Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 256 Three people in the harem of Queen Gu Ye and Concubine Ming

Chapter 256 Threesome in the Harem of Empress Gu Ye and Concubine Ming


Empress Yun Lianyi was ashamed.

His cheeks instantly turned red.

Gu Ye actually dared to be so presumptuous...
She is a person of status.

The supreme queen of the Heaven Dou Empire!

Gu Ye dared to treat her like this. .

But for some reason, she would allow Gu Ye to treat her like this.

Maybe she was threatened by Gu Ye, yes, that's what she thought, she just couldn't resist being threatened by Gu Ye.

Yun Lianyi recalled her life over the years, the emptiness and loneliness eroded her body and mind, and now there was a real man in front of her, she couldn't help but stretch out her hand and hug him around his neck.

Gu Ye secretly smiled in his heart, he knew that Yun Lianyi must have figured out what would happen if he was able to come to him at night.

It seems that she, like Concubine Ming, has been lonely in the harem for many years.

In the next second, Gu Ye pushed Queen Yun Lianyi down on the sofa, and the two hugged each other.


"Why hasn't Gu Ye come back?"

"Who is he in the opposite room with? Why did it take so long?"

In Concubine Ming's room, Concubine Ming who was sleeping on the bed couldn't bear it any longer.

She has been waiting for so long and Gu Ye still hasn't come back.

You know, tonight is the only chance for Gu Ye to stay in the harem overnight, and she doesn't want to miss the time of being in love with him just like this.

Now she already wants to go out to find Gu Ye.

But thinking that he might be negotiating with someone else, she finally decided to wait.

If Gu Ye hasn't come back after half an hour, she will go to find Gu Ye.

Even if she was found out, she would not hesitate.

She didn't want to stay in the shabby place of the harem for a long time.

And she had already seen that Emperor Xue Ye didn't have a long life to live.

A concubine like her would face a bad fate once the emperor died.

After Emperor Xue Ye died, she had to find a man to be her backer.

And Gu Ye was her choice.

Strong and capable.

The main thing is that she likes it.

And only Gu Ye can protect her for the rest of her life.

This is also one of the reasons why she took the initiative to come to Gu Ye tonight.

In another room, Gu Ye and Empress Yun Lianyi were sitting together on the large sofa.

"Gu Ye."

"What's wrong."

"Why are you doing this... I am Emperor Xue Ye's queen, if he finds out, we will die."

Yun Lianyi looked at Gu Ye, with rosy cheeks, and spoke intermittently.

"Queen, but His Majesty Xue Ye asked me to take good care of you, and now I am taking care of you! Don't think too much, you know? Besides, with Emperor Xue Ye's condition, you can't live for two years, and your whole life will be destroyed in the future." I'm here to take care of you, now I'm taking care of you, understand?"

"The one who takes care of other people's wives like this, you are a villain, Your Majesty, he misunderstood you."

"Then why do you come to me, the wretch, at night, fair queen?"

Gu Ye looked at Yun Lianyi who was close at hand with a smirk.

Yun Lianyi was ashamed.

She bit her lip lightly, unable to speak.

Why did she come to Gu Ye at night?

"You definitely want me to take care of you, right. So, queen, now you just need to enjoy my care, you know?" Gu Ye smirked, the muscles in his waist tensed.

Empress Yun Lianyi frowned, and there was some pain on her face.

For Gu Ye's care, she really couldn't accept it, but she was helpless, let alone extricate herself.

In the end, she could only grit her teeth, frown, and hug Gu Ye tightly to resist his care.

Emperor Xueye's bedroom.

At this moment, he was still soundly asleep.

The treatment given to him by Gu Ye today made him physically and mentally exhausted. If he sleeps now, he won't wake up until eight or nine tomorrow.

But Emperor Xue Ye couldn't think of it.

Today he asked Gu Ye to take care of his queen, and now Gu Ye fulfilled his promise to help him take care of her.

He even took care of the bed.

He never thought that in the near future, he would be happy to mention one.

Lanba Academy, Houshan.

In the back mountain at this time, the lights are still bright.

A woman was taking a gentle bath in the bathtub, her slender hands sliding over her snow-white skin to clean this perfect jade body.

She is none other than Liu Erlong who rushed back from the Star Dou Great Forest.

Before Liu Erlong sent Xiao Wu home, he rushed back from the Star Dou Great Forest, and also returned to the back mountain before.

"Sigh! I never thought Xiao Wu's house would have such a huge monster."

Liu Erlong thought about visiting Xiao Wu's house before, and she was very surprised by those two powerful soul beasts.

But now that Xiao Wu has gone back to cultivate, she probably won't come out within five years.

Liu Erlong felt relieved, but remembered that he hadn't seen Gu Ye for several days.

I don't know what he is doing now?
During her absence, he won't be with his apprentice, right?
Thinking of Zhu Zhuqing, Liu Erlong became worried for a while.

If Zhu Zhuqing and Gu Ye were together, she really couldn't stop it.

After all, the two are deeply in love with each other.

If we are really together
Liu Erlong fantasized about how she and Zhu Zhuqing would sleep with Gu Ye in the future, and a trace of rosiness appeared on his face inexplicably.

"not like this."

"It's embarrassing."

Liu Erlong couldn't accept the behavior of Gu Ye, who served with Zhu Zhuqing at all.

But she found that once she thought about it, she couldn't take it back.

"Forget it, I'll ask this bad guy tomorrow."

After taking a bath, Liu Erlong went back to his room to take a good rest.

These days have worn her out.


A strange and painful cry sounded.

Heaven Dou Harem, in Concubine Ming's room.

Concubine Ming who was lying on the bed bounced up from the bed instantly when she heard the cry of pain.

"Is this... a woman's voice?"

"It's so painful, is she assassinated?"

Concubine Ming guessed, thinking that the voice was still somewhat familiar, she instantly remembered it.

Isn't this Queen Yun Lianyi's?
How could there be her voice here.

Is it
Concubine Ming guessed, got out of bed, and walked out step by step.

When he came outside the room where Gu Ye was talking with the previous person, he found out the truth of the matter.

It was really Queen Yun Lianyi.

As soon as Concubine Ming was sure, a smirk appeared on her face.

She knew that the two must have an affair.

Then she made an astonishing decision, quietly opened the door, and walked in.

In the room, Yun Lianyi was lying in Gu Ye's arms, his mind was blank, and he didn't pay attention to Ming Fei who came in.

Gu Ye hugged Queen Yun Lianyi, feeling a burst of joy in his heart.

But when he heard someone walking in, he was stunned when he saw it.

Concubine Ming!

She actually walked in.


Concubine Ming pointed to Yun Lianyi in Gu Ye's arms, signaling Gu Ye not to speak.

But she did something that shocked Gu Ye.

This demon concubine is really so demon that people cannot extricate themselves.

After Concubine Ming closed the door, wearing only a black pajamas, she gently climbed onto the bed of Gu Ye and Queen Yun Lianyi.

Yun Lianyi was in Gu Ye's arms, apparently she hadn't recovered from her senses, and she didn't realize that there was another person on the bed, and she was a good sister, Concubine Ming.

As soon as Concubine Ming came to Gu Ye's side, she leaned against her. When she looked at Yun Lianyi, she showed a smirk.

Then, she lifted the quilt and covered it.

In the darkness, Gu Ye felt the two delicate bodies in his arms, and his blood boiled for a while.

The process is not suitable for children, and the numbers are omitted.

After a long time, Gu Ye was in the middle, Concubine Ming was on the left, Empress Yun Lianyi was on the right, and the three of them were silent for a while.

Gu Ye didn't speak because he was in the sage time, holding the two beauties in his big hands, so beautiful that he couldn't speak.

Concubine Ming didn't speak because she wanted to leave the opportunity to her sister, after all, time like this is rare.

She leaned lightly on Gu Ye's chest, teasing Gu Ye with a shy look, not looking at Yun Lianyi.

At this moment, Yun Lianyi was too ashamed to speak.

She really didn't expect that Concubine Ming would have such a relationship with Gu Ye.

Not to mention that she would sleep on the same boat with her now.

She thought it was Gu Ye before, but now... her.

"Concubine Ming, Gu Ye, when did you guys do this?"

Queen Yun Lianyi still asked.

"Hee hee, good sister, do you regret not having some time with my younger sister?" Concubine Ming teased and laughed.

"Nonsense... Concubine Ming, you are His Majesty's concubine, and now you are messing around with other men, and you can still laugh."

The queen raised her airs and scolded Concubine Ming.

Concubine Ming laughed coquettishly, and said teasingly, "Sister Yun, I don't know who it was just now, like that"

"Shut up..." Yun Lianyi stretched out his hand to cover Concubine Ming's most mouth.

She is too much, how can she say such a thing.

Concubine Ming was obviously not afraid of Yun Lianyi.

Now they are both the same, what right does she have to say that about her.

Even if she is a queen, and she is a concubine.

But now the two are in the same boat, no one is taller than the other.

Seeing the two of them fighting together, Gu Ye didn't look like a queen or concubine at all.

A special sense of beauty made Gu Ye admire the two people who were fighting together.

After a while, the two were out of breath and didn't understand.

The fierce battle just now had exhausted both of them physically and mentally, so how could they still have strength now.

Gu Ye saw that the two of them were out of their minds.

He embraced the two of them in his arms with a big hand, and they unexpectedly calmed down, leaning on Gu Ye's arms, looking at each other.

"What happened has already happened. I will take good care of you two in the future. After all, this is Emperor Xue Ye's request."

Gu Ye's words made the two of them shy.

But could not refute.

I have taken care of it to this point, and there is nothing more to take care of.

Moreover, Emperor Xue Ye will not live long, as women, they really need a man to take care of them.

Although Empress Yun Lianyi still had some entanglements, but now the handle was in the hands of Gu Ye and Concubine Ming, she could only obey.

That night, Gu Ye directly conquered the two of them.

Let the two be unable to extricate themselves.

On the second day, the sun rose three poles.

Emperor Xue Ye woke up faintly.

As soon as he woke up, he felt comfortable all over. Compared with the sick body before, it was like a different person.

"It's amazing, as expected of Doctor Gu!"

Emperor Xue Ye burst into admiration.

Then he asked his servants to prepare an imperial meal, and he wanted to have a big meal.

But what puzzled Emperor Xue Ye was, why is his queen gone?
(End of this chapter)

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