Chapter 134 Li Shimin is at stake!
Soon, the student assembly ended.

The students in each class also said goodbye to each other.

In the future, each will have their own paths, and I don't know when we will be able to continue to meet.

After saying goodbye to his classmates, Ye Xiao silently left the classroom, also wanting to say goodbye to the class teacher Zhang Guofei.

In Zhang Guofei's teacher's dormitory building, he waited for a while.

Ye Xiao also noticed Zhang Guofei's arrival.


he shouted.

"Ye Xiao, what's the matter?"

Zhang Guofei's expression was calm.

"Teacher, I'm here to say goodbye to you."

Ye Xiao said, and couldn't help asking, "If you want to seize this opportunity to become a four-star extraordinary investor, will it endanger your life, teacher?"

"Who's right?"

Zhang Guofei gave an ambiguous answer.

Then, after saying goodbye to Ye Xiao briefly, he hurriedly packed his luggage and set off.

It seems that this opportunity is very urgent.

After seeing Zhang Guofei leave, Ye Xiao felt a little complicated.

I don't know when I will be able to see Zhang Guofei again.

With a slightly disappointed mood, Ye Xiao arrived at home unknowingly.

Now, the entire Ye family is full of joy and laughter.

No matter how tiring and hard the work is, Ye's father and Ye's mother feel that the work is very easy.

Because their son is promising.

"Xiao'er, when does Shuguang Mansion start school? Do I need to prepare those daily necessities?"

It seems that because Ye Xiao went out for the first time, Ye's mother was also very worried about it, even worrying about small things like daily necessities.

"Mom, it's still a long time before Shuguang Academy starts. Besides, we don't need to prepare daily necessities, as Shuguang Academy has already arranged them for me."

Ye Xiao explained helplessly.

"The treatment of the highest institutions of higher learning is really different."

Father Ye, who was reading the newspaper, said something.

this day.

Ye Xiaozhen is completely famous in Longdu!
As the only student in Longdu who was admitted and recommended by Shuguang University.

The news reports about Ye Xiao were also one after another, and even many reporters visited the Shen family to interview Ye Xiao.

For such a thing, Ye Xiao was very distressed, and also asked Ye's father and Ye's mother to drive away the reporter.

He doesn't give interviews.

Big trees attract the wind, but people should keep a low profile.

Fortunately, most people's attention still falls on the investment world "Late Sui".

Now that it's closed.

Then, it means that "The End of Sui Dynasty" is about to end.

This world is destined to be the world of Li Tang.

Ye Xiao became concerned about Fang Bai, the investor shareholder.

I don't know how Dongfangbai is progressing now.

[Real-time text observation Dongfangbai]

【Dongfang Bai completed the task time after time brilliantly】

[Ren Woxing promotes Dongfang Bai to deputy leader]

[Eastern Invincible Achievement Sun Moon God Religion Deputy Leader, causing shock in the world]

"Dongfang Bai, not bad! I have finally become the deputy leader, and the next step is to take the position of leader!"

Ye Xiao is very satisfied, Dongfang Bai is progressing very well.

[Real-time video observation of Dongfang Bai]

【Real-time video playback】

What came into Ye Xiao's field of vision was a large hall.

Sandalwood, which has a calming effect, is also lit in the hall.

A burly middle-aged man sat on the main seat.

He is mighty and unsmiling.

Ye Xiao can tell at a glance that this person is just letting me do what I want.

In front of Ren Woxing, stood a person.

This person has a fair face and is dressed in men's clothes.

She is not Dongfang Bai.

"Dongfang Bubai, now you are the deputy leader of my Sun Moon God Sect, and you will continue to work hard for the Sun Moon God Sect in the future. Don't let me down."

Ren Woxing's tone was cold, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I will never let the leader down."

Dongfang Bai's tone was sonorous and powerful, and his voice was disguised as a masculine voice.

"Well, let's go."

Ren Woxing waved his hand, signaling Dongfang Bai to leave.

For a moment.

Ye Xiao always felt that Ren Woxing of the Sun Moon God Religion seems to be more different from Ren Woxing in the original book, it seems that the temperament is more stable, and it seems that the cultivation base is more unpredictable.

As soon as he walked out of the hall, many beads of sweat appeared on Dongfang's fair forehead.

Even after returning to an antique house, Dongfang Bai drank a few sips of warm water, as if he wanted to suppress the panic in his heart.

"Dongfang Bai, what happened, you are so flustered?"

That mysterious voice suddenly sounded.

If facing outsiders, Dongfang Bai would definitely hide something, but she trusts this voice inexplicably.

"The director of the Sun Moon God Sect seems to have doubts about me. He doubts my loyalty to the Sun Moon God Sect, and also suspects that I want to seek power and usurp the throne."

Dongfang Bai had a solemn expression.

This letting go seems to be getting harder and harder to handle.

Ye Xiao understood instantly.

Definitely for investors' sake.

There must be investors behind Ren Woxing to help.

"Keep waiting, wait for the opportunity, and don't expose yourself."

Ye Xiao exhorted.


Dongfang Bai nodded.

He didn't say anything more, but began to practice.

Now, she has 100 points of martial arts talent and 100 points of martial arts comprehension.

Practicing martial arts and the martial arts taught by that mysterious master is really a rapid progress.

Her embroidery needle skills have also improved to a higher level!

Really hardworking enough.

Cultivation madman!
Ye Xiao sighed in his heart.

He didn't bother Dongfang Bai anymore, and quickly checked Dongfang Bai's income.

[Real-time settlement investment stocks - [Jianghu] Dongfangbai]

[Investment amount: 11 million Hongjing]

[Profit and loss event record of investment stocks]


[Dongfang Bai completed the task well and earned 10 orange crystals]

[Dongfang Bai became the deputy leader, earning a profit of 60 orange crystals]

[Dongfang Bai became the deputy leader, causing shocks in the world, and made a profit of 30 orange crystals]

[Real-time profit and loss: profit 100 orange crystals]

Follow up with 10 billion red crystals!
Sure enough, the effect is extraordinary.

In the past, orange crystal profits were single digits, but now.

All are tens.

Easy profit 100 orange crystals!

"This feeling of lying down and earning orange crystals is quite comfortable."

Ye Xiao showed a satisfied expression.

Extract the orange crystals directly.

This also makes him currently have a total of 140 orange crystals in his asset account!

Longdu, Shen's consortium.

In his own office, Shen Tianfeng really had a cigarette dangling from his mouth.

There was a very melancholy expression on his face.

"Investing in the world one after another is very fast. However, these Western powerhouses actually used such despicable methods in the previous national investment to besiege the extraordinary investor of our Dragon Kingdom—Yeshen, he is a The eight-star extraordinary investor fell into this national war just like that."

On Shen Tianfeng's mature face, there was a look of regret.

The female secretary Yao Shi in a black dress standing beside him also felt sorry for Ye Shen.

After becoming an investor, she deeply understood how difficult it is to become an eight-star extraordinary investor.

"Ye Shen, I'm still a little too impulsive. It's just that it's impossible not to be impulsive. Our Dragon Kingdom must win. In the investment of the previous national war, we have lost many times, which has seriously damaged our Dragon Kingdom's vitality."

Shen Tianfeng sighed, "This time the investment world of the Battle of the Nation actually chose a world of weird and thrilling type. I don't know what kind of world I will choose next time. Is it still a weird world, or a world full of gods and Buddhas? Or ask Dao seeks immortals? Or other types of worlds?"

Yao Shi didn't speak, this kind of topic was too far away from her.

"I don't want to worry about the sky, just eat carrots and don't worry about it. Such a national war is not something that a small person like me can worry about."

Shen Tianfeng laughed at himself.

In the face of a national war, even if he is the top leader of the Shen's consortium, he is still insignificant to the point of insignificance.

The battle of the whole country, this competition is not only the ability of extraordinary investors, but also a shocking investment!
The amount of investment is terrifying to the point of unimaginable.

"What's the matter? Has our Shen's consortium injected all the funds into Li Shimin?"

Shen Tianfeng asked again.

"Well, everything is done according to your orders, Mr. Shen."

Female secretary Yao Shi nodded solemnly.

Shen Tianfeng also quickly checked his national system.

His face also gradually darkened.

"Bronze-level investment in the world [Jianghu], Ren Woxing is too conceited and arrogant. I have reminded him many times. Dongfang Bubai has ulterior motives and wants to destroy Dongfang Bubai as soon as possible. But you know how he Say? He said that he doesn't need me to intervene in his affairs, and I will make irresponsible remarks."

Shen Tian was so angry that he was about to burst into flames, "He is really an extremely conceited and arrogant person."

"President Shen calm down."

Yao Shi hurriedly poured a glass of warm water for Shen Tianfeng, and also signaled Shen Tianfeng to drink the water to calm down.

"I calm down? I threw 11 billion red crystals on Ren Woxing, and I expect Ren Woxing to make money. But is he like this?"

Speaking of this matter, Shen Tianfeng became angry, even though he was able to communicate with investment stocks.

But Ren Woxing's character is too stubborn and stubborn, and his words are completely ignored.


After gulping water into his mouth, Shen Tianfeng's expression eased a lot.

"Activate the number A investment world card."

Shen Tianfeng said.

"Mr. Shen, is this too fast?"

Yao Shi was a little taken aback.

In her vision, the effect of number A investing in the world card also appeared.

Number - A
Name - Invest World Card
Description - Ability to gather intelligence on the next investing world

"It's not too fast. The investment world facing the investors of the entire Dragon Kingdom is basically controlled by us, the big family consortiums. We take turns to win and trade."

"Let's say that "The End of the Sui Dynasty" is coming to an end, and the big families in Longjing are probably the ones who have made the biggest profits this time. They have invested a lot of red crystals in Li Shimin's body."

Shen Tianfeng said in an unhurried tone, and there was a cruel taste in his words.

Investing in the world is like a game for them, the wealthy families and consortiums, and the winning or losing seems to be under their control.

On Yao Shiqiao's lively face, there was also an unbearable expression.

"There's no need to pity those people. We're just the goalkeepers of the Dragon Kingdom. We can't even make it past our level. If you want to be an investor, go ahead and dream!"

Shen Tianfeng showed a joking expression, but he seemed helpless.

Let's just say that in the last episode of "The End of the Yuan Dynasty", according to the private arrangement of these aristocratic consortia, Chen Youliang was promoted to the supreme throne.

As expected, Chen Youliang was too conceited.

There are so many smashed cards such as dream cards, morale cards, disease-free and disaster-free cards, good weather cards, etc.

However, he still lost!
It also caused their aristocratic consortia to lose a lot of Hongjing.

But it's not to the point where it hurts.

In other words, in the investment world of "The End of the Sui Dynasty", they made back all their previous losses.

"Of course, it is unavoidable that some people still try to fight against our aristocratic consortia, and want to support Wang Shichong, Dou Jiande, etc., but this kind of people will often cry without any accidents."

Shen Tianfeng said in a calm tone.

Yao Shi remained silent.

that night.

Ye Xiao has already rushed to Longdu Square, because just now he heard some rumors from Father Ye.

That is, Longdu Square will open real-time text observation and real-time video observation.

Therefore, he also wanted to take a look at what the current investment world is going through.

As he expected, Longdu Square was crowded with people.

There was a surge of people, and countless investors put on expressions of anticipation.

It is also looking forward to the emergence of the system projection screen.

They have been waiting for hours.

"Isn't it coming out yet? This projection screen?"

They were getting impatient waiting.

Many investors complained.

In such moments.

The projection screen appears.

[Real-time text observation of Li Shimin]

【Li Shimin in distress】

【The Moment of Li Shimin's Life and Death】

【Li Shimin's life hangs by a thread】


Investors couldn't help but speak foul words.

Is this how explosive it is?

If Li Shimin is really going to die.

Tomorrow, countless investors will start crying for their parents.

Even Ye Xiao's heart hangs in his throat.

He smashed 13 billion red crystals on Li Shimin.

Li Shimin really did something good or bad, Hongjing might not lose everything, but a blood loss is absolutely necessary.

It will be all right.

How could something happen to Li Shimin.

No one used rare cards on him.

Ye Xiao muttered silently in his heart.

Thinking of it this way, his heart became much calmer.

Hold on tight, don't panic!

Can win, definitely can win!
[Real-time video observation of Li Shimin]

[Li Shimin is in danger! 】

"There is still a video title. Could it be that something happened to Li Shimin? Impossible!"

Investors' nervous palms were sweating.

Son of Destiny!

If something happens, then hell!

Ye Xiao muttered something.

Suddenly, he also thought of one thing.

Rare card type number 56 deadly card.

This rare card type can plunge the investment stock character into a fatal crisis, and there is a high probability that the investment stock character will die directly.

However, he has already activated the supernatural ability Primary Level: Forbidden by the Gods, invalidating this rare card type.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiao felt relieved a lot.

Come to think of it, the crisis Li Shimin encountered this time must be related to the No. 56 fatal card.

(End of this chapter)

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