Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 265 With the fall of Cardan, the apprentice Zhu Zhuqing died of shame

Chapter 265 With the fall of Cardan, the apprentice Zhu Zhuqing died of shame

"Gu Ye. Is it really you?" Kadan stared blankly at the man in front of him.

So much so that Zhu Zhuqing who was beside Gu Ye was directly ignored by her.

Hearing Kadan's words, Yan Xi took a look, and suddenly there were two more people in the hall, they were Gu Ye and Zhu Zhuqing.

For a soul master with space ability, all defenses are like nothing.

It was also like this that Gu Ye was able to easily enter Barak Palace without being discovered by anyone.

When I saw this woman again, the difference from a year ago was that she was more noble, dignified, and aloof.

But facing Gu Ye, Kadan was still the same Kadan.

Take a break.

She got up from the throne and flew down, throwing herself heavily into Gu Ye's arms.

She hugged him very tightly, for fear that Gu Ye in front of her was a momentary illusion.

After more than a year and almost two years, she finally saw her man again.

Hold him in your arms, feel his breath, feel his body temperature, all these are so real, so fascinated her.

She wished so much for the rest of her life.

"Kadan!" Gu Ye said softly, reaching out his hand to caress Kadan's mature and perfect face.

"You... are willing to come and see me." Kadan choked up and couldn't speak, his face was already full of tears.

Who knows how much she misses him every night when she is alone.

Now that he finally saw him, Kadan suddenly felt that he was reluctant to let him go.

Zhu Zhuqing at the side saw her teacher and Kadan tightly hugging each other. At this moment, she didn't feel any jealousy, but felt empathy.

If she hadn't seen her teacher for so long, she would definitely be the same as Kadan.

Maybe more serious than Kadan, because she will not be able to stand it.

"Gu Ye. Kiss me" Ka Dan couldn't bear the longing for Gu Ye in his heart.

She desperately hugged Gu Ye tightly, wanting to vent out her yearning for more than a year.

Gu Ye gently dragged Kadan's head, and kissed Kadan's plump lips.

Although this is the royal palace, there is Zhu Zhuqing, his apprentice, and Yan Xi not far away, but Kadan obviously doesn't care.

When the two kissed, they seemed to forget everything around them.

Seeing this, Yan Xi who was not far away quietly left.

And Zhu Zhuqing saw her teacher kissing Kadan, a strange feeling came from the bottom of her heart.

Not jealousy, nor envy.

Rather, she wanted to join in.

This thought made Zhu Zhuqing secretly blame himself for being so strange.

It's all her teacher's fault. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be like this, um. It's the teacher's fault.

Zhu Zhuqing secretly denied it.

I don't know how long it took before Kadan came back to his senses and saw Zhu Zhuqing who was beside him looking straight at her.

"Zhuqing, why are you here?" Kadan was shocked.

She really didn't expect Zhu Zhuqing to be here.

He looked at her and Gu Ye beside her.

It's really.. yes.
Seeing Kadan's shocked expression, Zhu Zhuqing really wanted to give her a supercilious look.

Sure enough, women are emotional animals.

Once you get stuck in it, you will be stupid.

Cardan is clearly the case.

Seeing that Kadan had calmed down, Gu Ye told her the purpose of coming here with Zhu Zhuqing.

"What are you going to do in the Star Luo Empire?"

After Kadan found out, he looked at Gu Ye in disbelief.

"Zhuqing's home is in the Star Luo Empire. As a teacher, I want to go home with her."

"Is that so?" Cardan thought for a while and finally made a decision.

Then she took Gu Ye back to her bedroom.

Of course, Zhu Zhuqing was also taken back by her and arranged to live next door.

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Kadan couldn't bear himself anymore.

It has been more than a year. She has been waiting for Gu Ye for more than a year. One can imagine how much she misses Gu Ye now.

Now there are only two people in the room, thoughts are like tides, once they erupt, they are out of control.

Cardan's thoughts are like tides.

The two of them came to bed logically.

"Gu Ye, love me!" Ka Dan looked at his man with burning eyes, expressing his truest thoughts.

Gu Ye naturally wants to love Kadan well.

Who made his longing become a tide, if it doesn't erupt, it won't be good if it is blocked.

A vigorous battle lasted for a long time.

It was already night.

Zhu Zhuqing in the next room still didn't fall asleep.

It's not that she doesn't want to sleep, but that she can't sleep because of the noise.

Cardan's miss for her teacher is also too loud.

Missing's cry made her unable to sleep.

Zhu Zhuqing really wanted to go in and block Kadan's thoughts so that she could no longer speak out.

"Forget it, anyway, I will go home with the teacher in a few days, so let's lend the teacher to Kadan for a few days."

Zhu Zhuqing convinced himself in this way and started to practice.

Her strength has been promoted to the soul emperor, and ordinary soul saints are not her opponents.

But Zhu Zhuqing was not complacent.

She is still practicing hard.

This practice is a day and a night.

Zhu Zhuqing's soul power was already very stable.

But what makes Zhu Zhuqing helpless is that the longing of her teacher and this woman Kadan has not been blocked, and is still in the process of erupting.

After the second day, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't bear it anymore.

It was fine to lend the teacher to Kadan for a day, but now she still wants to occupy her teacher, it is really abhorrent.

Zhu Zhuqing quietly walked out of the door and walked into Kadan's room.

As the lord of a country, Cardan's room is naturally very large.

Now as soon as Zhu Zhuqing walked in, he saw a large bed in the middle of the empty room, with a huge moiré gauze hanging down, covering the scenery inside the bed.

But it was vaguely visible that there were two people in the bed, who seemed to be doing some work?

Zhu Zhuqing took a closer look and was immediately stunned.

Her teacher, Gu Ye, was having a massage with Kadan! !
Yes, massage.

A decent massage?

"Cardan, how are you feeling?"

"Well, it feels better."

"You, you can't lose your health if you become a king. Even if you have more official duties, you can't be too tired, you know?"

"I know... I got it, but your massage is so comfortable, I can't bear you to leave."

"Don't worry, Zhuqing and I will go to the Star Luo Empire and we will be back soon."

"Well, but you have to stay with me for a few more days."

Zhu Zhuqing who walked in immediately spoke out when he heard what Kadan said.


With Zhu Zhuqing's voice, Gu Ye lifted the cloud gauze hanging down from the bed and looked at Zhu Zhuqing.

Seeing that the apprentice came in without saying a word, Gu Ye was really helpless.

So close.

Fortunately, Gu Ye has already gotten used to it.

"Girl Zhuqing, why did you come in? Didn't you see that your teacher and I were resting?" Kadan lay on the bed, with his hands on his face, and looked at Zhu Zhuqing with a smile.

This expression made Zhu Zhuqing very angry.

She walked back directly, sat on the bed, and stared at Kadan.

"It's just average, not as good as me."

As Zhu Zhuqing said, he deliberately puffed out his chest, showing a proud expression.

Seeing this, Kadan was immediately shocked.

Who made Zhu Zhuqing really go against the sky.

But there is one thing that Zhu Zhuqing will never be as good as her.

That is, she and Gu Ye are now in a relationship between a man and a woman.

Then she hugged Gu Ye's back, leaned on Gu Ye's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Girl Zhuqing, you are still young and don't understand the relationship between men and women, do you want my sister to teach you a lesson!"

Provocative, outright provocative.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Kadan, and already understood her intentions.

But she doesn't need it.

Even if she wants to teach, her teacher can only teach her. Who makes this the teacher's job?

Kadan stared at Zhu Zhuqing with a smile, not caring that Zhu Zhuqing was on her bed at all.

She had already seen that Zhu Zhuqing was interested in Gu Ye.

Similarly, she also saw that Gu Ye also liked this apprentice.

In other words, Zhu Zhuqing has a tendency to love his teacher, and Gu Ye, as a teacher, also loves his apprentice very much.

The concern between the two is now only one point away from erupting.

Kadan, who knows everything, is deliberately molesting Zhu Zhuqing.

After all, they are destined to be sisters in the future.

As an older sister, Kadan still hopes to teach her younger sister well.

But this sister seems to be a little different.

Then Kadan made a decision, she walked behind Zhu Zhuqing, hugged her waist, leaned on her shoulder, and whispered in her ear: "Sister has many good skills, girl Zhuqing Do you want to learn? Your teacher likes it very much!"

Temptation ~ naked temptation.

Kadan's kung fu Gu Ye is naturally clear.

Now that she actually wanted to teach her apprentice, she might have ruined Zhu Zhuqing's teaching.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at his teacher, thinking about the previous events, and Kadan's longing turned into a tidal wave, he was a little bit moved for no reason.

But in front of her teacher, she didn't want it.

"Whoever wants to learn your bad things, if they want to learn, I will only learn from my teacher." Zhu Zhuqing pushed Kadan away and sat next to Gu Ye, looking like a really good apprentice.


Kadan covered his mouth and chuckled, as if he knew something interesting.

"Zhuqing, you don't think about asking your teacher to teach you, and then use it on your teacher. Well...don't say it, the idea is quite good, and it makes me a little moved."

"Okay, don't be poor." Gu Ye couldn't let the two of them talk any more.

Otherwise, the two would have to fight on the bed.

But at this moment Zhu Zhuqing obviously wouldn't listen to Gu Ye's words.

She took off her shoes, got on the bed and sat in front of Kadan staring at her.

Ka Dan also looked honest, staring straight at Zhu Zhuqing.

Gu Ye patted his forehead helplessly at the scene where the two were not fighting for life and death.

Kadan and Zhu Zhuqing were simply incompatible with each other, they couldn't keep their peace no matter what.

"Girl Zhuqing, tell my sister, when did you like the teacher. Also, do you have a tendency to fall in love with the teacher?" Ka Dan's question was obviously teasing.

But now, Zhu Zhuqing didn't hide it anymore.

Don't you just like the teacher?
It's not like she dared to admit it.

Besides, what happened to the lover.

She is in love, and in love.

Her teacher also likes her.

Zhu Zhuqing became no longer silent.

She boldly declared that Gu Ye would be her man from now on.

Kadan was taken aback by these words, and then couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhu Zhuqing stared at Kadan.

(End of this chapter)

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