Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 235 Yu Xiaogang is stunned... He turned into a female...

Chapter 235 Yu Xiaogang was so dazed that he turned into a woman.
And this time, the other side.

After Yu Xiaogang left the Pope's Palace angrily, he came to Wuhun City.

He arrived in Wuhun City today, after arriving in Wuhun City, instead of renting a hotel, he immediately went to Wuhun Palace to find Bibi Dong.

I just didn't expect it to turn out like this now.

According to the time, the current Heaven Dou Empire team will arrive in Wuhun City in five days, and what Yu Xiaogang has to do now is obviously to find a place to live.

"Bibi Dong, you'd better pray that mistress is okay, otherwise I will make you regret it."

Yu Xiaogang looked towards the direction of the Pope's Palace from Wuhou City, the hatred in his eyes still did not dissipate.

But in the next second, Yu Xiaogang realized something was wrong.

He touched his throat and made some more noises.

In the next second, he was stunned.

Then he tried again to make a sound.

Then, his face changed drastically.

"How come... like this... how did my voice become like this?"

Yu Xiaogang adjusted his voice in disbelief, hoping that his voice would return to normal.

But all of this is clearly to no avail.

When he was angry, the special hormone lurking in his body had been thoroughly bred and deeply integrated with him.

Neither the present nor the future will change his voice.

There are also facts of character.

He has begun to become a mother.

"No, impossible"

"How could I have become like this."

"It must be Bibi Dong."

"Yes, it must be because of what she did to me just now."

Yu Xiaogang looked angrily at the magnificent Pope's Palace.

She wished she could go there immediately to ask Bibi Dong if she had done anything to him.

Otherwise, he is a big man, how could his voice become so motherly.

The next second, Yu Xiaogang was even more bewildered as he watched him twist out his orchid fingers uncontrollably.

He is a man.

real man.

How could you make such a motherly move.

After a long time, Yu Xiaogang had to accept the fact that he had become a mother now.

The current him doesn't dare to go to the Hall of Spirits to ask Bibi Dong if she did something to him.

Because he had already said what he said to death just now.

If he enters the Pope's Hall now, it would be to challenge the majesty of the Pope of Wuhun Hall.

And with Bibi Dong's attitude towards him, and his training of Tang San.

When he went in again, it was not that simple to figure it out.

In the end, Yu Xiaogang decided to wait for his student Tang San to come to Wuhun Hall before discussing the countermeasures with him.

Then, Yu Xiaogang walked in Wuhun City dejectedly. When he saw a hotel, he walked in.

"Open a room, time...five days."

Yu Xiaogang took out the money and handed it to the front desk of the hotel after speaking.

But he found that the front desk of the hotel was staring at him blankly.

Suddenly thought of something, Yu Xiaogang's old face turned red instantly.

"Open the room." He reminded again.

"Oh... sorry, I'm really sorry, I was distracted for a while." After returning to his senses, the front desk of the hotel apologized, took Yu Xiaogang's money and opened a room for him.

It's just that his gaze was always sizing up Yu Xiaogang, as if seeing such a special "man" for the first time.

Yu Xiaogang couldn't bear these weird eyes, got the room number and left quickly.

"Tsk tsk!"

"It's unexpected that a big man can speak such an enchanting voice."

The hotel receptionist recalled the waxy tone of Yu Xiaogang's speech just now, and goose bumps fell all over the floor.

On the way to Wuhundian, a long motorcade was resting.

In a carriage in the middle, when Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, and Jiang Zhu were chatting, they found Zhu Zhuqing leaning against the window thinking about someone.

Ning Rongrong knew Zhu Zhuqing best, and now he knew who he was thinking of when he saw her.

Then Ning Rongrong quickly came to Zhu Zhuqing's side, hugged Zhu Zhuqing's waist, and quickly touched Zhu Zhuqing's chest with one hand.

Suddenly being hugged and touched, Zhu Zhuqing was startled.

When he turned his head and saw that it was Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing pretended to be angry, "Rongrong, touch me again, next time I will make you look good."

"Hehe, Zhuqing, whoever distracted you must be thinking about Gu Ye, right?" Ning Rongrong said with a smile, but did not let go of Zhu Zhuqing's hand.

"I don't have one."

It is difficult for Zhu Zhuqing to admit that he misses his teacher.

"It's true Gu Ye, why did you leave early, it made us so boring."

"Well, it is. We must be very happy with him."

"That's right."

Jiang Zhu, Xiao Wu, and Ning Rongrong complained a little to Gu Ye.

They have been on the road for several days.

There are at least four more days to go to Wuhundian.

There was no Gu Ye on the way, and they actually felt a sense of loneliness.

Especially the disciple Zhu Zhuqing, without the teacher by her side, suddenly made her feel a lot more empty.

At this time, Ning Rongrong thought of Tang San coming to look for Xiao Wu yesterday, and asked curiously: "Xiao Wu, what did your third brother ask you for?"

"Yeah, you went to talk for so long yesterday, what did you talk about?" Jiang Zhu also looked at Xiao Wu curiously.

Zhu Zhuqing did the same.

"It's nothing, just ask me what will happen after the game."

"After the game?"

"En." Xiao Wu nodded.

What Tang San asked her yesterday was what she planned to do after the match.

Back to Star Dou Great Forest, still in Lanba Academy, or follow his brother.

When Xiao Wu said this, Ning Rongrong, Jiang Zhu, and Zhu Zhuqing were all silent for a moment.

Because they are also thinking about what they should do after the game.

Zhu Zhuqing would choose to follow teacher Gu Ye without hesitation, love what he loves, do what he does, and stay with him for the rest of his life.

And she also wanted to be Gu Ye's wife, have children with him, and spend a wonderful life.

Of course, this was the thought in Zhu Zhuqing's heart, she didn't show it.

Although she has told her teacher Gu Ye that she likes him, there is still a long way to go to reach that point.

Ning Rongrong's words.

As the sole successor of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, she seemed to have no other choice but to return to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

But she was still a little bit reluctant to part with Gu Ye.

Who made her secretly fall in love with this man?

What's more, Gu Ye's whole body has been seen and touched by Gu Ye, so she will not marry Gu Ye in this life.

If she drops the pearl, she might stay in Lanba Academy.

But Xiao Wu was a little hesitant.

Because she is a soul beast, she didn't think about the details.

The carriage of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

Tang San, Dai Mubai, and Ma Hongjun were also chatting about something.

There are still a few days before arriving at Wuhun, and they are all looking forward to what kind of place Wuhun Temple will be.

I also look forward to being able to shine on the stage of Wuhundian.

However Tang San was a little worried about his teacher Yu Xiaogang.

Because he knew that he was going to the Wuhun Hall ahead of time, but he didn't know what he was going to do.

And his teacher is not even a soul master, will there be threats or something.

Ren Tangsan could never imagine what happened to Yu Xiaogang at this moment.

At this time, Flender walked in from the outside.


Seeing Flender, Tang San, Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Oscar and the others already called Flender the headmaster just like they did at Shrek Academy.

Flender has always cared about his own Shrek, so naturally he won't let a few people change their minds.

"It should be four days before we reach Wuhun City. During these four days, you must prepare well. After all, the enemies you will face are not ordinary enemies."

"Yes, Dean, we know."

The four said in unison.

"En." Flender exhorted, looked at the four of them, and walked out.

To tell the truth, according to what he learned, the Spirit Hall team is very strong, and with the strength of Tang San and the others, it is basically impossible to win the championship in the Spirit Hall finals.

But he didn't expect too much.

After the competition is over, these students should also graduate.

And he, maybe he will retire in Tiandou Royal Academy, or he may leave Tiandou Royal Academy to open a shop in Tiandou City, and spend his life peacefully.

As for the Shrek Academy or something, he has no intention of doing it again.

As for Yu Xiaogang and the others, with the backing of Tiandou Royal Academy, they don't have to worry about food or drink.


Flender sighed.

He thought of the past and thought of many things.

He found himself seeming old.

They're all starting to get sentimental.

In front of the convoy, in a luxurious carriage, Xue Qinghe was sitting in the carriage thinking of something.

This time when he came to Wuhun Palace, although he was the leader of the team, he was able to stay in Wuhun City for a while.

When she returned to Wuhun City, she would be able to see her sister whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

Also, now that she has reached the seventieth level of spirit power, she also needs to hunt for a spirit ring.

He had already talked to her grandfather about this matter last time, and her grandfather also told her that he had already prepared the soul beast needed for her seventh soul ring, and was waiting for her to absorb it in the Hall of Spirits.

What he thinks about most now is Gu Ye.

What did Gu Ye go to Wuhun Hall in advance?
Could it be related to Bibi Dong?
Last time she clearly remembered that Gu Ye had contact with Bibi Dong.

what about now?

What are the two of them doing in the Wuhun Temple?
Xue Qinghe was indeed thinking too much.

Now Gu Ye and Bibi Dong are doing things between men and women normally, it's not as complicated as she thought.

A few days later, because the Spirit Hall didn't set up an ambush, the Tiandou Empire's convoy arrived outside the Hall of Spirits unimpeded.

And in a hotel room in Wuhun City.

Yu Xiaogang also received the news of the arrival of the Tiandou Empire convoy.

He was relieved to know that his disciple was safe and sound.

Then, he came to a mirror and looked at himself in the mirror. Thinking of the changes these days, his face became more and more ugly.

Although Yu Xiaogang in the mirror is still a little greasy, his whole face looks a little weird.

If he speaks, coupled with his enchanting orchid fingers, he will be the second Chrysanthemum Douluo

It should be even worse than Ju Douluo.

After Yu Xiaogang adjusted his mentality, he retired from the hotel room and went to find his disciple Tang San and his party.

(End of this chapter)

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