Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 261 The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger Attacks

Chapter 261 The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger Attacks


The huge body of the hell three-headed dog fell to the ground, dying.


When Gu Ye's voice sounded, Zhu Zhuqing instantly understood.

She leaped forward, and the Black Flame Slash in her hand had already been prepared.

As soon as it came to the body of the three-headed hell dog, the extremely sharp black flame blade slashed down on the three heads.


Heiyan Qiblade chopped off the three heads of the prison three-headed dog like cutting watermelon, and rolled to the ground with a few clangs.

Immediately afterwards, a pitch-black soul ring rose from the corpse.

"Start absorbing it."

"is teacher."

Zhu Zhuqing didn't waste time, she had a feeling that this fifth spirit ring would be very powerful.

She crossed her legs beside the corpse, guided the soul skill into her body, and began to refine and absorb it.

Gu Ye, Liu Erlong, Ye Zhixing, and Ye Lingling stood by to prevent accidents from happening.


Just at this moment, a ferocious roar of a tiger came from a distance.

As soon as the voice sounded, Liu Erlong, Gu Ye, Ye Zhixing, and Ye Lingling's expressions froze.

What kind of powerful soul beast came from such a violent roar?
Gu Ye looked at Zhu Zhuqing who was absorbing the spirit ring, it would be a bad idea if this spirit beast would attack later.

Just from the roar, Gu Ye could tell that this soul beast was not an ordinary soul beast.

and many more! !
The roar of the tiger is rare
Gu Ye's complexion changed when he thought of the Dark Devilgod Tiger, a soul beast with extraordinary strength.

If it does happen, it's not so good!
From Gu Ye's understanding, the Dark Devilgod Tiger possesses the evil attributes left by the evil god, and has an extremely domineering nature. Its growth is not carried out through its own cultivation. It is extremely difficult to cultivate itself. It can only devour other souls. Only the soul power of a beast or human soul master can quickly improve one's own strength.

Living in the Star Dou Forest, it possesses the attributes of evil, darkness, lightning, wind, time, and space, and is extremely intelligent.

The big move is extremely terrifying, it can directly turn people into six-year-old children, and Tang San was almost killed by this move in the original book, if it wasn't for the aura of the protagonist, he would use the Zhuge Godly Crossbow to kill the opponent after turning six years old. Luo might end here.

It is said that after being killed by Tang San, it turned into the evil god magic bead, and used its own space ability to break through the barriers of the world and go to other worlds.As for whether Gu Ye is real or not, I don't know much about it.

Gu Ye guessed right.

A few distances away from them, a ferocious soul beast with a dark purple head, long wings, and an undercut tail flew into the air.

This soul beast is none other than the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

And as soon as it flew into the air, it flew towards Gu Ye and his group of five at an extremely fast speed.

When the Dark Devilgod Tiger flew over, Gu Ye and Liu Erlong instantly felt an energy lock them in.

"We might have to fight a lot later!" Gu Ye stared at the direction where the Dark Devilgod Tiger was flying, his eyes flashed.

"Well, this guy's aura is indeed very strong, stronger than any spirit beasts he has encountered before." Liu Erlong was also a little bit excited.

It's been a long time since she made a full shot.

After arriving at Contra and controlling the dual attributes of thunder and fire, she didn't even know where her upper limit was.

"If my guess is correct, this soul beast is the legendary Dark Devilgod Tiger. This soul beast is so powerful that even a 10-year-old soul beast might not be able to defeat it."

"Gu what you said true?" Ye Zhixing was horrified.

"En." Gu Ye nodded: "Now we have been locked by its energy mechanism, and we can't escape if we want to escape. We can only kill it together."

"Later, Auntie, you and Lingling will protect Zhuqing, and at the same time see the opportunity to assist, Erlong and I will do our best to kill it."


Liu Erlong, Ye Zhixing, and Ye Lingling nodded their heads heavily.

In the face of danger, with Gu Ye around, they felt extra at ease.


Gu Ye stared at the sky, his pupils shrank.

Liu Erlong, Ye Ling, and Ye Zhixing also looked directly at the sky.

I saw a black spot gradually enlarged, and after a while, the Dark Devilgod Tiger appeared high in the air and looked down on them.

"Humans. How courageous. Who in the Star Dou Great Forest doesn't know that the Hell Three-headed Dog is my subordinate. You dare to kill it. It seems that you are tired of life."

The Dark Devilgod Tiger spit out words, with a ferocious expression.

Ye Zhixing, Ye Zhixing and the two women were shocked when they heard the dark devil and evil tiger who spoke out.

It was the first time they had seen a talking soul beast.

Liu Erlong was better, after all, when she sent Xiao Wu back, she saw two equally powerful soul beasts.

Gu Ye looked at the corpse of the Hell Three-Headed Dog, and then at the Dark Devilgod Tiger in the sky, and understood why he was being targeted.

The Dark Devilgod Tiger glanced fiercely, seeing Zhu Zhuqing who was sitting cross-legged on the ground absorbing the spirit ring, he roared angrily.

A mouthful of black light jetted towards Zhu Zhuqing from its mouth.

The entire Star Dou Great Forest knew that if it dared to touch its younger brother, the Dark Devilgod Tiger, he was courting death.

These human beings not only moved, but also killed its younger brother to absorb the spirit ring. If it didn't kill a few people and devour their spirit power, it wouldn't be the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

"Two dragons."


"Fifth soul skill: Thunder Flame Destroyer."

Liu Erlong responded, and instantly cast his fifth soul skill to block the attack of the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

I saw a blue-red light wave emanating from Liu Erlong's body, crashing into the black light wave of the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

The two attacks collided, the violent energy exploded, and a roar sounded.

The dark devil evil god in the air stared intently at Liu Erlong who had blocked its normal blow.

"You're actually a Contra among human beings. Your soul power should be pretty good." The Dark Devilgod's desire to eat was great.

For it, it is not easy to encounter delicious food, especially in the Star Dou Forest.

It is already tired of eating the soul power of soul beasts, and it wants to taste the delicacy of humans.

"Erlong, let's go together." Gu Ye let out a low voice, and the operation space appeared instantly.

The space ability allowed him to teleport in front of the Dark Devilgod Tiger in the air.

"Oh, space ability, not a simple human being." The Dark Devilgod Tiger was a little surprised.

But it's not enough to scare it, after all it's also a spatial ability user.

"An animal dares to speak up here." Gu Ye sneered, and the Wuhun scalpel appeared in his hand, accompanied by bursts of thunder and lightning.

"Humble human bug, you are courting death."

To be called an animal is undoubtedly a provocation to the self-proclaimed noble Dark Devilgod Tiger.

It stared fiercely at Gu Ye, and a dark aura spread from its body.

"Dark Demon..Giant Claw"

The Dark Devilgod Tiger's furious roar resounded.

The dark aura on his body rose instantly and turned into a huge claw to attack Gu Ye.

Attacks with dark attribute abilities are not only powerful, but also have the ability to devour aura and corrode everything.

Gu Ye approached the air, looked at the approaching black giant claw above his head, and sneered.

He lightly raised his hand and slashed down, a white slash slashed out at the pitch-black giant claw:

"Give me...break!"

The Dark Devilgod Tiger looked at its giant black claws that had been cut in two, and stared at Gu Ye with fierce eyes.

Such a simple way to defeat it is not easy for this human being.

call out!
At this moment, Liu Erlong flew to Gu Ye's side.

At this time, she was fanning a pair of wings behind her back.

The wings are very special, one wing is beating with lightning, and the other is burning with flames, which is exactly the form of Liu Erlong's martial soul, the Wings of Thunder Flame.

The Dark Devilgod Tiger stared at the two humans Gu Ye and Liu Erlong in front of him, putting away his contempt just now.

However, it still didn't put Gu Ye and Liu Erlong in its eyes.

Who made it the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

Possesses the attributes of evil, darkness, lightning, wind, time, and space.

On the entire Douluo Continent, there is a beast with the strongest attributes.

A violent aura surged, and a small wind core suddenly condensed in front of the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

The wind core rotated at an extremely fast speed, becoming one meter in size in an instant, and a moment later, a tornado with a size of ten meters appeared in front of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

"Human beings, I want you to experience the power of the mighty Gufeng Benhu."

"Endless Storm!"

The Dark Devilgod Tiger flapped its wings, and the several-meter-large tornado in front of it moved towards Gu Ye, and Liu Erlong attacked.

With such a strong wind, Gu Ye and Liu Erlong leaned against each other in an instant.

Gu Ye pulled Liu Erlong's hands together, and the moment the storm hit, the surgical space ability was activated.

With a flash of light, the two disappeared from the Dark Devilgod Tiger's sight.

"It's space ability again!" The dark demon evil god Tiger saw Gu Ye and Liu Erlong who had disappeared.

The tiger's eyes froze fiercely, and quickly sensed Gu Ye.

Although it also has space ability, it is not as casual as Gu Ye, and it is not as superb as Gu Ye, and it can also carry others to space transfer.

You know, on the Douluo Continent, as long as there are soul beasts with space abilities, or soul masters are the most difficult to deal with.

call out!
When the Dark Devilgod Tiger was astonished.

Gu Ye and Liu Erlong appeared behind it in an instant.

"Lei Yan. Fist!"

Liu Erlong, who had been ready to attack for a long time, appeared behind the Dark Devilgod Tiger, and with his right fist, thunder and flames fused together, and his spirit bone burst to increase his attack by [-]%, and instantly bombarded Dark Devilgod Tiger. .

Liu Erlong's attack was too fast, before the Dark Devilgod Tiger could react, its entire body was directly sent flying and fell into the forest.

As soon as it fell, violent flames and thunder exploded, a large number of trees collapsed, and sand and stones flew.

"Humans. You have completely pissed me off."

The Dark Devilgod Tiger naturally wouldn't fall down so easily.

The self-proclaimed descendant of the evil god was teased by two humans one after another, and now he was attacked by the opponent's space ability, causing himself to be hit.

It was not lightly injured.

At this moment, it is completely angry.

"Be careful, it might be serious." Gu Ye came to Liu Erlong's side with a slightly serious expression.

"I know, this is also the strongest soul beast I've ever met, I won't be careless."

Liu Erlong's punch just now exploded with all his strength, and even hit the Dark Devilgod Tiger at the place where her spirit bone was augmented.

With such a powerful blow, even if the Title Douluo got hit, she would be killed.

But the Dark Devilgod Tiger seemed to be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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