National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 177 A Different Tripitaka Mage

Chapter 177 The Different Tripitaka
The whole morning passed by in a flash.

The students in class seven were almost exhausted from the military training.

When they thought that such a hard life would last for a whole month, they felt uncomfortable for a while.

Ye Xiao, on the other hand, still seemed very leisurely. Although this military training was a high-intensity training for the students, he now has 11 points of combat power.

This military training is completely like a child's play, like playing house.

Ye Xiao also easily returned to his luxury dormitory No. 302.

Lying happily on a comfortable sofa, he first cared about the investment world "Datang" to see how much profit this investment world has earned him.

After checking this, he straightened up suddenly, with a stunned expression on his face.

[Revenue generated: 14 billion red crystals]


The income has skyrocketed!
He still remembered that the previous income was still more than 8 million red crystals, but it turned out that in less than a day or two, it directly increased by more than 6 million red crystals.

In conversion, this is a red crystal that earned 3 million a day.

He quickly checked the profit and loss event records to see why there was such a sudden increase in profits.

[Many beasts absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, the aura of heaven and earth, and earn 1000 million red crystals]

[The first local monster was born, and it was called a mouse spirit by the people of Tang Dynasty, and it made a profit of 1 million red crystals]

[Tang Sanzang, a great monk of the Tang Dynasty, preached Buddhism, educated the common people, and made a profit of 1 million red crystals]

[Tang Sanzang, an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty, promoted Buddhism, made immeasurable merits and made a profit of 1 million red crystals]


At this moment, Ye Xiao was completely stunned.

Tang Sanzang, an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty created by him, can bring him a profit of 1 million red crystals just by spreading the Dharma and promoting the Dharma, which is simply too easy to make.

Sure enough, if you want to get more and more profits, you have to continue to invest and keep dropping red crystals to earn more.

It was a surprise to him.

This "Da Tang" even has monsters appearing.

The first native monster rat spirit.

I don't know how strong this monster is, is it strong or weak?

Ye Xiao thought silently in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he also enabled the real-time video observation function.

[Real-time video observation of Tang Sanzang]

I just want to see how the Tang Sanzang is developing.

On Tang Sanzang's body, he invested a total of 100 billion red crystals.

【Real-time video playback】

Soon, a real-time video screen appeared.

It was not the figure of Tang Sanzang that caught his eyes first, but one after another young woman in revealing clothes.

These young women are all beautiful and beautiful.

Is this real-time video playback wrong?
What about Tang Sanzang?

What about people?

How to play such a welfare screen to him.

Also, these young ladies are all good-looking, and they all have great figures.

But he wants to see Tang Sanzang!

Soon, Ye Xiao had completely fallen into a state of numbness.

Tang Sanzang appeared.

He was embracing these women left and right, and his big hands were groping casually, very restless and dishonest.

"Damn it! Isn't the Tang Sanzang he created an eminent monk? Isn't he powerful and terrifying? How did he become such a flamboyant monk?"

Ye Xiao's expression was astonished. Could it be that he was deceived by this dog system?
"Master Sanzang, come and be happy!"

"Master Sanzang, come and have a cup of wine!"

"Master Sanzang, is it good to listen to the music played by my slave for you?"

"Drink, drink more Master Sanzang, if we don't get drunk today, we won't go home!"


The scene in front of him completely collapsed Ye Xiao's three views.

How did his eminent monk Tang Sanzang become like this.

Visit brothels?
Is this what the monk did?

The room was full of spring overnight, and the scene made people blush.

Ye Xiao also watched this scene with admiring eyes.

However, those wonderful plots were completely eaten by the dog system, and he was not allowed to watch them at all.

The next day, it was just dawn.

Tang Sanzang was wearing a monk's robe, and was about to leave Yihonglou with a calm expression.

"Master Sanzang, are you leaving now?"

Those women were very reluctant to part with Tang Sanzang, their eyes were full of tears, and they were reluctant to let Tang Sanzang leave.

"The poor monk has to rush to kill the demon!"

Tang Sanzang paused and spoke.

Until now, Ye Xiaocai has seen Tang Sanzang's appearance and figure clearly.

The appearance is magnificent, handsome and unrestrained.

This figure is even more incredible, one after another explosive muscles also appeared on Tang Sanzang's body.

This is a soft Tang Sanzang, and this is a tough guy Tang Sanzang.


Hearing Tang Sanzang's words, all the beautiful ladies showed pale expressions on their pretty faces.

Their faces were terrified.

"Master Sanzang, but that monster mouse spirit that appeared in Zhou County near Chang'an City recently!"

These brothel girls all showed panic and uneasiness, and what's more, their pretty faces turned pale with fright.

"Master Sanzang, you must not go, it will cost your life."

They also tried their best to persuade Tang Sanzang not to go.

However, Tang Sanzang didn't listen to their persuasive words at all.

On the contrary, he replied slowly.

"Though there are thousands of people, I will go."

Say it.

Tang Sanzang was wearing a monk's robe and left in a hurry with his monk's shoes on his feet.

He was hurrying to Xinfeng, Weinan and other counties, looking for traces of the mouse spirit.

See such a real-time video screen.

Ye Xiao also had a look of astonishment on his face.

"This... is really a very unique and unique Tang Sanzang. If you want to face this mouse spirit, Tang Sanzang can kill it with one punch. Poor, the first monster mouse spirit born in the Tang Dynasty is very It will soon be wiped out."

Ye Xiao muttered to himself.


Tang Sanzang acted swiftly, like a thunderbolt, and found the mouse spirit's foothold in no time, which was a dark burrow.

However, this cave has a hidden entrance.

"Rat spirit, come out and lead to death!"

Tang Sanzang was directly outside the entrance of the cave, shouting loudly.

The mouse spirit in the burrow was chewing some dry and brittle bones in his mouth, and it tasted very good.

"That guy, dare to disturb the uncle's peace!"

Murderous intent flickered in the mouse spirit's ferocious eyes.

Ye Xiao also saw clearly the appearance of this mouse spirit.

This mouse spirit is not a human being, but a huge black mouse. It barks its teeth and claws, and spits out human words. It really makes people feel creepy when they see it, and they are very uncomfortable.

"call out!"

next second.

The mouse spirit twisted its huge body, put its feet on the ground, ran quickly, and left the burrow in a split second.

Stay out of this burrow.

The rat spirit couldn't help but cheer up.

"Monk, if you don't go to recite the scriptures carefully, why do you come to see the uncle?"

The mouse spirit with its head and mouse eyes was full of arrogance, and a pair of cannibalistic eyes were staring at Tang Sanzang.


But Tang Sanzang didn't talk nonsense with the mouse spirit, and directly threw his fist the size of a sandbag at the mouse spirit.

"You monk..."

Shu Jing didn't think how powerful Tang Sanzang was at all, so he was trying to hurt him with such an ordinary punch?

It's just ridiculous.

However, after this punch directly hit the mouse spirit's head, it completely exploded the mouse spirit's head.

All kinds of brains, red and white, splashed away.

"Amitabha, monks should be compassionate."

Tang Sanzang muttered words.

"This... is really a powerful and terrifying Tang Sanzang. Is this mouse spirit just playing tricks? It's like a dog!"

Ye Xiao stared round his eyes, very speechless, the strength of this mouse spirit is really weak.

After that, Tang Sanzang also returned to a temple in Chang'an City.

"I've seen Master Tripitaka."

The monks all showed respect when they saw Tang Sanzang. In the eyes of these monks, Tang Sanzang's realm had reached a level that they could only dream of.

"Hey! Why does Master Sanzang smell like rouge and gouache?"

"You, don't you understand! Master Sanzang must have gone to save those women who are desperate and want to commit suicide again!"

"Master Sanzang is really my eminent Buddhist monk!"

"Hurry up and get ready, Master Sanzang is about to talk about Buddhism again, and we Buddhist disciples must not miss it."


The Buddhist disciples in this temple all showed a sensitive and studious side, and they all looked forward to Tang Sanzang's lecture.

And the conversation of these Buddhist disciples made Ye Xiao have a dumbfounding expression on his cheeks.

Master Sanzang was going to save the woman who committed suicide, and he was clearly going to the brothel to enjoy this happy life.

I don't know how the Master Tripitaka will teach the Dharma.

Ye Xiao was very curious.

In the video in front of me, hundreds of monks also appeared. They sat on futons, waiting for Tang Sanzang, who was seated in the main seat, to teach the Dharma.

Even the abbot of this temple is sitting on the side. Obviously, the abbot of the temple also wants to listen to Tang Sanzang's lectures.


Tang Sanzang, who was sitting on the futon of the main seat, put his palms together and muttered something.

All the monks at the scene also said the same sentence, "Amitabha."

Soon, the lectures began.

"Taking the three dharmas as the unity, taking the awareness of the law as the be born of all things, but not to be born..."

Tang Sanzang began to teach the Dharma, and the Dharma he described was obscure and difficult to understand, but these monks listened with great enthusiasm, and they were also fascinated by it.

Ye Xiao, on the other hand, listened in a daze, he didn't understand these Buddhist teachings at all.

"Is it because I don't have the root of wisdom that I can't understand Tang Sanzang's teachings?"

Ye Xiao muttered something.

The screen kept flickering, and the lecture lasted all afternoon.

The Fa lecture ended at night.

Tang Sanzang got up and left carelessly.

"Respectfully send off Master Tripitaka."

The Buddhist monks and even the abbot spoke quickly.

After Tang Sanzang left, they began to discuss Buddhism together.

"Master Sanzang is indeed an expert in Buddhism, and his understanding of Buddhism has reached a level that we are far behind!"

"Master Sanzang said that he was going to kill the man-eating rat spirit earlier, but he returned safely. Could it be that the rat spirit was really killed by Master Sanzang?"

"Absolutely. No matter how powerful the mouse spirit is, can it still surpass Master Sanzang?"

"That's right! Master Sanzang has boundless powers and is extraordinary. You have all forgotten that when Master Sanzang gave his lecture for the first time, his body was full of radiance and golden light. That is the light of Buddha! The light of my Buddha!"


These Buddhist monks' admiration for Tang Sanzang has reached the point of throwing themselves into the ground.

After listening to their remarks, Ye Xiao felt that Tang Sanzang was really different.

When teaching the Dharma, Buddha's light can burst out from his body.

This is exactly Tang Sanzang who is open.

at night.

Buddhist monks began to eat.

Neither meat nor fish were included in their meals.

Buddhism does not kill.

But Tang Sanzang's table was full of fish and meat.

"Master Sanzang, this..."

Some monks who have just entered Buddhism are full of doubts.

But those monks of the older generation pursed their lips and smiled without saying a word.

"The poor monk is eating wine and meat, and the Buddha kept it in his heart. If you can do this, you can also learn from the poor monk and eat extravagantly."

Tang Sanzang said casually, but also answered very perfunctorily.

After all, he feasted on pieces of fat meat.

Needless to say, the taste of this meat is really good.

As for those monks who have just entered Buddhism, they have been chanting Tang Sanzang's words in their mouths.

They still don't understand the true meaning of this sentence, which is left in the heart of the Buddha.

This made them all sigh.

"Master Sanzang, I can't catch up with the comprehension of Buddhism!"

The monks sighed again and again.

In the next few days.

A piece of news shocked the entire city of Chang'an.

Tang Sanzang, the eminent monk in Chang'an City, wiped out the rat spirit!

"Sure enough, the eminent monk Tang Sanzang is really amazing!"

Countless people in Chang'an City admire Tang Sanzang very much.

And Tang Sanzang, who was the party involved, continued to hug left and right in the brothel, feeling extremely happy.

"Master Sanzang, quickly tell us how you killed that rat spirit."

The women in the brothel, singing and dancing, approached Tang Sanzang, blinking their beautiful eyes one after another.

"This is a Tang Sanzang with the seven emotions and six desires!"

Ye Xiao muttered to himself, but ended the real-time video observation.

He also checked the profit and loss event records.

If Tang Sanzang wiped out this mouse spirit, he would always be able to harvest some red crystals.

【Eminent Monk Tang Sanzang of the Great Tang Dynasty, wiped out rat spirits and made a profit of 2 million red crystals】

Seeing this profit situation, Ye Xiao couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

This is really wonderful.

Tang Sanzang killed the mouse spirit and brought him 2 million red crystals!
If more and more monsters are created and let Tang Sanzang destroy them, wouldn't he be able to get more and more red crystals?
Ye Xiao thought silently in his heart.

The truth is indeed such a truth.

However, if there are too many monsters created, the people in the investment world "Da Tang" will suffer.

Still need to earn more red crystals quickly.

Thus, the plan to create a Westward Journey was put on the agenda.

Ye Xiao thought silently in his heart.

Plans must be expedited.

Today, afternoon.

Ye Xiao also participated in the military training.

This time the military training is not long-distance running, but other aspects of physical training.

(End of this chapter)

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