Chapter 153

"Father, do you think that many people are useful in today's world?"

Li Shimin asked back.

Li Yuan shook his head.

As the Supreme Emperor, he also knew that the world had changed.

That is, there is a real dragon's aura flowing in his body, but this real dragon's aura is obviously much weaker than Li Shimin's.

"Erlang, my father used to be able to shoot every arrow on the battlefield! He was so brave! Now, with the aura of a real dragon on his body, his father seems to have come back to life. His father also wants to go on the battlefield. suffer!"

Li Yuan moved his lips, showing an eager look.

He also wanted to try how powerful the power of the real dragon was.

He also wanted to kill the Turks.

These treacherous Turks deserve death.


Li Shimin felt embarrassed, he didn't want Li Yuan to be in danger, but on the other hand, he also wanted to see how strong his father was with the blessing of God.

"That's it! I'll be fine!"

Li Yuan's tone was decisive.

When the two were talking.

The Turkic army of hundreds of thousands continues to go south frantically!

Continue to press into Chang'an City!

The advancing Turkic army was like a long black dragon with an imposing manner, which caused countless smoke and dust to be swept up on the ground.

Leading such a large army, Jieli Khan, the leader of the Eastern Turks in the north, also had a smug expression on his bearded face.

"This time, Ben Khan will definitely be able to attack Chang'an City! Datang, hahaha, a newly emerging dynasty will definitely not be able to stop the iron hooves of Ben Khan's army!"

Beside Jieli Khan, there were also several tall and burly men.

These men are dressed in fancy clothes.

They are the leaders of Tongluo, Tiele and other tribes.

One of the tribal leaders couldn't help but speak.

"Khan, why didn't you burn, kill and loot the people of Tang Dynasty?"

When he said this, the rest of the people also pricked up their ears, and they were very puzzled.

These Tang people are like lambs, why are they let go so easily?

It really confuses them.


Jieli Khan snorted coldly, and glanced at the tribal leaders around him, with a hint of contempt.

"You guys have to take a long-term view! If we capture Chang'an City, then the entire Tang Dynasty will be ours. Now, the power in Chang'an City is empty, and we can only speed up the march non-stop. That can be wasted elsewhere time!"

He smiled, and his smile was full of cruelty, "Not only Chang'an City, but even the entire Central Plains are our Turkic pastures! Because we have the power bestowed by God!"

talking room.

A lifelike five-clawed golden dragon flowed on his body.

Feeling such a breath of a real dragon, the leaders of the other tribes also trembled.

"This battle must be won!"

Jieli Khan shouted, his eyes full of fighting intent.

He wants to capture Chang'an City, and he wants to realize his grand ambitions!
But half a day.

Jieli Khan's army has reached the bank of the Wei River.

He also ordered the Turkic soldiers to set up camp near the Weihe River.


Ready to attack Chang'an City!
Jieli Khan was wearing a set of black brocade robes from the Central Plains. His hair seemed disheveled, but it was braided one after another.

It may seem strange to have braided hair, but this is the habit of Turkic people.

His wolf-like eyes were also staring at the magnificent and extraordinary city behind the Weishui River—Chang'an City.

"In Chang'an City, there are a lot of gold and silver treasures, a lot of food, and many beautiful women. Chang'an, this is the most prosperous city in the Central Plains. But in the future, Chang'an City will be the home of our Turkic people."

Jieli Khan muttered to himself.

After all, he laughed out loud, the smile was extraordinarily rampant, and it also revealed a taste of lawlessness.

Another day, morning.

"Dong dong!"

The Turkic army beat drums, horns sounded, and the army assembled.

Li Shimin, who was in Chang'an City, had already set off.

The city is opened.

Li Shimin appeared in an imperial robe.

Beside Li Shimin, there is also an old man who is also wearing a dragon robe, and he is not Li Yuan.

As for, beside them are Li Jing, Cheng Yaojin and other strong generals.

And [-] elite Tang troops.

Across the bank of the Wei River.

Jieli Khan, who was riding a tall horse, had an ecstatic expression on his face.

If they let the Turks attack the city, they will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Jieli Khan knew very well about the fighting methods of the Turks. He was best at chasing and fighting in the wild, but if it was a siege.

Too hard too hard.

If an indestructible city like Chang'an City were to attack by force, his Turkic army would definitely suffer heavy losses.

But now.

He had no hesitation in this regard at all.

Because, Li Shimin came out unexpectedly.

Moreover, there was still one person beside Li Shimin.

That person is definitely the Supreme Emperor of the Tang Dynasty——Li Yuan.

In this battle, he will capture the two emperors in one battle!

"Li Shimin, I didn't expect you to come out of Chang'an City. Are you planning to leave the city and surrender? That's right, if you don't leave the city, you will pay a price. When Ben Khan breaks through Chang'an City, he wants to let Chang'an City leave no one behind!"

Jieli Khan said with a loud voice.

Under the blessing of the power of the real dragon in his body, his voice was like a bell, spreading throughout the audience.

For a time, the morale of the Turkic army was extremely strong.

When Li Shimin heard this, his face turned green.

The reason why he left the city was not to surrender, but to start a war with the Turks.

He waited for this day, but waited too long.

Now, the Turkic army ran to the gate of Chang'an City to die, then he would definitely complete the Turkic army.

"Jieli Khan, don't speak wild words! You have sworn an alliance with Tang Dynasty. But now, you are treacherous, and the world laughs at you! But it doesn't matter. Today, I must be here You will be captured alive by the Weishui River!"

Li Shimin said in a deep voice, and his voice also spread throughout the audience under the blessing of the power of the real dragon.

"The Great Tang Tianwei, cannot be violated! The Great Tang Tianwei, cannot be violated!"

The soldiers of the Tang Army shouted angrily.

In an instant, the morale of the Tang army was like a rainbow.

"What are you talking about so much! Fight to the end!"

Jieli Khan spoke impatiently.

He also gave an order, the whole army is ready to attack!

At this moment, a thin and small figure appeared on the Weishui Bian Bridge for unknown reasons.

He holds a pair of golden hammers for beating drums and urns.

He is the revived Wei Wang Li Xuanba.

"Who is this? Dare to stop Ben Khan's army! You are looking for death!"

In the Turkic army, Jieli Khan angrily scolded this lifeless figure, who was as thin as a stick, but still acted so boldly, he was completely tired of life.

Ye Xiao, who was watching the real-time video, mourned for Jieli Khan.

This is a powerful version of Li Xuanba.

Jieli Khan and his army will definitely suffer.

"kill him!"

Jieli Khan gave orders to the soldiers around him.

On the other side of the Weishui River, Li Shimin's pupils constricted.

He could tell at a glance that it seemed to be his third brother Li Xuanba.

Must be.

His third brother is definitely alive.

"Xuanba, live, live."

Even the elderly Li Yuan had tears in his eyes.

Soon, he became anxious.

Li Xuanba faced the hundreds of thousands of troops alone.

This is clearly seeking death.

How can it be possible to die again just after being alive.

He couldn't help but watch such a scene happen.

However, the scene that followed shocked everyone and shocked everyone's nerve vision.


Li Xuanba fired the first hammer.

With a blow of the hammer, it seemed as if the sky collapsed and the earth changed color, and tens of thousands of Turkic troops were directly smashed into the air and killed.

"Puff! Puff!"

Countless Turkic troops riding tall horses fell off their horses, vomiting blood from their mouths and noses, and died on the spot.

All of a sudden, the scene fell into a deathly silence.

Whether it is the Turkic army or the Tang army.

They were all dumbfounded.

This thin figure is too brave!

This is simply not something humans can do!

Killing and flying tens of thousands of people with one hammer, who would believe such absurd thing if it was told!
Rao Ye Xiao was dumbfounded, this is still a powerful version of Li Xuanba, if he invested 100 billion red crystals at that time to create a heaven-defying level, heaven and earth could not tolerate Li Xuanba, I am afraid, it would be like a god and demon !
But even the current Li Xuanba is not weak anymore.

It is completely a weakened version of the gods and demons.

"This warrior, loyal to Ben Khan, Ben Khan can..."

Jieli Khan's face turned pale, and he also hurriedly wanted to win over Li Xuanba.

"I am Li Xuanba, Your Majesty is my second elder brother."

Li Xuanba replied blankly.

"What?! You are the King of Wei Li Xuanba who came back from the dead!"

Jieli Khan was astonished, and also realized that the enemy could not be won over.

And seeing Li Xuanba's terrifying performance against the sky, there was only one thought in his mind, run away!
Even if he had the power of a real dragon in his body, he might not be the opponent of Li Xuanba in front of him.


Why did God give Li Tang such a monster!

Jieli Khan was full of jealousy.


Li Xuanba struck again.


He took the third hammer.

After three blows, the Turkic army totaled more than [-] people, all of them were killed, and no one survived. Blood flowed into rivers at the scene, and the scene was extremely bloody.

The only one who survived was Jieli Khan.


Jieli Khan fell off the horse directly.

Now, he doesn't even have the desire to escape.

The Demon God in front of him was too terrifying.

Li Shimin and others who witnessed all this had already petrified on the spot.

Three hammers destroyed more than 20 Turkic troops.

This is a real god of war!

God of War in the Tang Dynasty!
"It's up to you next."

Li Xuanba's eyes fell on Jieli Khan.

"Release Ben Khan!"

Jieli Khan sat slumped on the ground with a begging expression on his face.

Li Xuanba shook his head without saying a word.


At this moment, Jieli Khan who was on the spot let out a painful howl.

His eyes were actually full of blood.

These are a pair of blood red eyes.

Those Turkic soldiers who died tragically around them all came back to life one after another.

It's just that these Turkic soldiers exuded waves of black death energy all over their bodies.

This scene completely shattered the three views of Li Shimin and others.

Can the dead be resurrected?
And, this more than 20 Turkic army has all survived?

Something is wrong!
Something is really wrong!

Ye Xiao frowned.

At this time, he also received a system reminder.

[Investment World "Datang" appears [level 1 cold wave] Please resist in time]

What is a Category 1 cold wave?
Ye Xiao was completely at a loss.

[When there is a cold wave, please stop it in time, otherwise "Datang" will enter a state of loss]

Cold wave loss?

Ye Xiao, who was reminded by the system, was still quite confused, but it seemed that he gradually understood.

This cold wave is similar to a bear market.

When a bear market comes, it means losing money and losing money.

When the bull market comes, making a lot of money is just picking up money.

This [level 1 cold wave] he must get through!

Ye Xiao's eyes were fixed on the real-time video screen.

He also figured it out.

The Turkic army came back from the dead and was shrouded in black death energy. This is definitely the so-called [level 1 cold wave]

If Li Xuanba can't stop this [level 1 cold wave], then he will continue to invest a lot of money!


Even in the face of these Turkic troops coming back from the dead, Li Xuanba had no fear, killing people like slaughtering pigs and dogs, one hammer after another, or three hammers directly killed more than [-] Turkic troops again.

Moreover, the blood flowing out of the bodies of these tragic Turkic troops turned out to be patches of black blood, which looked extremely terrifying and frightening.

Jieli Khan's eyes were red, and a five-clawed black dragon sprang up from his body.

This black dragon is extremely weird, and it also rushed towards Li Xuanba.


Li Xuanba lifted up the golden hammer for beating drums and slammed down the ordinary hammer, which actually smashed the five-clawed black dragon into pieces, and dissipated directly into the air when it hit the ground.


In the next second, Jieli Khan passed out directly.

On that day, this battle also spread to the whole world at an extremely fast speed.

Wei Wang Li Xuanba came back from the dead, killed more than [-] Turkic troops with three hammers, and even Jieli Khan was captured alive.

It's just that when most people heard such news, they scoffed and didn't want to believe it.

This thing is too absurd and too unbelievable.

The more than [-] murderous Turkic army disappeared like this.

how can that be!

Li Shimin even issued a decree to change Li Xuanba's title - Overlord!
A title like Overlord is worthy of the current Li Xuanba.

that night.

Li Shimin threw a big banquet for the officials, Li Xuanba and Li Yuanke all appeared.

Until now, the father and son are still talking about the past with tears in their eyes.

Now, Li Yuan is also convinced that this is his emperor's son, and he is really not a fake.

"This time, it's really thanks to Xuan Ba, Xuan Ba ​​is really brave and extraordinary."

Li Shimin, who was sitting next to Li Yuan, spoke in praise.

Li Xuanba's performance can definitely shock the world!

The most powerful general in the world is probably none other than Li Xuanba.

(End of this chapter)

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