Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 210 The first close contact with Tang Yuehua

Chapter 210 The first intimate contact with Tang Yuehua

Regarding Gu Ye, she had a special feeling. She was subconsciously telling her that Gu Ye's words were trustworthy, and he was also a trustworthy man.

Seeing that Tang Yuehua agreed, Gu Ye helped Tang Yuehua to the room next to him very gentlemanly.

Zhu Zhuqing usually lives here, and Tang Yuehua happened to stay here to rest tonight.

"You take a rest first, I'll fill you with water inside, and I'll call you when you're done."

"Okay." Tang Yuehua did not refuse.

She suddenly liked being treated so tenderly by a man, which was something she had never felt before.

Gu Ye gave Tangyue Huasheng warm water, and when he was ready, he came out and let her take a bath, but Gu Ye, who was a gentleman yesterday, would naturally not stay.

After leaving the room, Gu Ye packed up his things.

And in the bathroom, Tang Yuehua, a beautiful mature woman, hummed a ditty happily, and took off her clothes one by one, revealing her perfect and delicate body.

After she entered the bathtub, she enjoyed the pleasure of bathing.

"I didn't expect him to be such a gentle man!"

Thinking of Gu Ye, Tang Yuehua was a little happy.

Her hands stroked her jade-white skin inch by inch, cleaning the traces left by her work just now.

Not long after, after taking a bath, Tang Yuehua realized that she had no clothes to change, and finally had to wear the original ones again.

Tang Yuehua looked at the wet underwear that could no longer be worn, so she had no choice but to put it off first, since she couldn't tell it anyway.

"Gu Ye."

After getting dressed, Tang Yuehua went out to the room and yelled when she found that Gu Ye was not there.

Hearing Tang Yuehua's voice, Gu Ye put down what he was doing and walked in.



"Then lie down on the bed, and I'll give you a massage."

Tang Yuehua was ready.

She came to the bed, lay down gracefully, and left the whole back to Gu Ye.

Looking from behind, Tang Yuehua's curves were extremely attractive at this time.

Gu Ye couldn't help admiring after seeing it, the place that should be convex is convex, the place that should be thin is thin, and the plump place is even more beautiful.

She is indeed a stunningly beautiful mature woman.

Then, Gu Ye reached out to Tang Yuehua's waist.

In order not to be offensive to the beauty, Gu Ye followed the rules.

However, the soft touch of Tang Yuehua's waist still made Gu Ye enjoy it for a while.

"How do you feel? Are you comfortable?" Gu Ye asked when pressing the button.

Tang Yuehua nodded, and at the same time praised: "Gu Ye, your technique is really good, I feel much better just by pressing it."

"This is just a very simple technique. As a therapist, I naturally understand it." As he spoke, Gu Ye strengthened his hands.

And because Tang Yuehua was too comfortable, she couldn't help but let out a "huh".

The current Tang Yuehua could clearly feel that Gu Ye's hands were swimming around her waist like a nimble fish, relieving her physical discomfort.

Very comfortable, let her special enjoyment.

It would be great if I could often get comfort from Gu Ye in the future.

As soon as this idea appeared in Tang Yuehua's mind, even she felt a little shy.

She actually had that kind of thought about a man she had only known for a day.

At the beginning, Gu Ye was simply helping Tang Yuehua relieve his physical discomfort, but as time went by, he discovered that Tang Yuehua was enjoying his massage.

It's still the kind of enjoyment and enjoyment.

A tentative idea appeared in Gu Ye's mind under this premise.

He wanted to try, what kind of attitude Tang Yuehua had towards him now.

"Yuehua, the fatigue on your back is almost relieved, turn over and help you relieve the front as well."

Hearing Gu Ye's words, the comfortable Tang Yuehua subconsciously turned over, but when she thought of something, she froze and stopped.

"What's the matter, is it all right?" Gu Ye asked flatly.

"It's nothing." Tang Yuehua said, turning over.

She was lying on the bed facing her, and she could clearly see Gu Ye's movements and expressions.

Finding that Gu Ye was serious, Tang Yuehua knew that she was overthinking.

If Gu Ye really has bad intentions towards her.

He did it while she was unconscious.

And with Gu Ye's identity, there is no need to play tricks on her.

Now he is just helping her relieve her physical fatigue and discomfort.

Tang Yuehua felt ashamed that she treated the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Seeing Tang Yuehua's tightly clenched hands, Gu Ye smiled and said, "Yuehua, you seem a little nervous?"

"I'm not nervous." Tang Yuehua quibbled.

But the tightly held hands did not let go.

"Don't worry, I will be gentle and won't hurt you."

This kind of gentle tone came out of an extremely handsome man, but the effect was different.

For a beautiful mature woman like Tang Yuehua, the effect is even better.

She nodded and relaxed her body to enjoy Gu Ye's massage.

Then, Gu Ye's hands came to Tang Yuehua's waist.

Very flexible waist.

Moreover, Gu Ye discovered that Tang Yuehua's clothes were very thin and of a very good texture. From this, it could be seen that he was indeed a person who taught noble etiquette.

Tang Yuehua looked at Gu Ye, and when he realized that he was really serious, he was also a little dazed for a while.

In this way, Gu Ye had the first intimate contact with Tang Yuehua directly.

Lanba Academy, Houshan.

Not only Liu Erlong was in the back mountain tonight, but also Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, and the four daughters of Jiangzhu.

The four girls had already left the closed door for close to a month of painstaking training, so naturally they had to inform their teacher Erlong as soon as possible.

And knowing that Gu Ye is not there, Liu Erlong is alone, Simei has the idea of ​​staying with Liu Erlong.

"Principal Erlong, there are still four days until the promotion competition. Why hasn't Teacher Gu Ye come back?"

It was Jiang Zhu who asked the question, and from her expression, it could be seen that she really missed Gu Ye.

"He should be back soon."

Gu Ye said that he would be back before the promotion match, and Liu Erlong guessed that he would be back in the next few days.

To be honest, there was no Gu Ye for nearly a month, and Liu Erlong also missed her man very much.

Want to spend every night with him.

Similarly, this disciple Zhu Zhuqing missed his teacher no less than Liu Erlong.

During this month, because she missed Teacher too much, she turned her thoughts into motivation and worked hard to practice.

Just a few days ago, her soul power broke through one level, from level 46 to level 47.

Not only Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu also broke through to the first level.

In addition, Jing Ling and Huang Yuan also broke through to the first level.

As their strength has improved, they are even more looking forward to the promotion match in a few days, because it is their individual match, the best stage to show their personal abilities.

Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu and Liu Erlong were talking about Gu Ye, and they didn't leave the wooden house in the back mountain, and they stayed to accompany Liu Erlong well tonight.

What the five girls didn't know was that the man they were thinking of, Gu Ye, had returned, and was helping another stunningly beautiful mature woman in the medical clinic to relieve her physical fatigue.

In the room of the medical center, Tang Yuehua looked at Gu Ye in front of her. Under the invasion of physical comfort, she became more and more fascinated.

At this moment, Tang Yuehua knew that she had fallen in love with the man in front of her.

There is no reason to like it, and no reason is needed, she just likes it.

It can be said that she fell in love at first sight because Gu Ye saved her, or it could be said that she fell in love at first sight.

No matter what it was, Tang Yuehua had already identified the man in front of her.

Although Gu Ye looks much younger than her, but she doesn't care, as long as she likes it, she likes it.

As a woman, it is not easy to have a man who makes her heart beat and likes in this life.

She decided to express her feelings to Gu Ye when the opportunity arises.

The reason why I don't say it now is because they have only known each other not long ago, and Tang Yuehua is not sure if Gu Ye will reject her.

"All right."

At this time, Gu Ye withdrew his hand from Tang Yuehua's waist.

Tang Yuehua had an expression of reluctance, she liked the comfortable feeling of being served by Gu Ye, but now she can only come to her senses.

"Thank you Gu Ye, I feel much better now."

"You're welcome. Rest now, and I won't bother you."

After finishing speaking, Gu Ye turned around very coolly.

"Gu Ye!"

Seeing that Gu Ye was about to leave, Tang Yuehua subconsciously called out.

"What's wrong?" Gu Ye turned his head and looked at Tang Yuehua puzzled.

Do you still want him to continue pressing?The place where I pressed just now was the lower back and front waist. Could it be that I think about it this time? Gu Ye thought about it a little bit more.

Tang Yuehua hesitated to speak, and finally just said "Thank you."

"It's okay, you have a good rest, I'll take you back when you get up tomorrow." Gu Ye gave Tang Yuehua a gentle smile and left the room.

Regarding Tang Yuehua, Gu Ye wanted to try her taste out of a curiosity.

Now it seems that the effect is surprisingly good.

After Gu Ye left, Tang Yuehua lay on the bed and touched her waist and abdomen unconsciously.

She could vaguely feel the warmth of Gu Ye remaining here.

"Why does Gu Ye's hand make me so comfortable?"

Tang Yuehua tried to press it, but found that it was not as comfortable as Gu Ye's.

Then she tried again, but she still didn't have the feeling that Gu Ye helped her.

"Do you need a man to be able to do this?"

Tang Yuehua was skeptical, and even more convinced of Gu Ye as a man.

This night, Tang Yuehua slept very beautifully.

In the dream, she saw Gu Ye.

Gu Ye massaged her very gently, first at the waist, then all the way down, and then gave her a whole body massage from bottom to top.

She was comfortable, indescribably comfortable.

Then, she explained her feelings to Gu Ye, and Gu Ye agreed without hesitation.

And she and Gu Ye also slept together logically.

Just as she and Gu Ye were taking the next step, the last step belonging to a man and a woman, she woke up.

It turned out that at this time, it was already dawn.

Tang Yuehua got up from the bed, looked outside, and then thought of what she had dreamed in her dream, her face flushed instantly.

"What's wrong with me, how can I have those strange dreams."

"Really, it must be because of Gu Ye."

"Yes, it's because of him."

Tang Yuehua secretly believed that it was because of Gu Ye that she was like that.

(End of this chapter)

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