Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 286 Happy Emperor Xue Ye.. Dead

Chapter 286 Emperor Xue Ye Died Happy
After talking about things, Gu Ye entertained Ning Fengzhi and Ning Rongrong.

Then Ning Fengzhi left.

On the contrary, Ning Rongrong stayed behind, calling it a name and inspecting it.

"Bamboo Qing."

In the medical hall, Ning Rongrong, who was inspecting, followed Gu Ye to inspect the medical hall and when he saw Zhu Zhuqing, he happily trotted in.


When Zhu Zhuqing saw Ning Rongrong, he was very surprised, and then he was surprised.

The sisters hadn't seen each other for a long time, and now when the two met, they held hands and went inside and started chatting.

Instead, Gu Ye was ignored.

Helpless, Gu Ye had no choice but to find his aunt Ye Zhixing to comfort him.

Aunt Ye Zhixing is indeed a good woman.

With this comfort, the two comforted them until the evening.

And Ning Rongrong can only go back to Lanba Academy first, and plans to return to Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School every day.

After Zhu Zhuqing sent Ning Rongrong back, he returned to the medical center and found that his teacher had already entered the room to rest.

This surprised Zhu Zhuqing.

Then she thought of what happened today, and hurried to her teacher Gu Ye's room, she walked in without knocking on the door.

"Teacher!" Zhu Zhuqing looked at Gu Ye on the bed, with a blush on his cheeks.

It turned out that Gu Ye had just finished taking a shower at this time, and he hadn't even put on his clothes yet.

Wet, all the muscles on his body appeared in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes, although he had seen it more than once, but
Zhu Zhuqing looked down, his cheeks were stained with some blush, and his heartbeat became more and more intensified.

her teacher even
"Zhu Qing, why did you come in? What's the matter?" Seeing Zhu Zhuqing barging in, Gu Ye was taken aback for a moment.

"En." Zhu Zhuqing nodded, and then sat down in front of Gu Ye.

Gu Ye tidied himself up briefly, and after getting dressed, he sat beside Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing also told Gu Ye what happened to him today.

Especially that strange feeling made her too uncomfortable.

She didn't know why it happened.

Why do I suddenly have a feeling of being needed... wanting to be needed.

Flustered and blushing, especially like the special situation when she was with Gu Ye.

After Gu Ye learned about it, he immediately knew what happened with Zhu Qingyun in the office today, and looked at Zhu Zhuqing in a daze.

Zhu Qingyun said before that this connection should be one-sided, only she should be able to feel it, and now Zhu Zhuqing can feel it no matter what.

One-sided becomes two-way?

Or was it because of him that Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Qingyun's mother and daughter had already begun to communicate formally.

"Teacher, do you know why I did this?" Zhu Zhuqing looked at Gu Ye puzzled.

"Well I might have a guess, but not sure yet."

"What guess?" Zhu Zhuqing looked at Gu Ye curiously.

"This... may need to be tested, Zhuqing, you will cooperate with me later, do you know?"

"Well, I know teacher"

For the final confirmation, Gu Ye decided to conduct an in-depth test on Zhu Zhuqing.

"Zhuqing, come." Gu Ye and Zhu Zhuqing pulled to her side, looking at her seriously.

"Teacher, why are you looking at me like this..." Zhu Zhuqing felt a little embarrassed when he was seen.

"Zhuqing, I will ask you to ask for you later... This is also for me to test better." Gu Ye leaned against Zhu Zhuqing's ear, and whispered what he wanted.

After Zhu Zhuqing heard it, her cheeks flushed instantly.

But in the face of the teacher's request, how could she, as a disciple, refuse?
After Zhu Zhuqing bit his little mouth, he took the initiative to hug his teacher and started their test tonight.


From the mountain behind Lanba Academy, there were some slight strange cries of pain suddenly.

The voice was none other than Zhu Qingyun.

In the room, Zhu Qingyun was sweating profusely and her face was as red as charcoal.

Lying on the bed, she writhed vigorously and covered her face, looking very uncomfortable.

"how so."

"It must be Gu Ye, the villain, against Zhuqing."

"Didn't he promise me that he wouldn't?"


"This bastard"

When Zhu Qingyun thought of what Gu Ye promised her today, and now she has returned, she angrily called Gu Ye a bad guy.

If given the chance, she must make the villain look good.

For her now, there are Liu Erlong and Jiang Zhu in the next room, in order not to quarrel with them, she can only grit her teeth tightly, suppress herself, and at the same time meditate calmly, calmly and calmly.

To hell with that strange talent.

She doesn't need to.

Don't want to either.

It's just that the talent of connecting hearts is too powerful.

She was so strong that she could clearly feel any emotion Zhu Zhuqing was feeling at this moment.

Happiness, joy, joy, joy, all kinds of emotions have enveloped her whole body and mind.

If possible, Zhu Qingyun really wanted to go to Gu Ye immediately.

Let her treat her like Zhu Zhuqing.

At the same time, she also wanted to let the villain know the price of deceiving her.

If she doesn't squeeze Gu Ye dry, she won't be called Zhu Qingyun.

"Hey, it's strange, what's wrong with Qing Yun?"

In Liu Erlong's room, Liu Erlong, who was asleep at first, noticed Zhu Qingyun's strangeness and wanted to take a look, and asked what was going on by the way.

But in the next second, she was attracted by the Blue Silver Emperor plant coming out of the window.

"Well, why does Ah Yin feel changed?"

Liu Erlong walked closer to observe this Blue Silver Emperor.

It was found that the radiance was brighter and stronger, and the breath became stronger and stronger.

"Is this practicing? I feel that the breath has become much stronger. Is it because of absorbing the nectar?"

"It should be. If I water more with Gu Ye in a few days, will the Blue Silver Emperor transform into form soon?"

"According to what Gu Ye said, Ah Yin should have been seriously injured and only the seeds were left behind. After absorbing enough spiritual energy from the world, he should be able to transform again."

"Well, in this case, it seems that it needs to be watered several times, and the special nectar is enough."

Liu Erlong felt inexplicably embarrassed when he thought about watering Ayin nectar with Gu Ye.

But she did it anyway.

"Strange, what's wrong with sister Qingyun?" Liu Erlong heard some movement from Zhu Qingyun's room again.

The next second, she suddenly thought of something.

A strange smile appeared on his face.

In the end, I could only go back to bed and rest.

As for Zhu Qingyun, she plans to have a good chat with her in a few days, after all, she has already discovered Zhu Qingyun's little secret late at night.

As a sister, you really should get to know her in depth.


Gu Ye looked at his apprentice Zhu Zhuqing in front of him, with a smirk on his lips.

Just now Zhu Qingyun should be able to feel everything about Zhu Zhuqing, so what kind of posture will she have now?

"Teacher, why are you looking at me like this?" Zhu Zhuqing turned her head shyly, not daring to look directly at Gu Ye.

"It's nothing, it's just that Zhuqing, you are more and more charming."

Gu Ye praised, looking forward to the days to come.

"Zhuqing, let's continue, let the teacher teach you some knowledge."

"What kind of knowledge?" Zhu Zhuqing asked shyly.

"Of course it's a must-learn knowledge, and this knowledge will be useful in the future, so we'll study it all night tonight." Gu Ye turned serious, and began to teach Zhu Zhuqing in depth.

Heaven Dou City, the Imperial Palace.

Emperor Xueye's bedroom.

"Ha ha!!"

"Okay, good, good!!"

Emperor Xue Ye was very happy when he saw the scantily clad, dancing and graceful women in front of him.

Since he recovered from his illness, he has never looked so happy as he is now.

As for Gu Ye's exhortation to him before, not to work too hard, not to be licentious, at this moment, Emperor Xue Ye had already thrown it aside.

As an emperor, if he can't enjoy it, then what else would he do as an emperor.

Moreover, these dancers are enchanting beauties with special bloodlines, and his imperial brother Xue Xing personally sent them in. If he didn't enjoy them, he would have failed his imperial brother Xue Xing's kindness.

Not long after, Emperor Xue Ye finished watching this sexy dance.

Because of his advanced age and physical exhaustion, "he" who hadn't improved for a long time actually rose up a little bit, which made Emperor Xue Ye extremely excited.

At this moment, he looked at the dancing girls in front of him, and decided to show off tonight.

At this moment, Emperor Xue Ye has truly forgotten all about Gu Ye's exhortations.

"Oh~ Your Majesty, how good or bad are you~"

"Your Majesty, don't do this, the slave family will be shy."

"Your Majesty~"

In the room, there were bursts of joyful sounds of chasing and playing.

At this moment, Emperor Xue Ye also showed his majesty, and one dragon forced four phoenixes.

The next day, early morning.

In Emperor Xueye's bedroom, four voluptuous women woke up.

The four girls glanced at each other, and then at Emperor Xue Ye who was sleeping among them, all with a hint of sarcasm in their eyes.

This Emperor Xue Ye is too useless.

I still want to have one dragon and four phoenixes, and I am overwhelmed.

"elder sister.."

The woman closest to Emperor Xue Ye touched Emperor Xue Ye's body and trembled slightly.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Why do you look a little scared?"

"Sister, His Majesty's body is cold!"

The woman's voice trembled.

After the other three women heard this, they stretched out their hands slightly, and tentatively touched Emperor Xue Ye.

In an instant, the faces of the four of them were ashen and dumbfounded.

It’s cold!

We played together last night, why is it cold in the morning! !

The four girls were dumbfounded.

The emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, let them crush him to death.


"His Majesty is dead!!"

I don't know who shouted.

the next moment.

The entire harem is flying around.

"Father, Father!!"

Prince Xue Qinghe looked at Emperor Xue Ye who was lying on the bed, his body was already stiff, tears splashed out.

Empress Yun Lianyi and Concubine Ming Qiao Yue looked at me and I looked at you with the same dull expressions.

Those who were fine last night will be gone if they say no.

"What the hell is going on?" Xue Qinghe suppressed tears, looked at those enchanting women, his eyes cut away like blades.

The four of them didn't dare to hide anything, and immediately explained the matter clearly to Prince Xue Qinghe.

After knowing all the reasons, Xue Qinghe believed it, and after someone checked it clearly, he believed it.

His father, the emperor Xue Ye, was forced to indulge because of... and eventually died of exhaustion.

"What did you say? Emperor Xue Ye is dead!!"

In the medical hall, Gu Ye looked at the guard in front of him in a daze.

Suddenly it was reported that the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Ye, had died. Would it not be shocking?
And Gu Ye was very aware of Emperor Xue Ye's physical condition, as long as he didn't overwork himself, he would definitely not die within two years.

But how could it be dead now?

Not only Gu Ye, Ye Zhixing, Ye Lingling, Zhu Zhuqing were also surprised when they heard it.

The majestic emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire died as soon as he said he would die.

"Doctor Gu, why don't you go into the palace to take a look now?"


Gu Ye, Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Zhixing, and Ye Lingling hurried into the palace after speaking.

Once inside, he saw a group of people sticking around inside and outside Emperor Xue Ye's bedroom.

When seeing Gu Ye coming, Xue Qinghe, Concubine Ming, and Yun Lianyi immediately came to Gu Ye's side.

After Gu Ye asked about the situation, he was even more confused.

One dragon and four phoenixes, excessive indulgence, exhaustion and death.

The emperor's death was too aggrieved.

Gu Ye has already advised Emperor Xue Ye not to do those things, isn't it good for him to live well?

Why do you have to come to a ..p.

It's all right now, I just burped my fart.

This made Gu Ye didn't know what to say.

"The things that have passed away are irretrievable, so mourn and change."

Gu Ye patted Xue Qinghe's shoulder, apparently to comfort him.

But when the eyes of the two met, they both showed a hint of helplessness.

Their goal was to kill Emperor Xue Ye within two years. Now that they were all right, they died so quickly, but it was indeed within two years.

After comforting Xue Qinghe, Gu Ye looked at Concubine Ming Qiao Yue and Empress Yun Lianyi.

The two of them are crying now, and it seems that they are really sad.

But why can't I see a sad expression?
Seeing Gu Ye's eyes, Qiao Yue and Yun Lianyi sobbed a bit before stopping their tears.

"Doctor Gu."

Seeing that no one was looking at her, Qiao Yue walked up to Gu Ye very intimately.

Now Xue Qinghe has started to deal with Emperor Xue Ye's funeral, and soon everyone else went out, only Gu Ye and Concubine Ming were left, and Empress Yun Lianyi was inside.

After Concubine Ming came to Gu Ye's side, she took the initiative to hold Gu Ye's hand and asked him to rub her reddish eye circles.

"Gu Ye, we sisters can only rely on you from now on."

Concubine Ming even pulled Queen Yun Lianyi over as she spoke.

The two stunning beauties looked at Gu Ye with teary eyes.

The body of Emperor Xue Ye was still lying on the bed not far away.

Under such circumstances, in order to let Emperor Xue Ye die in peace, Gu Ye could only embrace the two of them in his arms and comfort him.

"Don't worry, when the opportunity comes in the future, I will take you out of the palace."

"Well, then Gu Ye, should we call you husband from now on?" Concubine Ming said with a smirk.

"Well, it is indeed time to call Husband."

Gu Ye looked at Queen Yun Lianyi, and also showed a smirk.

Yun Lianyi was a little shy, but she still spoke.


After shouting, she actually lay down in Gu Ye's arms.

When Gu Ye looked at the two beautiful girls, his heart was really moved.

Then Gu Ye held one in his hand and walked to the cloud bed in the side room.

"I'll take care of you later, okay?"

"No... Gu Ye, is His Majesty still there?"

"It's okay, he won't get up."



For the next time, Gu Ye could only take good care of the two beauties in the side room in order to let Emperor Xue Ye die in peace.

(End of this chapter)

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