Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 251 Surprise!Emperor Xue Ye asked me to take care of his queen!Should you agree?

Chapter 251 Surprise!Emperor Xue Ye asked me to take care of his queen!Should you agree?

the other side.

Gu Ye Medical Hall, Gu Ye is busy in the medical hall as usual.

The only difference is that there is an extra younger sister beside her, and the apprentice Zhu Zhuqing also intervenes from time to time, and the "little aunt" Ye Zhixing will also help Gu Ye test her abilities when she is sexually interested.

In the past few days, a man and three women lived happily in a small medical clinic, and it was too beautiful.

But what troubled Gu Ye a little was that this apprentice Zhu Zhuqing and his younger sister Ye Lingling seemed a little too close, as if he had forgotten his teacher.

In the past few days, she didn't do anything that was forced by a traitor.

Gu Ye couldn't believe it.

And at this time, inside the Heaven Dou Palace.

The news that Emperor Xue Ye fell ill suddenly spread in the palace. When he fell ill, Emperor Xue Ye yelled: "Quickly pass on Gu Ye."

As soon as these words came out, the guards hurriedly left the palace to look for Gu Ye in Tiandou City.

Hearing the sound, the crown prince Xue Qinghe also rushed to the harem to visit his father.

Seeing that Emperor Xue Ye was unconscious on the bed, his face was filled with worry, but his heart was full of sneers.

If it weren't for the fact that she was exhausted from the battle with Gu Ye a few days ago, Xue Ye wouldn't have fallen ill until now.

In the harem, a group of concubines came to visit after hearing the news that Xue Ye had fallen ill.

As the most beloved concubine of Emperor Xue Ye, Concubine Ming came to Emperor Xue Ye's palace non-stop to see if he was dead.

After Concubine Ming came in, a beautiful mature woman who looked 34 years old and wore a wind robe and a rosy crown walked over.

She is the queen of Emperor Xue Ye.

At the same time, she is also Xue Qinghe's nominal "mother", Yun Lianyi.

"How is Your Majesty?" Yun Lianyi walked anxiously to Emperor Xue Ye's bedside as soon as he entered.

Seeing that his "mother" was so worried, Xue Qinghe quickly comforted him: "Mother Concubine, Father should be fine, and I have ordered someone to invite Doctor Gu to come."

"That's good, that's good, as long as there's nothing wrong. If there is Doctor Gu, His Majesty will be fine." Yun Lianyi seemed to trust Gu Ye very much.

As soon as he heard that he was coming, the whole person calmed down.

Concubine Yun at the side looked at Yun Lianyi with a different look in her eyes, but after knowing that Gu Ye was coming later, she looked at Emperor Xue Ye again and had an inexplicable thought in her heart.

I hope he will fall ill a few more times, so that Gu Ye can often enter the harem.

It's been a long time since I saw that man, and Concubine Yun really misses him, especially his ability.

"What? Emperor Xue Ye fell ill."

"Really? Let me go in, okay, then go in now."

In the medical hall, after Gu Ye knew the purpose of the soldiers coming to him, he hurriedly talked to Zhu Zhuqing and the others before rushing to the harem.

It seemed that he was really worried about the safety of Emperor Xue Ye.

After a while, Gu Ye came to the residence of Emperor Xue Ye in the harem.

As soon as I walked in, I saw many familiar faces.

Concubine Qiao Yue, Empress Yun Lianyi, Crown Prince Xue Qinghe, and some other concubines.

As the emperor Xue Ye, although there were not as many beauties in the harem as many as three thousand, there were certainly no fewer.

In addition, there are several imperial doctors who are using their soul power to maintain Emperor Xue Ye's illness.

When he saw Gu Ye coming in, he quickly stepped aside.

After Gu Ye looked at it, he went directly to Emperor Xue Ye's dragon bed and watched it for him.

After a while, the situation in Emperor Xue Ye's body became clear.

It was Qian Renxue who had begun to trigger the poison in Emperor Xue Ye's body.

It is impossible for these people in the palace to discover the poison in Emperor Xue Ye's body. In the original book, if Tang San and Poison Douluo hadn't discovered it, Emperor Xue Ye would have died without knowing how.

"Doctor Gu, how is your Majesty?" The queen came to Gu Ye's side, and the charming familiar face looked at Gu Ye worriedly.

Gu Ye looked at the lady queen Yun Lianyi, and nodded flatly: "Don't worry, I'm here?"

Hearing this, Empress Yun Lianyi suddenly felt a little embarrassed when she thought of the time Gu Ye helped her heal before.

Especially when Emperor Xue Ye was lying on the hospital bed, and Gu Ye was right in front of her, she thought of how Gu Ye helped her treat her illness in the past.

A sense of shame arises spontaneously.

But when Queen Yun Lianyi thought of her loneliness for many years, since she was treated by Gu Ye several times last time, she would dream of a man like Gu Ye every night to comfort her.

Seeing this man again now, she felt a strange feeling in her body, which made her very shy.

Concubine Ming saw the strange appearance of Queen Yun Lianyi, thinking that Gu Ye had also treated her before, a smirk appeared on her face.

She was already trapped in Gu Ye, and she also knew that it was impossible for her to monopolize Gu Ye. After all, with Gu Ye's identity, it was impossible for her to own him.

But Concubine Ming had an idea, she wanted to tie up Gu Ye, and let Gu Ye comfort her when she missed him.

And she herself is obviously a little unlikely.

And her titular sister, Empress Yun Lianyi, seemed to be able to take advantage of her.

The concubines and empresses of Emperor Xue Ye have a common age characteristic, that is, they are much younger than Emperor Xue Ye himself.

The queen is only in her forties at the moment, when honest women are most familiar and have the most charm.

Especially the queen of a country, who is pampered and looks even younger.

With Queen Yun Lianyi's appearance, if she dresses up a bit, she will not be much worse than her at all.

Concubine Ming looked at Yun Lianyi, and secretly made a decision in her heart.

At this time, Gu Ye had already started treating Emperor Xue Ye.

He stimulated, even strengthened, the chronic poison in Emperor Xue Ye's body, and hid it in the deepest part of his body.

After that, Emperor Xue Ye will die slowly.

And now?
Gu Ye smirked, tapped an acupuncture point on Emperor Xue Ye's neck, and Emperor Xue Ye woke up faintly.

"His Majesty!"


Empress Yun Lianyi, Crown Prince Xue Qinghe, Concubine Ming and the others surrounded him excitedly when they saw Emperor Xue Ye wake up.

"What's wrong with me?" Emperor Xue Ye was weak.He tried to sit up, but his body couldn't use any strength at all.

"Father, you have woken up." Xue Qinghe came in front of Emperor Xue Ye, his face was full of worry.

Then he made Emperor Xue Ye unconscious suddenly, and then asked someone to tell Emperor Xue Ye about what Gu Ye had called.

After Emperor Xue Ye found out, he was silent for a while, and then he looked at Gu Ye gratefully.

If it weren't for him, maybe I would have gone west of Hexi.

"Doctor Gu, is my body okay?" Xue Ye asked.

Gu Ye hesitated and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, there is nothing serious."

Although it was fine, Xue Ye could see the hesitation on Gu Ye's face.

Then, he looked at everyone, then at Gu Ye, and announced: "You all go out first, I have something to talk to Doctor Gu alone."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally retreated.

"Queen... you stay."

Hearing Emperor Xue Ye's words, Empress Yun Lianyi, who was about to leave, stopped in her tracks.

After a while, there was only Xue Ye lying weak on the bed, Gu Ye, and Emperor Xue Ye's empress Yun Lianyi left in the room.

"Doctor Gu, thank you very much."

Xue Ye said gratefully.

"This is what I should do. You are welcome, Your Majesty." Gu Ye said with a smile, and deliberately showed some worry on his face when he looked at Xue Ye.

Seeing this, Emperor Xue Ye knew that Gu Ye must have not spoken clearly just now.

"Doctor Gu, there are no outsiders here, so I can tell you how many years I have left to live?" Emperor Xue Ye pointed it out directly.

He himself knew his own body, which had already reached the point of being old and weak.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?" Empress Yun Lianyi sat on the dragon bed, holding Emperor Xue Ye's hand, her eyes were full of worry.

"Queen, don't worry, I understand my body, it's just... thank you for your hard work."

Emperor Xue Ye showed a smile, he really owed his queen a little.

He looked at Gu Ye, if he really didn't have long time, or if he died suddenly, he didn't know what would happen to his queen and concubines in the harem.

For the emperor, as the emperor, he knows best.

His son Xue Qinghe is not the queen's son, once he dies, no matter which son ascends the throne by himself, it will not be very kind to the women in the harem.

So he was very worried about his queen.

Because he really owed the queen.

He had an idea that if he really died suddenly, he hoped that there would be someone who could take care of his queen and protect her safety for the rest of her life.

And Gu Ye was a person he valued.

Gu Ye saved his life one after another, and he was a member of the Heaven Dou Empire, and he was even enshrined by the empire. He believed in Gu Ye very much.

So he hoped that Gu Ye could take care of his queen one or two in the future.

"Your Majesty, your physical condition is indeed a bit..." Gu Ye hesitated to speak.

"Don't worry, I understand."

"Yes. Your Majesty should be clear that your body is getting weaker as you get older, and you have practiced day and night all these years, and now you have reached a state of exhaustion."

"Then how long can I live?"

"A year, or maybe less."


Emperor Xue Ye was silent.

As the emperor, the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, he naturally hopes for long live long live long live.

But he knew it was impossible.

Even Title Douluo couldn't do it.

When Queen Yun Lianyi heard that Xue Ye had one year left to live, her eyes turned red.

Sitting on the edge of the dragon bed, she looked at the skinny Emperor Xue Ye, feeling a little weaker.

"Doctor Gu, I have one thing to ask you, I wonder if you can promise me?"

"Your Majesty, please tell me that I can promise as long as it is within my ability."

"Thank you, Doctor Gu."

Emperor Xue Ye showed a smile.

"The most ruthless imperial family must have heard of Doctor Gu, and I also went through a lot of hardships when I sat on the throne."

"So, I know best what will happen once a prince becomes emperor, and what I want to ask you is that you can take care of my queen when I'm not around."

When Gu Ye heard this, he was instantly stunned.

He took another look at the beautiful empress who was full of noblesse, and ten thousand muddy horses galloped past in his heart.

Emperor Xue Ye actually asked him to take care of his queen.

This is really something that cannot be refused.

(End of this chapter)

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