Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 170 I can't bear it anymore, I can't help but attack Tang 3

Chapter 170 Can't hold back the unhappiness, attack Tang San
It has been a few days since Zhu Zhuqing and his party came back from Lanba Academy.

These few days Zhu Zhuqing was a little absent-minded, because she was worried about her teacher, Gu Ye.

He and Liu Erlong were alone in the Sunset Forest.

I don't know if it will be dangerous.

I don't know if there will be any deaths.

Not only Zhu Zhuqing was worried, but Ning Rongrong was also a little worried.

But not long after, to the joy of Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, Gu Ye and Liu Erlong returned safely.

And Liu Erlong also got a soul ring suitable for her.

After Liu Erlong came back, he met Zhu Zhuqing and others, and then went back to the residence in the back mountain to retreat.

This time she wants to refine the dry bone.

And Zhu Zhuqing and others were also arranged by Gu Ye to exercise well, and Gu Ye himself also came to the medical center to open a clinic to treat diseases and save lives to improve his strength.

For the next few days, Liu Erlong was still in seclusion in the back mountain.

There is also one more person in the Gu Ye Medical Center, and that is his full-time nurse Ye Lingling.

Ye Lingling followed Gu Ye to help, and as a doctor, Gu Ye would naturally not treat her badly.

It can be said that apart from the disciple Zhu Zhuqing, Gu Ye is the best to Ye Lingling.

Teaching in medical skills, teaching in cultivation, and guidance in stunts.

And Gu Ye promised that when Ye Lingling came to him after graduation, he would give him immortal herbs, cell strengthening potions and so on.

For the current Gu Ye, besides giving away, the immortal medicinal herbs are used for experimentation.

Ye Lingling was someone close to him, so she didn't feel bad at all when she should send Gu Ye off.

It was the first time Ye Lingling had heard of these items, but she knew why Zhu Zhuqing was so powerful.

And yesterday, Tang San who was training at Tiandou Imperial Academy also came to Lanba Academy, the purpose was to ask Xiao Wu why she didn't leave.

Xiao Wu also told Tang San half of the truth, the reason why she was able to stay was because Gu Ye could help her cover up the aura of the spirit beast.

She was also reluctant to stay with Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, and him.

After knowing everything, Tang San returned to Tiandou Imperial Academy to practice more diligently.

A few days later, Liu Erlong finished refining and expelling the bones, and his soul power at level 82 was directly raised to the peak of level 85, not far from level 86.

The current Liu Erlong possesses a dry bone, plus the original arm bone already has two soul bones, his strength is hard to rival in the Contra.

Moreover, her Martial Soul Flame Dragon has now become a Thunder Flame Dragon, and its power has increased several times, even Title Douluo has the power to fight.

For the next period of time, Lanba Academy has been busy.

Cultivation, exercise, team run-in.

As the teacher of Lanba Academy, Gu Ye is also the man of the dean Liu Erlong, so he is busier than Zhu Zhuqing.

He not only wants to save the common people and earn surgery points to improve their strength, but also to teach and train the seven people.

Fortunately, Ye Lingling was helping her.

Such a busy time has quietly passed a month.

This month, Gu Ye's soul power has increased by another level, reaching level 58.

The seven-member martial arts team in Lanba Academy has also been greatly improved.

Among them, Jiang Zhu, Tai Long, Huang Yuan, and Jing Ling were the ones who improved the most.

With Gu Ye and Liu Erlong's wholehearted teaching, the strength of these four people is much stronger than the original book, and the improvement will naturally become faster.

And in the current Lanba Academy's seven-member martial arts team, a team with Zhu Zhuqing as the soul center has been completely formed, or a team with Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Jiang Zhu as the main body has been formed.

The students of Lanba Academy now know that there are four beauties in Lanba Academy, all of them are powerful, not only beautiful, but also in good shape.

Tai Long, Jing Ling, and Huang Yuan are completely inferior.

Although the Wuhun team is led by a woman, the three of Tai Long are convinced, because Zhu Zhuqing's strength and leadership ability have already convinced them.

Among the students of Lanba Academy, except for Zhu Zhuqing, no one is qualified for this position.

In the back mountain of Lanba Academy, Gu Ye and Liu Erlong were happily doing things between them.

In the Sunset Forest, Liu Erlong said that he would serve Gu Ye well after he came back.

But now she has fulfilled that promise with the man she likes without hesitation.

in the future
She is very happy.

Also very happy.

But at this time, in Tiandou Imperial Academy, several people were extremely unhappy, even a little uncomfortable.

It was none other than Xue Beng and Bu Le.

Xue Beng has hatred for Dai Mubai, and has never given up revenge.

But Dai Mubai has been in Tiandou Imperial Academy for more than a month, the last academy competition was not completed due to special matters, and his matter of seeking revenge from Dai Mubai has not been completed yet.

This made Xue Beng, the prince who pretended to be a dandy, depressed. In order to carry out his dandy image to the end, he had to find trouble with Dai Mubai.

Bule is not happy because Xiao Wu is gone.

He hadn't seen Xiao Wu in Tiandou Imperial Academy for more than a month.

This guy Tang San sees him often.

He likes Xiao Wu wholeheartedly, but he doesn't know where the person he likes is, how can he be happy.

Moreover, Tang San has revenge for his life, and he will not be a human being if he does not avenge this revenge.

Now that Xiao Wu is not in Tiandou Royal Academy, it doesn't matter if he is not happy to stay here.

Unhappily decided.

He wants to leave Tiandou Imperial Academy.

Before leaving, he wanted to seek revenge from Tang San.

As for how to take revenge, Bule has already figured it out.

He had no way to make a move in Tiandou Imperial Academy, he could only lure Tang San out first, and then make a dark move.

With his current strength as a soul king, he still doesn't believe that he can't beat Tang San, a small soul master.

And he also has the fifth soul skill, covering the universe.

When the time comes, he will turn into Xiao Wu's appearance, and approach Tang San again, giving him the final blow.

Unhappy with the decision, I started to prepare.

He didn't use the avalanche, because now the avalanche is useless to him.

He went back to the room and wrote a letter, in which he asked Tang San to single out.

Then he asked someone to give it to Tang San.

But to Bule's disappointment, Tang San didn't come.

In the end, Bule changed his mind and used Tang San's closest person as a threat.

What was written in the letter was to threaten Tang San, if he didn't come, he would see Xiao Wu's body.

When Tang San saw this letter, he didn't believe it at first, because he knew that Xiao Wu should be safe in Lanba Academy, but when he thought that Xiao Wu's identity was a spirit beast, he was worried and went immediately.

When I came to the place I was unhappy with, I didn't see anyone.

This made Tang San frown.

When he wondered if this was a conspiracy, a footstep came from behind.

Tang San looked back when he heard the sound, and was instantly overjoyed.

Because it was none other than Xiao Wu who appeared in front of him.

"Little dance!"

Tang San hurriedly walked up to the person who came.

He misses his little sister Xiao Wu very much, and now he is so happy to see Xiao Wu looking for him.

But it was because Tang San was so happy right now, what he didn't notice was that Xiao Wu in front of him was a little weird.

The eyes are fierce.

hands behind their backs.

The height is not right.

(End of this chapter)

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