Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 271 Treating Zhu Zhuqing's mother..

Chapter 271 Treat Zhu Zhuqing's mother
Zhu Zhuqing, who knew everything, thought of his relationship with Zhu Zhuyun, with a wry smile on his face.

She had been skeptical a little before, but just wasn't sure.

It's fixed now, and nothing will change.

At most, at the back, she hoped that Zhu Zhuyun could live a better life.

Then, Zhu Zhuqing pushed the wheelchair and pushed Zhu Qingyun into the room.

The mother and daughter still have a lot of things to talk about, so it's naturally inappropriate to be outside.

Gu Ye naturally followed.

In the room, after sitting down, Zhu Zhuqing's mother and daughter chatted.

Most of the time, it was Zhu Qingyun who asked Zhu Zhuqing how he had been in the past two years and how his life was.

Regarding his mother, Zhu Zhuqing knew that she would not harm him, so he did not hide anything.

"Zhuqing. You mean, you have reached Soul Emperor now?" Zhu Qingyun looked at Zhu Zhuqing in astonishment.

"En." Zhu Zhuqing nodded, showing a hint of pride at the same time.

There is only one person in the world who can reach the current state at her age.

She is naturally proud.

Zhu Qingyun was amazed, but even more worried.

She was worried that Zhu Zhuqing would use some crooked methods to improve his strength, otherwise, how could he have improved so quickly.

However, Zhu Zhuqing gave her a calm look.

Although her soul power has improved rapidly, her foundation is very solid.

But Zhu Zhuqing also saw his mother's worry, so he told her about his situation to dispel her worries.

Knowing Zhu Zhuqing's strength, Zhu Qingyun suddenly didn't worry about Zhu Zhuqing anymore, but she was worried about her eldest daughter Zhu Zhuyun again.

Now that the youngest daughter has reached Soul Emperor, how could her eldest daughter be an opponent.

This is her helplessness.

If she was strong enough, she wouldn't have to watch her two daughters become enemies.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing thought of her mother Zhu Qingyun's unconscious legs, and thought of her teacher's medical skills, looked at Gu Ye and said, "Teacher, please help my mother take a look at her legs."

"Look at the legs?"

Gu Ye looked at Zhu Qingyun who was sitting in a wheelchair.

"My mother was like this when I was very young. Teacher, your medical skills are so good, you will definitely be able to cure it."

"Alright, let me take a look first."

Gu Ye came to Zhu Qingyun, and when he was about to take a look at Zhu Qingyun's legs, a person walked in from the door.

It was none other than Zhu Zhuyun.

"My good sister, you are really back." Zhu Zhuyun was still the same as before, and when he saw Zhu Zhuqing, he couldn't help teasing.

"Hmph!" Zhu Zhuqing snorted coldly, not wanting to pay attention to Zhu Zhuyun.

Especially in front of Zhu Qingyun, she didn't want to show that she hated her sister.

Zhu Zhuyun looked at his mother, Zhu Qingyun, and Gu Ye beside him after being bored.

She naturally knew Gu Ye, Zhu Zhuqing's teacher, but she didn't expect him to follow.

After chatting with Zhu Qingyun for a few words, Zhu Zhuyun looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said, "Zhu Qing, I'm here to tell you something. I know you're back, and His Majesty the Emperor summoned you. Come with me now."

Zhu Zhuqing hesitated for a while, but decided to follow Zhu Zhuyun.

Before leaving, she told Gu Ye not to worry.

In Xingluo City, with her current strength, no one can easily kill her.

Gu Ye was not worried that Zhu Zhuqing would be in danger.

After Zhu Zhuqing left with Zhu Zhuyun, only Gu Ye and Zhu Qingyun were left in the room.

Gu Ye looked at Zhu Zhuqing's mother, who was considered to be the mother-in-law and sister in name.

Zhu Qingyun also looked at Gu Ye, and then she sighed: "Do you think that I am a useless mother, I can't even save my two daughters, and I can only watch them become enemies."

"I already know something about your Zhu family. It is meaningless to say right or wrong. It is obviously the best answer to face it with strength, and my Zhuqing will not lose."

"That's right, you can train Zhuqing so well, it can be seen that you are a very powerful man."

Speaking of greatness, Zhu Qingyun thought of what happened in the previous few days, and a blush appeared on her cheeks for no reason.

This redness stunned Gu Ye for a moment, and at the same time it was a little strange, why did he blush when he was doing well?
He is really good.

But why is Zhu Qingyun blushing?
Gu Ye didn't quite understand.

But now is not the time to think about other things, Gu Ye looked at Zhu Qingyun's legs.

"Tell me about your leg, so I can heal you."

Gu Ye had promised Zhu Zhuqing that he would help Zhu Qingyun heal her legs, so naturally she couldn't break her promise.

Zhu Qingyun hesitated for a moment, but still told Gu Ye, although she didn't know if Gu Ye could be cured, but her daughter Zhu Zhuqing believed in Gu Ye so much, it should have some effect.

Zhu Qingyun's leg muscles were atrophied due to a war that year, and her meridians were ruptured, making her unable to move, which is why she became disabled.

After knowing the reason, Gu Ye said: "Well, let me check it for you first, and see if it can be treated or not."

"Okay." Zhu Qingyun nodded in agreement.

Then Gu Ye wanted to take a look, but it was really inconvenient for Zhu Qingyun to sit in a wheelchair.

"I'll carry you to the bed and let your legs stretch out so that I can treat you conveniently."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." Zhu Qingyun didn't think much about it.

Gu Ye picked Zhu Qingyun up from the seat very politely.

In order not to fall, Zhu Qingyun could only hug Gu Ye's neck.

The poses of the two seem quite delicate.

Coming to the bed, Zhu Qingyun put down Zhu Qingyun's body and straightened her legs.

Then start treatment.

Gu Ye massaged Zhu Qingyun's calf with his hand and asked at the same time, "Do you feel it?"

Zhu Qingyun shook her head: "No."

"Then I will increase the strength later. If you feel it, it may be more convenient to treat. If you don't feel it, you need to use another method."

"Well, please excuse me."

"You're welcome, I think you should know about the relationship between me and Zhuqing. I'm not only her teacher, but also her man. And you are Zhuqing's mother. In terms of relationship, I have to call you mother-in-law? "

This mother-in-law made Zhu Qingyun stunned for a moment, and fell silent.

Gu Ye rubbed Zhu Qingyun's leg vigorously, tested her reaction and said, "But I am Zhuqing's teacher, so I should be of the same generation as you. Although you are Zhuqing's mother, you look very young, I should call you sister."

"Up to now, I don't even know what to call you."

"Is it mother-in-law? Or sister."

"It's inappropriate to call her mother-in-law. After all, Zhuqing and I haven't officially married yet. It seems better to call me elder sister, but Zhuqing definitely doesn't agree. After all, you are her mother. I really don't know what to call you now."

"Why don't you tell me, what should I call you?" Gu Ye threw the question to Zhu Qingyun.

At this time, Zhu Qingyun was also a little confused.

What kind of brain circuit is Gu Ye, she is so confused by what she said.

That's a real question though, what should I call you?
"How about I call your mother-in-law and sister?" Gu Ye looked at Zhu Qingyun with a smile.

Zhu Qingyun, mother-in-law and sister, was stunned for a moment.

This name is really too shy.

And if someone else hears it, they will definitely misunderstand or something.

She doesn't want it.

Zhu Qingyun shook her head, expressing her refusal.

"No way," Gu Ye murmured, "Your appearance is basically the same as Zhu Zhuqing. You don't look like Zhuqing's mother at all, but more like a sister. If I didn't call you Sister Qingyun in private, how about it?"

Zhu Qingyun hesitated for a moment, it seems that this is the best address.

She neither refused nor agreed.

But Gu Ye thought she agreed.

"Then, I'm going to use my strength next, sister Qingyun, you have to bear it."

Zhu Qingyun had no feeling in her legs, so naturally she didn't take Gu Ye's words too seriously.

But at this moment, Gu Ye suddenly took out some needles with his fingers.

Zhu Qingyun didn't understand when she looked at it, but she knew in the next second that Gu Ye was going to prick her with a needle.

Before she could refuse, Gu Ye had already made a move.

A needle was delicately inserted into Zhu Qingyun's acupuncture point.

"This is to stimulate your acupuncture points with golden needles to restore the sensation in your legs."

"is it?"

"That's right, you have completely lost sensation in your calf, so you can only use gold needles to stimulate it now. Next, I will touch your thigh to see how it is."

Touch the thigh.
Zhu Qingyun was taken aback by Gu Ye's words.

She is Zhu Zhuqing's mother.

Would it be bad if Gu Ye touched his thigh?

However, Gu Ye is helping her with treatment, so there are such rules.

Gu Ye's hand quickly touched Zhu Qingyun's thigh along Zhu Qingyun's calf.

He used his soul power to investigate the condition of Zhu Qingyun's legs, and found that the muscles were stiff just like the calves, and the meridians were also hardened.

If he wants to heal well, he can only stimulate the acupoints with gold needles first, and then he will massage and massage Zhu Qingyun to restore Qi and blood.

After that, Zhu Qingyun was able to fully recover after taking some medicine for treatment.

This process takes up to half a month, and now we can only use acupuncture first.

"I already know the situation, and your leg can still be saved."

"Really?" Zhu Qingyun completely forgot about being touched by Gu Ye, and looked at Gu Ye in surprise.

"Really. There are some minor troubles in the process, but it's not very difficult."

Knowing that her leg could still be saved, Zhu Qingyun was very excited.

These years, it was because of her legs that she failed to protect her two daughters. If her legs were fine, she would have a certain right to speak in the Zhu family, and she would be able to protect the safety of her two daughters in the future.

Now that she knows that her legs can be healed, how can she be unhappy.

"Gu Ye, I'm sorry to trouble you, can you start treating me now?"


As Zhu Qingyun's mother, Gu Ye was naturally happy to serve her.

Then Gu Ye told Zhu Qingyun about his treatment method.

After knowing it, Zhu Qingyun only hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

As long as the legs can be healed, this is nothing.

Besides, Zhu Qingyun looked at Gu Ye, thinking about the events of the previous few days, her cheeks inexplicably blushed again.

She is really indescribable, that feeling is so wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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