Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 202 Surprise!Bibi Dong wants you to be her man, should you agree?

Chapter 202 Surprise!Bibi Dong wants you to be her man, should you agree?

Liu Erlong helped Tai Long and Jiang Zhu hunt surprisingly smoothly, and returned to Lanba Academy in just a few days.

Up to now, the two are already a level 41 four-ring soul sect.

Afterwards, the seven members of Lanba Academy entered into penance practice again.

Not only Lanba Academy, Zhihuo, Tianshui, and Kamikaze, everyone is working hard to improve their strength.

At this time, in the Wuhun Hall, Gu Ye had already decided to leave.

He came here to have a look at Duo'er, and to understand her strength, and to prepare for her encounter with Zhu Zhuqing in the finals soon.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Gu Ye wants to leave.

And in the past few days, he noticed something strange about Bibi Dong.

It was obvious that they had no good intentions for him.

For the sake of safety, it was obviously the right choice for Gu Ye to leave.

However, just as Gu Ye was about to leave, a guard came to him and directly announced that Pope Bibi Dong had summoned him.

Looking at the familiar guard in front of him, Gu Ye cried out secretly.

It was the guard who took him to Bibidong's bedroom before, and it is still him now.

If he enters Bibi Dong's bedroom this time, if he is seduced by Bibi Dong again, Gu Ye is not sure if he can hold it.

Seeing that Gu Ye was hesitating, the guard thought of Bibi Dong's words, and hurriedly said, "Gu Ye, His Excellency the Pope has a request, come with me now."

"To her bedroom?" Gu Ye asked for confirmation.

"Come with me." The female guard didn't answer, and now she just wanted to take Gu Ye back to complete the task quickly.

Seeing the other party's attitude, Gu Ye confirmed that he must be going to Bibidong's bedroom.

This made Gu Ye think of Bibi Dong's temptation to him a few days ago.

In the end, he still kept up with the guards.

He wanted to see if Bibi Dong would really be like last time.

If Bibi Dong came for real.

Why is Gu Ye afraid.

After a while, Gu Ye came to Bibi Dong's bedroom again.

When they came outside the door, the guard reported, "My lord, Gu Ye brought it here."

"Let him come in alone, and you can go down."

Bibi Dong's voice came from the room.

When the guard heard this, he left sensibly.

Gu Ye glanced at the guard who left, and then at the door in front of him.

Pushing open the door, one is facing Bibi Dong, the alluring female pope.

Gu Ye only thought for a second before pushing the door open without hesitation.

Behind the door is still the empty room from last time.

"Coming?" Bibi Dong sat on the sofa, calmly looking at Gu Ye who walked in.


"Then do you know why I let you come?" Bibi Dong stared at a certain position of Gu Ye with her sharp eyes.

Gu Ye followed Bibi Dong's line of sight and looked down, with a strange expression.

"Then I don't know why the Pope is looking for me this time?"

"You satisfied me last time, and I hope you can satisfy me even more this time."

The meaning of Bibi Dong's words is easy to mislead.

Especially in the place of her bedroom, speaking to a big man, Gu Ye.

However, Gu Ye guessed that it should mean that he was very satisfied with the operation on Bibi Dongwu's soul last time.

Could it be that Bibi Dong wanted him to perform surgery on her second spirit this time?

Gu Ye guessed so.

After all, he knew that Bibi Dong was the owner of twin martial souls.

But would it be inappropriate for her to tell Gu Ye about the twin martial souls?
However, Bibi Dong waved to Gu Ye at this time: "Come on, let me take a good look at your powerful ability."

Bibi Dong didn't seem to want to talk nonsense anymore.

What he said also carried a hint of the feeling that the Pope ordered his subordinates.

Full of arrogance and nobility.

Gu Ye came to Bibi Dong's side without thinking too much.

At this moment, Bibi Dong stood up and looked at Gu Ye face to face.

Bibi Dong is not very tall, she is a head shorter than Gu Ye.

But when she looked at Gu Ye, there was possessiveness in her eyes.

"Gu Ye, do you think the Pope is beautiful?"

When Bibi Dong said this, Gu Ye was really taken aback.

Bibi Dong asked him if he was beautiful, does this need to be answered?

Gu Ye praised without hesitation: "The Pope is the most beautiful woman among all the women I have ever seen. Whether it is temperament, identity or other things, no one can compare."

When Bibi Dong heard this, she smiled slightly.

Then she lay down on the sofa just like the last time Gu Ye helped her operate, and at the same time waved to Gu Ye, indicating that it was time to start.

This look full of temptation is so heart-wrenching.

When Bibi Dong saw Gu Ye's eyes, she already knew that Gu Ye liked her and adored her.

And she has decided to take Gu Ye into her harem.

That's right.

She has figured it out.

Before Rakshasa's guidance, she saw clearly her own heart and nature.

She is a woman who needs a man to comfort her both in heart and body.

And last time Gu Ye's operation made Bibi Dong's body excited, excited about this man Gu Ye.

As the pope admired by the world, she is worthy of accepting Gu Ye.

And what she has to do now is to confirm for the last time whether Gu Ye can really arouse her physical excitement.

At the same time, let Gu Ye know the secret of her twin martial souls.

Because she knew about her twin martial souls, it was impossible for her to let Gu Ye go again.

It can be said that in order to accept Gu Ye, Bibi Dong also made a great determination.

Gu Ye didn't know what Bibi Dong was thinking, if he knew, would he be excited or excited?

The current him, looking at the second martial spirit released by Bibi Dong, made a move without hesitation.

Someone as beautiful as Bibi Dong shouldn't have such an ugly spirit.

He had to help Bibi Dong change as he did last time.

Carry out changes in the depths of the martial soul.

Let her martial soul truly match Bibi Dong.

The operating space is released and the operation begins.

Gu Ye is very serious, because he is helping Bibi Dong.

In his heart, Bibi Dong was like an obsession that Gu Ye liked very much.

If you have the opportunity to help him now, you will have the opportunity to get him in the future.

Gu Ye is full of motivation.


A moment later, Bibi Dong made that alluring voice again.

At this moment, Bibidong looked at the extremely serious Gu Ye in front of her, and she confirmed that Gu Ye was the man who aroused her physical excitement.

Such a man must belong to her.

If Bibidong knew that there was a tactile connection between Wuhun and her body, and that Gu Ye made her body respond only to stimulate Bibidong herself, I don't know how she would feel.

In order to make Bibi Dong's martial spirit more perfect, this time the time was longer than last time, and Bibi Dong's body became more excited than last time.

Bibi Dong also looked at Gu Ye with a hint of excitement in her eyes.

This time, she didn't suppress her heart any more.

Because it is not needed.

who is she.

The pope of Wuhundian.

Whoever dares to refuse, opposes her.

She just wanted Gu Ye.

And still wait.

As for Yu Xiaogang, the person she once liked.

After so many years, if Bibidong loves Yu Xiaogang in his heart, it is supported by hatred, rather than obsession.

Now she, under the guidance of Rakshasa God, has released her heart, and Yu Xiaogang has slowly disappeared in her heart.

Now she lives only for herself.

Whatever she wants is what she should have.

Because she is the pope.

She is Bibi Dong.

"Okay, Your Majesty, the effect of this operation will be better than the last one." Gu Ye slightly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

During the operation for Bibi Dong just now, he maintained the operation space all at once, which consumed a lot of energy, and he is really a little tired now.

"Well, I am very satisfied with your ability." Bibi Dong didn't get up from the sofa.

She lay sideways on the sofa and looked at Gu Ye in an extremely seductive posture.

She also didn't release her martial soul to test it out like last time.

Now she, after putting away her martial soul, looked at Gu Ye with a scrutinizing gaze.

There was a hint of possessiveness in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, why are you looking at me like this?" Gu Ye asked in a low voice.

"Come here, I'll tell you." Bibi Dong beckoned to Gu Ye, who was seductive.

For some reason, Gu Ye walked over subconsciously as if his body was out of control.

"Because... I made a decision, I want you to be my man."

When Bibi Dong said it word by word, Gu Ye was stunned for a moment.

Ask him to be Bibi Dong's man.

Subconsciously, Gu Ye thought Bibi Dong was joking.

After all, it's so unreal.

Gu Ye admits that he is very handsome, and all beautiful women like handsome, and Bibi Dong is certainly no exception.

But Gu Ye was not so narcissistic that he attracted Bibi Dong just because of his looks.

If Bibi Dong was not joking, it was for another purpose.

"Surprised by my words?" Bibi Dong seemed to see what Gu Ye was thinking, and laughed.

"Your Majesty... you must be joking, right?" Gu Ye said softly while taking a step back.

However, when Gu Ye took a step back, Bibi Dong sat up from the sofa, stretched out his hand, and Gu Ye returned to his original position again.

"The Pope will never joke, if he wants you to be the Pope's man, then he wants you." Bibi Dong looked at Gu Ye aggressively and said.

"You should know that all soul masters in this world are single martial soul masters, but this Pope has dual martial souls."

"This matter has always been a secret to the world, because I have never shown my dual martial arts to the world."

"Gu Ye, guess what, I, as the owner of dual martial arts, is regarded as a secret by the world, why should I let you know?"

Bibi Dong looked like she was fixed on Gu Ye.

"Because... let me know your secret, I have only one choice, either become your person, or not get out of here today."

"You are indeed a smart man."

Bibidong looked at Gu Ye with satisfaction, as if she had seen the right person.

Handsome and capable, these are all owned by Gu Ye, and Bibi Dong also likes them.

But what she likes most is that Gu Ye can arouse the excitement in her body.

Let her have an inexplicable feeling.

That feeling is incredible.

She didn't control it, because her heart was enjoying it.

She wants to do whatever she wants.

This is for her own sake, and also for the Rakshasa God Test.

"So, now you can answer me, whether you choose to be my person, or..."

Bibi Dong stood up, looking at Gu Ye with burning eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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