Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 219 The Great Emperor Xue Ye: The concubine is fortunate to suffer, and Gu Ye also suffers.

Chapter 219 The Great Emperor Xue Ye: The concubine is fortunate to suffer, and Gu Ye also suffers.

In Concubine Ming's room, she was currently sitting on the couch in a seductive manner.

There is a table in front of her, and on the table is an incense burner shrouded in mist.

She is putting some of the incense she refined into the incense burner little by little.

It looks like she really enjoys doing it.

Because now she is doing so engrossedly, even Emperor Xue Ye and Gu Ye can't attract her attention when they walk in.

"Aifei!" Emperor Xue Ye called softly.

He seemed to be afraid of scaring Concubine Ming, but his voice was surprisingly gentle.

Concubine Ming who was burning incense was also awakened by Emperor Xue Ye's voice. When she saw that it was Emperor Xue Ye who walked in, she immediately remembered to salute.

It can be seen that when Gu Ye came in with Emperor Xue Ye, he paused and his expression was slightly weird.

However, she still came to her senses, hurriedly walked towards the bed, bowed slightly and said: "The concubine has seen Your Majesty."

"Aifei is not feeling well, so there is no need to be so polite, come and sit on the bed."

Emperor Xue Ye doted on Concubine Ming so much that he personally helped her to the couch.

Concubine Ming showed a grateful smile, and after coming to the couch, she sat gracefully and asked: "I can't accompany His Majesty to watch the battle today, to see the talents and heroes of the empire, and forget that Your Majesty should not blame the concubines."

"No problem, no problem! Concubine Ai is not feeling well, just rest in the room, and today I specially called Dr. Gu to take a look at Concubine Ai."

"You must have experienced Doctor Gu's ability, Aifei. With him, Aifei will recover quickly."

I have indeed felt it, and it was very fierce, which made me feel very comfortable. Concubine Ming thought to herself, looking at Gu Ye behind Emperor Xue Ye, she showed a really amazing smile.

Gu Ye smiled slightly in response.

At this moment, when Emperor Xue Ye saw Concubine Ming smiling, he was shocked.

He found that the concubine Ming at this time was even more charming than before, even more charming.

The whole person is like a dry flower being nourished by nectar, blooming with infinite charm.

If it wasn't because of his old age and some discomfort in his body, Emperor Xue Ye would definitely have a good time with Concubine Ming and take the nectar.

"Doctor Gu, please excuse me."

The calm Emperor Xue Ye looked back at Gu Ye and said.

"Your Majesty, you are being polite. It is my duty to help patients and cure their diseases. And you can rest assured, Your Majesty, I will definitely cure the discomfort of Concubine Ming and restore her to her former glory."

Healing Concubine Ming did not happen once or twice.

Gu Ye is very skilled in this kind of operation.

After Emperor Xue Ye gave up his position, Gu Ye sat on the bed.

Concubine Ming looked at Gu Ye in front of her, thinking that the two of them were having a good time on the bed just now, and now they are actually sitting on the bed.

Behind him stood an Emperor Xue Ye.

This special feeling made the two of them a little delicate.

Then Concubine Ming stretched out her hand and placed it on the table, Gu Ye took the pulse of Concubine Ming very seriously.

If the imperial concubines of some ancient emperors were touched like this when they went to see a doctor, the imperial doctor would be beheaded before they left the palace.

But it's different here in Gu Ye.

It was Emperor Xue Ye who invited him to help Concubine Ming to see a doctor, and touching his hands to see a doctor is a must, and it is a very normal thing, and it will not cause any misunderstanding.

Gu Ye felt his pulse in a dignified manner.

The Great Emperor Xue Ye who was behind him looked at Gu Ye who frowns from time to time, and felt a little worried.

Concubine Ming is his favorite concubine, not even the current empress can compare to her.

He didn't want Ming Fan to feel unwell.

After a while, Gu Ye finished his investigation, looked at Emperor Xue Ye and said, "Your Majesty, there is actually nothing serious about Concubine Ming's body."

"It's nothing serious, how could the lovely concubine feel unwell?" Emperor Xue Ye asked puzzled.

Gu Ye smiled and said: "The reason why Concubine Ming is like this is because she is a little weak. Besides, it is also affected by her martial spirit."

"Influenced by the Martial Soul?" Emperor Xue Ye was even more puzzled.

"Yes, the Martial Soul of Concubine Ming is fragrance, Your Majesty, you should know that, right?"

"Naturally know."

The reason why Concubine Ming loves refining incense so much is mostly due to the influence of her martial soul.

"Scent, tasteless and invisible. This kind of special spirit is a kind of mutated spirit. Concubine Ming has been practicing incense all the year round, and the spirit and body have undergone some changes. Is it because of this that her body feels unwell?"

When Xue Ye heard it, she subconsciously believed in Gu Ye. After all, Gu Ye saved his life, so how could she not believe in Gu Ye?
"Doctor Gu, do you know if there is a cure?"

"Indeed." Gu Ye nodded.

When Emperor Xue Ye found out, he was overjoyed instantly, "As long as Doctor Gu can cure my concubine, no matter what Doctor Gu needs, I can promise you."

"Hey! Your Majesty, I have spoken to you before. I never need those material rewards for helping people heal."

"As a doctor, I can't save people and save lives. How can I live up to the name of this doctor?"

As soon as Gu Ye's words came out, the whole person's energy and spirit changed dramatically.

It looks like it really has the appearance of helping the world and serving the people.

When Emperor Xue Ye heard Gu Ye's words, he respected him even more.

Before Gu Ye saved his life, he didn't ask for anything in return.

That's why he admired Gu Ye so much.

Now it was his turn to love his concubine, and he was even more convinced of Gu Ye.

Concubine Ming looked at Gu Ye with a meaningful expression.

She is very clear about whether she is sick or not.

But she didn't expose Gu Ye, because now she likes Gu Ye very much.

She also wanted to know what kind of medicine was sold in Gu Ye's gourd.

At this moment, Gu Ye showed a tangled expression.

After seeing it, Emperor Xue Ye asked, "Doctor Gu, is there any problem?"

Gu Ye nodded and said: "There is indeed one thing, I don't know if I should tell your Majesty."

"Please speak." Xue Ye urged.

Gu Ye nodded: "Your Majesty, I can help Concubine Ming recover her abnormal martial spirit. But my ability is very special and cannot be exposed. Therefore." Gu Ye believes that Emperor Xue Ye understands people and understands him. the meaning of.

Emperor Xue Ye did understand.

He also knows some dead rules of doctors.

The secrets of the teacher's sect cannot be exposed.

For example, there is an imperial doctor in his palace, who is stronger than a cow, and has some abilities that even an emperor like him can't see.

He is not surprised that Gu Ye has such ability and rules now.

"Doctor Gu, don't worry, I understand. As long as you can treat my beloved concubine well, I will cooperate with you no matter what you ask."

After hearing this, Gu Ye nodded in satisfaction, and at the same time showed a very mysterious smile to Concubine Ming.

Concubine Ming seemed to understand what kind of medicine was sold in Gu Ye's gourd.

"In this case, then I will tell your Majesty about my treatment plan."

"It takes at least three rounds of treatment to completely treat the problems on Concubine Ming's martial soul. Each treatment takes more than half an hour, and the treatment process cannot be interrupted."

"Because my ability is unique to me and cannot be seen by outsiders, so no third person can be present during the treatment."

"That's what I want."

After Gu Ye finished speaking, he looked at Emperor Xue Ye.

But after Emperor Xue Ye heard this, because of his trust in Gu Ye and his concubine, he didn't think much about it.

After all, Gu Ye is just a doctor, and it is impossible for him to have anything to do with his concubine.

And he knows his concubine very well, the only one he loves is him.

"Doctor Gu just let go of the treatment, I will let Aifei cooperate with you."

"As Your Majesty said, it's fine for Doctor Gu to let go of the treatment, and my concubine will try her best to cooperate with you, Doctor Gu."

The words of Emperor Xue Ye and Concubine Ming made Gu Ye understand that he could let go and heal with all his strength.

"Since this is the case, please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will definitely heal the concubine Ming and make her look radiant."

"Then it's hard work for Doctor Gu." Emperor Xue Ye thanked Gu Ye for looking at him.

"It's not hard, it's what I should do." Gu Ye smiled.

"Doctor Nagu, should we start today or?"

"I'm afraid it won't work today. Formal treatment needs to start tomorrow."

"Why?" Emperor Xue Ye was a little confused.

"Concubine Ming is exhausted today, she probably hasn't recovered yet, is what I said right?" Gu Ye looked at Concubine Ming and asked.

Concubine Ming nodded and said: "Well, I am indeed a little tired now, and I haven't recovered yet." If you look carefully, you will find that Concubine Ming reveals a hint of shyness invisible when she speaks, but she hides it very well, and Emperor Xue Ye also not found.

At this moment, Concubine Ming realized that Gu Ye was not only a very bad person on the bed, but also a very bad person off the bed.

The Great Emperor Xue Ye did not fail to understand the meaning of the conversation with Concubine Ming throughout the whole process, let alone knowing that the two secretly communicated with each other and sent glances secretly.

"Your Majesty, although we can't formally start the treatment today, we can simply help Concubine Ming recover her body."

"It just so happens that I have recently researched a kind of elixir. This elixir has the miraculous effect of restoring blood qi, clearing tendons and activating collaterals. It is just right for the concubine Ming to take it."

As he spoke, Gu Ye took out a small bottle from the system.

The bottle contains some milky white liquid.

This is the liquid essence that Gu Ye purified from some elixir, and the effect is excellent.

After Concubine Ming took Gu Ye's medicine bottle, she gave Gu Ye a grateful look.

Then she surrendered in front of Gu Ye and Emperor Xue Ye.

After taking it, a burst of milky white light bloomed on Concubine Ming's body.

The milky white light flowed slowly, and within a short while all of it entered Ming Fei's body.

Then what surprised Concubine Ming was that her soul power was directly raised by three levels.

This scene surprised her a lot.

Not only her, even Xue Ye looked at Gu Ye in surprise.

Just a bottle of milky white liquid medicine can make Concubine Ming break through to the third level of soul power.

This effect is really unimaginable.

"Doctor Gu, thank you for your hard work."

Emperor Xue Ye thanked him again.

"It's not hard work, it should be done." Gu Ye replied very politely.

"Your Majesty, I'll go back first, and I'll come to help Concubine Ming when I have time tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"Well, let me see you off, Doctor Gu."

"No, no, I can leave by myself." Gu Ye declined, looked at Concubine Ming's blushing face, and smiled meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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