Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 174 Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 174 Zhu Zhuqing

Shui Bing, who came back to her senses, realized that she had made a fool of herself in front of her younger sisters just now.

Watching a man in a trance was something she had never done before.

But Shui Bing'er couldn't explain why she looked at Gu Ye like this in a daze.

Yes, Gu Ye is very beautiful.

Heart of beauty in everyone.

Shui Bing'er is no exception.

But what attracted Shui Binger was not only Gu Ye's appearance, but also something about him.

What exactly is Shui Bing'er is not clear.

As Shui Binger thought about it, the group had already arrived at the hotel arranged by their college.

On the other side, Gu Ye has also returned to the medical hall.

Not long after Gu Ye returned to the medical clinic, a person walked outside, none other than Liu Erlong.

Liu Erlong came to look for Gu Ye after explaining the matter to Zhu Zhuqing and the others, who knew that Gu Ye was still in the medical center.

"What did you do?" Seeing Gu Ye, Liu Erlong began to question him.

Today it was agreed to teach Zhu Zhuqing and the others, and then rest for a few days to prepare for the next competition.

Fortunately, Gu Ye forgot about it.

Seeing Liu Erlong like this, Gu Ye was also somewhat satisfied.

Being so worried about her man, as a man, Gu Ye still felt a little happy.

Then Gu Ye pulled Liu Erlong over, hugged her soft body into his arms, "I went to the palace just now."

"To the palace?"


"There are three days left until the competition starts. You also know that my clinic has a great reputation, and I am also very capable as a man. No, the people in the palace want to invite me to be the healing soul master of the healing department team. "

It was for this that Gu Ye went to Xue Qinghe before.

During this year, the reputation of Gu Ye's medical clinic has spread.

Especially after news of Emperor Xue Ye's recovery from illness spread, Gu Ye would often be invited into the palace.

Sometimes I help Xue Ye see a doctor, and sometimes I help Xue Ye's queen and concubine see a doctor.

Needless to say, although Xue Ye is old, his queen and some concubines are much younger than him.

It even looks like a mature young woman in her thirties, and a superbly beautiful mature woman in her forties.

All of them have various poses, charming and dangerous.

Gu Ye still remembers treating a concubine of Xue Ye's concubine half a year ago, but he almost fell into it at that time.

One must know that Xue Ye, as the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, has taken in so many concubines, her appearance must be absolutely stunning.

Being able to let Xue Di personally invite Gu Ye to see a doctor for this concubine, one can imagine how attractive this concubine is.

It's a pity that the current Xue Ye is old and can't do that anymore.

The last time Xue Ye went to Gu Ye to see a doctor, she hoped that Gu Ye could help him heal and comfort his harem by the way.

Nai He has reached his age, and his heart is more than enough, but his strength is not enough.

It was because of this that Xue Ye's concubines hadn't had rain or dew for many years, and they were so hungry and thirsty.

Seeing such a handsome and extraordinary doctor as Gu Ye come to help them see a doctor, how could he bear himself.

If Gu Ye hadn't gone to find Xue Qinghe after healed them, he might have lost countless lives to a certain woman in the harem.

Liu Erlong didn't suspect anything after learning that this was the case.

There will be some treatment teams in the competition venues of the Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition across the continent to ensure that the students in the competition can be treated in time when they are injured.

With Gu Ye's ability, it is not a problem to be the leader of the treatment team.

"By the way, have you explained everything about Zhuqing and the others?"

"Well, I just said it. Now Zhuqing and the others have gone to rest. The training time was so tight before, I think the few of them have gone crazy for a long time now."

Thinking of the time when Zhu Zhuqing and his group practiced some time ago, Liu Erlong also had a better understanding of Gu Ye's strictness.

Gu Ye has great expectations for Zhu Zhuqing. The competition will start in three days. At that time, he will enter the arena as the team leader and therapist of the treatment team. He is looking forward to Zhu Zhuqing's performance.

At this time, Liu Erlong thought about the last time he met Gu Ye and Xue Qinghe, and asked curiously: "By the way, Gu Ye, what happened to you and that prince Xue Qinghe?"

"This." Gu Ye couldn't explain it for a while.

Gu Ye didn't want to talk to Liu Erlong about Xue Qinghe.

At least not now.

"It's nothing, it's just that he wants to recruit me into his command. You also know that these princes always like to recruit talented people. You man, I am very capable, and you know it too."

Gu Ye's half-joking words made Liu Erlong a little helpless.

Gu Ye's ability is indeed very good, she knows this best.

Sometimes she can't stand it alone.

She even had the idea of ​​wanting Gu Ye to take a concubine.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go back to the academy."

Normally, when Gu Ye had nothing to do, he usually went back to the back mountain of Lanba Academy to live with Liu Erlong.

It's getting late now, and it's time to cook when I go back.

Then the two returned to the back mountain of Lanba Academy.

After returning to the academy, Liu Erlong seemed to have something to do, so he asked Gu Ye to go back to his residence in Houshan first and then leave alone.

After Gu Ye returned to the back mountain, unexpectedly, his apprentice Zhu Zhuqing was also there.

After seeing Gu Ye, Zhu Zhuqing trotted over: "Teacher, you are back."

Zhu Zhuqing's face was a little joyful, obviously she had been waiting here for a long time.

"Well, Zhuqing, why are you here? Didn't you play with Rongrong and the others?"

"I have something to ask you, teacher." Zhu Zhuqing said, took Gu Ye's hand, and went back to the room.

She usually comes to live here, and the rest of the room is hers.

Now she closed the door as soon as Laguye came in.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's appearance, Gu Ye was also a little puzzled.

But at this time, Zhu Zhuqing took out a flower, which was none other than Acacia Broken Heart.

When Gu Ye saw Zhu Zhuqing take out the flower, he seemed to understand why she dragged him in.

It is also very surprising that Zhu Zhuqing was able to obtain this Acacia Heartbroken Red Gu Ye.

At that time, Gu Ye didn't care so much about immortal products, so he casually took out several jade boxes and asked Zhu Zhuqing and Liu Erlong to take one at will.

After Gu Ye looked at it later, he realized that the Lovesick Heartbroken Red was gone.

At that time he thought it was Liu Erlong who took it, but who knew it was Zhu Zhuqing.

To Gu Ye's surprise, Zhu Zhuqing even took off the lovesickness heartbroken red.

Gu Ye is very clear about the characteristics of Acacia Heartbroken Red.

Only those who think about their beloved can pick off this acacia heartbroken red.

What surprised Gu Ye even more was that Zhu Zhuqing thought of him as the teacher.


Gu Ye admitted that he liked Zhu Zhuqing, a beautiful apprentice.

From the very beginning, Gu Ye went for Zhu Zhuqing's beauty.

Up to now, he really treats her as an apprentice to train her, and wants to train her to be a talent.

But now knowing that Zhu Zhuqing fell in love with his teacher and fell in love with him, Gu Ye felt inexplicably proud.

But even though Gu Ye knew that Zhu Zhuqing liked him and that she took off the lovesickness heartbroken red, he still didn't expose the relationship.

And now Zhu Zhuqing himself doesn't know the true use of this Acacia Heartbroken Red.

Now what is Zhu Zhuqing looking for him for?

"Teacher, you told me not to take this acacia heartbroken red before, but I... want to take it." Zhu Zhuqing said while holding the acacia heartbroken red and looking at Gu Ye.

When she took out this celestial product and asked Gu Ye how to take it, Gu Ye told her not to take it yet, but now Zhu Zhuqing found that holding this acacia heartbroken red, she missed her teacher Gu Ye more and more .

By now, it was about to explode.

But she knew the relationship between Gu Ye and Liu Erlong, and also knew the relationship between her teacher Gu Ye and Ka Dan.

She is just Gu Ye's disciple.

Now she wants to take this lovesickness heartbroken red, in addition to improving her strength, she wants to keep this lovesickness in her stomach.

After Gu Ye knew Zhu Zhuqing's thoughts, he didn't answer immediately.

In the original book, the description of Acacia Heartbroken Red is very powerful.

And Gu Ye knew that if Zhu Zhuqing took Acacia Heartbroken Red at the soul king level, he could directly increase his soul power to the tenth level.

Even those at the Title Douluo level can directly increase several levels.

How much it can be improved depends on the situation.

It was precisely because of this that Gu Ye hoped that Zhu Zhuqing would not take it first.

"Zhuqing, I told you that this Acacia Heartbroken Red is very effective. If you take it after reaching the soul king level, the effect will be even better."

"I know, but teacher..." Zhu Zhuqing looked at Gu Ye, hesitant to speak.

She wanted to express her love for her teacher Gu Ye, but she was afraid that she would lose Gu Ye as a teacher because of this.

Gu Ye could see why Zhu Zhuqing acted like this.


He sighed.

"Zhuqing, we have been together for a long time. As your teacher, I know you very well, and I also know what you are thinking at this moment."

"But you should know, teacher, I am not a single-minded man."

As soon as Gu Ye's words came out, Zhu Zhuqing was a little happy.

She knew that her teacher knew her affection.

Although they are masters and apprentices, she doesn't care.

She doesn't care that she is always indifferent.

On the Douluo Continent, the strong have such privileges.

Gu Ye looked at the delighted Zhu Zhuqing, pondered for a while, and said: "Zhuqing, how about it, if you get the top three results in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, or you defeat someone in the Spirit Hall, As for who it is, I will tell you when the time comes. If you do it, teacher, I can grant you a wish. No matter what the wish is, as long as it is what you think in your heart, teacher, I will grant you."

After Zhu Zhuqing heard it, his gaze was firmer than ever: "Teacher, I will definitely do it, and I will too." Looking at Gu Ye, Zhu Zhuqing had a special possessive desire in his eyes. .

"Zhuqing, let me tell you the truth, the top three are not so easy to get, and there is a very strong team waiting for you to challenge in the Wuhun Temple. There are several strong soul kings in this team, but you You don’t have to put too much pressure on it, just do your best.”

Zhu Zhuqing didn't feel the slightest fear after hearing this.

Isn't it the soul king?

It's not like she hasn't been defeated.

Although she is only level 46 now, her strength is not limited.

She has soul bones.

Possesses powerful soul skills.

There are also powerful physique, ghostly speed, acupressure skills, self-created soul skills and so on.

The elite of the high-level soul master academy in the whole continent, what she wants is not only the top three, but also the first.

As for the person her teacher asked him to defeat, no matter who it was, she would go all out.

For her teacher.

Also for herself.

"Teacher." At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing called out in a low voice, and then she made an important decision.

She hugged Gu Ye, stood on tiptoe, and dedicated her kiss to her beloved teacher.

Gu Ye was a little stunned, but he didn't expect to be pushed back by his apprentice Zhu Zhuqing.

But Zhu Zhuqing's small mouth is really soft.

Subconsciously, Gu Ye hugged Zhu Zhuqing's waist.

The master and the apprentice leaned against the wall and couldn't help but kiss passionately.

(End of this chapter)

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