Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 258 Take Zhu Zhuqing Zhang's Home to See Mom

Chapter 258 I want to take Zhu Zhuqing home to see my mother

"Your Majesty, the concubine is fine, it's just that I was worried about Your Majesty and hurt my heart, and I didn't rest well last night."

Concubine Ming was much calmer.

She won't panic like Queen Yun Lianyi.

"Really, I didn't rest well either."

Emperor Xue Ye thought of his queen, and now even Concubine Ming hadn't had a good rest, it seemed that his illness really worried the two of them.

Thinking of this, Emperor Xue Ye felt a burst of happiness.

Life is like this, and it's not in vain.

"Aifei, then you should have a good rest, I will leave first."

"Well, Your Majesty, go slowly."

Concubine Ming didn't get up to see her off, after all she was not feeling well.

After Emperor Xue Ye left, he directly left the harem and went to the main hall.

Now he needs to prepare for some things.

Queen's palace, on the phoenix bed.

When Emperor Xue Ye left, this pair of men who fell in love couldn't help but continue their unfinished business.

At this point, rest assured that the curtain has come to an end.


After Queen Yun Lianyi calmed down her turbulent mood, she looked at the villain Gu Ye, but only his figure remained in her eyes.

"In the have to take good care of me." She snuggled into Gu Ye's arms, she was really tired and fell asleep after a while.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of you." Gu Ye smirked, and didn't continue to mess around.

What Yun Lianyi needs now is a good rest.

After Gu Ye looked at Queen Yun Lianyi, in order not to disturb her rest, he could only quietly get out of bed and leave her bedroom.

Then he used his space ability to leave the harem and came to Heaven Dou City.

As a seasoned scumbag, Gu Ye knows how to hide his femininity very well.

After tidying up, I went to the medical hall.

After a while, he came to the medical hall.

But to Gu Ye's surprise, the medical hall was not open today, but there were several people in the medical hall.

Gu Ye didn't know these people, but they were obviously looking for someone.

Besides these few people, Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Lingling, and Ye Zhixing were all there, and even Liu Erlong was back.

Gu Ye walked in and asked, "Zhuqing, Erlong, who are they?"


Zhu Zhuqing's face was somewhat troubled.

When Liu Erlong saw Gu Ye, he told him who these people were.

The Star Luo Empire, a member of the Zhu family.

It is also Zhu Zhuqing's family.

It's just that the family has to add a double quote.

The purpose of coming here is obviously to call Zhu Zhuqing back to the Star Luo Empire.

After Gu Ye took a look, he found that Zhu Zhuqing's face was a little troubled, and he was holding a golden bell in his hand.

He probably knew what was going on.

"You are Gu Ye, Zhu Zhuqing's teacher, right?" The leading man in black looked at Gu Ye.

"That's right, you want to take my disciple back?"

"We are summoning Zhu Zhuqing back to the empire by the emperor's order. Even if you are Zhu Zhuqing's teacher, you can't stop him, unless you want to make the entire Star Luo Empire an enemy."

"And I'm not afraid to tell you that this time we are here, but next time it may not be so."

The man in black threatened.

"Really? I want to see why you are so arrogant with me."

Gu Ye's aura opened up, and he pressed towards the men in black.

These people are all soul kings. Although their strength is good, they are just rubbish in Gu Ye's eyes.

Sure enough, in the next second, several people were directly shocked by Gu Ye's aura and retreated.

"We... didn't... mean to force her. We just came to report. Now that I have reported, if she doesn't want to go back, it's her own business."

The leading man in black is obviously a shrewd person.

Knowing that the strength was no match for the opponent, he hurriedly said a word and left.

After they left, Gu Ye looked at his apprentice Zhu Zhuqing.

"Zhuqing, don't worry, with the teacher around, no one can force you to do something you don't like."

"En." Zhu Zhuqing nodded, looked at her teacher Gu Ye, and said with some confusion: "Teacher, I want to... go back."

"Go back?" Gu Ye frowned.

"Well, my mother gave it to me, I have to go back." Zhu Zhuqing showed Gu Ye the bell in his hand, and told him about the bell by the way.

There are two bells in total, one belongs to her sister and the other belongs to her.

When she fled the Star Luo Empire, she gave the bell to her mother.

Now her mother asked someone else to give the bell to her, obviously to ask her to go back.

Moreover, she has been away for so long, and she is also a little worried that something will happen to her mother.

In the family, only her mother can give her a little warmth of home.

Although she doesn't like the Star Luo Empire or the Zhu family, she can't ignore her mother's safety.

So she has to go back.

After knowing Zhu Zhuqing's reason, Gu Ye was silent for a while.

He looked at Liu Erlong, Ye Lingling, Ye Zhixing, and finally made a decision.

"Zhuqing, since you want to go back, the teacher will accompany you back, but after half a month, you should practice hard in this half month and try to break through to level [-], after that I will take you to the Star Dou Forest After hunting for your fifth spirit ring, I will return to Xingluo with you, Zhu family."

"Teacher, I want to see how the Zhu family and the Star Luo Empire want to treat my disciple."

In addition to helping Zhu Zhuqing hunt for a soul ring, Gu Ye's younger sister Ye Lingling and aunt Ye Zhixing also needed a soul ring.

Liu Erlong and Zhu Zhuqing also knew about these things.

Now that Zhu Zhuqing's family wanted her to go back, how could Gu Ye, as a teacher, not go to Zhu Zhuqing's house and meet Zhu Zhuqing's mother by the way.

Liu Erlong, Ye Lingling, and Ye Zhixing all agreed with Gu Ye's decision.

The Star Dou Great Forest borders the Star Luo Empire, and it happened to go to the Star Luo Empire after hunting the soul ring.

It is impossible for ordinary soul masters to break through the first level of soul power within half a month, but it is possible for Zhu Zhuqing.

Then Zhu Zhuqing retreated again.

She will break through to level [-] within half a month and go home with her teacher.

After Zhu Zhuqing retreated, Gu Ye asked Ye Lingling and Ye Zhixing to take care of the medical center.

There are two people around, even if Gu Ye is not there, his operation points will increase day by day, and his soul power will also increase bit by bit, and he will not be far from level [-].

Then she and Liu Erlong returned to Lanba Academy.

"Erlong, thank you for your hard work." Gu Ye walked in the academy holding Liu Erlong's hand, apologetic in his words.

"Who told me to be your woman? Besides, I'm used to hard work. And you should go back with Zhuqing, but you're the only one going, I'm worried."

"You don't know my strength yet, don't worry about anything, and within half a month I will break through to level [-], and after I enter the Soul Sage and go to the Star Luo Empire, no one can stop me if I want to leave."

"That's good, but I didn't expect you to recognize Ye Lingling as your younger sister. But this is not bad. Ye Lingling and her aunt's martial arts are the top healing martial arts in the world. Now Ye Zhixing has broken through to the eighth level. At tenth level, with her ability, even Ning Fengzhi, the master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, can't match her Ling."

The strength of the Nine Hearts Begonia martial soul is not comparable to ordinary martial souls.

Liu Erlong is well aware of its power.

"So, when we go hunting for spirit rings, we will need you, a powerful soul master, to help us."

Asking Liu Erlong to help hunt Ye Zhixing's eighth can only be done by Gu Ye.

But Liu Erlong agreed without hesitation.

After all, they are all one family, and they don't speak two languages.

Half a month later, two men in black appeared outside the Gu Ye Medical Center.

"Boss, we have been following the Zhu family for a long time. We only know that Zhu Zhuqing is here, but she has never shown up. It is very difficult for us to have a chance to make a move."

"Wait! As long as she appears, there will be a chance to kill her."

These two people were not those who came to Zhu Zhuqing a few days ago.

But from the handwriting of Davis.

A level 61 soul emperor and a level 58 soul king.

The purpose was naturally to kill Zhu Zhuqing and prevent her from returning to the Star Luo Empire.

But these days Zhu Zhuqing has been in seclusion and did not show up, so they have no chance.

They can only continue to hide their identities and wait for the opportunity.

Ye Lingling's daily work is still treating people's illnesses, and at the same time controlling the refinement of her soul power during the healing process.

Up to now, her control over soul power has reached an extremely high degree.

In addition to Ye Lingling, Ye Zhixing is also the same.

Her soul power has reached level [-] for a while, and now she has been practicing and compressing her soul power, and when she breaks through, it will be of great benefit.

In addition to visiting the medical center these days, Gu Ye is in the Lanba Academy.

Of course, when I had time, I also went to the harem to comfort Emperor Xue Ye's concubine.

In addition, I also went to Qian Renxue Palace and told him about going to the Star Luo Empire.

And Emperor Xue Ye can only let him stare at it now.

Zhu Zhuqing closed the room.

After retreating for half a month, Zhu Zhuqing's soul power finally began to surge, breaking through to level [-] in an instant.

In addition to Zhu Zhuqing, Gu Ye's soul power also broke through to level [-] in Gu Ye's room.

And now he is beginning to absorb the breakthrough of the soul ring.

His spirit ring is provided by the system, and what he consumes is surgery points.

Now from the beginning, a soul ring of Gu Ye condensed on Gu Ye's body.

Gu Ye is the most clear about the powerful mystery of the system.

Now looking at the news of the operation in the system bit by bit, and his soul ring is also condensing bit by bit.

A hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years, thirty thousand, sixty thousand
For every 1 years of promotion, [-] surgical sites of the Gu Ye system will disappear.

Looking at the surgical sites that kept disappearing, Gu Ye felt distressed for a while.

It took him more than a year to get a surgery point worth hundreds of thousands.

Now [-] people disappeared in an instant.

But it hasn't stopped.

Gu Ye's current physique is very strong, and a mere 6-year-old soul ring has no effect on him at all.

Then the level of the spirit ring began to increase, [-], [-], [-], [-]...
As soon as 10 years was mentioned, the soul ring instantly turned bright red.

And the surgery points that Gu Ye worked so hard to praise also lost [-] points.

After 10 years, the age of the soul ring slowly stopped.

And Gu Ye's soul power also broke through to level 71 at this instant.

But the soul power of a 10-year soul ring is really too huge, so it's natural that the soul power can be improved by more than one level.

(End of this chapter)

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