Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 253 Chapter 252: Gu Ye: Queen, you are "shocked"

Chapter 253 Chapter 250 II: Gu Ye: Empress, you are "shocked"
Just like when Emperor Xue Ye changed from prince to emperor, many concubines left behind by the previous emperor were still taken into the harem by him.

And it was normal for Xue Beng to fall in love with Emperor Xue Ye's concubine.

And not only liking, Xue Beng is already in a state of obsession with Concubine Ming.

If it weren't for the fact that he is now a prince, and there is a prince Xue Qinghe on top of him, he can only shrink back and act as a dude.

Otherwise, he would have had a deep understanding of Concubine Ming long ago.

Now that he was able to see her here, Xue Beng didn't dare to look at Concubine Ming blatantly, and could only secretly admire her alluring figure.

But why did the father and Gu Ye chat inside for so long?
Xue Beng looked at his father's bedroom in bewilderment.

In the dormitory, two men and a woman sit on the bed together.

It was none other than Gu Ye, Empress Yun Lianyi, and Emperor Xue Ye.

It's just that Xue Ye is still in a coma at this time, receiving Gu Ye's treatment.

It is basically impossible for people in this world to stimulate the potential of cells in Emperor Xue Ye's body to increase lifespan, but for Gu Ye, it is extremely simple.

But now, Gu Ye's treatment for Emperor Xue Ye was surprisingly slow.

As for why it was slow, it was naturally because of Emperor Xue Ye and Empress Yun Lianyi in front of Gu Ye.

At this time, Yun Lianyi's face was blushing, and she looked shy.

She supported Emperor Xue Ye in front of her with both hands, but looked back from time to time, obviously wanting to take a look at Gu Ye.

Now she was sitting upright on the bed, and she could clearly feel Gu Ye's body tightly against his back, as if the whole person was lying on her back.

And Gu Ye put his hands under her armpits to heal the Emperor Xue Ye in front of her, his movements were very strange, he moved up and down from time to time.

Because of this strange movement, Gu Ye's hand would touch her body from time to time.Moreover, Gu Ye seemed to lean very close to her on purpose, his face was almost pressed against hers.

She could even clearly feel the masculine aura on Gu Ye's body.

This strange feeling made her think of those things in the past, and her heartbeat continued to speed up and speed up.

Also thinking that Emperor Xue Ye was right in front of her, but she was "carried" intimately by Gu Ye, she felt her heart was about to jump out.

An unprecedented sense of excitement enveloped the whole body.

"Queen, I need to take the last step. You sit back." Gu Ye said in a low voice.


Queen Yun Lianyi answered in a low voice, and sat back.

But as soon as she sat back, she was momentarily stunned.

She actually sat on Gu Ye's cross-legged lap.

As soon as she sat down, she was frightened and subconsciously wanted to leave Gu Ye's legs and sit forward.

But Gu Ye's hand was holding her shoulder.

Yun Lianyi didn't have much resistance, and she sat down as soon as Gu Ye made a move.

"Queen, you are frightened.. But it's all for His Majesty's sake, and it will be healed soon." Gu Ye leaned next to Queen Yun Lianyi's ear, and straightened her body while talking.

"Hmm..." Empress Yun Lianyi's ears felt hot for a while, she could only support Emperor Xue Ye in front of her, making her look nothing strange.

It's just that now she is sitting on Gu Ye's lap, and Gu Ye...

Concubine Yun suddenly let out an exclamation, the hand that was holding Emperor Xue Ye in front of her was almost unsteady.

"Empress, are you okay? You won't be really "shocked", right?" Gu Ye asked knowingly.

"It's all right, Doctor Gu, you can continue to treat His Majesty." Empress Yun Lianyi replied intermittently, biting her lower lip, turned her face away, and supported Emperor Xue Ye very seriously.

Gu Ye smiled badly.

He found the queen really cute.

Now that she was sitting on Gu Ye's lap, Gu Ye could clearly feel the soft "clothes" of Queen Yun Lianyi, worthy of being a queen.

"Queen, I'm going to use another needle next, please hold it steady, you know?" Gu Ye said seriously.

"Well, the concubine is on her own, and the concubine will cooperate with you well."

Queen Yun Lianyi replied eagerly.

After answering, she realized that what she said was wrong. How could she talk to Gu Ye and call her concubine?

This is exclusive to the emperor!
But now that everything has been said, she can only support Emperor Xue Ye with a blushing face, and let Gu Ye start the acupuncture.

Gu Ye pulled out the needle, glanced at the needle, and stuck it in with precision.

There was a puff.

Emperor Xue Ye's face changed, and he who was in a coma suddenly let out a low hum.

"Gu Ye, Your Majesty, is he okay?" Queen Yun Lianyi asked.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem. Also, queen, can you not keep moving, or I may stab the wrong place when I am distracted."

Gu Ye's words made Queen Yun Lianyi blush like blood.

In the end, she could only sit obediently.

Seeing that Queen Yun Lianyi had stopped moving, Gu Ye began to use his soul power to move the needles, piercing the back of Emperor Xue Ye one by one, and at the same time helping Queen Yun Lianyi to prick the acupuncture points.


"Zhuqing, brother, why has he been away for so long and hasn't come back?"

"Should be busy."

"It's been a long time, and there are still many things to do in the medical center? Bad brother, you just know how to leave things to me."

Ye Lingling let out a dark breath.

During Gu Ye's stay in the palace for a long time, she and Zhuqing were busy with the affairs of the hospital, but she was tired for a long time.

Seeing Ye Lingling complaining about Gu Ye, Zhu Zhuqing felt quite amused.

On weekdays, Ye Lingling liked to get close to Gu Ye very much. Every time she opened her mouth, it was her elder brother who was the elder brother and the elder brother who was short.

But it's true, it's all because Gu Ye threw all the work to them, and he didn't know what he was doing when he entered the palace alone.

"Okay Lingling, when Gu Ye comes back, we will punish him together, who made him treat our Lingling like this."

Zhu Zhuqing smiled.

She has been living with Ye Lingling for the past few days, and even her teacher Gu Ye has not seduced her.

Earlier, Zhu Zhuqing was only thinking of reversing her teacher, Gu Ye, so that she could be with her teacher forever.

But later Zhu Zhuqing thought about some things clearly, and she wanted to take her time and take down her teacher bit by bit.

As for time?
Zhu Zhuqing has already made a decision.

Just one special opportunity away.

When the two were busy in the hospital.

Star Dou Great Forest.

Liu Erlong has already sent Xiao Wu outside.

"Xiao Wu, now that you're here, do you still need me to protect you?"

"Without Dean Erlong, there is no spirit beast here who would dare to bully me."


Thinking of Xiao Wu's identity, Liu Erlong didn't worry about anything.

"Then I'll leave. Xiao Wu, do you remember to practice hard?"

Just when Xiao Wu was about to answer, she suddenly thought of something, and said, "Principal Erlong, why don't you come home with me, I want to take you in and have a look, later you and Gu Yezhuqing want to come and see I knew the way when I was young."

"Is it possible?" Liu Erlong was a little worried.

"Yeah, Dean Erlong, I will protect you. Besides, there are only two in my family, Da Ming and Er Ming. I will introduce them to you when the time comes. And Dean Erlong, you are now a Contra. They might be able to make breakthroughs in the future."

Xiao Wu really wanted to invite Liu Erlong home.

No other thoughts.

She was very grateful to Liu Erlong and treated her like her own mother.

Now that it's at the door of the house, she wants to take Liu Erlong back to her own house to have a look.

After Liu Erlong hesitated, he finally agreed to go home with Xiao Wu.

And she also wanted to meet Xiao Wu's family.

Xiao Wu is a 10-year soul beast, so her family must be too.

Now that she has the strength of Contra, if she can fight against the strong, maybe her strength will be greatly improved.

How could she let go of such an opportunity.

Then, Xiao Wu happily took Liu Erlong home.

Xiao Wu found herself liking Liu Erlong more and more.

He even thought of treating Liu Erlong as his mother.

If it wasn't for the relationship between Gu Ye and Liu Erlong, maybe she would have recognized Liu Erlong as her godmother long ago.

Heaven Dou City, Emperor Xue Ye's bedroom.

Under the treatment of Gu Ye's golden acupuncture points.

Empress Yun Lianyi suddenly felt weak in Gu Ye's arms, breathing a little fast.

At the same time, Emperor Xue Ye, who was in a coma, woke up faintly.

"Well, doctor Gu, are you treating me?" Emperor Xue Ye asked in a daze.

"Yes, Your Majesty, relax now. After this treatment, your body will recover, and there will be no problems within two years."

"Really? Thank you, Doctor Gu." After speaking, Emperor Xue Ye felt his mind blur.

At this moment, Queen Yun Lianyi, who was lying limp in her arms, was already frightened.

She did not expect that Emperor Xue Ye would wake up.

You know, now that Gu Ye is sitting cross-legged, she is sitting on Gu Ye's lap and leaning against his arms, the distance between the two can be described as a negative number.

If Emperor Xue Ye turned around, he would definitely find something strange.

At that time, she really didn't know how to face it.

But the strange thing is that she didn't leave immediately, or he was reluctant to leave.

Fortunately for Empress Yun Lianyi, Emperor Xue Ye did not look back.

"By the way, Doctor Gu, why don't you see the Queen?"

Xue Ye's words resounded in Queen Yun Lianyi's mind like thunder in the daytime.

It surprised her directly.

Her body began to become a little tense, and the negative number on Gu Ye's knees was getting lower and lower.

Gu Ye felt the change of Queen Yun Lianyi, and said softly, "Queen."

However, before Gu Ye could finish speaking, Emperor Xue Ye fell into a coma again.

Seeing this, Yun Lianyi took a long breath and relaxed.

If Emperor Xue Ye saw her sitting on another man's lap just now, what would happen?Will he be furious because of this?

After Gu Ye needled Emperor Xue Ye again, he put away the needle and said at the same time: "Okay, empress, you can release Emperor Xue Ye now."

"Oh" Empress Yun Lianyi came back to her senses, just as she let go of the hand that supported Emperor Xue Ye, Emperor Xue Ye fell forward directly.

Seeing this, Yun Lianyi instinctively remembered to support Emperor Xue Ye so that he would not fall down.

But when she just got up, because she had been sitting for too long, her legs were numb, and before she could stabilize, she plopped and sat down again.

Gu Ye stared blankly at Queen Yun Lianyi.

Yun Lianyi was also stunned, and she turned to look at Xiang Guye.

The eyes of the two were entangled, and they even directly ignored the fallen Emperor Xue Ye.


"Gu Ye..."

The two called each other at the same time.

Then Yun Lianyi was thin-skinned and didn't want to look at Gu Ye. She wanted to see how Emperor Xue Ye was doing.

But at this moment, Gu Ye held her hand.

"Queen, I'm really sorry to have surprised you just now." Gu Ye pointed out.

"It's nothing. It's all what I should do, and just now His Majesty said, let me cooperate with you." Yun Lianyi replied in a low voice.

"Really? It seems that you listen to your Majesty Xue Ye's words very well, Queen?"

"I am His Majesty's queen, so naturally I have to listen to His Majesty's words."

"So, if I ask you to do something, you will cooperate well, right?" The corners of Gu Ye's mouth gradually drew an arc.

It looks a bit evil, no, it should be evil.

"Of course, my concubine will cooperate with you..." Just after finishing speaking, Yun Lianyi regretted it again.

How could she talk like this in front of Gu Ye again?
And how could she cooperate with Gu Ye.

If he acts recklessly, will she just bite and cooperate?
Yun Lianyi realized that the more she thought about it, the weirder she seemed, but she couldn't stop herself from thinking about it.

Gu Ye looked at the Queen Yun Lianyi in front of him, and his breathing gradually became a little rough.

His big hands slowly passed through Yun Lianyi's armpits and embraced her soft waist.

"Gu doctor, you" Yun Lianyi felt a little shy when Gu Ye suddenly hugged her, but she didn't resist, and even wanted to welcome or refuse.

Gu Ye leaned against Queen Yun Lianyi's ear and whispered; "Queen, don't get me wrong, I just want to hug you out of bed. You must be tired from sitting on my lap just now, and your legs are a little numb, right? ? Now it's not convenient for you to go down, let me carry you out of bed, what do you think?"

"Yes," Yun Lianyi replied softly, agreeing.

And now her legs are indeed a little numb.

She didn't even have the strength to get out of bed, so it was obviously best for Gu Ye to carry her down.

Gu Ye heard that Yun Lianyi agreed.

The hands holding her waist slowly moved down to her legs, lifted her up and got off the bed.

As soon as they came together, the movements of the two of them suddenly stopped.

Yun Lianyi didn't dare to make any movement.

Gu Ye's heart beat wildly.

Outside the bedroom, Xue Beng was staring at the door of the room in an unpredictable manner.

It's been so long, why hasn't there been any movement?
What exactly were his father, Huang Xueye, and Gu Ye talking about inside?
Wouldn't it be a matter of letting him inherit the throne?

As soon as Xue Beng guessed this, he instinctively looked at Xue Qinghe.

This is the greatest danger to the empire.

If there was no evidence, he would have sued Xue Qinghe in front of Emperor Xue Ye long ago.

If his father really had an accident and let Xue Qinghe inherit the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire, then Xue Beng would be finished.

No, you have to find a way.

Xue Beng racked his brains to think.

In the room, Gu Ye, who was hugging Queen Yun Lianyi, put her down and said at the same time, "Queen, I surprised you."

"It's okay." Empress Yun Lianyi's heart was beating wildly, and she secretly glanced at Emperor Xue Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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