Chapter 213

In less than three rounds, Li Jue was directly picked off by Lu Bu!

"General Lu! Brave and unparalleled!"

The soldiers of the Xiliang Army who were present shouted, their morale was high, and they were all applauding for Lu Bu.

Lu Bu had expected such a scene.

"Li Jue, are you convinced?"

Lu Bu rode the red rabbit horse and came to Li Jue slowly, speaking in a condescending tone.

At this moment, Li Jue had already got up from the ground, but the black armor he was wearing was covered with a lot of dust and dirt, and even his hair looked a little messy.

There is no doubt that Li Jue is very aggrieved.

To lose is to lose.

There are so many pairs of eyes staring at the scene.

"The general will be convinced."

Li Jue replied.

Lu Bu showed a satisfied expression on his face, and he ignored Li Jue and walked away.

On the other hand, the students who watched the video were also speechless in astonishment.

"This Lu Bu is so brave?"

"Or Li Jue, a Xiliang general, is a Xibei product?"

"In less than three rounds, he was picked off by Lu Bu."

"Lv Bu seems to have let the water go. If he didn't let the water go, wouldn't Li Jue be defeated in one round, or even in two rounds?"


All the students were amazed at Lu Bu's bravery.

"The reason why Lu Bu competed with Li Jue was to establish his prestige in the Xiliang army! The fastest way to gain prestige is to step on others to rise to the top! And Li Jue is the one who was stepped on!"

Old Professor Yang showed a sympathetic look on his face.

This Li Jue was so pitiful that he became a stepping stone for Lu Bu.

The students were thoughtful, as if this was really the case.

"In fact, Lu Bu has even greater ambitions in his heart. He wants to lead the army alone to establish prestige in front of the eighteen princes. He wants to single-handedly challenge the generals of the eighteen princes."

"If he succeeds, he will definitely be recognized as the number one fighter in the world. But if he loses, it is very likely that he will lose his life."

Old Professor Yang continued.

"This Lu Bu really has great ambition and ambition. He still wants to be the best general in the world, but is his ability directly proportional to his ambition?"

The students were all shocked by Lu Bu's character.

Ye Xiao wasn't too surprised.

Lu Bu is indeed a very arrogant guy.

It is true that he has the ability to become the best fighter in the world.

The next day, it was still dark.


Trumpets sounded.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of gongs and drums shook the sky.

Lu Bu leads the army to attack!

He really went out in person, sat down on the red rabbit horse, and held Fang Tian's painted halberd, which was very majestic.

The lord Yuan Shao, who was elected by the princes, also showed a complacent expression on his face.

"Lu Bu? Another general sent by Dong Zhuo? Have you heard of this man?"

Sitting on the leader's seat, he also had a look of contempt on his face.

The princes are quite confused.

Who is Lu Bu?
"Never heard of it."

They all shook their heads.

"It turns out that this is a nobody."

Yuan Shao had a smug expression on his face, but Lu Bu didn't take it seriously.

Therefore, today he will send someone to kill Lu Bu!
"Leader, this person is known to me."

Suddenly, Cao Cao spoke.

"Oh, let's hear it."

Yuan Shao said.

The princes also pricked up their ears, wanting to hear about Lu Bu's background.

Being able to be appointed by Dong Zhuo as the chief general must be somewhat capable, right?
"Lv Bu was originally Ding Yuan's adoptive son. Later, Dong Zhuo sent someone to secretly give Lv Bu gold, silver and jewels, and even a thousand-mile horse, a red rabbit horse. This also made Lv Bu kill his adoptive father, Ding Yuan. , as a vote of honor, defected to Dong Zhuo."

"Furthermore, this Lu Bu worshiped Dong Zhuo as his adoptive father and became Dong Zhuo's adoptive son."

Cao Cao briefly talked about Lu Bu's background.

By the end, he had a weird look on his face.

"Hahaha! So this is an ungrateful villain! Even if he dared to kill his adoptive father, Dong Zhuo dared to use this person."

Yuan Shao smiled, he didn't take Lu Bu to heart either.

Cao Cao did not speak.

If it were him, he wouldn't dare to use Lu Bu.

However, there was one point that he had to remind Yuan Shao.

"Leader, although Lu Bu is a villain who sees profit and forgets righteousness, he is brave and unparalleled..."

Cao Cao's expression was serious.

"Meng De, don't be so cautious. We are waiting for the princes, the advisers are like rain, and the generals are like clouds. How could we not be able to deal with Lu Bu?"

Yuan Shao waved his hand and interrupted Cao Cao's words.

He is very confident in this battle.

In this world, the Xiongguan Hulaoguan, he will be able to win it soon.

Cao Cao moved his mouth, wanting to say something, but finally remained silent.

after that.

The princes sent their generals to fight one after another.

"Report! Lu Bu beheaded Hanoi's famous general Fang Yue!"

Not long after, there was a piece of bad news.


Yuan Shao was astonished.

As the prefect of Hanoi County, Wang Kuang felt that his whole body was on the verge of collapse.

"Fang Yue, Fang Yue!"

His expression was pained.

Fang Yue, this is his general.

But it wasn't long before he was beheaded by Lu Bu.

"It's a fluke, Lu Bu is a fluke! Don't be careless!"

Yuan Shao's expression soon calmed down, but he was still quite happy in his heart.

The weaker these princes were, the happier he was.


Another bad news came.

The general Mu Shun who had just fought was also beheaded by Lu Bu.

"Mu Shun, my beloved general!"

Shangdang prefect Zhang Yang broke down in tears.

The princes in the marching tent were silent.

It was a fluke for Lu Bu, and he clearly defeated them by virtue of hard power.

"This Lu Bu is so brave!"

Yuan Shao looked sad and angry, but his heart was full of joy.

After that, another prince sent out a general.

This person is Kong Rong, the prefect of Beihai.

His general Wu Anguo is also very brave.

However, the result made him and the princes feel very heartbroken.

Because Wu Anguo was also defeated, and he was lucky to survive, but his wrist was cut off by Lu Bu.

"This Lv Bu is so terrifying, there is no general among us princes to be his opponent?"

Yuan Shao put on a heartbroken expression, "If my generals Yan Liang and Wen Chou are here, why are you afraid of Lu Bu? What a pity!"

Hearing Yuan Shao's words, the princes' faces turned dark.

Yuan Shao's words sounded like deja vu to them.

That's not what Yuan Shao said when he fought Huaxiong at Sishuiguan before.

Even the students on the video screen were amused by Yuan Shao.

"Yuan Shao, the leader of the alliance, is clearly taking pleasure in other people's misfortune!"

"It's just that these princes have their own thoughts, and they are not united at all."

"If we are united and meet the enemy together, how could this be the case?"

"Lu Bu is indeed very powerful. It's just that if you want to be called the best fighter in the world, it seems that there is still a long way to go?"


The students pointed at Yuan Shao's performance.

Undoubtedly, Yuan Shao also made a decision with a wave of his hand.

He wants to call gold to withdraw troops.

Now, the Dou General has suffered a disastrous defeat. If he launches an attack, the princes will definitely suffer heavy losses, and they will definitely not do it.

All the princes agreed.

that night.

Lu Bu is very satisfied with today's record.

"But it's not enough!"

In the main tent, he was gently stroking the incomparably sharp Fang Tian painted halberd, and he began to whisper to himself.

On the contrary, the various princes gathered together with sad faces.

Such a disastrous defeat today, what can we do tomorrow?

All the princes could only focus on Yuan Shao.

They also want to see if Yuan Shao, the leader of the alliance, has any ideas to break the situation in the face of the current situation.

Yuan Shao straightened his back and replied, "Don't be afraid, my generals Yan Liang and Wen Chou are already on their way."

Hearing this, the princes were very happy.

But they still had some hesitation in their hearts.

Will Yuan Shao really send Yan Liangwen Chou here?

Think from another angle.

Can this Yan Liangwen Chou be Lu Bu's opponent?
The next day, in the morning.

The princes and Lu Bu continued to confront each other at Hulao Pass.

Today, Gongsun Zan took the lead to fight against Lu Bu on horseback.


Riding a red rabbit horse, the mighty Lu Bu snorted coldly, defeating Gongsun Zan in just a few rounds.

Even Gongsun Zan wanted to escape for his life.

"Want to escape! Dream!"

Lu Bu rushed to catch up, he wanted to keep Gongsun Zan.

Seeing that he was about to catch up with Gongsun Zan, and the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand was about to stab Gongsun Zan to death, he expected a black-faced general on horseback to appear.

As soon as he appeared, Lu Bu hesitated.

His face was like black charcoal.

Could this person be the Zhang Fei that Mr. Xu Shu and Xu mentioned?

"You are Zhang Fei?"

Lu Bu asked tentatively.

"I am Zhang Fei from Yan."

Zhang Fei was also quite surprised, he didn't expect Lu Bu to know him.

"Good! Let's fight!"

Lu Bu narrowed his eyes slightly, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, he charged towards Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei was not afraid, and waved the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand.

The two sides fought back and forth.

One round, another round.

Fifty rounds have passed, and there is still no winner.

"Happy! Happy!"

During the battle, Lu Bu was also full of joy, full of fighting spirit.

On the contrary, Zhang Fei struggled more and more.

Seeing such a scene, Guan Yu, who was beside Gongsun Zan, also realized that the situation was not good.

"Third brother, I'll help you!"

He shouted out, and also rode out to fight.

If he didn't make a move again, I'm afraid that his third brother might be beheaded by Lu Bu.

Holding the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand, he flanked Zhang Fei and attacked Lu Bu.

Seeing such a video, the students were completely stunned by Lu Bu's bravery.

"Zhang Fei is quite powerful, Guan Yu is even more powerful. But the two are undefeated by Lu Bu!"

"Has Lu Bu, the investment stock, been used the force card?"

"It seems that there is such a possibility, maybe he is very brave."

"Lu Bu has the courage of ghosts and gods!"


Lu Bu's bravery, like a ghost, made all the students unable to recover for a long time.

However, what surprised them even more was yet to come.

When Liu Bei saw Zhang Fei and Guan Yu fighting against Lu Bu, he also held a double-pronged sword and slapped his horse on the battlefield.

Liu Bei's martial arts is not bad.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei surrounded Lu Bu.

Lu Bu became more and more brave as he fought, but he seemed to be a little bit powerless.

The princes have long been dumbfounded by such a scene.

Even the soldiers of those princes had expressions of fear on their faces.

This time, Cao Cao and the princes also came to the edge of the battlefield.

They wanted to understand the situation of the battle, and also wanted to see how difficult Lu Bu was.

The scene before them made them doubt their lives.

"This... Lu Bu is so brave?"

Yuan Shao shuddered.

Previously, he still had the idea of ​​wanting General Yan Liangwen Chou to fight Lu Bu.

But now.

How dare he think so.

If Yan Liang, Wen Chou and Lu Bu faced each other, he would definitely be beheaded by Lu Bu.

"It's such a pity that such a peerless general has defected to Dong Zhuo."

Yuan Shao sighed.

"Lu Bu, you should be the best general in the world."

Cao Cao also praised Lu Bu, not to mention other aspects such as character, but just talking about force, he still thinks Lu Bu is very powerful.


Lu Bu couldn't stand the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang.

It's really a group of brazen people who actually used wheel fighting!
Lu Bu cursed secretly in his heart, and hurriedly patted his horse and left.

"Even if he is being brave, what can he do? Just say that Lu Bu was defeated in the end?"

Seeing Lu Bu fleeing in defeat, Yuan Shao also showed a look of relief on his face.

Cao Cao had a thoughtful expression.

Suddenly, Cao Cao was surprised.


"What happened to Mengde?"

Seeing Cao Cao's strange behavior, Yuan Shao also asked.

"Leader, there seems to be something wrong around here, and there is wind and sand blowing."

Cao Cao replied.


Yuan Shao took a closer look and looked around carefully, and he could see the movement of wind and sand around him.

However, these wind and sand are not many.

"Just this bit of wind and sand is nothing, don't worry about it."

Yuan Shao was calm.

Cao Cao also shut up, he is indeed a little suspicious.

It is perfectly normal for this small amount of wind and sand to appear in Hulao Pass.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Shao also issued an order for the whole army to attack.

Taking advantage of Lu Bu's defeat and the low morale of the enemy army, they will surely win by attacking quickly.


All of a sudden, the princes from all walks of life were ready to lead their troops to attack, and the shouts of killing shook the sky.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

But in the next second, countless sandstorms swept around the princes from all walks of life.

A large amount of wind and sand was blown into their eyes, which made them feel uncomfortable and their eyes hurt.

"Damn it, how could there be wind and sand!"

The princes felt that their eyes were so painful that they could not open them at all.

"Not good! Not good!"

Cao Cao was shocked.

He also thought he was suspicious.

As expected, he was not wrong to be suspicious this time.

All of a sudden, the blow of sandstorm caught the princes by surprise, and made their subordinates start to panic.

Such a strange wind also made Lu Bu, who was about to stick to the Hulao Pass, realize something.

"God help me too!"

Lu Bu laughed heartily, and led 200,000 troops, ready to wipe out all these princes in one fell swoop!

The students who watched the video were equally amazed.

"This is outrageous! So much wind and sand has been swept up in such a good way?"

Their expressions were stunned and dazed.

"This is the rare card type No. 50 wind sand card is hindering it!"

Old Professor Yang saw the mystery at a glance, and explained it.

(End of this chapter)

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