Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 273 Gu Ye is domineering to protect his mother-in-law

Chapter 273 Gu Ye is domineering to protect his mother-in-law

Zhu Qingyun, who was sitting on the bed, was taken aback when she heard these domineering words.

She didn't expect that Gu Ye would dare to speak to him like this after knowing the identity of the person in front of her.

You know, he is the head of the Zhu family.

A powerhouse at the Contra level.

Now Gu Ye is not afraid at all?

Because Zhu Qingyun only knew that Gu Ye was good, but didn't know Gu Ye's specific strength, so naturally she was a little worried about him.

When Zhu Zhenghe heard Gu Ye's words, he was also laughed at by Gu Ye.

A young boy who dared to talk nonsense in front of him, the head of the Zhu family, in his Zhu family, was looking for death.

Contra-level aura pressed towards Gu Ye.

Zhu Zhenghe has already decided to deal with Gu Ye well in front of Zhu Qingyun, so that she can see that lovers are not easy to find.

If Zhu Qingyun interceded, he might be able to bypass Gu Ye.

Seeing Zhu Zhenghe's attack, Zhu Qingyun was also worried for a while.

She knows very well how powerful a Contra level powerhouse is.

But what surprised Zhu Qingyun was that Gu Ye was fine at this moment.

He looked at Zhu Zhenghe with a calm expression, and the corners of his mouth even slightly raised to reveal a hint of sarcasm.

In fact, Gu Ye doesn't really like things like big killings.

But Zhu Qingyun is also Zhu Zhuqing's mother after all.

Now that the Patriarch of the Zhu family wanted to attack him as soon as he came, it really made him a little angry.

Since you want to use force, then come! !

Thinking clearly, Gu Ye didn't hide anymore, a powerful aura erupted from his body, and pressed towards Zhu Zhenghe.

One of the two is Contra, and the other is Soul Sage.

In terms of strength, it generally belongs to Contra.

But Gu Ye is not an ordinary person, he is Gu Ye.

"How is it possible?" Zhu Zhenghe looked shocked, and looked at Gu Ye in disbelief.

He would have such a powerful strength.

Da da! !
Gu Zhenghe took two steps back uncontrollably.

He stared at Gu Ye with a trace of cruelty in his eyes.

Eight soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, and black rose from his body one by one.

The coercion of soul power at the Contra level rushed towards Gu Ye without any reservation.

However, this soul power overwhelmed a group of Gu Ye, and disappeared in an instant like a moth flying into a flame.

"Since you want to do it, I want to see how strong you are."

Gu Ye sneered.

Yellow~yellow~purple~black~black~black~red, seven soul rings rise up.

The moment the last red soul ring rose, an incomparably terrifying aura rushed towards Zhu Zhenghe.

Zhu Zhenghe was stunned.

Zhu Qingyun was also stunned.

Red soul ring!
That is a terrifying existence representing a 10-year soul beast.

Gu Ye unexpectedly
It was precisely because Zhu Zhenghe was stunned, and was struck by Gu Ye's powerful soul power, his whole body flew out uncontrollably and hit the wall heavily.

Zhu Qingyun's courtyard is located in Zhu's house, there is so much commotion here, Zhu's house has no shortage of Contra powerhouses, obviously they also noticed the strangeness here.

After all, the 10-year-old soul ring is in the world, and it's hard for them not to discover it.

"The red soul ring, what's going on?"

"That's Zhu Qingyun's residence, let's go and have a look."

Several Contra family elders of the Zhu family headed towards Zhu Qingyun's yard one after another.

Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun, who came back from the palace, apparently also noticed the commotion in their mother Zhu Qingyun's room.

Without even thinking about it, he ran towards it.

In Zhu Qingyun's courtyard, Gu Ye looked at the ugly Zhu Zhenghe, and said coldly, "Do you want to fight? If you want to fight, I can help you, but you have to be clear, once you fight, you will die."

Gu Ye's words were full of domineering and intimidating power.

Zhu Qingyun on the bed listened, looked at Gu Ye's back, and suddenly realized that this man was really good.

Know how to protect women.

It seems that her daughter's vision is really: not bad.

But Zhu Zhenghe had an ugly face. As the head of the Zhu family and a strong Contra, he was shocked to retreat with his aura. It was extremely embarrassing.

"Who the hell are you?"

Zhu Zhenghe gritted his teeth and stared at Gu Ye.

The identity of a person who can possess a 10-year soul ring is certainly not simple.

Now he no longer has the contempt just now.

"Didn't you say that I am Zhu Qingyun's lover? Why would you change your mouth and ask me who I am?"

Zhu Qingyun on the bed was inexplicably embarrassed when she heard Gu Ye's words.

She is Zhuqing's mother, and Gu Ye is Zhuqing's man. How did Gu Ye become her lover?

Zhu Zhenghe's expression was rather ugly at this moment. Now Gu Ye meant to admit that he was Zhu Qingyun's lover?
He stood up.

Wuhun ghost civet appeared.

This is the Zhu family, so what if Gu Ye has a 10-year soul ring, he is just a soul sage.

His Zhu family has more than five Soul Douluo alone, so would he be afraid of a Soul Saint?

"Ghost. Slash."

Zhu Zhenghe didn't talk nonsense with Gu Ye any more, and started fighting when they came together.

The whole person turned into a ghost civet, and made a surprise attack on Gu Ye.

Zhu Qingyun is the woman he fancy.

He will never allow any man to covet her again.

If she hadn't lost to his elder brother, Zhu Qingyun would have been his woman long ago.

Now that Gu Ye, an outsider, dares to covet Zhu Qingyun, he will kill him no matter what.

"How courageous, since you have done it, don't blame me."

Gu Ye sneered.

Although the room was small, and as a Contra, Zhu Zhenghe was extremely fast, but that was the case for Gu Ye.

As soon as the operating space came out, Gu Ye's figure instantly disappeared in Zhu Zhenghe's attacking position.

"how come!"

Startled, Zhu Zhenghe quickly searched for Gu Ye.

When Gu Ye reappeared, he was already behind Zhu Zhenghe.

The moment he appeared, Gu Ye's palm flashed in white light, and he struck Zhu Zhenghe's back with one palm.

Gu Ye's attack speed was so fast that even Zhu Zhenghe, a strong Contra, couldn't react and was hit instantly.

Zhu Zhenghe suddenly felt his internal organs being oppressed by a force.

next second.


A mouthful of blood spat out.

Everything was too sudden.

Zhu Zhenghe's attack was sudden, and Gu Ye's counterattack was sudden.

Before Zhu Qingyun on the bed could understand, Zhu Zhenghe had already vomited blood.

She stared blankly at Gu Ye, not understanding how Gu Ye did it.

You know, Zhu Zhenghe is a strong Contra!

Even if Gu Ye has a soul ring of 10 years, he is still only a soul saint.

The soul sage vomited blood from Contra with one move, which really refreshed Zhu Qingyun's cognition.

The next second, Gu Ye slapped again, and there was a "bang", and Zhu Zhenghe was thrown out of the room with blood on his face, and fell heavily to the ground.

The moment he fell to the ground, Zhu Zhenghe was stunned.

He seriously suspected that he was still not Contra.

Otherwise, how could he be bleeding with one move from a soul sage, and fly away with two moves.

"Gu Ye, you are amazing!" Zhu Qingyun opened her small mouth and looked at Gu Ye in disbelief.

Facing his mother-in-law, he said that his son-in-law is very good.

Such words made Gu Ye very satisfied.

He turned around, gave Zhu Qingyun a smile, and said as if pointing out: "Actually, I have something even better."

"More powerful?" Zhu Qingyun didn't understand what Gu Ye meant for a while.

But in the next second, she thought of the days when she was uncomfortable, and suddenly understood.

She stared blankly at Gu Ye, the man and teacher of her daughter Zhuqing, who was also her nominal son-in-law.

"Okay, you stay inside first, I'll go out and solve it, and I'll be here in the future, so you don't have to worry about anything."

Zhu Qingyun greatly enjoyed Gu Ye's gentle tone.

It's also a wonderful feeling to be protected.

She looked at Gu Ye who walked out of the room, and secretly praised her daughter Zhu Zhuqing, her vision was really good.

As soon as Gu Ye came out, four Taoist figures flashed and appeared in the courtyard.


The four are the four elders of the Zhu family, and also the four Contra powerhouses.

The four of them rushed here immediately after seeing the situation here and the 10-year spirit ring just now.

Whoever came here saw Zhu Zhuzhenghe who fell to the ground.

The four hurried over to help him up and asked what was going on.

"Cough cough!!"

After Zhu Zhenghe coughed a few times, he felt much calmer. He pointed to Gu Ye and said, "It was this person who hurt me, and he was also the lover of a bitch like Zhu Qingyun. I found out that the two of them were doing something stupid, so."

Although Zhu Zhenghe didn't continue, the four Contra-level elders instantly looked at Gu Ye with fierce eyes as soon as the slander came out.

"You injured Zhenghe?" The Zhu family who spoke was the Great Elder, an 89-level Contra, and the strongest member of the Zhu family.

Gu Ye didn't answer.

In this case, it would be a waste of time to answer.

Zhu Zhenghe fell to the ground. This is the Zhu family, and he is the head of the family. Obviously, everything he said was right.

It's just that Gu Ye didn't expect that this guy was still a sinister villain, and he even slandered the relationship between him and Zhu Qingyun.

Although Gu Ye didn't care too much, it always made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"If you don't answer, you're admitting it."

"Seduce people from my Zhu family, and even hurt the head of my Zhu family in my Zhu family. No matter who you are, you will not be able to leave my Zhu family safely today."

The elder of the Zhu family had a cold tone.

After finishing speaking, a body of soul power burst out.

Eight soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, and black sparkled.

The other three elders were obviously not idle either.

Being able to injure Zhu Zhenghe who is at the Contra level at the same time, the strength of this person in front of him will not be simple.

The four of them are all Contra powerhouses, and when they make a move now, they are powerful but oppressive towards Gu Ye.

Gu Ye sneered: "The Zhu family is really a bunch of people, it seems that we can only have a good talk if we beat you to the ground."


"Beat us, don't say it's you, even if Titled Douluo came, he wouldn't dare to speak such wild words."

The Zhu family can become the largest family in the Star Luo Empire, and their strength will not be bad.

Although there is no Title Douluo powerhouse, the overall strength will not be inferior to Title Douluo.

The four of them teamed up, not to mention Title Douluo, even killing Title Douluo was not impossible.

Gu Ye didn't talk nonsense, and seven soul rings came out shiningly.

The oppressive force of a 10 year soul ring is great.

Even though the four elders of the Zhu family were not afraid of Gu Ye, they were still a little terrified when they saw the 10-year soul ring on Gu Ye's body.

(End of this chapter)

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