Chapter 221 The Sun Family Sun Hu

When people are at the critical moment of life and death, they all want to live, they all want to live.

But it's too late, too late, too late!

【Video playback】

As soon as he entered everyone's field of vision, it was Liu Biao, the governor of Jingzhou.

He got a copy of the letter Yuan Shao wrote to him.

The content of the letter is very simple, let him destroy Sun Jian, and get back the Chuanguo Yuxi.

"I will definitely get this Imperial Jade Seal!"

With an old face, Liu Biao, who is around fifty years old, has a firm gaze.

Afterwards, Liu Biao sent Kuai Yue and Cai Mao to lead [-] troops to follow him to rob and kill Sun Jian.

But a few days.

The two armies met head-on.

Sun Jian, who was riding a tall horse, was furious and shouted directly, "Wait, why did you cut off my way back? What do you want to do?"

Kuai Yue, the leader of the army, also raised his voice loudly and responded loudly, "Sun Jian, you are a Han minister. You have obtained the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom, but kept it privately. This is a crime of treason! You have not handed over the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom to come out!"

"If you hand it over, we can still spare your dog's life. If not, prepare to die!"

Sun Jian, who was leading all the soldiers, heard Kuai Yue's words, and his face immediately became slowly angry.

He was really angry.

"I didn't get the Jade Seal of Chuanguo!"

In a rage, he yelled.

"Sun Jian, you have hidden the Jade Seal of Chuanguo privately. You just want to rebel. A rebellious official like you should die!"

At this time, Liu Biao also spoke, although his voice seemed old, but there was a murderous taste between the lines.

Liu Biao's words also let Sun Jian, a Jiangdong tiger, know it well.

Even if he really chooses to hand over the Chuanguo Yuxi, the other party will absolutely not let him go.

Besides, it is impossible for him to hand over the Jade Seal of Chuanguo.

"If I have the Jade Seal of Chuan Guo, let me die under the sword and arrow!"

Sun Jian once again made a poisonous oath against the sky.

Such an act of swearing made the students a little dumbfounded.

Up to now, they are not fools, and they can all see that the Jade Seal of Chuanguo is really on Sun Jian.

"If you swear casually like this, this oath will not be fulfilled, right?"

The students had weird expressions on their faces.

Seeing Sun Jian's oath, Liu Biao also frowned.

Could it be that the Chuanguo Yuxi is no longer in Sun Jian's hands?

"In that case, why don't you let me search..."

Liu Biao suggested.


Sun Jian directly vetoed it.

If it's really a body search, then it's okay.

He can carry the Chuanguo Yuxi close to his body.

"Well, you are a traitor, you are the one who secretly hid the Jade Seal of the Kingdom!"

Liu Biao was angry.

Soon, the two armies were at war.


Sun Jian killed the enemy.

Even Sun Jian's generals Chen Pu, Huang Gai, and Han Dang were desperate to kill the enemy.

Among them, Huang Gai's performance is the most brave. He has a serious and resolute expression, and holds an iron whip, which can easily take the life of the enemy.

"I will fight you!"

Cai Mao's fighting spirit was fierce, and he also set his eyes on Huang Gai's hands.

"Crack! Crack!"

But the iron whip in Huang Gai's hand was like a violent storm, and after only a few rounds of fighting, Cai Mao had no room to fight back.

He flattered his horse and fled in defeat.


Such a scene was also seen by Sun Jian, which made him extremely happy.

On the contrary, the morale of Liu Biao's soldiers plummeted, and their faces were full of fear.


Sun Jian shouted.

He also led the attack.

Long drive and great progress, invincible!
In this battle, Sun Jian won a big victory.

Liu Biao, Cai Mao and others fled a long time ago, but it is a pity that more than [-] soldiers were all killed by Sun Jian.

For a moment, the entire Yanshan Mountain was stained red with blood.

The corpses of soldiers piled up like mountains, and blood flowed like rivers!
Such a bloody scene made the students feel uncomfortable.

That's all human life.

Lives were lost one after another.

This is simply too cruel.

"Sun Jian won a big victory! It's a pity that he was ambushed in the back. Is this the first victory and then the defeat?"

Such a great victory did not make the students have hope for Sun Jian. In their eyes, Sun Jian was walking towards death step by step!
The arrogant will be defeated!
I'm afraid they are talking about people like Sun Jian!

Faced with such a video screen, Ye Xiao also had a calm expression, although the investment world "Three Kingdoms" in front of him may be somewhat different from the Three Kingdoms he imagined.

But largely the same.

This Jiangdong tiger, Sun Jian, is about to perish in Yanshan.


He sighed inwardly.

The video screen flickers.

Sun Jian had already set up camp near Liu Biao's city, and seemed to be preparing to continue to deal with Liu Biao.


Suddenly, a strange gust of wind swept through the camp.

As soon as the gust of wind blew up, it actually blew off Sun Jian's handsome flag.

Faced with such a scene, Sun Jian also had an expression of disapproval, but General Han Dang exclaimed.

"My lord, this is not a good omen! We should leave quickly..."

Faced with his persuasion, Sun Jian shook his head and refused.

"Han Dang, now that I have won many battles and victories, I will take down Xiangyang, and then I will take down Liu Biao's Jingzhou. Big things can be expected. Just broke the handsome flag, what is this? Change it again Not at all!"

After all, Sun Jian also ordered the soldiers to change the handsome flag again.

at the same moment.

Liu Biao was also extremely anxious, and hurriedly called Kuai Liang, a counselor, to ask for a plan.

Kuai Liang is a middle-aged man with elegant appearance.

This person is proficient in astronomy, is good at looking after horses, and is also resourceful.

"My lord, don't worry, I observed the celestial phenomena last night, and a general star fell. This general star must have lost his life, and it may even be Sun Jian's life."

Kuai Liang spoke calmly.

When he said this, the students who watched the video were stunned.

Watching the sky at night?

Will the stars fall?

Isn't this guy a magician?
These three countries are really bizarre and outrageous.

Later, Kuai Liang even said that he would send someone to break out of the siege and ask Yuan Shao for help.

"it is good!"

Liu Biao nodded heavily, this is the only way to go for the present.

He quickly wrote a letter and also summoned all the soldiers.

"Who dares to break through and deliver the letter?"

Liu Biao said loudly.

Soon, someone stood up.

"My lord, dare to go!"

This man is the master Lu Gong.

Kuai Liang also explained to Duke Lu what to do and how to set up an ambush for Sun Jian.

Lu Gong took the order.

That night, Lu Gong led 500 people out of the city.

Sun Jian also received the news immediately.

"Go! Chase people quickly!"

He quickly gave the order, and he chased after him with just over thirty cavalrymen.

Time is running out!
He knew very well that Liu Biao was definitely looking for reinforcements, if Liu Biao did find reinforcements, he would really not be able to take down Jingzhou.

"Want to go, impossible!"

Sun Jian, who was chasing him, gave a shout and also chased into Yanshan Mountain.

As soon as he arrived in Yanshan, Sun Jian realized that the situation was not good.

Because, there are many archers ambushing in this inkstone mountain.

Under Lu Gong's signal, the archers aimed their bows and arrows at Sun Jian.

"Hahaha! Sun Jian, you Jiangdong tiger are about to die at my hands!"

Duke Lu was overjoyed.

The students who watched the video finally understood why Sun Jian was said to be in danger.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Sun Jian is definitely going to die.

As he was in the process of chasing just now, Sun Jian chased very quickly, and there was no cavalry behind him, only one.

One person VS 500 people led by General Lu Gong.

How could Sun Jian not die.

"Sure enough! Sun Jian swore the poisonous oath for the second time, and now the poisonous oath will come true!"

The students mourned for Sun Jian.

However, there is one thing that the students are still quite puzzled.

How could this Sun Jian be called the Jiangdong Tiger?
"According to the data, when Sun Jian met a robber when he was young, he took the initiative to attack and kill the robber. At that time, he was only 17 years old."

"Also, in every battle, Sun Jian was the vanguard. He charged forward and fought bravely. He completely ignored life and death. Is such a person worthy of the title of Jiangdong tiger?"

Old Professor Yang explained with a smile.

The video screen has also entered a critical moment of life and death.

"Sun Jian, do you have any last words to say!"

Lu Gongzhi said proudly.

Sun Jian's expression was stiff, he wanted to live, he wanted to live.

But looking at the current situation, how can he survive?


Suddenly, there was a roar in the Xianshan jungle.

All of a sudden, Lu Gong and others were frightened.

This is the roar of a beast.

Soon, Lu Gong and others noticed that there were more beasts one after another on Xianshan Mountain.

Those are all tigers.

Especially the fierce tiger's gloomy gaze made Lu Gong and the others terrified.

"Tiger! This is a fierce tiger!"

Many soldiers were so frightened that they dropped their bows and arrows on the ground.

What's more, it was directly eaten alive by the tiger.

"Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!"

Somehow, Duke Lu seemed to realize that if he didn't run away, he would die.

On the spot, he fled on horseback.

As for him, even if Sun Jian didn't die under the random arrows, he would be eaten by the tiger.

But in the blink of an eye, Lu Gong escaped with his people.

Sun Jian's situation was not optimistic either, as ferocious tigers appeared around him.

But Sun Jian was not afraid.

"You! Isn't this fierce tiger repaying your favor! A few days ago, I saved your child, but today you sacrificed your life to save me!"

Sun Jian recognized one of the tigers.

That fierce tiger was burly and tall, with pale yellow fur all over its body.

At that time, the cub of this tiger was sick and the situation was not good.

Sun Jian didn't know why, but suddenly, as if his conscience had discovered it, he found a veterinarian for him and cured the tiger's cub.

Suddenly, the tiger bent down, as if signaling Sun Jian to sit on its back.


Sun Jian only felt that this was too bizarre.

Not only did he think it was weird, but the students who watched the video thought it could be more outrageous?
Suddenly a tall and mighty tiger appeared and saved Sun Jian's life. Do you think this is a TV series?
Can you talk a little more?
Rao Ye Xiao couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth several times.

"This is the charm of rare cards, which has changed the investment world. If it weren't for the emergence of these tigers, Sun Jian would have died long ago. This is because there are investors who want to keep Sun Jian."

On the contrary, Professor Yang's old eyes shone with wisdom, and he explained.


When he explained it like this, the students were even more surprised.

Is this the power of rare card species?

But then again, that's the only way to learn.

"Number 91 Beast Taming Card"

Professor Yang Lao explained.

Moreover, he also showed the effect of this rare card.

Number - 91
Name - Beast Taming Card
Explanation - make the character of the investment stock permanently tame a beast

"This... there is such a rare card species! So, this tiger was tamed by Sun Jian?"

All the students showed a look of astonishment on their faces.

New changes soon appeared in the video screen.

The surrounding tigers left one after another.

Only one tiger remained.

And this fierce tiger was sitting on Sun Jian's crotch.

"Go back to the camp."

That night, Sun Jian rode a tiger back to the camp.


Seeing the sudden appearance of the fierce tiger, many soldiers were almost scared out of their wits, and even screamed in fright.

Especially seeing their lord Sun Jian sitting on the tiger's back made them feel even more unbelievable and unbelievable.

"Why are you surprised? From now on, this tiger will belong to our Sun family. I also gave it a name. It is a male tiger, so I will call it Sun Tiger!"

Sun Jian said with a serious expression.


For a while, the soldiers were a little speechless.

Han Dang, Huang Gai and other generals who heard the news also rushed over.

They were all wondering how Sun Jian could subdue such a fierce tiger so easily.

Sun Jian also recounted everything that happened earlier.

"Fortunately! God bless my lord! Otherwise, my lord will almost be shot by random arrows..."

Han Dang's face was full of rejoicing, and he didn't dare to say the unlucky words later.

"Now, my lord, should we continue to confront Liu Biao?"

He asked, also wanting to persuade Sun Jian to return to Jiangdong.

"If you don't want to go back to Jiangdong, come and ask Sun Hu for his opinion."

Sun Jian said.

When he said this, Han Dang and other generals were all soldiers around, and their faces were about to turn black.

Ask a tiger, isn't this playing the piano against a cow?
A tiger is just an animal, what do you know?
The behavior of the crowd was clearly seen by Sun Jian.

"Sun Hu is not a simple tiger, he has an extraordinary spirituality."

Sun Jian said seriously.

Then, he also asked Sun Hu for his opinion.

Nod if you want to stay, shake your head if you want to leave and return to Jiangdong.


All of a sudden, pairs of eyes fell on Sun Hu.

Unexpectedly, Sun Hu shook his head in the next second.

"Go back to Jiangdong!"

Sun Jian made a decision.

This year, Sun Jian was 37 years old. He rode a tiger and led his army back to Jiangdong!

【End of video playback】

"This... fierce tiger, no, is Sun Hu really spiritual?"

The students showed startled expressions, and they all felt that this matter revealed a strange flavor everywhere.

 Failed to challenge the 2th update...still short of [-] more...tomorrow will continue to make up

(End of this chapter)

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