National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 203 Li Zhi is not dead, she is the queen after all

Chapter 203 Li Zhi is not dead, she is the queen after all
It seems that there is one point, but Ye Xiao is also quite puzzled.

"Wu Zhou" is about to close.

Why hasn't this investment quota been opened up to a larger amount?

How is this 100 million investment amount enough?

Fortunately, the upper limit has been increased, because the previous investment king has increased the amount by 50.

But other investors can only invest 50 Hongjing in each investment stock.

The doubt in his heart is also the doubt of all the students present.

Many students showed a scratching look.

"Don't worry, the system will open the investment quota."

Old Professor Yang had a very calm expression on his cheeks.

What he said made the students startled. Where did Professor Yang judge this?

Will this system really open up more investment quotas?

"People are like springs. The greater the pressure, the greater the elasticity. The investment amount is also the same. If a large amount of investment is suddenly released, what do you think will happen to investors?"

There was a pause in the tone, and Old Professor Yang continued to speak.

All the students present also knew it well.

What will happen to investors, of course they will enter the market crazily and invest crazily!

Been suppressed for too long, too long.

Shouldn't this be a good release?

"And at this time, will their investment still be a rational investment?"

Old Professor Yang said quietly, "In investing, you must control your mentality. This principle seems simple, but it is quite difficult to do it."

Wait until he finishes speaking.

The students were also lost in thought.

Time is actually passing by every minute and every second.

And, the students all received a system message.

["Wu Zhou" investment world is open to unlimited investment! 】


The expressions of the students present froze.

It is coming!
It's finally here.

Unlimited amount of investment!
This wave is about to rush!
Taking a closer look, a countdown timer appeared on the system interface.

In the last 15 minutes, the game is officially closed!
To invest is to invest against the clock.

Almost most of the students quickly made investments.

They either entered Xue Rengui, or entered Li Zhi, and even continued to chase Wu Mei and so on.

The students went crazy one after another, they only knew about investing blindly.

There are only a few students who can keep calm.


Seeing such a scene, Old Professor Yang sighed softly. These students still didn't listen to what he said, and they still couldn't keep calm.

next second.

A wave of Qi energy flowed from Professor Yang's body.


The students received another system message from the national system.

[Professor Yang has launched a special energy-source martial art on you—calmly and calmly]

[Calm and composure—will keep the students within the range calm and calm.And during the class, you can also have unexpected gains, such as a small probability of comprehending Qiyuan martial arts]

In an instant.

All the students calmed down.

Their expressions are calm, and their hearts are calm, as if nothing that happens outside can affect their state of mind.

It's just that they calmed down, but they had to look at Professor Yang with admiration.

The special qi source martial art mastered by this old professor Yang is too powerful.

Let's just say that this composure can actually keep them calm, and there is even a small chance of comprehending Qiyuan martial arts.

This is awesome!
"Take your time and pursue investment rationally."

Old Professor Yang has a solemn expression.

Obviously what he wanted to express was straightforward.

You can follow up!

But don't lose your mind.

All the students nodded, and they all showed a very rational attitude instead of the crazy look they had before.

Ye Xiao is also ready to invest.

Without a doubt, he chose to pursue Wu Mei!
He believed that with Wu Mei's ability and skill, even if she couldn't become the emperor, she would definitely not lose too much money.

After some operations, he completed his investment.

[Congratulations to the host, the chase is successful, the target of the chase: Wu Mei, chase 600 billion red crystals]

600 billion red crystals were thrown down directly!

Although Wu Mei's current rate of return is not high, but in front of 600 billion red crystals, even if the rate of return is not high, if she makes money, she can still earn a considerable amount of wealth.

After the 600 billion chasing investment, Ye Xiao only has more than 90 billion red crystals left in his asset account.

It's okay, don't panic and hold on.

These more than 90 billion red crystals are also just in case.

For example, the gods with extraordinary abilities are forbidden to activate.

If all studs go on, then there will be no Hongjing to activate extraordinary abilities.

It's not just the students who are entering the investment world "Wu Zhou".

Investors in the entire Dragon Kingdom are also frantically entering the market and betting frantically.

"I'm sorry students, let's do some self-study first. There seems to be something wrong with the teacher's national system."

The teacher who was in class used an excuse to perfunctory the students.

Say it.

The teacher also quickly manipulated the national system and started investing against the clock.


The truck driver who was driving a large truck on the expressway also hastily pressed the hazard warning lights on the truck, and quickly stopped on the right side.

He wants to invest!

He wants to do it!
If you don't hesitate, just do it!

The chairman who held the staff meeting also showed a meaningful look at the employees.

"Investment is more important than anything else."

Say it.

The chairman didn't hold the meeting anymore, and quickly controlled the national system.

Time to enter!

It's time to go crazy!

And those employees still have the mind to hold a meeting, and they all choose to enter the venue, choose to do it and it's over!


One scene after another, similar scenes are being staged non-stop in Longguo's major campuses, expressways, conference rooms, parks, squares, etc.

Investors are crazy!

It's like the match point of the final is coming.

They keep entering and investing!
Soon, the time to close the disk came.

All investors also received a message.

["Wu Zhou" officially closed]

Ye Xiao, who was in class, also took a deep breath.

It's finally closed.

I don't know how many people invested in Li Zhi and Wu Mei?

He fixed his eyes.

His pupils tightened involuntarily.

The number of investors in the investment stock Wu Mei is as high as 40 million!
The number of investors in the investment stock Li Zhi is even higher, reaching 60 million [-] million!

Comparing the number of people in the two investment stocks, Li Zhi is even better!
Ye Xiao's heart couldn't help hanging up.

Obviously, Li Zhi's support rate is higher.

So this time, can Wu Mei really become emperor?

The answer is an unknown.

Since he invested in Wu Mei, he must have confidence in Wu Mei.

Just at this time.

Ye Xiao unexpectedly received several system messages in a row.

[Extraordinary Ability——Elementary level · Gods Forbidden activation, anonymous investors use the number 53 life extension card, whether to pay a certain amount of assets to invalidate this rare card type]

[Extraordinary Ability——Elementary level · Prohibition of Gods activation, anonymous investors use number 44 good luck and bad luck card, whether to pay a certain amount of assets to invalidate this rare card type]

[Extraordinary Ability——Elementary level · Gods Forbidden activation, anonymous investors use the number 56 fatal card, whether to pay a certain amount of assets to invalidate this rare card type]


Are these investors crazy?

Still want to refresh the screen?
Unexpectedly, in just a short moment, three rare card types were used.

It's really not crazy and not magical!

Without hesitation, Ye Xiao also chose to activate his extraordinary ability.

No. 53 life extension card is used against Wu Mei, which is very good.

But the next second.

Ye Xiao's expression is not good.

Just because a system message appeared.

[Anonymous investor throws a big murderer]

Could it be that the hands of this anonymous investor who has never met before have not been cleaned up, this is too dark!
What a big deal that Wu Mei actually made a big murderer.

This extraordinary ability must definitely be used.

But once used, Ye Xiao's whole body was about to go numb.

Because 8142 billion appeared.

this number.

It made him dumbfounded, he was too dark, and his luck was too bad.

Without any suspense, he did not activate his extraordinary ability.

I hope Wu Mei can survive.

Ye Xiao was very satisfied with this number 56 fatal card, and went for Li Zhi.

That's how it should be, and Li Zhi should be plunged into a fatal crisis.

Moreover, according to the description of the number 56 fatal card, there is a high probability that this crisis will cause the character of the investment stock to die directly.

I don't know, can this Li Zhi survive?
Everything is unknown.

that night.

Then what is the evening self-study? Under the leadership of the counselors of each class, three hundred freshmen gathered in the auditorium of Shuguang Mansion. Their purpose was to witness the investment world "Wu Zhou".

What will be the result of this party investing in the world?
After all the students had arrived, the nationwide system projection began.

[Real-time video observation of "Wu Zhou"]

This time, what the video is observing is not individual investment stocks, but "Wu Zhou" as a whole.

The first year of Linde.

Under Wu Mei's persuasion, Li Zhi Feng Zen Taishan.

The Fengchan ceremony is grand and grand.

After the ceremony was over, Li Zhi, who had returned to the temporary palace, was also full of guilt.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

Noticing that Li Zhi's expression was not right, Wu Mei asked.

"How can I be able to enshrine Zen in Mount Tai."

Li Zhi sighed.

"Your Majesty, don't underestimate yourself. Now that the national power of the Tang Dynasty is prosperous, the surrounding small countries dare not offend. This is all thanks to Your Majesty!"

Wu Mei said.

"Meiniang, it's all thanks to the soldiers. The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty are strong and strong, how dare those small countries invade?"

Li Zhi showed a look of pride and ambition on his cheeks.

While talking, the empress also sat in a gazebo in the palace, resting temporarily.

It seems that these maid attendants around are too annoying.

Li Zhi also beckoned, motioning for them to leave.

In the blink of an eye.

In the spacious and comfortable gazebo, there were only Li Zhi and Wu Mei.

"Meiniang, come to court with me, you are the queen of heaven, and I am the emperor, are you not satisfied?"

Suddenly, Li Zhi said with a half-smile.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean by this? The concubine doesn't understand."

Wu Meiniang was a little dazed, and her beautiful and delicate face was completely frozen.

At this moment, it seemed that she couldn't fathom Li Zhi's mind at all.


Li Zhi laughed a few times, the smile was very weird.

Immediately afterwards, a poem came out of his mouth.

"In the Ming Dynasty, when you traveled to Shangyuan, it was urgent to announce the spring. The flowers must bloom overnight, so don't wait for the dawn wind to blow."

Wu Mei was surprised in her heart, but there was not much expression change on her face.

"My dear Mei Niang, you really have great ambitions! From this poem, I can see your ambitions! Not only do you want to be the Queen of Heaven, you also want to ascend the throne and proclaim yourself emperor, and you also want to take over my Great Tang Dynasty, isn’t it?”

At this moment, Li Zhi became angry.

His cold eyes fixed on Wu Mei in front of him.

Wu Mei is a woman he likes very much.

But in the end, from a poem written by Wu Mei, he could see Wu Mei's ambition, and Wu Mei's domineering power!
"Your Majesty, my concubine did not..."

Wu Mei explained.


Li Zhi waved his hands with a grim expression, "This poem is only twenty words long, but it has the potential to swallow mountains and rivers! And this also represents your ambition, Mei Niang. You want to take my country!"


Wu Mei cried.

"Your Majesty, the poem was written by the concubine, but His Majesty has mispronounced some parts of this poem."


Now, it was Li Zhi's turn to be confused, and he quickly took out a piece of rice paper from his sleeve.

On the rice paper was a poem written by Wu Mei.

The whole poem is almost exactly the same as what Li Zhi read, but there are two words that are different.

It is the first two words in front of this.

What Li Zhi read was Youshangyuan in the Ming Dynasty.

But the place written in the rice paper is You Shangyuan with the king.

"The concubine wants to go to the garden with you! This poem is made by the concubine for your majesty. If the concubine did not write the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, it would humiliate your majesty. But, your majesty... ...Woohoo!"

Wu Mei cried so much that she was so wronged.

"Meiniang, I was wrong."

Li Zhi looked ashamed and took the initiative to apologize to Wu Mei.

On the contrary, the students who watched the real-time video screen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh my God! This is going to scare me to death! I thought Wu Mei was going to die!"

"Yes! In this ancient times, you really can't write poetry casually!"

"It turns out that at the very beginning, the poem "Wu Zhou" Investing in the World published by the system was written by Wu Mei."

"It's definitely Youshangyuan in the Ming Dynasty! But why did the rice paper turn into Youshangyuan with Jun, what a hell, Wu Mei must have done it!"


The students who invested in Wu Mei let out a long sigh of relief.

Just a tiny bit away, Wu Mei was about to die.

Fortunately, this woman Wu Mei is really skilled.

On the spot, Li Zhi and Wu Mei showed their loving side again, and Li Zhi personally wiped the tears on Wu Mei's cheek with a handkerchief.

"Meiniang, I promise there will be no next time."

"It's okay, Your Majesty, just clear up the misunderstanding."

Wu Mei shook her head.

Afterwards, Li Zhi also had to deal with some matters and left temporarily.

Seeing the back of Li Zhi leaving, Wu Mei breathed a sigh of relief.

It was really thrilling, but fortunately she was prepared.

If not prepared.

This time, she was really screwed.

Knew it.

Li Zhi, you are still worried about Ben Gong!

Wu Mei narrowed her beautiful phoenix eyes slightly, and there was a hint of coldness on the corner of her mouth.

Li Zhi is not dead, she is the queen after all.

After all, he can't become an emperor.

She wants to be an empress!
This idea has already spread in her heart.

 The 2nd update today, the [-]rd update tomorrow, and the [-]th update tomorrow... Tomorrow will end "Wu Zhou" in one breath... As for whether Wu Mei can become the empress, the result is already obvious
(End of this chapter)

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