Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 185 Tang 3 almost died, the dream is not happy

Chapter 185 Tang San nearly died, and his dream was unhappy

The person staring at Tang San was none other than Canghui Academy's leading teacher, Shi Nian.

Tomorrow there will be a match between the Canghui Academy team and the Tiandou Royal Second Team.

And although Tang San is only a soul master, the strength he displayed far exceeds that of the soul sect, and his control ability made Shi Nian feel the crisis even more.

And knowing that Shrek and the others had conflicts with her at Canghui Academy, Shi Nian had an idea.

Get rid of Tang San.

In this way, when Canghui Academy played against Shrek, they would be able to win without any difficulty.

Out of this idea, he has been staring at Tang San looking for opportunities since just now.


Tang San recognized his own lack of strength in the battle just now, and he has been meditating since he got off the field.

Yu Xiaogang saw that his disciple was not in good condition, so he quickly asked, "Little San, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Tang San came back to his senses, "Teacher, I'm fine, just thinking about something."

"I see that you are in a daze. If there is anything you can't understand, you can talk to me."

Tang San nodded: "Teacher, I feel that my strength is still too weak. If this goes on, it will be difficult for us to make it to the back, let alone qualify for the finals."

Tang San's words made Yu Xiaogang silent for a moment.

To be honest, Tang San's cultivation speed was already very fast.

You know, some people can't improve their spirit power by two levels in a year, but Tang San can improve by four levels in a year.

But Tang San was also right.

From the game to the present, the teams he encountered are getting stronger and stronger.

According to this situation, it is really difficult for them to get a place to participate in the finals.

But Yu Xiaogang couldn't help Tang San improve his strength quickly, and he wasn't Gu Ye.

To put it bluntly, he is just a half-waste who knows a little bit of theory.

Tang San seemed to know his teacher's difficulties, and after thinking about it, he said: "Teacher, we don't have any competitions now, I want to take this time to go back and practice, hard work can make me improve."

"Okay." Yu Xiaogang agreed.

Now Tang San is the soul of the second team, if his strength can't keep up, it will be very difficult for the next match.

Out of the spirit arena, Tang San quickly walked towards the academy.

At this moment, he was thinking about how to make himself stronger. Also, he felt that his Blue Silver Grass had also changed, so he had to go back and figure it out.

It was only noon now, the sun was shining brightly, and the warm light shining on his body gave people a warm feeling. Tang San liked to bask in the sun like this.

Walk while thinking.

After walking for a long time, he looked up, but it seemed that there was still a long way from the academy.

But what Tang San didn't know was that when he left the spirit fighting arena, someone was already watching him.

"Hey, isn't that Tang San?"

"Wait, why does this person look so familiar? It's him, that year?"

When Tang San and Shi Nian who followed Tang San were not far away, Gu Ye, who came out of the fighting spirit field, found the figures of the two.

Just after the game ended, Gu Ye wanted to go back to the academy, but he met these two people just after he came out.

He quickly recalled the original work, isn't this similar to the time when Nian Jie killed Tang San in the original work?
Now that the original works are so different, Shi Nian and Tang San are still touching each other?
It seems that there is something invisibly affecting the development!
Gu Ye secretly guessed in his heart, after hiding his figure, he quietly followed the two of them.

The current Tang San is only a soul master, he didn't get the fairy grade in the original book, and he also lost a lot of opportunities, let alone refining some powerful poisonous hidden weapons.

Now that he is being targeted by Shi Nian, will he kill him?
Gu Ye really wanted to know what the result would be.

He has no enmity with Tang San, some is only because of his disdain for Tang San, a hypocrite, when he read novels in his previous life.

Now that he is being targeted by Shi Nian, if he is killed, Gu Ye will not rescue him, he will only appreciate this scene as an admirer.

Moreover, Gu Ye guessed that there should be someone hiding in the dark, maybe he would jump out when Tang San was killed.

But at this time, the pace of walking back to the academy suddenly slowed down, and he vaguely sensed something was wrong.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but a faint coldness seems to come from all directions invisibly.

This feeling made him want to go to the unhappy time a year ago.

Thinking of this coldness, Tang San's hairs stood on end.

He slowed down, the light in his eyes suddenly became vigilant, everything around him didn't seem to have changed, and pedestrians passed by him in an endless stream.

Am I being over-hearted?
Tang San turned his head to look at the road he walked, his sharp eyes swept over the surrounding pedestrians, but he didn't find anything wrong, everything seemed normal.

But the more normal it is, the more vigilant Tang San will be.

The Godly Zhuge Crossbow fell into his grasp immediately, and he directly summoned his Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul regardless of the passers-by around him.

From that gloomy and cold breath, there was a faint murderous intent, which was enough to threaten life.

The surroundings suddenly became very quiet, and the sounds that should have been on the street before quietly disappeared at the same time.

The scene in front of him seemed to be covered with a layer of tulle, and everything became unclear at this moment.

"Tang San, your vigilance is really strong. Unfortunately, you discovered it too late."

At this time, following Tang San, Shi Nian knew that the time had come, he didn't hide, and walked out directly.

Tang San took a closer look, when Jian saw this person, he instantly recognized that the person was the leader teacher of Canghui Academy.

The 72-level Soul Sage that Flender had reminded him to pay attention to when he entered the arena before.

Seeing this person, Tang San's heart couldn't help getting heavier and heavier, he watched Shi Nian quietly, and said: "So it's you, the teacher of Canghui Academy, I don't know what advice you can give me to stop me here."

"I'll teach you...hehe, Tang San, you're so smart, why don't you guess it." Shi Nian looked like he was convinced of Tang San, but now, he wasn't worried that Tang San would escape at all.

Tang San's face darkened, he thought of the match with Canghui Academy tomorrow, and said coldly: "You are for the elite competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy."

clap clap clap! !

"You are really smart."

Shi Nian clapped his hands, and there was a hint of coldness on the corner of his mouth, "I was always looking for opportunities before. Unfortunately, you have been with your teacher and other students all the time, so I couldn't make a move. I still want to take this opportunity now." Gave it to me."

"You want to kill me?" Tang San's pupils shrank slightly.

"It's only your fault that your existence has affected my Canghui Academy." When Shi Nian said this, he still didn't intend to do anything.

Not far away, Gu Ye's figure appeared behind a tree.

He had been following Shi Nian and Tang San before.

With his current level 65 Soul Emperor's strength, it's not too easy to prevent Shi Nian from discovering it.

Now he knew that Shi Nian was trying to kill Tang San, but he heard the two chatting with each other.

He finally understands why the villain always dies because of talking too much.

Tang San calmed down at this moment, he stared at Shi Nian, and said coldly: "You have to think clearly, this is Heaven Dou City, and I am a contestant, and a student of Heaven Dou Royal Academy, you kill I don't even want to gain a foothold in the world of soul masters."

Shi Nian smiled, his smile made the wrinkles on his face look enough to kill a fly, and the eyes of a pair of vultures flickered coldly, "Oh, threaten me. Do you think it is useful? Now that I have decided to kill you, I will do it Alright, fully prepared. Take another look, is this still the street of Tiandou City?"

As soon as the words of the year came out, Tang San looked around, and instantly turned pale with shock.

The surrounding area is still the streets of Tiandou City, but a small forest outside Tiandou City.

Who cares if a person dies in the grove.

Tang San realized in an instant, the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, which had already been machined in his hand, clanged loudly at the moment everything around him became clear.

Sixteen sharp iron essence crossbow arrows with strong penetrating power have reached Shi Nian's chest in the blink of an eye.

Light and shadow flickered, and sixteen crossbow bolts disappeared in a flash.

However, Tang San's complexion became even uglier at this moment.

There was no blood, yes, although the sixteen crossbow bolts had sunk into Shi Nian's chest, there was not a single trace of blood flowing out. The crossbow bolts seemed to have disappeared out of thin air without even making a sound.

Shi Nian looked at the Godly Zhuge Crossbow in Tang San's hands in surprise, "What is that? A very powerful weapon. Is it a soul guide?"

Tang San didn't answer, just looked at Shi Nian quietly, for him now, every second he could delay would be delayed.

Shi Nian smiled slightly, and said: "Tang San, do you know what the greatest pleasure of my life is to watch my opponent go crazy in my residual dream until he dies. You will experience it soon, now I can already feel my excitement."

In the next moment, Shi Nian made a move.

His Remnant Dream activated instantly, and Tang San also fell into a sluggish moment.

Shi Nian didn't kill Tang San immediately, but stared at him cruelly, enjoying the remnant dream to torture Tang San.


Tang San didn't know what happened, a smear of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Shi Nian looked at Tang San with an expression of enjoyment.

At this time, in Tang San's dream, he dreamed back to Tangmen and came to Guijianchou again.

He has purple magic pupils, and with great perseverance he broke through this illusion, but in the next second, he fell into a deeper illusion.

He dreamed back to a year ago, what happened to him at that time.

As soon as he recalled this, Tang San seemed to go crazy, screaming in pain.

"Ha ha!!"

"That's the expression, yes, that's it."

Shi Nian looked at Tang San with a look of enjoyment, screaming madly now.

Gu Ye, who was hidden not far away, frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

According to this situation, Tang San will be killed by Shi Nian.

In the original book, Tang San relied on the Purple Demon Pupil to crack the remnant dream of that year, but now Tang San's Ziji Demon Pupil is just as good as cultivation, whether it can be cracked or not is still another matter.

And Tang San seemed to have fallen into some terrible dream.

Shouting in horror, don't, don't. Pain. Pain... these strange words.

It seems that there are unhappy names.

Gu Ye didn't understand the strange words.

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(End of this chapter)

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