National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 188 After Wu Meifeng, the next investment world "Three Kingdoms"

Chapter 188 After Wu Meifeng, the next investment world "Three Kingdoms" (seeking monthly ticket for subscription)
"Royal father, maybe sister..."

Li Zhi moved his mouth, some words were really hard for him to say.

"Gao Yang must be hating me. I hate that I ordered Monk Bianji to be cut in half. But what did she do? As a royal princess, she has an affair with a monk. If it is rumored If I go out, do I still have any face? She will lose all the face of the royal family!"

Li Shimin's face was full of anger, it seemed that because of his anger, his face was less bloodshot and he coughed even more.

"Royal father, calm down. Sister Huang is not..."

Li Zhi wanted to intercede for Gao Yang.

"To shut up."

Li Shimin was furious.

Such a scene made the students of Class [-] watching the video reluctant to close their eyes, and their faces were full of astonishment.

" heard me right? The princess is actually hanging out with monks. Isn't this very good at playing?"

The students all had an unbelievable look on their faces.

Tonight, they really opened their eyes.

After getting angry.

Li Shimin's face was full of sighs.

"Zhen, I always feel that Gao Yang will do rebellious things in the future. If that's the case, you have to forgive me as a child."

Listening to Li Shimin's words, Li Zhi seemed to be listening to his dying regrets.

This made Li Zhi feel very sad.

He could also feel it, and his father turned a blind eye.

"Promise me, be lenient."

Li Shimin's attitude seemed very tough.

"Father, the childish slave will definitely be lenient with sister Huang."

Li Zhi quickly replied.

His answer like this also satisfied Li Shimin.

in the next days.

Li Zhi is also taking care of Li Shimin every day.

Li Shimin even summoned Wu Mei, a talented martial artist.

Called to take care of him.

The video screen also gave Li Zhi and Wu Mei a shot.

There seems to be a secret flirtation between the two.

"There's something wrong with these two!"

Suddenly, the students present seemed to have discovered some ulterior secret, and they all stared wide-eyed.

It is reasonable to say that this martial artist is Li Zhi's stepmother.

But the two seem to have an unusual relationship.

Is this a forbidden relationship?

Moreover, Li Shimin is still lying on the sickbed.

Are these two really good at doing this?

Soon, there was also a scene where Li Shimin and Wu Mei were alone.


Suddenly, Li Shimin spoke.

"The servant is here."

Today's Wu Mei and Wu Cairen are becoming more and more charming and beautiful. They seem to be naturally charming and attractive.

Even the seriously ill Li Shimin couldn't help but look at Wu Mei's pretty face a few more times.

"If I were to die, what would you do, Wu Cairen?"

Li Shimin spoke suddenly.

"Your Majesty, auspicious people have their own appearance, how could they die?"

On the spot, Wu Meiqiao was full of panic.

Did she also realize that His Majesty was testing her?

Doubt her?
Doubt her ambition?
For a while, Wu Mei began to feel uneasy.

Bingxue is smart, but she can tell that if Li Shimin is not satisfied with her answer, she may lose her beautiful head.

"Answer my earlier question."

Li Shimin's expression gradually turned grim.

"The ancient Buddha of Qingdeng has passed away."

Wu Mei replied without hesitation.

Li Shimin also showed a satisfied expression on his cheek.

"Go ahead."

he ordered.

"Your Majesty, the servant has retired."

Wu Mei saluted and left silently.

The sudden change in the scene also made the students stunned.

Why did Li Er suddenly ask such a question to Wu Mei?
What the hell.

They are completely incomprehensible.

But the following video screen showed a sudden enlightenment expression on their faces.

"It's all because I'm too suspicious. Wu Mei, a young martial artist, how could she be the heroine Wu Wang. If I die, she will definitely be able to go to Ganye Temple to become a nun in the future."

Li Shimin showed a sigh of emotion on his cheek.

Wu Mei doesn't have much ambition at all.

It was he who was worrying too much, worrying too much.

The heroine King Wu doesn't exist at all, it's just a rumor!

"It's really a silent sword. If Wu Mei's answer just now can't satisfy Li Shimin, I'm afraid Wu Mei, a martial artist, will lose her life."

The students also broke into a cold sweat for Wu Mei, just now Wu Mei really narrowly escaped death.

Day after day, Li Shimin's physical condition became worse and worse.

"My time is numbered! It's all to blame for this elixir, for mistaken me! For mistaken me!"

Now, Li Shimin seems to have figured out how to live forever in this world.

This is the method of those Taoist priests to fool people.

It's ridiculous that he was smart all his life, but he was confused for a while.

He also called Li Zhi.

It's nothing more than explaining some behind-the-scenes events.


Li Zhi cried bitterly, his eyes turned red, "Father, you will be fine."

"I know very well that my life is not long now. Young slaves, treat your brothers and sisters well, and don't want to have brothers and sisters like me."

Li Shimin warned.

"Father, the young slave will definitely treat his brothers and sisters well."

Li Zhi made a promise.

Hearing this, Li Shimin also showed a gratified smile on his face.

His crown prince, Li Zhi, may not be very talented, but this filial piety made him very satisfied.

In the 23rd year of Zhenguan, Li Shimin died of illness in May, and Crown Prince Li Zhi came to the throne in June.

【End of video playback】

"It belongs to the era of Li Er, and it is considered lonely. Next is the era of Prince Li Zhi."

"Shouldn't a new investment world be opened? But there is no news about this new investment world!"

"There are really many investment worlds opened this year. In previous years, there were only two investment worlds a year, and they would burn incense and worship Buddha."

"Could it be that Li Zhi's reign will be Wu Zhou in the end? But this seems to be inconsistent with common sense!"


The students are thinking silently.

Just, think and think.

Some of them couldn't figure out the reason for this.

Moreover, they also hurriedly checked their investment stocks.

Many of them entered the market and invested in Li Zhi.

"Dig! Li Zhi ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, earning 50 red crystals!"

These students who entered the market and invested in Li Zhi all showed their excited side.

Because, they can make a lot of red crystals without stopping.

Ye Xiao felt helpless seeing them be so happy from ear to ear after earning hundreds of thousands of dollars from investing in Li Zhi.

Is it worth being so happy just to earn this little red crystal?
He also checked the income of his "Wu Zhou" investment stocks.

Xue Rengui did not disappoint him, and made a profit of 5000 million red crystals!
On the contrary, Wu Mei's red crystal made a profit, which made his eyes shine.

[Real-time settlement investment stocks - "Wu Zhou" Wu Mei]

[Investment amount: 100 million red crystals]

[Profit and loss event record of investment stocks]


[Wu Mei takes care of Li Shimin who is seriously ill and earns 1000 million red crystals]

[Li Shimin tried, Wu Mei responded calmly, and made a profit of 1 million red crystals]

[Wu Mei went to Ganye Temple to be a nun and earned 2000 million red crystals]

[Real-time profit and loss: profit of 2 million red crystals]

A piece of profit information also made Ye Xiao earn another 2 million Hongjing.

Fortunately, Wu Mei was able to calmly deal with Li Shimin's temptation.

If this is not handled properly, Wu Meike will definitely die.

As for Li Zhi, an investment stock, he also made a lot of money.

[Real-time settlement investment stocks - "Wu Zhou" Li Zhi]

[Investment amount: 100 million red crystals]

[Profit and loss event record of investment stocks]


[Li Zhi took care of the critically ill Li Shimin day and night, earning 5000 million red crystals]

[Li Zhi handled government affairs and made a profit of 2000 million red crystals]

[Li Zhi ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, making a profit of 5 million red crystals]

[Real-time profit and loss: profit of 6 million red crystals]

Li Zhi earned 6 million red crystals!
It's a pity that he couldn't grab the first vote, otherwise Li Zhi's profit would be even more terrifying.

After withdrawing all the income from these red crystals to the asset account, Ye Xiao's personal asset account also has more than 15 billion red crystals.

It's okay, these red crystals are so-so.

Soon after, the tedious and boring military training began again.

Still the same.

Kill all the strange beasts in the combat zone.

Killing these strange beasts is like cutting vegetables, it's a breeze.

Gradually, the students also felt that it was not too difficult.

They are more concerned about "Wu Zhou".

For several days in a row.

In the investment world of "Wu Zhou", a shocking thing happened.

Emperor Li Zhi of the Tang Dynasty secretly summoned Wu Mei from Ganye Temple into the palace, and gave birth to a son for Li Zhi in July of the third year of Yonghui.

Li Zhi was even going to make Wu Mei a concubine, but was blocked by the ministers, so he could only let it go.

In the sixth year of Yonghui, Li Zhi announced that the king and queen would be deposed, and Wu Mei would be the queen.

"This... Li Zhizhen attacked his stepmother, this is too cruel!"

All the investors showed a look of astonishment.

But what surprised them even more.

Wu Mei was actually sealed!
This... is unbelievable.

And the rotation of the world seems to be accelerating again.

It completely caught investors off guard.

Ye Xiao, who is in the luxurious dormitory, has also received the reward message from the system.

"It's here, it's finally here!"

Ye Xiao showed an expectant expression on his face.

[Triggering a special reward—investment stock Wu Mei leaves Ganye Temple, her fortunes are reversed, rewards a hidden card type—number A investment world card]

[Trigger a special reward—Investment stock Wu Mei has won many battles in the Palace Dou, and rewards a rare card type—No. 50 Wind Sand Card]

[Trigger a special achievement - investment stock Wu Mei, ascend to the sky in one step, be called Empress Wu by the world, reward hidden card type - number K entry card X3]

The reward messages one after another put Ye Xiao in a good mood.

Wu Mei finally ascended to Empress Wu, which was not easy.

Thankfully, the world has sped up.

Otherwise, if Wu Mei becomes Empress Wu, she won't know the Year of the Monkey yet.

Ye Xiao was also very satisfied with the rewarded card types.

The number A investment world card can collect the next investment world information.

No. 50 Wind Sand Card, if used properly, can reverse the outcome of this battle.

As for this number K entry card, it is directly X3, three combos!
With this number K admission card, he can enter the next investment world 3 minutes in advance.

An admission card can lock an investment stock 3 minutes in advance.

With these three admission cards, wouldn't it be possible to lock in three investment stocks in advance?

The initial investment of the three investment stocks belonged to him.

If this wave continues, there may be trillions of red crystals guaranteed!
Ye Xiao also checked this wave of world acceleration, how much profit can Wu Mei bring?
Billions, or tens of billions?
[Real-time settlement investment stocks - "Wu Zhou" Wu Mei]

[Investment amount: 100 million red crystals]

[Profit and loss event record of investment stocks]


[Wu Mei expresses love with poetry, earning 1 million red crystals]

[Wu Mei entered the palace, was awarded the second grade Zhaoyi, and made a profit of 10 billion red crystals]

[Wu Meigong fights, wins repeatedly, earns 2 million red crystals]

[Wu Mei was crowned queen, with a profit of 100 billion red crystals]

[Real-time profit and loss: profit of 115 million red crystals]

A series of profit-making events directly entered Ye Xiao's field of vision.

This wave directly earned 115 billion red crystals.

Earn tens of billions of red crystals, what a joy!
Ye Xiao was overjoyed.

He also directly extracted the red crystal.

In this way, his asset account also has a full 130 billion red crystals.

Investing in the world of "Journey to the West" seems to be another wave, continue to invest, and earn more and more.

But before that.

Ye Xiao used the hidden card type number A to invest in the world card.

He also wants to see what the next investment world will be, and he should make plans and prepare for it.

After taking out the number A investment world card from the collection card book, once used, this card type turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared from his palm without a trace.

Soon, a line of intelligence information also entered Ye Xiao's field of vision.

[Use the hidden card type number A to successfully invest in the world card]

[The next investment world - "Three Kingdoms"]

【World Intelligence】

[At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world was in turmoil, the building of the Liu Han Dynasty was about to collapse, and it was in danger]

Staring at the intelligence information, Ye Xiao's eyes burst into bright brilliance.

His lips trembled slightly.

This time it's time to get rich again!

Three Kingdoms, who to invest in.

Does this still need to be considered?
Cao Cao!

Liu Bei!

Sun Quan!

All three investment stocks came to the bowl.

It is conservatively estimated that it is definitely possible to earn trillions of red crystals easily, and the rewards are even softer.

"Thinking about it, this "Wu Zhou" should soon enter the freezing stage."

Ye Xiao thought silently in his heart.

Evening self-study class that night.

In the video, the instructor focused on analyzing Wu Mei, the investment stock of "Wu Zhou".

"The performance of this investment stock has exceeded everyone's imagination. Some people thought that she would really be a nun for the rest of her life, so they chose to leave the stage. They expected that Wu Mei would turn around so gorgeously and become Empress Wu."

He was full of emotion, this thing is really incredible.

It wasn't just that he thought the matter was weird, even the students present were all surprised.

In their eyes, although Wu Mei's potential is extraordinary, being a concubine is not a problem.

But now.

Wu Mei became Empress Wu in one step.

Ye Xiao could see the performance of these people.

His expression was calm and silent.

This is the charm of the card species.

He was thinking about "Three Kingdoms", but these classmates and counselors were still rolling around in the world of "Wu Zhou".

(End of this chapter)

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