Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 224 The tall girl Huo Wu also has moments of shyness

Chapter 224 The tall girl Huo Wu also has moments of shyness

No other, exciting, and cool.

"Ming Concubine, Ming Concubine, you really know how to handle a man's mind. Now I really can't put it down to you."

Gu Ye sighed sincerely.

Because of Emperor Xue Ye's order, Gu Ye can move freely in the barracks without the need for soldiers to lead him.

Now when he walked back alone, he took a closer look at the place where the military camp was stationed.

Here is a grassland, basically surrounded by grass, low hills, it is very good for stationing troops.

"Drink! Drink!"

When Gu Ye was going back to the Lanba Academy camp, he passed by a camp, and the sound of training and fighting made him stop for a while.

He was somewhat familiar with this voice, it was obviously Huowu from Blazing Snow Night.

That tall, long-legged girl with fiery red hair and a short skirt.

Because the camp is not very far from Gu Ye, the rooms in the camp are all three-dimensional courtyards, and the entrance is just facing Gu Ye.

Gu Ye looked inside, and coincidentally saw a fiery red figure fighting inside.

Why is it a big fight?
Because there was a cry from inside from time to time.

In the courtyard, Huo Wu looked at Huo Yun and Huo Yu and stopped helplessly.

"Huo Wu, you are already very strong now, don't force yourself like this."

"It's Huo Wu. With your strength, among the existing teams, not many can beat you."

After Huo Wu heard Huo Yun Huo Yu's words, she shook her head and said, "No, it's not enough. If you want to defeat her, this level is far from enough."

When Huo Wu mentioned her, she was obviously referring to Zhu Zhuqing.

For Zhu Zhuqing's strength, they were obvious to all.

Huo Wu has always regarded Zhu Zhuqing as her strongest opponent.

Now she is working so hard, even without taking a break, she is cultivating desperately, in order to be able to fight Zhu Zhuqing in the next match.

Seeing Huo Wu's stubborn appearance, Huo Yun and Huo Yu felt a little helpless.

They couldn't persuade them anymore.

Now Huo Wu's brother, Huo Wushuang, is going to draw lots for tomorrow's game, and without him, Huo Wu won't listen to anyone's words.

Thinking of Huo Wu's brother, Huo Yun's eyes lit up, and he quickly said, "Huo Wu, your brother seems to be back, should I go out and have a look?"

Seeing this, Huo Yu quickly said, "I'll go out and have a look too."

Of course, the two of them didn't know that it was impossible for Huo Wushuang to come back so soon, they just didn't want to fight Huo Wu any longer.

After all, Huo Wu's soul power is much stronger now than it was a month ago.

Although they also broke through to level 41 Soul Sect, they still couldn't beat Huo Wu.

The witty two wanted to leave, so as not to be beaten by Huo Wu later.

"Hey, aren't you Gu Ye, the teacher of Lanba Academy?"

Huo Yu Huo Yun who came out were a little surprised when they saw Gu Ye.

Just as Gu Ye was about to leave, he stopped when he saw the two greet him.

"Gu Ye?" Hearing Huo Yun Huo Yu's words in the yard, Huo Wu hurried out, "It's really you, Zhu Zhuqing's teacher, Gu Ye."

Huo Wu walked up to Gu Ye, and asked with a hint of joy, "Are you here to find me?"

Gu Ye: .
The camp of Blazing Academy is not very far from Lanba Academy.

When he came back from Emperor Xue Ye's barracks, he just passed by here and stopped to take a look when he heard some movement inside.

How did you become the one who came to look for Huo Wu?
However, Gu Ye did not refute Huo Wu's preconceived words.

Seeing that Gu Ye didn't speak, Huo Wu thought that he was looking for her.

Huo Wu naturally knew about Gu Ye.

Zhu Zhuqing's teacher, the teacher of Lanba Academy, a doctor in a medical center, and a powerful soul master at the same time.

When she knew Zhu Zhuqing was a formidable opponent, Huo Wu collected all the information about Zhu Zhuqing.

Obviously, Gu Ye also knew the news.

It was also after getting to know him that Huo Wu knew what an excellent man Gu Ye was.


the man.

Because in Huo Wu's eyes, the Gu Ye in front of her is not much older than her, and even looks the same age.

This is also true, Huo Wu subconsciously did not regard Gu Ye as a teacher of Lanba Academy, but as a peer.

But now when she saw Gu Ye, she immediately thought that he was looking for her.

As for what to do with her, Huo Wu also wanted to know.

Her beautiful eyes lingered on Gu Ye, curiously looking at the handsome man in front of her.

Looking at it, Huo Wu felt a little envious of that Zhu Zhuqing.

With such a handsome teacher, being able to be with him every day is definitely a blessing to death.

If she had such a teacher, maybe she would be no worse than Zhu Zhuqing.

Thinking about it this way, looking at Gu Ye in front of him, Huo Wu had some strange thoughts.

"Do you want... come in?" Huo Wu looked at Gu Ye and said subconsciously.

On the side, Huo Yun and Huo Yu saw Huo Wu say such weird words, and the expressions on their faces were even weirder. They looked at each other, wondering what happened to Huo Wu?
Gu Ye was even more strange.

Huo Wu actually invited him in.

After thinking about it, Gu Ye thought of Zhu Zhuqing and Liu Erlong who were waiting for him, and refused with a smile: "No, I have to go back."

"Hey! Gu Ye!" Seeing that Gu Ye was about to leave, Huo Wu shouted to stop him.

"What's wrong?" Gu Ye didn't know, so he looked at Huo Wu.

"I..." Huo Wu was at a loss for words for a while, and then asked in a low voice, "Do you think I can defeat Zhu Zhuqing?"

Asking Zhu Zhuqing if his teacher can defeat Zhu Zhuqing, such a question seems really stupid.

Especially when asked from a woman like Huo Wu.

Huo Yun and Huo Yu, who were behind her, could tell that now that Huo Wu's IQ was obviously not online, she would actually ask such a stupid question.

But Gu Ye showed a gentle smile, "Although the competition is about winning or losing, there are many other important things besides winning and losing."

"For example, see yourself clearly, recognize yourself, know your strengths, see your weaknesses and change them. This is very beneficial to the future of every soul master."

"The moment I saw you in the qualifiers, I saw that you are a very smart woman, and also an excellent female soul master."

"In my opinion, Zhuqing's strength is very strong, and your strength is not weak. To Zhuqing, you are a good opponent and a respectable opponent."

"You can also try to face her with a normal state of mind, and face an opponent like Zhu Zhuqing."

After Gu Ye finished speaking, he habitually patted Zhu Zhuqing on the shoulder just like he taught Zhu Zhuqing before.

Huo Wu is tall and slender, and her legs are the most slender and straight among all the women Gu Ye has ever seen.

The height is only half a head lower than him.

Now that he was patting Huo Wu's shoulder, he seemed to have a special sense of intimacy.

Huo Wu raised her head and looked at Gu Ye in front of her, she didn't even have the slightest intention of resisting Gu Ye's treatment of her.

"Sister, what are you?"

At this moment, Huo Wushuang walked over from not far away.

Hearing her brother's voice, Huo Wu came back to her senses.

"Brother, are you back?"

"En." Huo Wushuang nodded and walked to Huo Wu's side, while looking at Gu Ye.

When seeing that it was Gu Ye, Huo Wushuang was a little surprised how he could appear here.

"Brother, is tomorrow's opponent coming out?"

"Well, come out, our opponent is the one you want the most."

"So that's it." Huo Wu looked at Gu Ye in front of him, with a strange look in his eyes.

Huo Wushuang nodded: "Yes, it is the Lanba Academy."

"It's really her." There was joy in Huo Wu's eyes, and when he saw Gu Ye, the joy on his face slowly disappeared when he thought of what he said just now.

"Sister, why is he here?" Huo Wushuang leaned into Huo Wu's ear and asked in a low voice.

And Gu Ye didn't care, he was a little surprised when Huo Wushuang said that their opponent was Lanba Academy tomorrow.

Did not expect to meet so soon.

"Huo Wu, if you want to compete with Zhuqing, I can arrange for him to be the first to play tomorrow, but I still hope that you can participate in the competition with a normal heart, and don't be affected by the desire to win. It's not good for you."

Gu Ye's calm and gentle tone, coupled with his astonishing appearance, for Huo Wu, his words are not usually easy to use.

"I see, I will seriously compete with her." Huo Wu whispered.

Gu Ye smiled and nodded: "Yes. Well, I'm going back too. I'm looking forward to your wonderful performance tomorrow."

Gu Ye left after speaking.

And Huo Wu looked at Gu Ye's leaving figure, and couldn't help showing a nice smile on his face.

Beside Huo Wu, Huo Wushuang saw his sister staring at Gu Ye who was leaving with such a smile, and seeing that Gu Ye had disappeared, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching before his sister recovered.

This is their opponent's teacher.

His sister actually looked at the other party with a captured smile.

What's wrong with this world.

Can you do whatever you want if you are handsome?
Can Shuai just say a few words and charm his sister?
At this moment, Huo Wushuang was in a terrible mood.

But Gu Ye didn't know the mood of Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang.

Just now, he just saw that Huo Wu was beautiful and had a superb figure, so he kindly reminded her.

After all, it would be a pity if an outstanding woman like Huo Wu was affected by the desire to win.

Not long after, Gu Ye returned to the barracks of Lanba Academy.

Coincidentally, Liu Erlong had just returned from drawing lots.

Seeing that Gu Ye was also coming back, he told him that tomorrow's opponent was from Blazing Academy.

"Just now when I came back, I passed by the team of Blazing Academy. Huo Wu in this team is a very good soul master. It happened that she wanted to fight Zhuqing, and I also wanted Zhuqing to have a good fight. The opponent has practiced, and tomorrow I will let Zhuqing play first."

Liu Erlong also remembered Huo Wu from Blazing Academy.

She is indeed an excellent female soul master.

Besides, she was a very young, beautiful, and well-built woman.

She looked at Gu Ye suspiciously, he really just wanted Zhu Qing and Huo Wu to have a fight, did he have other ideas?
After Liu Erlong spent time with Gu Ye, she knew Gu Ye very well.

I really like to play some tricks, although it can make her very happy and make her very happy, but sometimes the tricks and the roles she plays will always make her shy... no.

(End of this chapter)

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