Douluo's martial arts scalpel

Chapter 299 Tang 3 was green

Chapter 299 Tang San Gets Green
At this time, Gu Ye obviously didn't know about Tang San and Yu Xiaogang's guns pointing at the front and back.

He still lived happily in Lanba Academy.

And two days later, Bibi Dong had already returned to the Spirit Hall, and then started a series of actions.

After completion, the Wuhun Empire was formally established.

At this time, in the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong was wearing a noble Pope's robe and sitting on the Pope's chair.

The beautiful figure and noble temperament made the elders and congregants below dare not look directly at him.

And beside Bibi Dong, there are Duo'er and Hu Liena, the only ones who can get so close to Bibi Dong are Bibi Dong's disciples.

Among the elders below, among the congregation, Ju Douluo Yueguan and Ghost Douluo stood at the front.

Then came a group of elders, the platinum bishop, and the cardinal.

Now, except for those titled Douluo in the Douluo Hall, all the high-level combat power in the Wuhun Hall has been concentrated here.

There are more than a dozen Title Douluo, with such combat power, they can destroy the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Heaven Dou Empire at any time.

Sitting on the pope's chair, Bibi Dong glanced at everyone and announced:

"Today, I am here to announce that the Spirit Empire is officially established."

"At the same time, I will make Hu Liena and Duo'er the holy daughters of my Spirit Empire."

"And you will all be important ministers in my empire."

Then, after Bibi Dong spoke some words of encouragement, he gave each of the elders in the Pope's Palace, and the bishop assigned their respective positions.

At the same time, to show the world the strength of the Spirit Empire.

From today onwards, the elders and congregants are still there, but they have an additional identity, that is, ministers.

Bibi Dong's status has also changed from His Majesty the Pope to His Majesty the Pope.

The moment the Wuhun Empire was established, the news swept across the entire continent in an instant.

The Heaven Dou Empire, Star Luo Empire, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Clan were all horrified when they received the news.

Although he knew that the Wuhun Palace was planning to establish the Wuhun Palace Empire, and also knew that the Wuhun Palace had long wanted to unify the mainland, but he didn't expect the Wuhun Palace to be so fast.

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi had a sad face.

When the Wuhun Empire was established, he learned some of the strength of the Wuhun Empire through some news.

And Bibi Dong also intends to show the world the mighty strength of the Spirit Empire.

Titled Douluo powerhouse, soul master army, ordinary army, these are the details of the Spirit Empire to show the world one after another.

When it's time to brighten your muscles, never hesitate.

It is because of knowing this that the people in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School are panicking at this time.

"I didn't expect the Wuhun Palace to be hidden so deep. There are more than a dozen titled Douluo. Chrysanthemum Douluo has reached level 96. Even Ghost Douluo has reached level 96. If they attack our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School immediately, Even with your help, we have no hope of winning." Bone Douluo looked serious.

"Yeah, no one would have guessed that Bibi Dong actually hid such a trick. If they really come to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, we won't be able to resist at all. Feng Zhi, what do you think?" Sword Douluo Chen Xin immediately looked at Ning Fengzhi.

As the suzerain, Ning Fengzhi decided to belong to him naturally.

But Ning Fengzhi is worried about more than these things at this time. He is afraid that because the power of the Spirit Empire is too powerful, some clans and sects will join the Spirit Empire one after another.

"It's not good, suzerain!!"

However, at this moment, a disciple ran in in panic.

"Sovereign, suzerain, something is wrong. The next four sects of the seven major sects, more than half of the affiliated kingdoms in the Tiandou Empire, and some academies, some big families in the Star Luo Empire have announced to the world just now that they have joined Wuhun Empire."


Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo's expressions changed drastically.

"Clarify the matter immediately."


Then the messenger soldiers quickly told Ning Fengzhi the news they had received.

It turned out that as soon as the Spirit Empire was established, the Elephant Armor Sect, the Wind Sword Sect, and more than half of the affiliated kingdoms in the Heaven Dou Empire announced to the world that they would join the Spirit Empire.

The establishment of the Spirit Empire had already made them worry endlessly, but now Ning Fengzhi's face became more and more ugly. He didn't expect that the thing he was most worried about would still happen.

Now some kingdoms in the Heaven Dou Empire have announced their surrender to the Spirit Empire, when the Spirit Empire's army enters the Heaven Dou Empire, it will be a breeze to destroy the Heaven Dou Empire.

The affiliated kingdoms of the Tiandou Empire are inherently big-tailed existences, and even have the idea of ​​going out independently.

Every subsidiary kingdom, principality occupies more than half of the province, and some even directly occupy the entire province. Now that it directly announces to join the Spirit Hall, isn't the Heaven Dou Empire directly annexing several provinces by the Spirit Empire? .

At this time, not only Ning Fengzhi was angry, but also Emperor Xue Qinghe was furious at all the ministers in Tiandou Empire.


"It's all a bunch of guys who eat inside and outside."

"The Wuhun Empire has just been established and announced to join the Wuhun Empire."

Xue Qinghe was furious, and all the ministers below dared not speak out.

The establishment of the Spirit Empire alone caused the Heaven Dou Empire to lose a few provinces. If the situation in the Spirit Empire stabilizes, wouldn't it be necessary to send out an army to destroy the Heaven Dou Empire?
Every time they think of the strength, high-end combat power, and army strength that the Spirit Empire has shown to the world, these noble ministers feel worried for a while.

"Your Majesty, we still need to take precautions first, so we can't give the Spirit Empire an opportunity."

A minister came out and suggested.

"That's right, now those kingdoms have been occupied by the Spirit Empire. The Spirit Empire is powerful. If we want to get it back, it's impossible. We might as well take precautions first."

"That's right, we must not let the Spirit Empire go any further."

"Hmph, the Spirit Empire is too deceitful, so let's just let it go?" Xue Qinghe shouted angrily.

"Your Majesty, the Spirit Empire is now so powerful that it is really inappropriate to confront it."

"That's true. It's the right way to be wise and protect yourself."

Those who spoke were noble ministers who were greedy for life and afraid of death. For them, as long as their current status could be guaranteed, losing a few provinces was not a big problem.

"Your Majesty, why don't we contact the Star Luo Empire and form an alliance with it to fight against the Spirit Empire?"

A minister with a little knowledge came out to remonstrate.

"I have been in contact with the Star Luo Empire a long time ago, but the Star Luo Empire didn't know what to do, and even said they looked down on me, the Heaven Dou Empire."

As soon as he said this, Xue Qinghe's face was full of anger.

Some time ago, he had someone contact the Star Luo Empire to discuss an alliance.

Unexpectedly, the Star Luo Empire refused directly, and even refused in a tone of looking down on the Heaven Dou Empire.

Seeing this, the ministers below were also very angry.

"Okay, you guys go down first, I need to be quiet."

"It's Your Majesty."

All the ministers said, and hurriedly left the hall.

And Xue Qinghe saw all the ministers leaving, the angry expression on his face instantly disappeared, and he smiled evilly.

Her good sister's movements are really fast.

Just went back and did so soon.

It seems that she is already ready.

"In this way, I can't be too slow here, after the Spirit Empire prepares some things, the Heaven Dou Empire should also be wiped out."

"Then is the time for me to return to the Spirit Empire."

Qian Renxue was looking forward to that day.

"The action is so fast, it's abominable."

Yu Xiaogang's residence.

Tang San was very angry after receiving the news about the establishment of Wuhundian.

Besides, what made Tang San most angry was that the Spirit Hall actually possessed such powerful power.

In this way, when and how will he be able to take revenge.

Subconsciously, Tang San looked at his teacher Yu Xiaogang. .

If you want to gain strength in a short time, there is only that way.

"Little San, why are you looking at the teacher like this?" Yu Xiaogang asked puzzled.

"It's nothing, teacher, I want to go out for a walk."

"Well, go, just remember to come back at night."


Tang San left, Yu Xiaogang stared at his back, eyes full of love.

In Lanba Academy, all the girls are gathered.

The establishment of the Wuhun Empire by Wuhundian surprised them.

So fast, completely beyond imagination.

Even Liu Erlong is the same.

She also left the customs this morning, and her soul power had reached level ninety. As soon as she came out, she heard that the Spirit Empire had been established.

At the same time, so many forces from the two empires surrendered to join the Wuhun Empire, she couldn't believe it.

Not only her, but also Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Zhixing, Ye Lingling, Zhu Qingyun and others.

"I didn't expect her to move so fast."

"Yes, but the Hall of Spirits already possesses the strength to unify the mainland, if she really unifies, it might be a good thing."

"That's true. At that time, there will be no divisions between those empires and countries, and the common people will no longer have to suffer from wars. Moreover, as the holy place for soul masters in the world, the Wuhun Palace will only have a better future."

The women made an analysis and found that no matter from which point of view, it is a good thing for Wuhundian to dominate the mainland.

And Bibi Dong has a special relationship with Gu Ye.

Gu Ye has already supported Bibi Dong, which shows that Gu Ye has already agreed with Bibi Dong to rule the mainland.

And they all believed in Gu Ye.

Therefore, they look forward to the day when Wuhundian dominates the mainland.

In the next few days, Wuhundian made many actions one after another, which made the two empires startled and angry.

But in Tiandou City, Gu Ye didn't pay much attention to it.

He still lives his own life, practicing, going to the medical clinic to treat the common people, and living with everyone in the Lanba Academy.

But today, Xiao Wu suddenly asked Gu Ye to come out.

The relationship between Gu Ye and Xiao Wu became closer and naturally he would not reject her.

And at this time, Xiao Wu has fully grown, and it looks like it will be five years later, which is too beautiful to behold.

On the street, Xiao Wu was next to Gu Ye, bouncing and talking about various things, very happy.

"Gu Ye, I understand."

"what do you know?"

"Or what, the matter between you and Zhuqing. I really can't imagine that Gu Ye, you are so bad, you actually did something to your own disciple." Xiao Wu looked at Gu Ye with a smile, and didn't seem to care at all.

Gu Ye smiled, seeing that Xiao Wu didn't care about it, instead he seemed to be teasing himself, so he immediately pulled Xiao Wu into his arms, and carefully looked at Xiao Wu's delicate face.

"Then Xiao Wu, now that you know, what will you do?"


Before Xiao Wu finished speaking, Gu Ye bit off Xiao Wu's plump little mouth.

To be honest, at first Gu Ye was not interested in Xiao Wu, but now Xiao Wu looks really good, with slender jade legs, pink and delicate face, and the feeling of blushing slightly when shy is really good. Tempting, and most importantly, Gu Ye found a person not far away.

That's right, it was Tang San.

Although Gu Ye guessed that Tang San would definitely come to Tiandou City, he didn't expect him to come so fast and be met by him.

Killing Tang Hao before, he and Tang San were always destined to become enemies, so Gu Ye naturally wanted to kill Tang San too.

But for some unknown reason at this time, Gu Ye suddenly became interested and wanted to have a good taste of Xiao Wu.

Especially in front of Tang San.

And the moment Xiao Wu was kissed by Gu Ye, her face turned pink.

She didn't dislike Gu Ye, because she and Gu Ye had a special relationship, even if she knew that Gu Ye and Zhu Zhuqing were like that, she still didn't dislike him, and even had a feeling that she wanted to join.

Because Xiao Wu had heard Zhu Zhuqing say that Gu Ye was too powerful, she couldn't stand it alone.

And Xiao Wu has a special relationship with Gu Ye, so she naturally wants to feel how powerful Gu Ye is.

So much so that at this moment, Xiao Wu took the initiative to hold Gu Ye's neck, and entered into a passionate kiss with him.

On the street, Gu Ye and Xiao Wu had already reached a remote corner, basically only three or two people.

When the three or two pedestrians saw such a beautiful woman as Gu Ye and Xiao Wu kissing passionately in the street, they could only envy them.

Tang San, who came not far away, saw Gu Ye for a moment, without thinking, he hid his identity, avoided and observed Gu Ye at the same time.

But seeing the woman who kissed Gu Ye passionately in the street, Tang San was stunned.

Xiao Wu.

How could it be Xiao Wu.

his sister.

How could his favorite woman kiss Gu Ye passionately in the street?

Didn't Xiao Wu go back to the Star Dou Great Forest?

Didn't she say that she was waiting for her in the Star Dou Forest?

Why are you here, still with Gu Ye.

In front of his face, kissed passionately.

The anger of being cheated and the anger of being green flooded Tang San's mind.

He wished he could go out and question Xiao Wu immediately.

Why is it like this with Gu Ye.

He wished he could go out and kill Gu Ye immediately to take revenge for his father's murder.

But the last trace of reason told him.

Can't do that.

He is not yet Gu Ye's opponent, he must hold back.

Even if he sees the woman he likes with his own eyes, he will be green in person.

Then, Tang San saw a scene full of anger.

After Gu Ye and Xiao Wu kissed, they saw an alley not far away, and walked in without hesitation.

No, it should be Gu Ye hugging Xiao Wu, and Xiao Wu tightly hugging Gu Ye's neck, hanging on his body, the two of them kissed all the way into the alley.

In the alley, the light is dim and the location is remote, and basically no one sees it.

But Tang San has the Purple Demon Eye, although the distance is a bit far, he can see clearly.

His sister, the woman he likes, had a deep relationship with Gu Ye.

In the alley, Xiao Wu was leaning against the wall, hugging Gu Ye's neck, looking at Gu Ye blushing, a little shy.

"Gu Ye, you... why are you treating me like this? If Zhuqing finds out, she will definitely be angry." Xiao Wu said shyly.

"Then we don't let Zhuqing know, can't we? And last time, Xiao Wu, I really miss you."

The last time...was it the deal with Gu Ye, and the help of Gu Ye in the carriage. Is that so?
Xiao Wu blushed like fire.

But still the default.

Then, the somewhat emotional Xiao Wu took the initiative to kiss her.

In the alley, the light was dim to cover up the situation, but no one saw Xiao Wu's initiative.

But for Tang San who had the Purple Demon Eyes, he could see clearly.

His younger sister, Xiao Wu was too proactive towards Gu Ye.

It's not like being forced at all, it's more like being in love with each other, and when the love is strong, it needs to explode.

The two were actually in the alley and broke out.

Tang San was furious.

He stared at him with the Purple Demon Eyes.

Staring at this scene.

But he can only endure.

"Gu Ye, just wait for me, and I will definitely make you repay twice."

"Now, although I don't have the strength, I can't beat you, but I have the magic test, I can quickly become stronger, and I will make you pay back twice."

"And Xiao Wu, why did you cheat."

"I'll also let you know what the price of deceiving me is."

Tang San gritted his teeth.

At this moment, he became obsessed with becoming stronger.

In order to become stronger, he cannot die.

Never die.

So he decided to start the second divine test.

In order to become stronger, he would not hesitate to do what he did to his teacher Yu Xiaogang.

It's all about revenge.

Tang San heard some painful voices, it was from his favorite Xiao Wu.

He watched because it was building his anger.

At the time of the outbreak, he will let the two get the price of the application.

Tang San thought that Gu Ye hadn't noticed him, and peeked at Gu Ye and Xiao Wu not far away.

However, what Tang San didn't know was that Gu Ye had not only discovered him.

It is even more intentional to provoke him, to see if he can bear it, and if he will desperately seek revenge on him.

However, to Gu Ye's disappointment, Tang San didn't leave, and even peeked at him and Xiao Wu's Qieyu Stealing Beads.

Gu Ye sneered.

Since Tang San likes to peek, let him peek enough.

In the alley, after Gu Ye made a simple cover, he and Xiao Wu cut jade and stole beads.

For Xiao Wu's slender legs, Gu Ye has long been a little moved.

Apart from her long legs, Xiao Wu is also an extremely charming beauty.

The body is delicate and beautiful.

Yu Xiaogang's residence.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang was sitting on the dressing table, looking at his delicate self with a smile.

"Oh, Xiaosan will definitely talk about me when she comes back."

"However, my mistress said, that's great."

Yu Xiaogang continued to do his own thing.

For him now, Tang San was everything to him, it was him who survived.

So much so that he has forgotten about the recent affairs of Wuhundian.

Only disciple Tang San was thinking about in his heart.

I want Tang San to see his most beautiful scene.

For this reason, he went out of his way to find someone to learn from.

"Well, I don't know when Xiaosan will come back."

Yu Xiao was just looking forward to it, really looking forward to the return of his apprentice.

Then compliment him.

The next second, the door rang.

Yu Xiaogang thought it was Tang San who had come back, and ran out without hesitation, still calling Xiaosan Xiaosan.

However, when he opened the door and saw the person outside, he was taken aback for a moment.

Not his mistress, but Flender.

When Flender saw Yu Xiaogang's appearance, he was directly confused.

Tiandou Royal Academy was fine today, so he wanted to visit his good friend Yu Xiaogang.

Although Yu Xiaogang has changed, he has been a good friend for many years, if he doesn't come and have a look, he can't justify it.

But seeing it now, he regretted it.

He shouldn't have come.

He's going to throw up.

"Sorry, I went to the wrong place."

Flender said, and left directly.

However, Yu Xiaogang called Flender: "Flender, wait a minute, I have a question for you."

Hearing this enchanting voice, Flender held back his nausea and stopped, "What's the problem?"

Yu Xiaogang posed coquettishly, showing a smile that he thought was pretty: "Do you think I'm beautiful?"

Flender's face immediately darkened.

Beautiful, so beautiful.

It was so beautiful that he was about to throw up.

He shouldn't be here, it was a mistake to come here.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang was also a mistake.

He didn't know how long it would take him to heal today's nausea.

He left without looking back.

He knew that Yu Xiaogang was hopeless.

As for brothers or something.

He will not recognize him again, after all Yu Xiaogang is no longer his brother.

He was even worried about being missed by Yu Xiaogang.

"It's really scary, Yu Xiaogang, Yu Xiaogang, you make me feel sick."

"Fortunately Erlong didn't follow you, otherwise."

Flender shook his head and left to go home.

In the alley, I don't know how much time has passed.

Xiao Wu still hugged Gu Ye.

Now she has no strength at all.

"Gu Ye, let's open a room, I"

"Okay, let's open a room."

There are indeed some things that cannot be used here.

Since Tang San is going to be green, let's be more green.

But why did Tang San keep watching, but didn't see him make a move?
Could it be that he was used to being green?

Have a penchant for being green?
Gu Ye smirked, found a hotel with Xiao Wu in his arms, and opened a room.

And Tang San actually followed up, and opened a room next to Gu Ye and Xiao Wu.

This scene Tang San thought was hidden, but it did not escape Gu Ye's eyes.

Gu Ye seriously suspected that Tang San had a habit of being cheated on.

In order to test it, Gu Ye intentionally talked with Xiao Wu in the room.

Then, Gu Ye confirmed that Tang San was just used to being green, so he got the habit of being green.

That being the case, Gu Ye had no choice but to let Tang San be greened thoroughly.

In the next room, Tang San blushed like a tide.

He clenched his fists tightly, unable to vent his anger.

He followed on purpose.

The purpose is to identify the last trace, and to use this matter to spur himself to let himself know that Gu Ye is his great enemy. In order to take revenge, he must: become stronger, strong enough to kill Gu Ye.

Now Tang San has confirmed that his Xiao Wu has betrayed him and fell into Gu Ye's arms.

From this moment on, Xiao Wu will no longer be his sister, nor does he have such a sister.

Tang San left, he left the hotel room with hatred.

In the next room, Xiao Wu was already tired and fell asleep.

Gu Ye looked at Xiao Wu, covered her with a quilt, left a message, and quietly followed Tang San.

Let Tang San watch such a big scene just now, how could he let him leave like this casually.

And as an enemy, even though Gu Ye played tricks on Tang San, the enemy should be killed and he must be killed.

Now that I have encountered it, how can I let it go easily.

And Gu Ye guessed that now Tang San should be looking for Yu Xiaogang.

If it was true, then it wouldn't be a bad idea for both master and apprentice to be wiped out together.

Leaving the hotel Tang San didn't know that Gu Ye had followed.He thought that Gu Ye was still immersed in the beauty of his little sister Xiao Wu and couldn't extricate himself.

Now he has pain on his face, remorse on his face, hatred on his face, and more

The obsession with becoming stronger.

"Master, I'm sorry, but I have to do that."

Tang San's eyes were firm.

He has already decided to do something special to his teacher Yu Xiaogang.

In order to survive, but also to become stronger.

He has to do it.

He walked back to the residence of his teacher Yu Xiaogang step by step, and he was in the midst of a battle between heaven and man.

He was thinking, what should he do to his teacher Yu Xiaogang later?
Is it the same as Gu Ye did to Xiao Wu?
Do not!
Xiao Wu was enjoying Gu Ye's affection at that time.

If he treats his teacher Yu Xiaogang like that, he will definitely not be able to bear it.

Unknowingly, Tang San recalled the unhappiness of dying.

At that time, he was unable to extricate himself from the aphrodisiac of unhappiness in his body.

Bu Le also took an aphrodisiac.

The two didn't even know each other at first, they both thought that the other was a woman, so they started to detoxify.

Tang San still clearly remembered that Bule was really powerful back then.

It turned out that he who was unconscious was awakened by the pain.

At that time, he had a kind of resistance in his heart, feeling disgusted, angry, feeling
In the end, after the aphrodisiac had been dispelled and Bule was raped for several hours, he killed Bule with his clear consciousness.

Thinking back now, Tang San suddenly realizes that he is not disgusting anymore.

There is even an inexplicable sense of excitement.

And after making up his mind, he inexplicably looked forward to what he would do to his teacher Yu Xiaogang later.

This strange feeling made Tang San very strange, but what he didn't know was.

Since he obtained the inheritance of the God of Chaos, the divine power of Chaos has gradually affected him.

So much so that his whole body began to become chaotic and strange.

"Strange, how come there is a special energy in Tang San's body?"

Gu Ye couldn't understand following Tang San.

That energy is very special, somewhat similar to that in Bibi Dong's body.

But there are also differences.

After Gu Ye felt it again, he suddenly thought of something.

"Divine power, did he obtain the divine test?"

Gu Ye was startled.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Tang San would still have such an opportunity.

Can it be said that it is worthy of being the protagonist?

But Tang San's divine power was not strong enough, very weak.

It should have just passed the God Examination.

"It seems that Tang San must be killed. Otherwise, it will be difficult to make him a god."

To extinguish the danger, it seems that we have to do it later.

But don't worry, let Tang San find his teacher Yu Xiaogang now, and kill them together later.

Gu Ye sneered, and followed closely behind Tang San.

With Gu Ye's current title Douluo's strength, it is naturally impossible for Tang San to find out.

It was just like this, he followed Tang San, and soon came outside a residence.

Once outside, Gu Ye sensed Yu Xiaogang inside.

Knowing that the master and apprentice were all there, Gu Ye sneered and wanted to kill them both.

But the next moment, Gu Ye paused.

He stared blankly at Yu Xiaogang who came out.

"Little San, you are back."

Yu Xiaogang from the room ran out with a smile on his face.

The moment he saw Tang San, he quickly ran towards him.

Like a fledgling in the forest, it came before Tang San.

And Tang San, with a hint of evil on his face, held Yu Xiaogang's hand and chatted intimately with Yu Xiaogang, and the two walked into the room like this.

Gu Ye was stunned by this strange and intimate scene.

These two masters and apprentices are not ordinary!

Now that they are really going to get together, Gu Ye is dumbfounded.

In order to find out, Gu Ye hid himself.

He really wanted to see what kind of commotion this pair of master and apprentice would make.

(End of this chapter)

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