like a bubble.

Obviously, this is just an illusion.

Or the ghost tiger's shadow clone ability.

Gu Ye and Liu Erlong watched the battle between Zhu Zhuqing and the others, and did not make a move.

In the original book, Zhu Zhuqing's fourth soul ability came from this ghost tiger.

If it's an ordinary soul master, the fourth soul skill needs 4000 years, which is appropriate.

But Zhu Zhuqing is different, for her now, the fourth soul ability is more than enough to withstand ten thousand years.

And although this ghost tiger's ability shadow clone is good, it is not what Zhu Zhuqing wants.

Boom! !
Zhu Zhuqing's speed was very fast, faster than that of this ghost tiger.

Even if the ghost tiger has a shadow clone, she will still be quickly destroyed by her.

Especially under Ning Rongrong's increase, Zhu Zhuqing's speed has been raised to the extreme.

Besides, Xiao Wu, Jing Ling, Tai Long, Huang Yuan and others were attacking beside her.

With the cooperation of seven people, a ghost tiger quickly beat him to the ground.

Because the ghost tiger was not the spirit beast they wanted, they threw it out after beating it half disabled.

After a while, another soul beast arrived.

This time, it was Zhu Zhuqing's seven who cooperated to finally defeat him.

With the companionship of soul beasts, the cooperation of Zhu Zhuqing and the seven became more and more tacit.

Not long after, more and more soul beasts besieged because of the fragrance of Youxiang Qiluo Xianpin.

And there are even a few ten thousand year soul beasts.

By now, it was obviously not something Zhu Zhuqing and the others could deal with.

Seeing that it was about the same time, Gu Ye immediately took back the Youxiang Qiluo celestial product, and came to Zhu Zhuqing's side: "Zhuqing, you can retreat to the poison formation. By the way, just in case, take this celestial product."

"is teacher."

Zhu Zhuqing took Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and a group of them into the poison formation with Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Item.

The seven of them had already taken Gu Ye's medicine, and the poison from the poison formation had no effect on them at all.

And with Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product in hand, no poison will be of any use.

The reason why Zhu Zhuqing was allowed to hold it was also to better attract soul beasts and find suitable soul beasts for Zhu Zhuqing.

After Zhu Zhuqing and the others entered, Gu Ye and Liu Erlong stood outside, looking at this pile of spirit beasts that would attack them at any time, their blood boiled with excitement.

Gu Ye hadn't fought for a long time, and this group of soul beasts could obviously let him exercise his muscles.

"Erlong, let's go, as long as the ten-thousand-year soul beast is beaten, the rest will be fine."

"Okay, I haven't done it for a long time."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and immediately started to fight.

Blazing flames burst out from Liu Erlong's palm, while on the other hand, there was a throbbing thunder.

After being treated by Gu Ye, the current Liu Erlong has been able to initially control the power of Thunder.

Moreover, the thunder attribute has already been awakened in her martial soul.

With thunder in his left hand and flames in his right hand, as soon as the two forces came out, Liu Erlong flew up and attacked a ten thousand year spirit beast with a bang.

The powerful fluctuations of soul power scattered in all directions, and the weak soul beasts scattered in all directions.

And the soul beast attacked by Liu Erlong was not big, about 1.5 meters, like a purple cat, with two pairs of very long purple ears, it was similar to Beerus, the god of destruction in a certain drama very similar.

Now seeing Liu Erlong attacking from the sky, he actually imitated human beings and attacked Liu Erlong with a single palm.

An explosion sounded.

A large hole appeared in the ground.

Liu Erlong quickly searched for the purple cat.

Just when her attack was about to defeat the purple cat, the body of the standing purple cat turned into an illusion, and then disappeared like a teleport.

"The second dragon is in the sky."

Hearing Gu Ye's prompt, Liu Erlong looked up to the sky, isn't it the standing purple cat?
"It's pretty easy to hide."

Liu Erlong sneered, and as soon as his martial spirit possessed his body, he spread a pair of flaming wings behind him, and instantly attacked the purple cat.

As for Gu Ye, he also made a move.

Although his soul power is level 57, but he has room for surgery, but his strength is not.

"Rongrong, help with soul power." Gu Ye called out to Ning Rongrong.


After Ning Rongrong responded, a colored light shot out from her Nine Treasures Glazed Tower and landed on Gu Ye.


As soon as the operation space came out, it instantly enveloped all the spirit beasts within a hundred meters around.

The scalpel instantly appeared in Gu Ye's hand,
Surrounded by a burst of thunder and lightning, "Zi Zi" kept ringing.

Surrounded by lightning, Gu Ye's scalpel turned into an electric knife.

Then, under the action of lightning, the electric knife transformed into an electromagnetic knife.

That's right, the electromagnetic force.

The current Gu Ye has long been able to generate magnetism from electricity, and his second soul skill, the electric knife, has developed into an electromagnetic knife.

call out!
The blue light flashed by, and Gu Ye instantly moved in front of a ten-thousand-year-old soul beast by virtue of the operating space.

The speed was so fast that before the ten-thousand-year soul beast could react, Gu Ye's electromagnetic scalpel attacked directly.

With a puff.

The extremely sharp electromagnetic scalpel directly cut through the skin of the ten thousand year soul beast and entered the internal organs, and the powerful electromagnetic ability exploded in the body of the ten thousand year soul beast instantly.

Viscera, blood vessels, meridians, and bones were instantly shattered under the action of the electromagnetic knife.

A ten-thousand-year-old soul beast was not harmed from the outside.

But in the next second, he fell to the ground with a bang.


Gu Ye's attacks have always been so straightforward.

Then Gu Ye looked at the second soul beast over ten thousand years old.

A bear-shaped soul beast is not suitable for Zhu Zhuqing, so there is no need to keep it.

Boom! ! !

In the air, the fierce battle between Liu Erlong and that Beerus started.

This Beerus kept dodging Liu Erlong's attacks by relying on his strange ability similar to blurry dodge.

Obviously only ten thousand years level, but the strength is far beyond ten thousand years.

If it wasn't for Liu Erlong's strength and rich combat experience, he might really have escaped.

Unfortunately, in front of the serious Liu Erlong, the little purple cat still couldn't escape Liu Erlong's clutches, and was eventually beaten to the ground.

Then Gu Ye, Liu Erlong and his wife showed in front of Zhu Zhuqing and Xiaowu Ning Rongrong what it means to be a husband and wife, not tired from working.

Boom! !
I only heard bursts of cracking sounds, and the spirit beasts gathered around were wounded and fled.

After a while, the movement disappeared.

There is no longer a standing soul beast around.

Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and the others came out after hearing the sound disappear.

I was also surprised to see the situation outside.

"Okay, Zhuqing, come here, you have found a suitable soul beast." Gu Ye beckoned to Zhu Zhuqing.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing hurried over.

When he saw the one on the ground about 1.5 meters tall, with a purple body and a pair of long cat ears, he asked in confusion, "Teacher, is this my fourth spirit ring?"

Gu Ye nodded, "Yes, its ability is very suitable for you."

Blurred instantly.

Such ability is indeed very suitable for Zhu Zhuqing.

Whether it is attack, sneak attack, or defense.

(End of this chapter)

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