National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 146 Xuanzang traveled westward and earned 1 million red crystals at the beginning!

Chapter 146 Xuanzang traveled westward and earned 1 million red crystals at the beginning!
Wu Jue didn't dare to disobey Li Shimin's words at all, and also raised that delicate face, but when she looked at Li Shimin, her eyes flickered from time to time, showing a particularly panicked side.

Seeing such a beautiful face of hers, the investors who watched the video all murmured.

"A good cabbage will be gone!"

Ye Xiao has a calm expression on his face, Wu Jue is currently in good condition.

"Why are you so panicked? I'm not afraid."

Li Shimin's expression was calm, and his eyes were also moved away from Wu Sui.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Wu Jue said in a trembling voice.

"Your performance is worse than that of a monk. Also, you are just a girl."

Li Shimin's eyes showed a hint of reminiscence.


Wu Jue couldn't help blinking his swarthy eyes.

It seems that she is very curious, who is the monk that His Majesty is talking about?

Even the investors who watched this real-time picture stared wide-eyed.

What kind of monk is this?
who is it?

Where is it sacred?
A monk who can be remembered by Li Shimin, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, is extraordinary, right?
"This monk even dared to disobey my will. He wanted to go west to seek the scriptures, but I didn't agree. It is expected that he set off privately and rushed to the west. It seems to be going to a country called Tianzhu."

Li Shimin sighed softly, "This monk set off from Zhenguan for three years, and now eight years have passed in the blink of an eye. I don't know when this monk will be able to return to our Great Tang. Or, he has already lost his life and will never come back. "

After all, Li Shimin narrowed his eyes slightly, he was quite impressed with this monk.

"This...someone dares to violate His Majesty's will!"

The young Wu Jue's red lips were slightly parted, and her pretty face was full of surprise.

She was very surprised, this monk is really bold.

At least, she dared not go against His Majesty's will.

If she violated it, not only she would suffer disaster, but her mother would also suffer disaster.

"That's right! I can't even think of it! This monk, who set off alone like this, can he really reach Tianzhu? Can he do it?"

Li Shimin was muttering something, and he seemed to care about this monk very much.

The investors all stared round their eyes, and there is such an awesome monk, they must invest, this monk seems to be worth investing in.

"Your Majesty, good father, you should hurry up and say the name of this monk!"

Investors are looking forward to it, and their eyes are shining.

This monk can be kept in the heart of the emperor Li Shimin, which is enough to show that this monk is definitely extraordinary.

On the contrary, Ye Xiao already had the answer in his heart, and the figure of an eminent monk appeared in his mind.

"Your Majesty, who is he?"

Wu Jue asked a question that many investors praised.

"He? It's just a monk named Xuanzang."

Li Shimin's expression was calm.

However, he also hoped that one day Xuanzang would be able to retrieve the scriptures and return to the Tang Dynasty.

At that time, he will be able to have a long talk with Xuanzang all night, get to know the small countries around the Great Tang, and broaden his horizons, and maybe it will help him expand his territory.

However, can this Xuanzang come back alive?
Li Shimin thought silently in his heart.

For a moment, Wu Jue's pretty face was in a daze, and a monk dared to go west alone, which is really brave.

On the contrary, the investors also quickly checked the number of investors in the investment stock Xuanzang.

After checking this, they really almost fainted.

It has reached more than one hundred thousand people!

"I can't even eat meat, don't you even give me a mouthful of soup?"

Investors kept spitting shit out of their mouths.

"Your Majesty, I feel that Xuanzang can come back, and if there is a will, there will be a way!"

Wu Jue clenched a pair of small white fists, and had an inexplicable confidence in Xuanzang.

"Perhaps, no one can say for sure. All the way to the west, but you have to go through untold hardships and encounter countless sufferings. If he can really succeed, it will impress me."

Li Shimin's expression was calm.

that night.

Li Shimin also favored Wu Jue.

It's not yet dawn.

Li Shimin had already got up, and Wu Jue also showed a sensible side and wanted to put on clothes for Li Shimin.

"These little things can be done by the maids."

Li Shimin looked indifferent.

Wu Jue didn't dare to disobey and nodded silently.

Under the service of the maids, Li Shimin had already put on the mighty dragon robe.

However, just as he was about to go to court, his footsteps stopped for a moment.

"From now on, I will give you the name Wu Mei! Although you are young, you have a charming appearance. This name is very suitable for you. You should be a fifth-grade talent!"

Li Shimin said something, but he didn't look at Wu Jue again, no, it was Wu Mei.

It seems that in his eyes, Wu Meizhen is just a piece of clothing, which he can wear as he wants.

In this way, Li Shimin left.

"Slave and maid respectfully send your majesty."

Wu Mei also stood up, saluted quickly, and watched Li Shimin go away.

However, her eyes were a little absent-minded.

"Is this kind of life what I want?"

She muttered to herself.

Li Shimin's words and deeds also made her feel how extraordinary the emperor's power is.

Her glory, wealth, and everything about her are in Li Shimin's mind!
Perhaps, this throne, is she...

Suddenly, an extremely crazy idea appeared in Wu Mei's mind.

However, as soon as this thought came up, she dismissed it.

She shouldn't have such thoughts.

in the next days.

Wu Mei knows that Li Shimin loves calligraphy - Feibai style.

She has been practicing this calligraphy hard, hoping to win Li Shimin's favor.

"Your Majesty, what do you think of the calligraphy of this servant girl?"

When Li Shimin arrived, she also carefully placed a copybook in front of Li Shimin.

Moreover, there was a very expectant expression on her face, as if she was expecting Li Shimin to praise her a few words.


Li Shimin glanced casually, but the way he treated Wu Mei was different.

It seems that it is tired, and it seems that it is tired.

"You want to please me?"

Suddenly, Li Shimin said something.


Wu Mei, who was broken by Li Shimin's words, began to panic.

Li Shimin shook his head, as if he was also disappointed with Wu Mei, and felt that Wu Mei was no different from other women.

He didn't even spend the night in Wu Mei's bedroom this night.

"Wu Mei is such a charming woman, is she about to fall out of favor?"

"It seems quite normal to fall out of favor. A man like Li Shimin, what woman has never tried!"

"He killed a thousand swords, and now we are discussing Wu Mei?"

"Sure enough, men are not good things! Pull up your pants and deny it!"


The investors at the scene were full of astonishment, especially those female investors who completely cursed at Li Shimin.

But Ye Xiao was very calm.

Li Shimin's behavior is quite normal.

Women, in Li Shimin's eyes, are probably playthings at best.

But there is only one person who is different, this person is the eldest grandson Wugou, but it is a pity that the eldest grandson Wugou has passed away.

In the next few days, Li Shimin was busy with government affairs, so he didn't even go to see Wu Mei again.

【End of video playback】

"This is the end?"

Investors still want to see what Wu Mei will do next.

You know, there is no follow-up to this.

"Has Wu Mei fallen out of favor? By the way, the Wu Dai Li Xing mentioned by this Yuan Guoshi, shouldn't it be Wu Mei?"

"how is this possible!"

"People who think like this are absolutely crazy!"

"A woman cannot be an emperor!"


Ye Xiao remained silent, listening to the conversations of the investors around him, he didn't mean to make fun of the conversations.

Instead, I feel that if the original historical development trend is followed, it is absolutely normal for Wu Zetian to become emperor.

But now, there are too many variables.

Will those wealthy consortiums let Wu Zetian become emperor easily?
If Li Zhi survived, could Wu Zetian become emperor?


One difficult question after another emerged in his mind.

When he got home, he also checked the income of the investment stocks.

Xue Rengui, an investment stock, basically has no income and has not yet developed.

On the contrary, Li Zhi, an investment stock, benefited him hundreds of thousands of red crystals because of his studious and filial piety.

If it was before, he would definitely be satisfied with the hundreds of thousands of red crystals.

But now, hundreds of thousands of red crystals are simply not enough to fit between the teeth.

He still needs to save 10 trillion red crystals to buy the investment world of "Da Tang".

After taking a deep breath, Ye Xiao also checked Wu Mei's investment stock, this is the highlight!
[Real-time settlement investment stocks - "Wu Zhou" Wu Mei]

[Investment amount: 100 million red crystals]

[Profit and loss event record of investment stocks]


[Wu Sui entered the palace, was favored by Li Shimin, and earned 2000 million red crystals]

[Wu Sui was named Wu Mei by Li Shimin, earning 3000 million red crystals]

[Wu Mei became a fifth-grade talent with a profit of 5000 million red crystals]

[Real-time profit and loss: profit of 1 million red crystals]

"This, this, this... just earn 1 red crystals at the beginning of the game, and you can get it back in the future!"

Ye Xiao felt flattered, this No. 1 vote was really not a joke.

It's a pity that there are no special rewards or special achievements, which is a pity.

And being able to make a profit at the beginning may also be related to the amount of the first investment.

Invest 100 million red crystals at the beginning.

Like others, at the beginning, each investment stock can only invest 50 Hongjing at most.

Another point is also related to Wu Mei's status.

Wu Mei was born in a down-and-out aristocrat, but now she is favored and a fifth-grade talent in the palace. This status is completely different from before.

"Wu Mei is developing well, and the future can be expected."

Ye Xiao showed a satisfied expression on his face, but he was also a little worried.

It seems that the day when Wu Mei falls out of favor is not far away.

The emperor's heart is unpredictable!
It's so hard to be favored all the time!

It wasn't just Ye Xiao who paid attention to Wu Mei.

Wu Mei's debut also attracted the attention of countless wealthy families and investors.

It was nothing more than what Yuan Tiangang said before, and Li Xing in the Wu Dynasty made them very concerned.

Longdu, Shen's consortium.

On Shen Tianfeng's mature face, there was still an unavoidable expression of anxiety.

"Yao Shi, do you think this Wu Mei can really become the emperor? There is something about Yuan Tiangang!"

He couldn't help but speak.

"Mr. Shen, judging from Wu Mei's performance, she has absolutely no chance to be emperor."

The female secretary, Yao Shi, was wearing a black professional dress, and she also had an incredible expression on her pretty face.

This Yuan Tiangang seems to be a very powerful character.

Shen Tianfeng stopped talking, and there was a pensive look in his eyes.

Gradually, his frown was also relaxed.

"The more you think about it, the more confused you become. This Yuan Tiangang may have ability, but his ability is absolutely limited. Let's say, with the intervention of us investors, will this "Wu Zhou" still be the original Wu Zhou?"

"Everything has changed a long time ago. You know, investors have the ability to change the investment world. Even if you are the child of destiny, if you are not careful, you will die unexpectedly."

Shen Tianfeng's expression was calm.

Yao Shi didn't speak.

"But this time in "Wu Zhou", our major financial groups have already started to discuss which prince to support to take the throne, there is no such thing as Wu Mei."

Yao Shi rolled his eyes for a while, as if the reason was the same.

"This woman won't win the world after all, she shouldn't be fooled by the information provided by the system."

Shen Tianfeng sighed.

At this moment, Yao Shi received a piece of information.

Seeing this, she was slightly surprised.

"what happened?"

Shen Tianfeng asked casually, showing an extremely calm side.

"Mr. Shen, Qin Qiong, whom we invested in, is suffering from a serious illness, and his physical condition is getting worse. If the condition continues to deteriorate, Qin Qiong will undoubtedly die."

A worried expression appeared on Yao Shi's face.

"Qin Qiong is extremely brave and a fierce general. This Li Tang was able to conquer the country, and he also made great achievements in battle, but it was unexpected, but now he seems to be dying."

Shen Tianfeng sighed unceasingly, but there was also a ferocious side on his face, "This God wants to take Qin Qiong's life, and he also asks our Shen Consortium whether to agree or not!"

"Quickly judge the value of Qin Qiong's investment stock. If he is still valuable, he can also bring us benefits. Then, we can use the number 53 life extension card to prolong Qin Qiong's life. But if it is worthless, let him Go quietly."

Although, Shen Tianfeng's words sounded a bit cruel.

But Yao Shi didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

She also nodded silently and left.

Afterwards, Shen Tianfeng also got in touch with the major consortiums.

Take a look at this time, which investment stock should be appointed as the son of destiny in the investment world of "Wu Zhou".

"Then what is the child of destiny! This child of destiny is arranged."

Shen Tianfeng laughed at himself.

In the next few days.

The investment world "Wu Zhou" was calm, and nothing major happened.

On the other hand, the Bronze-level investment world [Jianghu], Dongfang Bai simply beat it through!

Killed through the martial arts arena, and became a well-known villain in the arena—Eastern Invincible!
"How many people do you have to kill to get this profit?"

Staring at the orange crystal benefits brought by Dongfang Bai, Ye Xiao's expression became a little unbelievable.

It's just because I didn't pay attention to Dongfang Bai for a few days, this woman actually brought him 1 orange crystals!
 At eight o'clock in the evening, continue for three more
(End of this chapter)

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