National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 216 Blood loss of billions of red crystals, Sun Jian swears poison to the sky

Chapter 216 Blood loss of hundreds of billions of red crystals, Sun Jian swears poison to the sky

This made Yuan Shao's face a little uneasy.

"I just said, I dreamed about the late emperor last night."

He opened his mouth.

The princes also expressed their opinions again, and they also dreamed of the first emperor.


Yuan Shao was astonished, and he continued to speak.

"In the dream, the first emperor said that at three o'clock tomorrow, the gate of Hulao will be opened!"

Now, the princes are completely fried.

The first emperor also said exactly the same thing as them.

After some detailed exchanges.

Yuan Shao was stunned.

It turned out that it wasn't that he was held in a dream by the late emperor, but that everyone was held in a dream by the late emperor.

What the hell.

On the contrary, Cao Cao's expression was a little restless.

"What happened to Mengde?"

Yuan Shao asked curiously.

"No, it's nothing. I was just thinking, the late emperor entrusted the dream, is the words told in the dream true or false?"

Cao Cao quickly replied.

His answer like this also made the princes ponder.


This dream is too strange.

Even the students watching the video opened their mouths in shock.

"Is this a group of investors who used the Tomengka? Which investor is this? It's too big a deal!"

While they were surprised, they also didn't understand.

On the contrary, Professor Yang directly spoke out his judgment, "It is very likely that they are those consortiums. They want to let Lu Bu's army be defeated in this Hulao Pass."

"It's just that the city gate can really be opened at this ugly hour?"

The students still looked confused.

Old Professor Yang also remained silent, because he was not sure whether the city gate could be opened or not.

Ye Xiao widened his eyes.

Why does he always have a sense of foreboding.

Is this the power of capital?
It's going to happen this time!

"Hold on, don't panic."

He muttered to himself.

In the video, the time is also fast, and the allied forces of the princes are secretly gathering soldiers, preparing to take action tonight.

Three quarters of ugly time!

They want to see if the gate of Hulao will be opened!

On the contrary, Lu Bu, who was in Hulao Pass, also drank heavily and ate meat with his subordinates.

"Aren't these allied forces of the princes giving up? After suffering such a big defeat, they still stay outside Hulao Pass and refuse to leave?"

Lu Bu, who was sitting on the main seat drinking wine, had a grim expression.

The soldiers were also quite helpless.

These coalition forces of princes still want to attack Hulao Pass, which is really wishful thinking.

"How about, General Lu, let's take the initiative to attack and continue to make the coalition forces of the princes suffer a little bit?"

At this time, General Li Jue suggested.

"No need, give the allied forces of the lords the courage, and they don't dare to take the initiative to attack our Hulao Pass. Hulao Pass is the most powerful pass in the world. If they really attack, they are looking for death. Besides, can they attack?"

Lu Bu had an arrogant expression on his face, and he was also chewing a piece of fat that was charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

Li Jue didn't have much to say.

However, the mood is also a little bad.

Since Lu Bu came to the army, he won such a big victory yesterday.

This also made the Xiliang army deeply admire Lu Bu.

Thinking about it, Li Jue felt very uncomfortable.


In order to relieve the depression in his heart, he could only drink.

Drink in big gulps.

The non-stop drinking made him feel much happier.

Time just passed by every minute.

The coalition forces of the princes are gathering their troops in secret.

This time, the princes are also very serious.

They will definitely defeat this Lu Bu.

However, the princes still have a doubt in their hearts.

At this ugly hour tonight, will the city gate really open?

Shortly after.

The time has come to the ugly hour of the night.

The allied forces of the princes set out secretly, but they could see the city gate from a distance, but it was not opened.

"Leader, the first emperor entrusted the dream, could it be a fake?"

Several princes were also somewhat unable to restrain themselves.

"Don't panic, if the gate of the city is really not opened at the third quarter of this ugly time, I will withdraw our troops later."

Yuan Shao said.

in the dark.

The allied forces of the princes are still in ambush, still waiting for the opportunity to come.

Finally, it was the third quarter of the ugly hour.


The majestic and majestic gate of Hulao Pass was actually opened.

The students watching this scene were also shocked.

"Did the city gate open by itself?"

They all looked dumbfounded.

The corner of Ye Xiao's mouth twitched violently several times.

The situation is not good!
What exactly is going on?

The city gate is actually open!
Don't panic, hold on to win!
Maybe this is a trap set by Lu Bu to lure the enemy.

Ye Xiao comforted himself in his heart.

At this time, the princes in the video screen were all excited.

They shouted again and again, "This, this... the first emperor entrusted a dream, it really is true!"

However, despite their excitement, they all calmed down.

Could this be a trap.

If it was really a trap, it would have killed them.

The princes also made a decision to send a small team to investigate the situation first.

It's impossible for this city gate to be opened by itself, right?


The princes sent teams, but they also understood.

The city gate was opened by Li Jue's subordinates.

The reason is very simple.

Previously, Li Jue and Lu Bu competed in the martial arts arena.

As a result, Li Jue lost in less than three rounds, and he was unwilling.

This has also made Li Jue in a bad mood for the past few days.

In addition to drinking today, he treated his subordinates very cruelly, he even picked up a cowhide whip and beat his subordinates severely, so that the subordinates felt resentful and secretly opened the gate of Hulao.

"This is to surrender!"

Yuan Shao murmured to himself, but he still glanced sternly at the few Li Jue's subordinates in front of him, who were really bruised and swollen by Li Jue's whipping with a cowhide whip.

Then, he asked with a cold expression, "Wait, how did you open this city gate?"

"Reporting to Leader Yuan, I am the captain of the city gate, and they are the soldiers of the city gate, so they can open the city gate."

A burly man replied that he was the worst, his face was covered with blood, and his body was covered with red marks from whipping.

"Okay! You have made great contributions. When I win this Hulao pass, I will definitely reward you!"

Yuan Shao laughed heartily, and now he was basically relieved.


Soon, the coalition forces of the princes took the initiative to attack and broke into Hulao Pass.

Although the coalition forces of the princes have experienced the last big defeat, the remaining soldiers and horses are not many.

But because it was a night attack and it came out of the blue, the Xiliang army was caught off guard.

Many Xiliang soldiers died directly in their sleepy sleep.

However, Lu Bu and other generals reacted in time and chose to run for their lives decisively.


Lu Bu took the lead on horseback and fled all the way, intending to flee back to Luoyang City.

Up to now, he is still quite confused.

How come a large number of allied forces of princes poured in at Hulao Pass.

The three generals Zhang Liao, Li Jue, and Guo Si also followed him on horseback and fled for their lives.

Seeing the four generals running away in a hurry, the students all showed sympathy on their faces.

"I'm afraid these people don't know yet, they were sold by their teammates!"

"Hey, it's all the fault of Li Jue. If you lose, you lose, and you still feel dissatisfied and beat up your subordinates. Now it's all right, let's reap the consequences!"

"All of this is really a coincidence and a bit outrageous!"

"Lü Bu was defeated and won Hulao Pass. Victory is in sight. Why is the title of the video saying that the crusade against Dong Zhuo failed and the coalition of princes disbanded?"


Some students still don't understand.

In this situation, the crusade against Dong Zhuo will be successful soon.

At this moment, Ye Xiao's face turned dark.

This time, he really stumbled.

This wave of blood loss is 100 billion red crystals!
Lu Bu, why don't you take care of yourself!

He scolded Lu Bu angrily in his heart.

But thinking about Lu Bu winning first and then losing, will the system be magnanimous and let him make a profit of 500 billion red crystals?
There is no 500 billion red crystals, and the profit of 300 billion red crystals is also a success.

Soon, he also received a system message.

[Congratulations to the host, the eighteenth princes defeated Hulao Pass, and the host lost 1000 billion red crystals! 】


System message It's coming!
However, upon seeing this, Ye Xiao's face darkened even more.

Congratulations to the host, who lost hundreds of billions of red crystals, is this worthy of congratulations?
All of a sudden, Ye Xiao really felt like his heart was bleeding.

This is a hundred billion red crystals, so it's gone.

Really gone? !

But even if it's gone, he has to die to understand.

Why was the gate of Hulao closed by Li Jue's subordinates?

Although the words of Li Jue's subordinates are well-founded, this matter is too bizarre.

It was really the third quarter of the ugly hour, when the gates of the city opened.

For this question, not only Ye Xiao didn't understand, but also the students at the scene didn't understand. This matter is really mysterious.

"Some things you can't understand can be explained by rare card types. For example, if the city gate is opened, it should basically be caused by the number 61 city gate card."

Professor Yang stood up at the right time and began to explain to the students.

Number 61 City Gate Card?
The students are still confused.

Professor Yang Lao also used the system projection to show the effect of rare card species.

Number - 61
Name - City Gate Card
Explanation - To be able to open the city gate of the designated city or designated pass within the designated time, using this card requires an additional payment of varying amounts of red crystals, which depends on the importance of the city gate to be opened

"It's the No. 61 gate card that is playing tricks!"

The students looked sober.

Ye Xiaolian, on the other hand, was as black as coal.

He also finally understood where he had lost.

It was defeated by this number 61 city gate card.

Although he possesses supernatural abilities, the primary level is forbidden by the gods.

It's just that this ability is somewhat limited.

Only when an investor uses a rare card type with a number less than 60, he will receive a prompt at the first time, and he can spend a certain amount of assets to invalidate the rare card type.

But this number 61 is not within the scope of his extraordinary ability at all.

It seems that this extraordinary ability is not invincible.

It's just that the number 61 city gate card seems to be quite strong, but it seems to be quite weak.

Used at the right time, this card is definitely a top-level card, but if used at the wrong time, this card is really useless.

Another point is that they have to pay extra red crystals of varying amounts.

What could this red crystal be?
[-] million?billion?Ten billion?
Ye Xiao began to guess again and again in his heart.

Well, it's okay to fail once.

If he lost hundreds of billions of red crystals, then he would earn it back.

Soon, Ye Xiao's mentality improved a lot, but his heart was still bleeding.

This is not a thousand red crystals, this is 100 billion red crystals!

In the video, Dong Zhuo can be seen learning that Lu Bu failed, and has already ordered looting of property, and even set fire to Luoyang City.

"My son, how could you lose!"

Dong Zhuo's face was full of dissatisfaction, looking at the flames of Luoyang City soaring into the sky, his eyes were very unwilling.

But now he can only escape.

The coalition forces of Yuan Shao and other princes are approaching menacingly, he wants to avoid their edge!

As soon as Dong Zhuo escaped, the princes entered Luoyang City without any effort.

The princes gathered together again to discuss major issues.

"This Dong Zhuo escaped really fast."

The leader of the alliance, Yuan Shao, was full of displeasure. If he could catch Dong Zhuo, it would be a great achievement.

However, Dong Zhuo escaped.

He also took away all the gold, silver and jewelry in Luoyang City.

"Right now, I need to recharge my batteries so that I can deal with Dong Zhuo."

Yuan Shao made a solemn expression and made a decision.

The princes nodded again and again. They have also suffered a lot during this period of time.

"Leader, this is not the right move! Dong Zhuo fled, and the morale of his Xiliang army is definitely not as good as before. We must take advantage of this opportunity to hunt down Dong Zhuo, and we must not let him escape! If he escapes to Chang'an. This is another..."

Cao Cao opened his mouth to propose.

"Meng De, there is no rush to destroy Dong Zhuo!"

Yuan Shao said with a sigh.

Immediately afterwards, the princes bid farewell and left one after another.

As soon as they left, Yuan Shao also left immediately.

"You all have different intentions, and you all want to stand still. Don't you know what you are thinking? You are all looking for the Jade Seal of Chuanguo! Since you are not going to deal with Dong Zhuo, I will lead the army to fight!"

Cao Cao was so distraught that he also led Cao Hong and other generals to hunt down Dong Zhuo.

Just as Cao Cao expected.

The princes are all looking for the Jade Seal of Chuanguo.

If one can find the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, it is the fate of destiny, and one will be able to achieve great things!
In the next few days.

All the princes were secretly looking for the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, but they couldn't find it for a long time.

Instead, Yuan Shao received a secret report.

This made him suddenly widen his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Jian, one of the princes along the way, came to look for him.

"I have seen the ally."

Sun Jian, who is strong and handsome, cupped his hands with a respectful attitude.

"Gongtai, don't be so polite, you are a fierce tiger in Jiangdong."

Yuan Shao showed a pleasant expression on his cheeks.

"Leader, it's too bad. I'm here to say goodbye to the leader. I've been feeling unwell recently..."

While speaking, Sun Jian also showed a very painful look on his face.

Yuan Shao could also tell that Sun Jian's face was indeed a little pale.

However, Yuan Shao interrupted Sun Jian sharply.

"Gongtai, you are not sick! You obviously got the Chuanguo Seal and want to take it away!"

It's just that he said that, but Sun Jian didn't recognize it.

"Leader, I really didn't get the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom, and I haven't even seen the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom."

Sun Jian replied.

"Hand over the Jade Seal of Chuanguo."

Yuan Shao's expression was cold.

"Leader, if I obtain the Jade Seal of Chuanguo and hide it privately, then in the future, I will not die well, and I will die under swords and arrows!"

On the spot, Sun Jian swore a poisonous oath to the sky.


Yuan Shao's expression was stiff, he opened his mouth, but he didn't speak.

Could it be that the Chuanguo Yuxi is not in Sun Jian's hands?

His secret report was wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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