Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 204 Enjoying Bibi Dong

Chapter 204 Enjoying Bibi Dong

However, what Hu Liena didn't know was that.

In the eyes of the person you like, age doesn't matter at all.

And Douluo Continent is a world where you can practice.

Even if there is a difference of 10 years, you can still like it and be a father and wife.

What's more, time has never left a trace on Bibi Dong's face, she still looks so beautiful.

The current Hu Liena wouldn't think that her idea just now was correct.

Gu Ye and her teacher Bibi Dong are doing what she thinks.

It's a pity that Hu Liena's preconceived notions made her feel that her teacher, Bibi Dong, was the Pope, an incomparably noble Pope, and it was impossible for her to do such a thing.

But sometimes things backfire.

Bibi Dong and Gu Ye were exactly what she thought.

Heaven Dou City, Crown Prince Xueqinghe Palace.

At this time, Qian Renxue sat at the desk and looked at the document in her hand seriously.

His current status is the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, and he needs to deal with many things.

Moreover, Emperor Xue Ye often handed some affairs of the country to him to handle.

Now what he was looking at was a series of events about the senior soul masters of the countries under the Tiandou Empire participating in the promotion competition.

The team list, the qualifications and strength of each team member, who are worthy of the Heaven Dou Empire's full efforts to recruit them to serve the Empire.

Of course, this is the task that Xue Ye entrusted to Xue Qinghe.

But what Qian Renxue has to do is to select these people with good aptitude and strength from the list and send them to the Spirit Hall.

Let her sister find a chance to get rid of these people.

When he thought of Qian Renxue from the Wuhun Palace, he thought of Gu Ye who had gone to the Wuhun Palace.

Thinking of Gu Ye, she felt dark.

Earlier, Gu Ye had sworn to tell her frankly that he would not go to the Spirit Hall to meet Bibi Dong.

Well now, half a month has passed and I still haven't seen him come back.

"You bastard, I'll make you look good when I get back."

"Let you lie to me."

Qian Renxue hated people who lied to her the most.

If it wasn't because Gu Ye was her man and she also had tasks to do, she would have gone to the Wuhun Hall to settle accounts with Gu Ye.

But she is not in a hurry, Gu Ye will definitely come back.

When Gu Ye didn't give her a satisfactory explanation when she came back, she let Gu Ye know that she, Qian Renxue, was not a vegetarian.

The last time she failed against Gu Ye in the secret room, she was still conquered by Gu Ye's powerful strength.

But it's different now, she has learned some knowledge, and when Gu Ye comes back, she wants to show Gu Ye her current strength.

"Well, this is from Barak Kingdom."

At this time, a message in the letter caught Qian Renxue's attention.

The current king of Barak Kingdom is Kadan.

And Kadan has some connections with Gu Ye, and she knows the specifics.

Qian Renxue is a very possessive woman.

Now that Gu Ye is her man, she only allows Gu Ye to have her in his heart.

And Kadan once had a relationship with Gu Ye.

But it was before her, and there was nothing she could do.

But it's different now.

Gu Ye was her man, and Kadan was about to lean back.

Otherwise, she would be able to put Kadan on the throne, let Kadan come down, and make her disappear without a sound.

Then Qian Renxue wrote a letter for his subordinates to pass on to Kadan.

Afterwards, they continued to look at the information and selected dangerous academy teams.

But at this moment, her eyelids were jumping.

A bad feeling came to my heart.

One does not notice such signs, especially eyelid twitching, for no reason.

Qian Renxue wondered if something happened.

Gu Ye was the only one who could make her worry so much.

"Gu Ye is now in Wuhundian, what will happen?"

"Bibi Dong wants to take Gu Ye into the Spirit Hall, so she will definitely not hurt him."

"But... will Bibi Dong treat Gu Ye?"

Qian Renxue knew Bibi Dong very well.

As long as she wants something, she will do whatever it takes to get it.

If she fell in love with Gu Ye, she would definitely not give Gu Ye a chance to resist.

He will also try his best to get Gu Ye.

Now that Bibidong is interested in Gu Ye's ability, Gu Ye's life will not be in danger.

And she had told Bibi Dong before that Gu Ye was the one she liked.

In this way, Bibi Dong would be even less likely to be unfavorable to Gu Ye.

But what is the situation now?
"I should have thought too much. With his strength, nothing will happen."

Qian Renxue continued to do things after comforting herself.

However, she never imagined that Bibi Dong was indeed the same as she knew.

As long as you want something, you will do anything to get it.

Just like now, she fell in love with Gu Ye, and also used threats to get Gu Ye.

And the two of them were in the room, galloping their horses.

Heaven Dou City, inside a tavern.

A scruffy man was gulping down a drink.

This person is none other than Tang Hao.

Tang Hao has been in Tiandou City for a while, and after killing Shi Shi before, he was worried that his son had something to do, so he didn't leave.

Now when he came to this tavern, besides drinking, he was looking for some news.

At this moment, Tang Hao put down the wine bowl in his hand, and looked to the other side from the corner of his eye.

There, there's a sneaky man who appears to be stalking someone.

This person is a spy of the Wuhun Palace. When he found out about Tang Hao, he followed Tang Hao all the time, and at the same time passed the news back to the branch of the Wuhun Palace in Tiandou City.

Tang Hao seemed to know that the other party was a spy from the Wuhun Palace, so he sneered and didn't care.

He is used to the dog legs of Wuhundian.

And now that he was born again, I'm afraid it would have been reported back to Wuhundian.

"It seems that it will still be dangerous for Xiaosan to go to Wuhun Hall in the future."

Tang Hao also understood Bibi Dong's character very well, so he decided to follow his son to the Spirit Hall to protect him secretly.

But there is still time now. Before that, he has to find someone to help him heal his injuries.

Otherwise, once a conflict occurs in the Spirit Hall, it will be very difficult for him to leave safely with his son with his current strength.

Then, he got rid of these Wuhundian spies and walked towards that place.

At night, Wuhun Hall, Bibidong's bedroom.

On the lavender bed, Bibi Dong leaned on Gu Ye's chest with a pensive look.

If you look carefully, you will find that Bibi Dong's cheeks are rosy at this time, and she also has a look of enjoyment.

In addition, the bed, under the bed, chairs, dressing table, many "things" are a little messy and a little "moist".

Bibi Dong enjoyed Gu Ye's "service" just now.

Likewise, she feels the joy of being a woman.

I also saw how powerful Gu Ye's real skills are.

However, thinking of the matter with Gu Ye before, Bibi Dong would always have some embarrassment and indignation on his face.

She is the Pope of the Wuhun Temple, and she wants to favor Gu Ye, but Gu Ye always messes with her later.

But now, she was wondering whether the matter with Gu Ye and the relationship with Gu Ye had progressed too fast.

She was the Pope of the Wuhun Temple, and she had a relationship with an unknown man.

If it gets out, I don't know how many people will discuss it.

Before, Bibi Dong was in a state of doing whatever she wanted, doing whatever she wanted.

Now that I have done it with Gu Ye and enjoyed it, I like the feeling of being served by Gu Ye even more.

But now she is in a calm state.

It was this calm state that made her think a lot and consider a lot.

Gu Ye hugged Bibi Dong's waist lying on his chest, also lost in thought.

Whether it was just now or now, he enjoyed what he did with Bibi Dong very much.

And now that he is also in sage mode, he thinks a little too much.

The relationship between him and Bibi Dong has been fixed.

Although only the first time.

But where there is the first, there will be the second.

And from Bibi Dong's expression and attitude just now, Gu Ye knows that there will only be more in-depth contact with Bibi Dong in the future.

Now what Gu Ye thinks about is how to deal with his relationship with Bibi Dong.

However, without waiting for Gu Ye to think about it, Bibi Dong leaned over at this moment, looked at Gu Ye in front of her, and announced domineeringly: "From today onwards, you are the Pope's man, you know?"

That's right, Bibi Dong has already seen herself clearly.

She fell in love with Gu Ye.

This liking is sudden though.

But she will obey her heart and do whatever she wants.

She just wanted Gu Ye to be her man.

No matter what the world says about her.

As Rakshasa said, if a woman can't do what she thinks in her heart and do whatever she wants, even becoming a god will be in vain.

When Gu Ye heard Bibi Dong's words, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He hugged Bibi Dong's waist, and with all his strength, he directly hugged her tightly, and at the same time kissed her small mouth, answering with action.

Now Gu Ye doesn't want to.

Think no more.

When a beauty is pregnant again, enjoyment is the right way.

And it was Bibi Dong, the stunning beauty, the noble pope.

It's a waste of time to think about those messy things without enjoying them.

Bibidong was used to Gu Ye's sudden toughness and domineering, but she was still a little dark.

Because she is the Pope, Gu Ye is her man.

It should be her who took the initiative and took the lead, but every time Gu Ye pushed back.

But that's okay, she enjoyed these submissive feelings.

The two who had just rested for a while, a big battle broke out again.

Bibi Dong's strength can be said to be among the best on the Douluo Continent.

There are no more than three people who can beat her.

The strength is strong, and the recovery is also strong.

It was also like this that she was able to keep up with Shang Gu Ye's pace.

In terms of soul power, Gu Ye is not as good as Bibi Dong, but in terms of physical strength, even ten Bibi Dongs are not as good as one Gu Ye.

It was also true that the battle between the two was fierce.

The night passed quickly.

In the early morning of the next day, Bibi Dong slept very comfortably.

Now she doesn't know what kind of dream she is having, and she has a happy smile on her face.

Seeing such a beautiful Bibi Dong, Gu Ye felt satisfied for a while.

But now he is also a little tired.

After all, his opponent was Bibi Dong.

For a man who hasn't been nourished by a man for decades, one can imagine how fierce the battle with Gu Ye was.

Then, Gu Ye hugged Bibi Dong and fell asleep comfortably.

On the other side, Duoer's residence.

Duo'er is a little confused now.

Because it was already morning since Gu Ye was called away by her teacher Bibi Dong at noon yesterday, and she hadn't even seen Gu Ye.

From this point of view, Gu Ye didn't come back last night.

Where did he go?
Live in her teacher Bibi Dong's bedroom?

Duo'er shook her head like a rattle, unable to believe it was true.

After all, her teacher Bibi Dong is the Pope.

The noble Pope.

How could it be possible to sleep with Gu Ye?

(End of this chapter)

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