National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 218 We all died at the hands of women

Chapter 218 We all died at the hands of women

Lu Bu made a toast with Diao Chan, and all his attention was on Diao Chan.

It seems that Diao Chan has also become the woman he dreams of.

Every move of Lu Bu was seen by Situ Wangyun.

It also made Situ Wangyun overjoyed, but on the surface he remained calm.

Soon, there will be three rounds of wine and five flavors of food.

Situ Wangyun realized that the timing was almost here.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and said, "General Lu, it seems that you like this old man's adoptive daughter very much. Why don't I allow you to be my adopted daughter Diaochan as a wife? I don't know what General Lu wants?"

What Situ Wangyun said made Lu Bu feel like a piece of pie fell from the sky.

It was his turn for such a good thing?

This Diao Chan really has the appearance of overwhelming the country, how could he not like it.

"it is good!"

Lu Bu nodded in agreement.

For a while, the scene was joyful, and even Lu Bu thanked Wang Yun again and again.

"A beauty deserves a hero, and it's been like this since ancient times."

Situ Wangyun replied.

During the conversation, Wang Yun even discussed with Lu Bu about a good day and an auspicious day, and chose a day for Diao Chan and Lu Bu to get married.

After discussing the game, Wang Yun personally asked Diao Chan to send Lu Bu off.

The figures of Diao Chan and Lu Bu gradually moved away.

Wang Yun's expression was complicated, but he was unwilling to go to this point.

Entrusting such a heavy responsibility to a little girl.

But... Dong Zhuo can be destroyed only by using this divorce plan!
He sighed inwardly.

After sending Lu Bu away, Diao Chan whispered, "Father, my little girl will definitely not let you down, this chain plan will definitely succeed."

While watching the video, the students felt sympathy for Diao Chan, and at the same time they realized something.

Dong Zhuo is about to die!

"Do you really think Dong Zhuo will end? Although Dong Zhuo is extremely cruel, the investors who entered Dong Zhuo have made a lot of money. Do you think they will just sit back and watch?"

"They may protect Dong Zhuo. Of course, everything is uncertain. The investment world is full of variables."

Old Professor Yang's expression was positive, and he also hoped that the students present would not be too assertive, thinking that Dong Zhuo's meeting would be over.

Ye Xiao also frowned slightly, Dong Zhuo will not be finished in this series of calculations, can he still resist?

It's not just him who thinks this way, the students present also have the same idea as him.

At this time, the video screen flickered.

It seemed like several days had passed.

Situ Wangyun also invited Dong Zhuo to the mansion for a drink.

Today's Dong Zhuo is in high spirits and very proud.

Moreover, he is no longer just Dong Xiang, but has proclaimed himself an official position - Grand Master.

"Is the old man's drinks and food suitable for the Grand Master's appetite?"

Situ Wangyun said cautiously, but he was also very afraid of Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo, who was sitting on the main seat, gnawed on a greasy-looking chicken leg and started to eat it hungrily.

"It's still in line with your appetite. But this grand master thinks that something is missing. Could it be that there is no dancer in Lord Wang's family to help dance?"

Dong Zhuo asked casually, and he continued to eat one after another of the delicacies that were placed on the table in front of him. He also enjoyed eating more and more, but he still seemed to feel that something was missing.

Beside Dong Zhuo, there was another person.

This person is Li Ru, Dong Zhuo's adviser.

Li Ru has a mature appearance, about 30 years old, he actually ate the food on the counter table, but he ate very elegantly, which is really quite elegant.

But for Li Ru, Wang Yun hated him deeply.

I can't wait to swallow Li Rusheng alive.

as far as he knows.

It was Li Ru's idea to poison His Majesty Liu Bian and Empress Dowager He.

Li Ru even advised Dong Zhuo.

Each of these plans is a matter of conscience.

Dong Zhuo can have today's high position, but he has an inseparable relationship with Li Ru.

"Okay! According to the grand master's wishes, the old man will call the dancers here."

Situ Wangyun said.

But for a while.

Then a group of dancers appeared.

And the first dancer girl is as beautiful as a fairy, and her appearance is alluring.

The lead dancer is Diao Chan.

The dancers began to dance.

Diao Chan is also in it.

For a moment, Dong Zhuo, who was munching on chicken legs, fixed his eyes on Diao Chan, who was as beautiful as a fairy.

He just felt that the chicken legs in his hand were not fragrant.

"This woman is so beautiful!"

He subconsciously said a word.

Even counselor Li Ru was surprised by Diao Chan's beauty.

At the same time, an ominous premonition welled up in his heart.

"Teacher, the leading dancer is the old man's adopted daughter Diaochan."

Situ Wangyun opened his mouth and said.

"What a beautiful woman! She is Lord Wang's adoptive daughter, which really surprised my Grand Master."

In the blink of an eye, Dong Zhuo also recovered from the surprise process, and he also praised it.

Even, his malicious eyes were still looking at Diao Chan, showing a lustful look.

"The old man can see it. Grand teacher, you like this girl very much. How about this old man dedicate this girl to the grand teacher. I wonder if the grand teacher is willing?"

Situ Wangyun said quickly.

He also realized that the opportunity had come.

Then, he must seize this opportunity.

Relying on his understanding of Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo will definitely fall in love with Diaochan.

Who wouldn't be tempted by the beauty of Diao Chan?

If it wasn't him but Diao Chan's adoptive father...

Situ Wangyun, who had finished speaking, had already cast a pair of expectant eyes on Dong Zhuo.

His chain plan became more and more successful.

Dong Zhuo is not far from death!

Seeing such a video, the students also thought that Dong Zhuo was a lecherous guy. As for staring at Diao Chan like this?

Although Diao Chan is really beautiful, can't you be more tactful?

"Fatty Dong Zhuo, he's about to embrace a beauty!"

"Diao Chan, a good cabbage, is about to be overthrown by Dong Zhuo, a pig. What a pity, what a pity!"

"Lu Bu and Diao Chan are so well matched, hey!"

"Fatality tricks people!"


The students were feeling sorry for Diao Chan and Lu Bu, but they were stunned by the changes in the video before them.

"Master Ben..."

Dong Zhuo just wanted to speak.

Unexpectedly, Li Ru, the counselor at the side, seemed to realize something, and hurriedly said, "Grand Master, such a stunning beauty like Diao Chan is a perfect match for General Lu. Why don't you let this girl marry General Lu. "

"This... my son Lu Bu, the most powerful general in the world is also very suitable for this Diao Chan, Wen You, you are absolutely right."

Dong Zhuo nodded and said.

While speaking, he even set his eyes on Situ Wangyun.

"My lord, what do you think of this Grand Master's idea?"

"Very well, everything is according to your orders, Grand Master."

All of a sudden, Situ Wangyun seemed to have eaten a lot of flies on his mouth. He was really uncomfortable, and he squeezed out a forced smile.

Things suddenly turned around.

It really makes the students feel unprepared.

They all showed a confused look.

"Dong Zhuo's behavior is too abnormal, isn't it? One second, he showed a greedy and beautiful expression to Diao Chan, but the next second he seems to be an honest gentleman, hell!"

At this moment, they were really surprised.

Even Ye Xiao was stunned.

Sure enough, some changes have taken place in the investment world "Three Kingdoms".

These changes are certainly for investors' sake.

Dong Zhuo must have been using a rare card type.

"This is the power of rare card types. Dong Zhuo may have been used with the number 78 decision-making card, or the number 82 persuasion card, or the number 81 sobriety card."

Professor Yang explained to the students the effect of these three rare cards.

Ye Xiao also knew about the number 78 decision card.

This card can enable the investment stock character to make a wise and powerful decision.

On the other hand, he had never learned about the other two rare card types, and he looked at them carefully and carefully.

Number - 81
Name - Sober Card
Explanation—keep the investment stock persona clear-headed for a short period of time

Number - 82
Name - Persuasion Card
Explanation——enabling the character of the investment stock to listen to the counselor's advice
Once the three rare card types appeared, they dazzled the students.

Which rare card did this use?
"These three rare card types are all possible. It's hard to judge the specific one at the moment, so keep watching this video."

Old Professor Yang narrowed his eyes and said.

When he said this, the students also nodded heavily, and continued to stare at the video screen in front of them.

in the video screen.

Dong Zhuo and counselor Li Ru also went back home and left.

Instead, Wang Yun was left with a depressed expression on his face.

"How could this chain plan be like this? Is this going to fail?"

On the contrary, Diao Chan, who was standing beside him, showed a decisive look on her beautiful face, "Father, no matter what, my little girl will definitely make the chain plan succeed!"

"This... I have wronged you, Diao Chan."

Wang Yun sighed, as if he also felt a little ashamed to face Diao Chan, but he also went back to the house to rest.

In the next few days.

Lu Bu and Diao Chan got married.

The night of the wedding.

Lu Bu was extremely happy, and even more proud.

Dong Zhuo, who was drinking Lv Bu's wedding wine, seemed quite bored.

He muttered to himself in a low voice.

"Diao Chan, my grand master gave up such a woman to my adopted son? No matter, no matter, there are so many women in the world, how can my grand master compete with my son Fengxian for a woman?"

this night.

Lu Bu was so drunk that he was almost unconscious.

He seems so happy!
Diao Chan, on the other hand, looked preoccupied.

In the next few days.

The newlywed Lu Bu is in high spirits!
Even when he was training in the martial arts arena, he practiced very energetically.

However, when he got home tonight, he saw Diao Chan's eyes were red.

This made Lu Bu's heart almost break.

"Ma'am, what happened?"

Lu Bu hurried forward and asked with concern.

"Husband, it's okay, it's okay."

Diao Chan wiped the tears on her cheeks with a small handkerchief.

"Ma'am, I am your husband, is there anything else that you cannot say to your husband?"

Lu Bu said with a serious expression.

"This matter has something to do with your husband's adoptive father."

Tears welled up in Diao Chan's eyes.

"What happened to foster father?"

Lu Bu hurriedly asked.

"He actually invited my little girl to Meiwu, but my little girl refused. After that, he teased my little girl again, saying..."

Diao Chan blushed and was angry.

"How can foster father do this, keep talking! What else did he say?"

At this moment, there seemed to be a surge of anger in Lu Bu's heart.

As for the authenticity of Diao Chan's words, he did not have the slightest doubt.

As for Dong Zhuo's temper, he, the adopted son, also knows the bottom line.

Dong Zhuo is definitely a brutal person, and even more so, a lecherous person!
"He said he wanted my little girl to serve him, and he said he wanted my little girl to enjoy the world to the fullest, and he wanted to give my little girl all the rare treasures in the world. Woooo..."

In the end, Diao Chan cried until she was in tears.

"I fought him hard!"

However, Lu Bu was also in a rage, and in a rage, he also directly picked up Fang Tian's painting halberd and wanted to go desperately to Dong Zhuo.

"Don't, husband, don't be impulsive."

Diao Chan hurriedly stopped Lu Bu, "He was very drunk at the time, maybe he was just drunk and slipped his words after drinking."


Lu Bu wanted to say something else.

But Diao Chan grabbed Lu Bu with a pair of small white hands.

"Okay, let's spare him this time."

Thinking about it, Lu Bu has also calmed down, and falling out with Dong Zhuo will not do him any good.

Besides, Dong Zhuo made a slip of the tongue after drinking this time, but Dong Zhuo can't be blamed.

On the other hand, the students who watched the video showed surprise on their cheeks.

"Is Diao Chan lying?"

"Dong Zhuo really flirted with Diao Chan?"

"I don't know!"

"If Diao Chan is really lying, then this acting skill is too amazing. It is really comparable to Wu Mei's acting skills who invested in "Wu Zhou" back then!"


The students can't figure out the authenticity of Diao Chan's words.

The video screen flickers.

A few more days.

Lu Bu inadvertently noticed the bruises and redness marks on Diao Chan's wrists.

"Ma'am, what's wrong with your wrist?"

Lu Bu was full of concern.

"I accidentally fell."

Diao Chan replied, but there was a dodge in her eyes.

Her judgment also made Lu Bu realize that Diao Chan was lying for the first time.

"Ma'am, tell me, what is going on?"

Lu Bu asked.


"Ma'am, tell me!"


Facing Lu Bu's repeated questioning, Diao Chan could only speak.

"Husband, the grand master wanted to touch the little girl, but the little girl didn't want to. After arguing and resisting, she actually threw the little girl to the ground."

Diao Chan cried bitterly, her face full of grievances.

"Ma'am, you are my wife. How could the adoptive father do this! How could this be!"

At this moment, Lu Bu was really furious.

He gritted his teeth loudly, and a series of anger burned in his eyes.

He seemed to be going to fight Dong Zhuo with the painted halberd in the sky again, but was stopped by Diao Chan desperately.

At this time, the screen suddenly flashed.

Li Ru and Dong Zhuo appeared.

"Teacher, don't you want to treat Diao Chan so frivolously."

Li Ru remonstrated.

"What's wrong with her frivolity? Originally, this Diao Chan belonged to my Grand Master."

Dong Zhuo snorted coldly, also showing regret on his face.

"Why did the Japanese grand master give up this girl to my son Fengxian? Now, I really regret it!"

Thinking of Diao Chan's overwhelming beauty, Dong Zhuo wished he could slap himself a few times!

How could he have made such a stupid move that day!

Li Ru!

Yes, it's all Li Ru's fault!

If it weren't for Li Ru's persuasion at that time, how could he have lost such beauties who are so beautiful!

Li Ru still wanted to persuade.

"The Grand Master has his own opinion about Diao Chan. Li Ru, don't talk too much, otherwise, the Grand Master will kill you! If it wasn't for you! How dare the Grand Master lose such a beautiful woman! "

Dong Zhuo was angry, and looked at Li Ru with complaints in his eyes.

Moreover, judging from his behavior, he seems to have regarded Diao Chan as his confinement, as his woman!

Li Ru didn't dare to say much, and left silently.

After walking out of the door, he looked up to the sky and sighed, "We all died at the hands of women!"

【End of video playback】

 2 updates today... Take it easy... Tomorrow 5 updates! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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