National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 1000 Esdeath, strength rating A-level!

Sayu and Iyeas also left with Tazmi.

It wouldn't hurt if Ye Xiaoruo followed.

But the Night Raid Killers didn't want to see him, so why should he bother himself?

He can understand this.

Tazmi’s protagonist’s halo effect is stunning.

Another point is that Tazmi's swordsmanship is extremely extraordinary.

With a gem like Tazmi in front of him, how could Ye Rai possibly fall in love with him?

"Today you are ignoring me, but I will make it impossible for you to reach me tomorrow."

Ye Xiao muttered.

Now, he is also preparing to leave this villa and manor.

So many people died.

The empire's special security organization, the Hunters, will definitely come to your door soon.


Ye Xiao was a step too late after all.

He was just getting ready to leave the manor.

An unexpected guest arrived.

She has beautiful black hair, a pretty face, and black eyes.

She also wore a long knife at her waist.

It was almost a meet-and-greet.

Ye Xiao recognized the girl's identity.

Black pupil!

Chitong’s sister!

The main member of the Hunter!

When he was young, he and his sister were sold to the imperial agency and received assassination training.

"Sir, I think you want to come with me."

The black pupil showed a faint smile.

She looked harmless.

But in fact, this girl's strength is amazing.

Heitong possesses the Teigu, and his strength rating is at least B-level, which is not something Ye Xiao can fight against now.

"I am willing to cooperate with you and accept the investigation."

Ye Xiao responded, but felt helpless in his heart.

This little actor is really unreliable.

This is not.

A crisis has arrived.

If he can't get through this crisis.

Then, the 1000 billion investment in the investment will be wasted.

If so.

The investment world in "Prehistoric" will not belong to him.

Sure enough, investment is risky and investment must be done with caution.

Ye Xiao secretly complained in his heart, but his mind was quickly looking for a countermeasure.

Shortly after.

Ye Xiao was taken to prison.

A line of text message quickly appeared in Ye Xiao's field of vision.

[Investment stock Lake, was arrested and imprisoned, lost 100 billion investment magic coins]

When seeing such a text message, Ye Xiao really wanted to curse.

Going to jail and losing tens of billions of investment coins!

It took him a long time to calm down.

After a blink of an eye.

In a dimly lit interrogation room.

Heitong interrogated Ye Xiao personally.

Heitong originally wanted to use some punishment methods, but unexpectedly, Ye Xiao confessed honestly.

In short, Ye Xiao pushed everything to the night attack killer group.

And he was just an innocent man.

"Night attack!"

Black Eyes clenched her teeth, and she seemed to hate the night attack killer group.

Because of night attacks, there has been a lot of turmoil in the empire recently.

She hates night raids!

Afterwards, Ye Xiao was not acquitted, but was temporarily imprisoned.

This made Ye Xiao's heart feel cold.

Sure enough, once you are in prison, it is really difficult to get out.

There were three prisoners in the cell he was in.

These three people are all born with strong backs and strong waists, and are tall and strong.

Regarding Ye Xiao's arrival, all three of them showed a wise smile.

They are about to have a little brother who will serve tea and water.

"Boy, please hide your clothes!"

A scarred man as strong as an ox showed a malicious expression.

The other two people were lying on the wooden bed, their eyes half-closed, and they didn't speak.


Suddenly, Ye Xiao smiled and couldn't help laughing.

Facing Heitong, he was a little afraid, but facing these ruffians, did he still need to be afraid?

"Boy, why are you laughing?"

The scarred man had a serious face.

Ye Xiao was too lazy to talk nonsense and just took action.

About half a quarter of an hour later.

Ye Xiao lay comfortably on the bed, while the other three inmates in the cell stood silently aside.

They looked horrified and trembled.

Ye Xiao's skills are really great.

The three of them are all good at robbing families and homes, and they have all killed people, and their skills are also very good.

However, even the three of them couldn't do anything to Ye Xiao.

"Stand up straighter!"

Ye Xiao was smiling all over his face, but he was in a good mood.

After cleaning up three inmates, he actually made a profit of 1 million investment coins.

Later life in prison.

Ye Xiao lived a life of eating and drinking.

Because many people in the prison who wanted to deal with him were dealt with by him personally.

And, from time to time, he recorded profits.

to now.

Less than seven days.

In prison, he made more than 10 billion in profits by dealing with short-sighted criminals.

"Boss Ye, you prepare food first."

"Boss Ye, I'll give you this chicken leg."

"Boss Ye, are you still missing a younger brother?"


These criminals all want to please him and make friends with him.

Ye Xiao laughed it off.

This is prison.

Whoever has the biggest fist is the boss!

that night.

Ye Xiao was about to lie on the bed and fall asleep.

Unexpectedly, soldiers guarding the prison came to take him away.

He asked the soldiers why they took him away.

The soldier just shook his head and had no idea at all.

Shortly after.

Ye Xiao revisited his old place and returned to the interrogation room again.

I saw Heitong again.

"Do you really think that the prison is your home? You have been really domineering in prison these days!"

The black eyes were cold, but she also learned what Ye Xiao had done.

After learning about it, she was a little angry.

The other criminals were imprisoned and all were fawning.

But Ye Xiao has been dealing with people.

In just a few days, he has become a prison bully!

"I don't dare to be arrogant, I'm just protecting myself!"

Ye Xiao forced a smile on his face.

In the past few days, he has also been practicing hard.

In terms of strength, he has improved a lot.

However, the strength rating is only C level.

However, judging from the progress of his strength growth, reaching B level is definitely not far away.

"Someone wants to see you."

Suddenly, Heitong said something out of nowhere.

"who is it?"

A curious look flashed across Ye Xiao's eyes.

Black Eyes remained silent.

"Da da da!"

The sound of footsteps echoed in Ye Xiao's ears.

Ye Xiao subconsciously looked up.

A tall figure walked into the interrogation room.

She has gorgeous long silver-blue hair, a pair of deep ice-blue eyes, and a beautiful and delicate face.

She exudes a domineering aura.

How could Ye Xiao fail to recognize such a young woman with a proud figure.

The opponent is not the strongest general in the empire, Esdeath.

Ye Xiao's eyes were even more subconsciously focused on Esdeath's chest.

Where can I see a bloody mark?

This mark means that Esdeath possesses the extremely terrifying Demonic Essence of the Ice Emperor.

in the Legends.

This imperial tool is made from the blood of a super dangerous species in the far north, and it has always been kept in a pot. Everyone who drank it went crazy without exception.

But what about Esdeath?

This is a madman, she actually drank all the blood in the pot and drank it all!

"That's why I want to see you."

"It would be a pity if someone like you died."

"You should join the Hunters."

Esdeath showed a bright smile and extended an invitation to Ye Xiao.


A look of surprise appeared on Ye Xiao's face.

He never expected that Esdeath would invite him to join the Hunters.

Why is this?


Ye Xiao asked.

"I have investigated you. You were originally an ordinary weapons shop owner, but one day your fate changed."

"The investors must have helped you, right?"

A look of surprise flashed across Esdeath's eyes.

As far as she knew.

Investors will help those with potential.

That is, the hero, heroine or some important supporting characters in those story novels.

Ye Xiao did not show any surprise at Esdeath's understanding of the investors.

As an important villain in "The Crimson Eye", Esdeath must have investors.

I'm afraid Esdeath's current strength is even more terrifying.

"Yes, I am willing to join the Hunters."

Ye Xiao replied.

"Okay! Hunter welcomes you to join us!"

A smile of joy appeared on Esdeath's delicate face.

[Invest in stock Lake, join the Hunter, make a profit of 200 billion investment magic coins]

A text message appeared in Ye Xiao's field of vision.

Another profit of 20 billion investment coins!

This made Ye Xiao very happy.

But, is joining the Hunters a good thing or a bad thing?

Ye Xiao was not sure about this either.

But it doesn't matter.

In this world of "Crimson Eyes", he will never lose everything!

In a blink of an eye.

Esdeath decided to personally examine Ye Xiao's abilities.

"Don't you have mastered the Teigu?"

Esther raised her eyebrows slightly.

Ye Xiao shook his head.

Then, the two sides fought.

Just a moment.

Ye Xiao was defeated.

A terrifying force of ice froze his hands and feet, making him completely unable to move.


Esdeath's pretty face was full of questions.


She was disappointed.

I thought it was a wise move to invite Ye Xiao to join the Hunters.

He didn't expect that the other party would be so weak.

The strength rating may only be C level.

At this level, I'm afraid it won't take long for him to die in battle.

"The investors who invested in you really have no vision."

A look of disgust appeared on Esdeath's pretty face.

Then, Esdeath, wearing a pair of long white leather combat boots, left.

Ye Xiao's face darkened.

His C-level strength is not considered weak.

Well, compared to Esdeath, it's really incomparable.

"It seems that you are destined to be the weakest person among the hunters in the future."

Heitong, who had been silent all along, spoke.

Ye Xiao shrugged, too lazy to talk to Heitong.

three days later.

Esdeath personally summoned the hunters to gather.

Because, the night attack killer group has committed another evil act!

"Don't let the prey escape!"

Esdeath ordered.

Soon, the hunters were dispatched.

However, this operation also ended in failure.

When they rushed there, the night attack killer group had long disappeared.

Ye Xiao lamented this, and the plot began to change beyond recognition.

The intervention of investors changed the plot significantly.

Even he is a little uncertain about the future direction.

"Damn Night Raid, he ran so fast!"

Every hunter member has a ferocious look in his eyes.

Ye Xiao, on the other hand, looked calm and unmoved.

But there was also a young man who took the initiative to talk to Ye Xiao.

The young man's name is Will and he is handsome.

"As a hunter, our situation is very dangerous. Your strength is too weak. You should apply to General Esdeath to withdraw from the hunter."

Will had a worried look on his face.

It seems that he does not want to see his companions die.

In his opinion, Ye Xiao was the weakest.

I'm afraid there will really be a conflict with the night attack killer group.

Ye Xiao will be the first to die.

The rest of the Night Raid members nodded frequently, especially agreeing with Will's words.

Heitong ignored these people and ate some desserts silently, looking like a complete foodie.

Ye Xiao couldn't help but laugh.


These hunter members are so arrogant!

Everyone thinks they are very capable!

But no matter how strong the individual's strength is, it is not as strong as the strength of the group.

Based on the performance of the Hunter members, Ye Xiao was confident that they would be able to fight against the night attack killer group.

The hunter members could only fail miserably.


When Ye Xiao saw Esdeath again, he put forward his own suggestions.

He wants to form another team of hunters himself!


Esdeath's face was full of astonishment, and she couldn't agree with Ye Xiao's words.

In the end, Ye Xiao's proposal could only be rejected.

For this, Ye Xiao was very helpless.

This bit player really hits a wall in everything he does.


Ye Xiao then stayed quietly at the hunter headquarters, no longer going out, no longer wasting time, and developing silently.


The night attack killer group and the hunter members continued to fight, but neither side had a winner.

There were even no casualties.

Ye Xiao is not surprised by this. As long as investors intervene, you can be resurrected with full health even if you are on the verge of death.

Ye Xiao did not participate in these battles.

His behavior did not arouse Esdeath's dissatisfaction.

Because in the eyes of Esdeath, including the other hunter members, Ye Xiao is too weak, and if he joins the battle, it might be a disservice.

a time.

Ye Xiao is like a transparent person among the hunters, no one pays attention to him at all.

Three months have passed.

Ye Xiao's strength rating increased steadily.

Up to now.

His strength rating reaches A level!

Although it is not yet invincible.

But his strength cannot be underestimated.

this day.

Esdeath summoned the hunter members to assemble.

Ye Xiao came to the scene just to check in and leave.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, Ye Xiao saw that the situation was a little different.

Will is hurt!

Black Eyes is also injured!

The other hunter members were also injured!

"You are so disappointed in me!"

Esdeath's pretty face was as cold as ice, and there was a sharp look in her eyes.

The hunter members all lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

"You only know how to fight on your own and don't know how to cooperate, so you will be defeated by the night attack."

Esdeath's face turned pale.

Ye Xiao, who was watching all this silently, was also a little surprised by Esdeath's performance.

I didn't expect these words to come out of this woman's mouth.

After some preaching.

Esdeath inadvertently noticed Ye Xiao.

"As for you, you are too weak, please leave the hunter!"

For Ye Xiao, she could only be disappointed.

Strength rating C level!

There is no qualification to join the Hunters! (End of chapter)

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